HomeMy WebLinkAbout162610 08/20/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 069001 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CRYSTAL FLASH PETROLEUM CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P o BOX 684 CHECK AMOUNT: $3,307.75 oN INDPLS IN 46206 CHECK NUMBER: 162610 CHECK DATE: 8/2012008 D EPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 4231400 495.27 GASOLINE 1115 42.31400 564.31 GASOLINE 1.120 4231400 NP13755211' 1,709.29 GASOLINE 1202 4231400 NP13755212 538.88 GASOLINE 4 26n101 2N80801024(1! 017M Cdr CITY 7"�L7lL��sf°�' Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800) 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1297939 Please reference account on all payments III1I1111111 111 I 1700 STATEMENT NP13755209 DATE 08/01/2008 CITY OF CARMEL COMMUNICATIONS DUE DATE 0811512008 1 CIVIC SQ TOTAL BALANCE DUE $564.31 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please make dire 4n revi -e it your report. 14 may Inc !udc p, �g h I li i Vi iui1� l:�j'`G��CG IV��J a1J�lti �/�i ail QI�C�JU1tG. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 7/31/2008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 08/01/2008 Fleet 1315331 Name: CITY OF CARMEL- COMMUNICATIONS 143.162 $564.31 07/28/2008 CREDIT: Payment Without Remit Coupon $84.03 CR Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date Adjustments 07/01/2008 $84.03 $84.03 CR 143.162 $564.31 $564.31 FOR PROPER PAYMENT POSTING. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CHECK WITH ONLY THE RFMITTANCF rnpY RFI ow 2673101 2g8f19f1102401 ww PO BOX 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Ac c ount BG1297939 FLEET 1315331 Provided By: Name: CITY OF CARMEL COMMUNICATIONS Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 903 9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP13755209 Page: 1 of 1 CITY OF CARMEL- COMMUNICATIONS 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 7/1/2008 7/31/2008 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THIS REPORTING PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE FEDERAL STATE OTHER TOTAL UNL 143.162 $493.81 $26.53 $28.44 $15.53 $564.31 15.owl x€ 3IA i uTOtat 3 s._re 7 a a d t ..r'�, Y k€ d i qa 143162 $A93 81 r $2fi 53 $28 44 iii ��ff °E v ��LL.�� o Y a a�� mz�x This report is for information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 1,436 EXCEPTION CODES: 11 Odometer entry is out of sequence. Transaction E}etatl Cut fa "r tomer NO 7315331 ClT .OE`CAR(VIEL' COMMUNICATIONS, 7!112008= Z/31`/2Qp8� €Ag -N ,,.,.«,.�..a vk:.wmmxsz 6 N O__ W.__ ..s.z,...�..,�.r,;�- N 1112 x., �a`n����� ;�n_rHraai FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE S U7148 COMMUNICAT #ONS 2• b w i k a ,r7, �a �m -.v a 's.��,,:^N v 07118 12:04 885419 DRIVER 2 18170 0.0 UNL 3.491 3 52050 0.62154 $14.45 07/18 20:18 935967 DRIVER 2 18390 19.3 UNL 11.400 3.63860 0.41019 $46.16 07119 12:11 872725 DRIVER 2 18690 19.5 UNL 15.403 3.41880 0.47965 $60.06 07119 17:54 906028 DRIVER 2 18997 19.0 UNL 16.190 3.51950 0.47965 $64.74 07122 10:09 943456 DRIVER 2 9279 0.0 UNL 16.989 3.52170 0.54715 $69.13 11 07123 14:15 871731 DRIVER 2 19525 0.0 UNL 14.990 3.59170 0.54715 $62.04 07127 12:03 943456 DRIVER 2 783 0.0 UNL 16.409 3.45180 0.54715 $65.62 11 07128 10:20 906028 DRIVER 2 20033 0.0 UNL 15.130 3.32920 0.47965 $57.63 07128 15:45 872725 DRIVER 2 20340 18.4 UNL 16.700 3.25930 0.47965 $62.44 07129 10:19 935967 DRIVER 2 20642 18.3 UNL 16.460 3.35910 0.41019 $62.04 Miles: 1 ,436 18.9 143.162 $564.31 SITE LEGEND SITE SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 871731 Mso Shell 1 379-pay@pump 21290 St Andrews Blvd Boca Raton FL 872725 Mapco Express #3511- pay @pump 200 Carbondale Rd Dalton GA 885419 Crystal Flash #67 -p @p 545 5 Rangeline Rd Carmel IN 906028 Shell Travel Plaza -pay @pump 2102 West Hill Ave Valdosta GA 935967 Hamburg Shell -p @p 1907 Plaudid PI Lexington KY 943456 Circle K #1725 -p @p 960 Village Tr Port Orange FL VOUCH NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Crystal Flash IN SUM OF P.O. Box 105080 Atlanta, GA 30348 $56 4. 3 1 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO# 1 Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TfTLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 42- 314.00 $564.31 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, August 15, 2008 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 0,9/01/08 I I I $564.31 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 2d Clerk- Treasurer 2073101, 2iM80M1024W 01704 Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800) 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1298138 Please reference account on all payments III III I 11111111111111111 III 1704 STATEMENT NP13755213 DATE 08/01/2008 CITY OF CARMEL- POLICE DUE DATE 08/15/2008 1 CIVIC SQ TOTAL BALANCE DUE $495.27 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please -make cure -to- review your report. It may include important notifications about your account. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 7/31/2008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 08/01/2008 Fleet 1315510 Name: CITY OF CARMEL POLICE 121.118 $49527 07/28/2008 CREDIT: Payment Without Remit Coupon $65.86 CR Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date Adjustments 07101/2008 $65.86 $65.86 CR 121.118 $495.27 $495.27 FOR PROPER PAYMENT POSTING. PLEASE SURMIT- Y.auR- CHECi<nWITH.onil v rsaF- ar-MIT- YeNr-F r-nav RGi nW 26721012008080102401.017W PO BOX 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1298138 FLEET 1315510 Provided By.' Name: CITY OF CARMEL- POLICE Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 903 -9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP13755213 Page: 1 of 2 CITY OF CARMEL POLICE 1 civic SQ CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 711/2008 7/31/2008 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THIS REPORTING PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE FEDERAL STATE OTHER TOTAL UNL 75.572 $259.43 $14.02 $32.59 $0.00 $306.04 UNL+ 45.546 $160.95 $8.35 $19.93 $0.00 $189.23 w f 9, g �+ee R n A, 2:: o d �ad' r A 1 L1 �a'€ c w. Total 121 118 x $420 38 $22 37x $52 52 ziil 0 00 x$495 27' .�..x,_�..... "n�..�,.'.'., anA.'ti..w.a. s. This report is for information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 1,164 EXCEPTION CODES: 11 Odometer entry is out of sequence. a a Transactwn 4 tall forCustonrNO 1315510CITYOFCARMEL PO LICE,�7,/112008 ri 7!3'1/2008 ,..,m .w..�. FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE" 1671690= CAR12�..* mow. ..,_'I uyd,eg x....�.m'.�� .a ':a °.£A A 07/04 09:23 885419 DRIVER 10 5523 28.7 UNL+ 4.012 3.57680 0.62693 $16.85 07/15 10:12 885419 DRIVER 10 5628 25.6 UNL+ 4.100 3.51950 0.62153 $16.97 07/19 17:42 885419 DRIVER 10 5743 33.4 UNL+ 3.443 3.66250 0.63078 $14.77✓ 07/25 15:39 885419 DRIVER 10 5877 30.3 UNL+ 4.419 3.40350 0.61506 $17.76 M iles: 469 29.5 15.974 $66.35 r X567164 CAR 84 xis I 1 I- g a 1„^ 07122 07:54 885419 DRIVER 10 53580 OA UNL 11.822 3.42410 0.61542 $47.75 Miles: 11.822 $47.75 as; a_� C� �.,1" ".1 •l, �ERr a ,a p. �x r a.- "8 �'w'' z. a. �r^ 3`s1' k y r} a ,a �F�.e't`� �'`�`e �`rnty zirkb" A ,m'; Q ;z 07/22 0622 885419 DRIVER 10 12603 0.0 UNL 12.980 3.42300 0.61556 $52 Z 11 s Miles: 12.980 $52.43 5671 ;CAR 1 U4 "3 i ti '>d,4. n a 35�.. 5 e .n. e t.ws t,Fcg z £r'sa.• Kr ';.«rte Ai; k i. _.s ,1:. 07103 11:58 885419 DRIVER 10 44688 0.0 UNL 5.001 3.38330 0.61314 $20.00 Miles: 5.001 $20.00 :;aa� a� ri1 1 .tip r, 7 ,a`w i£c eF"fr. 3 >i, .E✓r�dd€ 07/04 09:23 885419 DRIVER 10 20244 0.0 UNL+ 2.405 .58000 0.62467 $10.1- 07110 09:45 885419 DRIVER 10 20383 34.8 UNL+ 3.991 3.53800 0.62325 $16.60 07/15 10:13 885419 DRIVER 10 20440 29.5 UNL+ 1.932 3.51970 0.62364 $8.00 07/19 17:42 885419 DRIVER 10 20563 35.2 UNL+ 3.497 3.66030 0.63255 $15.00 07/25 09:58 885419 DRIVER 10 20696 32.5 UNL+ 4.094 3.46360 0.61701 $16.7 Miles: 452 33.0 15.919 $66.40 $67168` 118. w A p!y a x^ a a 1 �r m 3 a3 s$ I �i H M. a a t w ix",. a aq..,,.. #z s-. r IN m a "._b:.��, b, n. r.t��b ��i.� a €�i n w�' 07/04 09:24 885419 DRIVER 10 16702 0.0 UNL+ 2.783 3.57530 0.62672 $11.69 07110 08:26 885419 DRIVER 10 16827 29.8 UNL+ 4.188 3.53870 0.62352 $17.42 07/25 15:44 885419 DRIVER 10 16945 30.6 UNL+ 3.856 3.40770 0.61378 $15.50 Miles: 243 30.2 10.827 $44.61 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT Account BG1298138 PO BOX 105080 FLEET 1315510 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Name: CITY OF CARMEL- POLICE MATCHING STATEMENT NP13755213 Page: 2 of 2 FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE v #%s 'x:..-. �x' e?,. .,�:ti'sv�'i�i'�a..;ti;i 8 a.� a s ro� .,S Y'.W #??A 07/03 14:21 885419 DRIVER 10 0 0.0 UNL 6.546 3.38380 0.61350 $26.16 11 Miles: 6.546 $26.18 !'1 R a.. 567169 CAR 1 2fi ..daa. a�.a.rtm,. e a 07/21 10:04 885419 DRIVER 10 8187 0.0 UNL 25.111 3.46980 0.61891 $102.68 Miles: 25.111 $102.68 �"_�v§ii N u y n t'n aa�+s^s ,inn a wza'�r. 557169= CAR1�8 rx.� -s aa� a am; ix_ 4 07!04 0923 885419 DRIVER 10 3254 0.0 UNL+ 2.826 3.57400 0.62643 $11 Miles: 2.826 $11.87 a rg n k�'.3 d�.1 r "g,i I�'a�a[=;E 567172 CAR�12S x �?e� 0 "x m' •_s .arts;, HA ?'d 07122 08:42 885419 DRIVER 10 33022 0.0 UNL 14.112 3.42400 0.61541 $57.00 Miles: 14.112 $57.00 SITE LEGEND SITE SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 885419 Crystal Flash #67 -p @p 545 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN Prescribed by Slate F.pard of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Crystal Flash Petroleum Purchase Order No. P.O. Box 105080 Terms Atlanta, GA 30348 -5080 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 8/1108 a ent for gsoline 495.27 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Cry stal Flash Petroleum IN SUM OF P.O. Box 105080 Atlanta, GA 30348 -5080 495.27 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR p olice general fu Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1110 314 495.27 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except August 13 20 08 1 Signature Chief of Police Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 24]81a1.20o105n102401 Ol]A� Cic 7 YS L7FL,4H" Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800) 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1298100 Please reference account on all payments 1111111 III 11111111111111 1703 STATEMENT NP13755212 DATE 0810112008 CITY OF CARMEL- MAINTENANCE DUE DATE 08/15/2008 1 CIVIC SQ TOTAL BALANCE DUE $538.88 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please make sure -to- review -your report. It may include important- notifications about your account. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 7/31/2008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 08/01/2008 Fleet 1315492 Name: CITY OF CARMEL MAINTENANCE 135.997 $538 -88 07128/2008 CREDIT: Payment Without Remit Coupon $74.40 CR Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date Adjustments 07101/2008 $74.40 $74.40 CR 135.997 $538.88 $538.88 FOR PROPER PAYMENT POSTING. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CHECK WITH ONLY THE REMITTANCE COPY BELOW. 2673104 2003030102401 .01703 PO BOX 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Accou BG1298100 FLEET 1315492 Provided By: Name: CITY OF CARMEL MAINTENANCE Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 903 -9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP13755212 Page: 1 of 1 CITY OF CARMEL- MAINTENANCE 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 7/1/2008 7/31/2008 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THIS REPORTING PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE FEDERAL STATE OTHER TOTAL UNL 135.997 $455.86 $2518 $57.84 $0.00 $538.88 ev: f id 'ea'.: rA c jai z �i e i' Q 1 f*" r^� �s1 Total 1� A 9971' ki K P c $455 88 $25.18 $57 &4 p 00 x $538 88 r m i 2 This report is for information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 0 EXCEPTION CODES: 11 Odometer entry is out of sequence. g �p�a;.:�. I Transact 6%Detail fots N0 1315492 C1 OFd ',CARMEL MAINTENANCE J1,1120081,47131f 2008 FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE .k 07101 17:17 882083 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 13.510 3.40490 0.61427 $5450 11 07107 17:08 885419 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 14.517 3.57310 0.62593 $60.96 11 07/11 15:50 885419 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 14.948 3.34890 0.61000 $59.18 11 07114 11:37 882081. DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 18.200 3.32970 0.60926 $71.69 11 07/19 14:51 885419 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 17.123 3.47080 0.61872 $70.02 11 07121 17:58 882083 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 11.490 3.47080 0.61888 $46.98 11 07123 16:57 885419 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 14.975 3.27410 0.60491 $58.09 11 07128 12:01 885419 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 14.948 3.21780 0.60131 $57.09 11 07131 12:09 885419 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 16286 3.12480 0.59440 $60.57 11 Miles: 135.997 $538.88 SITE LEGEND SITE SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 882081 Circle K 2275 Shell -p @p 1230 Rangeline Carmel IN 882083 Circle K #2281 pay @pump 1821 E 151th St Westfield IN 885419 Crystal Flash #67 -p @p 545 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Crystal Flash Petroleum PL Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Total $538.88 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER WARRANT NO. Um orp ALLOWED 20 OK IN SUM OF Atlanta, GA 30348 -50gn $538.88 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR GENERAL FUND 1202 Information Systems Board Members DEPT INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 112192 NI D 113755212 314 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 A rgature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 2073101.2008080102401 01702 Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800) 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1297998 Please reference account on all payments �Illl II IIII! I�If I Ill I�I 1702 STATEMENT NP13755211 DATE 08101!2008 CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE DUE DATE 08115/2008 1 CIVIC SQ TOTAL BALANCE DUE $1 ,709.29 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please make sure to review your report. It-may include important notifications about your account. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 7/3112008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 08/01/2008 Fleet 1315390 Name: CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE 488.073 $170929 07/28/2008 CREDIT: Payment Without Remit Coupon $561.09 CR Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date Adjustments 07/0112008 $561.09 $561.09 CR 488.073 $1,709.29 $1,709,29 __FOR P RO P ER PAYM PO PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CHECK W ONLY THE REMITTANCE COPY BELOW,______ 2673101 2WH0001 02401.01702 Po BOX 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1297998 FLEET 1315390 Provided By: Name: CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 903 -9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP13755211 Page: 1 of 2 CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 7/1/2008 7/31/2008 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THIS REPO RTING_PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE FEDERAL STATE OTHER TOTAL UNL 66.509 $223.43 $12.33 $28.32 $0.00 $264.08 PREM 0.030 $0.10 $0.01 $0.02 $0.00 $0.13 UNL+ 421.534 $1,202.48 $78.02 $164.58 $0.00 $1,445.08 c s' TotaF� 3 1 0 488 07,3. a €.$1 01 =ate°. !,I 90436 192 92 4 $O d10' €$1 709 29 This report is for information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 3,728 EXCEPTION CODES: 11 Odometer entry is out of sequence. Transaction Detail for Cult ©mer N 1315390 €CITY OF CARMEL" FIRE 7!1l2Q08 7!31/2008 �3- r• .....�a...�:=w ?'w u. t sz zw: .e� x�� ...Ats ..r...� _�s.. c.� a.a a m.' 4� .�.�".�...�w.�.,: :s�+...� n' �i.a�..s u�,�,��;.'k. FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE 567148 RW CAR, $5Q3 �r 4 u a xa a 3� �u k 07103 10:03 885419 DRIVER 1 27444 16.3 UNL+ 12.942 2.82490 0.57377 $4 07/11 06:03 885419 DRIVER 1 27636 12.9 UNL+ 14.875 2.91900 0.58023 $52.05 07117 08:15 885419 DRIVER 1 27810 16.4 UNL+ 10.611 3.01290 0.58629 $38.19 •07/22 1142 885419 DRIVER 1 27791 0.0 UNL+ 12.666 2.91810 0.58046 $44.32 11 07/24 15:53 885419 DRIVER 1 28174 34.0 UNL+ 11.276 2.73320 0.56675 $37.20 07/25 20:34 885419 DRIVER 1 28377 17.8 UNL+ 11.436 2.73350 0.56669 $37.73 07129 10:27 885419 DRIVER 1 28667 18.9 UNL+ 15.316 2.73180 0.56715 $50.53 07/31 15:56 885419 DRIVER 1 28857 13.8 UNL+ 13.764 2.73180 0.56699 $45.41 Miles: 1643 18.6 102.586 $3349.42 n. s.m ,f`' ff r €b€ 567148 -CAR „4$01az�., m M, bv�" �"ti 1 w; 07/01 08:19 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 19.099 2.91850 s 0.58044 $66.83 07/03 08:22 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 14.669 2.82570 0.57357 $49.86 07/04 09:04 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 6.704 2.82370 0.57358 $22.79 07106 18:32 885414 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL 13.063 3.34920 0.61020 $51.72 07/08 14:47 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 PREM 0.030 3.33330 0.70852 $0.13 07 /08. 14:52 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL 12.667 3.34810 0.61045 $50.15 07/10 19:42 885414 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL 7.360 3.37770 0.61160 $29.35 07/11 08:18 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 14.672 2.91920 0.58034 $51.34 07114 14:57 885414 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL 10.452 134960 0.61055 $41.38 07117 08:48 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 14.145 3.01240 0.58657 $50.91 07/18 08:08 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 14.265 3.01230 0.58690 $51.34 07121 11:36 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 19.239 2.91960 0.57998 $67.32 07/23 13:19 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 12.700 2.73150 0.56732 $41.90 07/25 09:52 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 12.431 2.73270 0.56745 $41.01 07128 11:08 885419 DRIVER 1 14,500 0.0 UNL+ 21.827 2.73190 0.56715 $72.01 07131 08:19 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 21.051 2.73190 0.56710 $69.45 Miles: 214.374 $757.50 X567148 =CAR 4502 4'1 9 F� ES x rr x7 n s�� 07/24 12:58 885419 DRIVER 1 116 10.5 UNL+ 11-030 2.73160 0.56739 $36.39 Miles: 116 10.5 11.030 $36.39 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT Account BG1297998 PO BOX 105080 FLEET 1315390 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Name: CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE MATCHING STATEMENT NP13755211 Page: 2 of 2 FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE CITY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE yam€ r� 567149 CAR 4506 4, 1 5 "R v s s �'b.� crtnaa ...M .,.tea �kt1, ".....,.A A,�f� I ra a3Ti €r!r� €q..u..i: a t Vin. i m 07/02 0828 885419 DRIVER 1 59205 17.0 UNL+ 8.713 2.91860 0.58063 $30.49 07103 08:37 885419 DRIVER 1 59364 17.1 UNL+ 9285 2.82610 0.57336 $31.56 07106 11:27 885403 DRIVER 1 59502 17.9 UNL 7.701 3.41250 0.61542 $31.03 07108 16:51 885419 DRIVER 1 59886 25.2 UNL 15.266 3.34860 0.61035 $60.44 07109 14:26 885419 DRIVER 1 59969 22.6 UNL+ 3.675 2.92250 0.57927 $12.86 07115 09:01 885419 DRIVER 1 60160 20.7 UNL+ 9.220 2.82540 0.57367 $31.34 07117 09:32 885419 DRIVER 1 60334 18.6 UNL+ 9.360 3.01390 0.58673 $33.69 07117 14:48 885419 DRIVER 1 28 0.0 UNL+ 46.904 3.01230 0.58669 $168.81 11 07122 08:20 885419 DRIVER 1 60513 0.0 UNL+ 9.637 2.91900 0.58065 $33.72 07r24 08:55 885419 DRIVER 1 60683 17.2 UNL+ 9.866 2.73160 0.56676 $32.55 07126 21:04 885419 DRIVER 1 60928 17.2 UNL+ 14.258 2.73180 0.56736 $47.04 07/29 08:42 885419 DRIVER 1 61102 18.6 UNL+ 9.378 2.73190 0.56713 $30.94 07130 08:43 885419 DRIVER 1 61205 15.8 UNL+ 6.520 2.73160 0.56691 $21.51 Miles: 1969 18.9 159.783 $565.98 SITE LEGEND SITE SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 885403 Crystal Flash #12 -p @p 727 S Wabash Wabash IN 885414 Crystal Flash #43 -p @p 7935 -d S Emerson Indianapolis IN 885419 Crystal Flash 967 -p @p 545 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Crystal Flash IN SUM OF P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 $1,709.29 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 NP13755211 42- 314.00 $1,709.29 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s) or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except J d BUG 1 24Q� .r a u A Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) NP13755211 Fuel for FD $1,709.29 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer