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161670 07/22/2008
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 069001 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CRYSTAL FLASH PETROLEUM CHECK AMOUNT: $1,767.72 ?o CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P 0 Box 664 oM INOPLS IN 46206 CHECK NUMBER: 161670 CHECK DATE: 7122/2008 DEPARTMENT ACC OUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOU DESC RIPTION 1120 4231400 222060 73.68 GASOLINE 601 5023990 222061 150.56 GASOLINE 1192 4231400 222062 20.00 GASOLINE 1110 4231400 613410 1,523.48 GASOLINE Invoice Page 1 of 1 Crystal Flash Petroleum LLC P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA (317) 879 -2849 (317) 879 -2855 (fax) Account Number: 613375 Amount Due: 73.68 Invoice Number: 222060 Invoice Date: 06/30/08 11:24AM Due Date: 07/30/08 Shipping Address: City of Carmel -Fire City of Carmel -Fire One Civic Square One Civic Square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 Please return top portion with your payment. Carrier: Counter Sales Delivery Date: 06/30/2008 Salesperson: Ann McGrew Terms: 4cent per gallon 10 days PPurchase Order Number: Manual Charges BOIL Number: 222060 HM DOT- Name, Class, ID, Group Product Product Description Quantity Loaded Quantity Billed Unit Price Extended Price Shipment Date: 06/17/2008 Document No.: 222060 Manual Charge Manual Charge 1.0000 0.00 0.00000 $46.65 Shipment Date: 06/1612008 Document No.: 222060 Manual Charge Manual Charge 1.0000 0.00 0.00000 $27.03 Products Total: $73.68 Tax Total: $0.00 In consideration of Crystal Flash Petroleum Corporation furnishing the items set forth on this Invoice Total: $73.68 invoice, it is agreed that in the event full payment is not made within terms, Crystal Flash Discount Total: $0.00 Petroleum Corporation shall have the right to charge interest at the highest rate permitted by law. Net Invoice Total: $73.68 In the event that Crystal Flash Petroleum Corporation is required to employ an attorney for collection of the sum set forth in this invoice, the Purchaser has agreed and does agree to pay Total Due: $73.68 reasonable attorney fees and costs of collection. 317 -$79 -2$49 Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800) 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1297998 Please reference account on all payments IR11 1111� 111111111 11111 1111 11 1223 STATEMENT NP13288144 DATE 07/0412008 CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE DUE DATE 07/18/2008 1 CIVIC SQ TOTAL BALANCE DUE $561.09 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please make sure to review your report. may.include important notifications about your account. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 613012008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 07/04/2008 Fleet 1315390 Name: CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE 161.097 $561.09 Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date Adjustments 0610112008 $0.00 $0.00 161.097 $561.09 $561.09 FOR PROPER PAYMENT POSTING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR C HECK WITH ONLY TH REMITTANCE CO PY BELOW. ,r PO BOX 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1297998 FLEET 1315390 Provided By: Name: CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 903 -9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP13288144 Page: 1 of 1 CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 6!112008 6/30/2008 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THIS REPORTING PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE FEDERAL STATE OTHER TOTAL UNL+ 161.097 $467.74 $29.86 $63.49 $0.00 $561.09 +tL 4a't t a i Total 161 097 $467 74 p $86'$63 49 x $0.00 $569 09 29 .k This report is for information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 1,185 EXCEPTION CODES: 11 Odometer entry is out of sequence. ,Transaction Detail for Customer NO 1315390 CITY OF4GARMEL FIRE, 6/1/2048 3 '6!3012008= E 0 FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE i .:z:v'S�t�`€E�,s a ,a[ .a"�" ,�da nz r v ,y 567148 -CAR 4503, t J7; w A.�. ,..r .3,:..� A P ...o ..n.� -.f .i v a� r 06/18 13:56 885419 DRIVER 1 26855 0.0 UNL+ 3.561 2.92050 0.58019 $12.46 06/21 15:34 885419 DRIVER 1 27069 16.6 UNL+ 12.875 2.91810 0.58024 $45.05 06128 09:36 885419 DRIVER 1 27233 14.9 UNL+ 11.025 3.01320 0.58653 $39.68 Miles: 378 15.8 27.461 $97.19 57148_ CAR,4501� y m 6 ar xn smr g �n� 06/19 12:47 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 15.555 2.91800 0.58027 $54.43 06120 08:23 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 8.611 2.91720 0.58074 $30.13 06123 08:22 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 16.721 2.91850 0.58032 $58.51 06126 08:14 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 21.344 2.82520 0.57384 $72.55 06/27 08:16 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 7.275 2.82610 0.57313 $24.73 Miles: 69.506 $240.35 �l ^r^rC yt x ('£"g» 3 a kl t.."` a, i'` 567149 -CAR 4508 w.. w. .�:,a�,ti iaaw6�' r z c,T.,�.,�'. fit, s �`....�.w.'A z x 06/18 15:58 885419 DRIVER 1 57935 0.0 UNL+ 11.211 2.91950 0.58035 $39.23 06/20 14:30 885419 DRIVER 1 57488 0.0 UNL+ 11.506 2.91850 0.58030 $40.26 11 06/21 15:05 885419 DRIVER 1 58250 0.0 UNL+ 6.881 2.91820 0.58010 $24.08 06/23 08:41_ 885419 DRIVER 1 58374 16.0 UNL+ 7.759 2.91790 0.58011 $27.15 06/24 14:48 885419 DRIVER 1 58461 17.5 UNL+ 4.978 2.91880 0.58009 $17.42 06125 12:49 885419 DRIVER 1 58617 18.2 UNL+ 8.552 2.82390 0.57397 $29.07 06130 09:58 885419 DRIVER 1 59057 33.2 UNL+ 13.243 2.92000 0.57983 $46.34 Miles: 807 21.2 64.130 $223.55 SITE LEGEND SITE SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 885419 Crystal Flash #67 -p @p 545 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Crystal Flash IN SUM OF P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 $634.77 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 222060 42- 314.00 $73.68 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 NP13288144 42- 314.00 $561.09 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 222060 $73.68 NP13288144 Fuel $561.09 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer Invoice Page 1 of 1 Crystal Flash Petroleum LLC P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA (317) 879 -2849 (317) 879 -2855 (fax) Account Number: 613405 Amount Due: 150.56 Invoice Number: 222061 Invoice Date: 06/30/08 11:25AM Due Date: 07/30/08 Shipping Address: City of Carmel- Utilities City of Carmel- Utilities One Civic Square One Civic Square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 Please return, top portion with your payment. Carrier: Counter Sales Delivery Date: 06/30/2008 Salesperson: Ann McGrew Terms: 4cent per gallon 10 days/ (Purchase Order Number: Manual Charge BOL Number: 222061 HM DOT- Name, Class, ID, Group Product Product Description Quantity Loaded Quantity Billed Unit Price Extended Price Shipment Date: 06/23/2008 Document No.: 222061 Manual Charge Manual Charge 1.0000 0.00 0.00000 $150.56 Products Total: $150.56 Tax Total: $0.00 In consideration of Crystal Flash Petroleum Corporation furnishing the items set forth on this Invoice Total $150.56 invoice, it is agreed that in the event full payment is not made within terms, Crystal Flash Discount Total $0.00 Petroleum Corporation shall have the right to charge interest at the highest rate permitted by law. Net Invoice Total: $150.56 In the event that Crystal Flash Petroleum Corporation is required to employ an attorney for collection of the sum set forth in this invoice, the Purchaser has agreed and does agree to pay Total Due: $150.56 reasonable attorney fees and costs of collection. 317- 879 -2849 Prescribed by Slate Board of Accounts P °rmNo.3 °''Rev.'995' ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER TO ADDRESS Invoice Date Invoice Number Item Amount I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Mo. Day Yr. Signature Title I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1-6. 7 -7 cPl C r Li Mo. Day Yr. Officer Title Voucher No. Warrant No. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DETAILED ACCOUNTS MUNICIPAL WATER DEPT. ACCT. CARMEL, INDIANA Favor Of ce yst� r Fi�Sh Total Amount of Voucher �Q d peductions b 5,00. ©5 1 6 5 n Amount of Warrant Month of Yr VOUCHER RECORD Acct. No. Source of Suppl Water Treatment Transmission and Dist. Customer Accounts Administrative and General Operation-Maintenance Utility Plant in Service Constr. Work in Progress Materials and Supplies Customers Deposits Total Allowed Board of Control Filed Official Title BOYCE FORMS. SYSTEMS 1- 800 -382 -8702 325 Invoice Crystal Flash Petroleum Corp. P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA (317) 879 -2849 Account Number: 613410 (317) 879 -2855 Invoice Date: 07/02/08 Transactions from 06/17/08 to 06/30/08 City of Carmel- Police Dept. One Civic Square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, Indiana 46032 Pump Transaction Date Purchase Site Product Odometer Qty Price Amount Card# 5814242 nn 06/22 0j..V om CI C%1i \IVIEL_ 87 NL J6.7v4 14.000 :4.049 56.69 Totals for Card# 5814242 29.574 119.75 Invoice Taxes Amount Due Exempt Indiana Inspection Fee 4.00 No Products Total: 1,373.89 Indiana Excise Tax Gas 72.00 No Tax Total: 245.76 Federal Excise Tax Gas 73.20 No Invoice Total: 1,619.65 Indiana Excise Tax Distillate 0.00 No Federal Excise Tax Distillate 0.00 No Tax Exempt Total: 96.17 Indiana Sales Tax 96.17 Yes Net Invoice: 1,523.48 Leaking Underground Storage Tank 0.40 No Tax T otal 245.76 Total Due: 1,523.48 If Payment received by Saturday, 07/12/2008 Subtract from Total Due: $16.00 Date For Period Amount Balance Fwd 0.00 Invoice 06/25/08 06/01/08 to 06/16/08 124.65 Prev Invoice Balance 124.65 Current Invoice 1,523.48 i Balance Due 1,648.13 1 Page 4 of 4 Invoice Crystal Flash Petroleum Corp. P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA (317) 879 -2849 Account Number: 613410 (317) 879 -2855 Invoice Date: 07/02/08 Transactions from 06/17/08 to 06/30/08 City of Carmel- Police Dept. One Civic Square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, Indiana 46032 Pump Transaction Date Purchase Site Product Odometer Qty Price Amount Card# 5671570 Car 7 06/21'/0'8.05 :48 -pm CF C11RME'. 87 l'!L 103-;563 i4.089 4.049- 57.05-l' 06/22/08 10:12 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 103,764 13.269 4.049 53.73 Totals for Card# 5671570 27358 110.78 Card# 5671571 Car 8 06/21/08 05:32 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 11,111 12.002 4.049 48.60` Totals for Card# 5671571 12.002 48.60 Card# 5671578 Car 15 06/22/08 03:07 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 68,153 12.575 4.049 50.92 Totals for Card# 5671578 12.575 50.92 Card# 5671584 Car 21 06/21%08 04:38 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 11,111 12.469 4.049 50.49 Totals for Card# 5671584 12.469 50.49 Card# 5671585 Car 22 06/22/08 03:50 am CF CARMEL 87 NL 34,478 12.719 4.049 51.50 Totals for Card# 5671585 12.719 51.50 Card# 5671586 Car23 06/23/08 10:43 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 74,777 13.475 3.999 53.897/ Totals for Card# 5671586 13.475 53.89 Card# 5671588 Car 25 06/21/08 06:06 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 36,256 10.125 4.049 41.00// 06/22/08 05:42 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 36,447 10.866 4.049 44.00 06/23/08 03:41 am CF CARMEL 87 NL 36,576 7.838 4.049 31.74✓ Totals for Card# 5671588 28.829 116.74 Card# 5671593 Car 30 06/21/08 03 :42 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 25,961 16.152 4.049 65.40 Totals for Card# 5671593 16.152 65.40 Card# 56711601 Car 38 06/21/08 05:37'pm CF'CARMEL 87 NL 59,100 17.535 4.049 71.00 Totals for Card# 5671601 17.535 71.00 Card# 5671604 car 41 06/22/08 04:24 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 40,795 11.266 4.049 45.62 Totals for Card# 5671604 11.266 45.62 Page 1 of 4 Invoice Crystal Flash Petroleum Corp. P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA (317) 879 -2849 Account Number: 613410 (317) 879 -2855 Invoice Date: 07/02/08 Transactions from 06/17/08 to 06/30/08 City of Carmel- Police Dept. One Civic Square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, Indiana 46032 Pump Transaction Date Purchase Site Product Odometer Qty Price Amount Card# 5671606 car 43 06/22/08 05:06 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL ,21,562 8.150 4.049 33:00 06/23/08 09:46 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 121,762 3.925 3.999 15.70 Totals for Card# 5671606 12.075 48.70 Card# 5671610 Car 47 06/22/08 07:39 am CF CARMEL 87 NL 27,789 9.044 4.049 36.62 Totals for Card# 5671610 9.044 36.62 Card# 5671613 Car 50 06/21/08 01:00 am CF CARMEL 87 NL 84,535 7.517 4.049 30.44 06/22/08 04:10 am CF CARMEL 87 NL 84,645 8.779 4.049 35.55 06/23/08 04:06 am CF CARMEL 87 NL 84,760 8.169 4.049 33.08, Totals for Card# 5671613 24.465 99.07 Card# 5671614 Car 51 06/23/08 11 :57 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 27,405 11.951 4.049 48.39 Totals for Card# 5671614 11.951 48.39 Card# 5671616 Car 53 06/22/08 04:08 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 25,933 10.866 4.049 44.00 Totals for Card# 5671616 10.866 44.00 Card# 5671619 Car 56 06/22/08 04:42 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 31,009 11.323 4.049 45.85'✓ Totals for Card# 5671619 11.323 45.85 Card# 5671654 Car 90 06/22/08 03:57 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 15,703 10.489 4.049 42.47 Totals for Card# 5671654 10.489 42.47 Card# 5671658 Car 94 06/22/08 01:07 am CF CARMEL 87 NL 33,476 10.133 4.049 41.03 06/23/08 04:52 am CF CARMEL 87 NL 33,570 8.305 4.049 33.63 Totals for Card# 5671658 18.438 74.66 Card# 5671659 Car 95 06/22/08 04:44 am CF CARMEL 87 NL 3,559 17.354 4.049 70.27 Totals for Card# 5671659 17.354 70.27 Card# 5671663 Car 99 06/22/08 03:51 am CF CARMEL 87 NL 9,652 11.827 4.049 47.89 Page 2 of 4 Invoice Crystal Flash Petroleum Corp. P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA (317) 879 -2849 Account Number: 613410 (317) 879 -2855 Invoice Date: 07/02/08 Transactions from 06/17/08 to 06/30/08 City of Carmel- Police Dept. One Civic Square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, Indiana 46032 Pump Transaction Date Purchase Site Product Odometer Qty Price Amount Card# 5671663 Car 99 06123108 03:32 am CF CARMEL 37 NL 9,773 9:817-__4.049- "39.75 Totals for Card# 5671663 21.644 87.64 Card# 5671672 Car 108 06/22/08 06:30 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 77,056 12.348 4.049 50.00,V Totals for Card# 5671672 12.348 50.00 Card# 5671677 Car 113 06/21/08 10:15 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 96,898 12.104 4.049 49.01 Totals for Card# 5671677 12.104 49.01 Card# 5671682 Car 118 06/25/08 07:56 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 16,477 3.129 4.199 13.141/ Totals for Card# 5671682 3.129 13.14 Card# 5671683 Car 119 06/25/08 07:57 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 20,051 2.953 4.199 12.40✓ Totals for Card# 5671683 2.953 12.40 Card# 5814014 Car 130 06/22/08 08:22 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 14,625 13.707 4.049 55.50 06/22/08 11:54 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 94,392 14.136 4.049 57.24Y Totals for Card# 5814014 27.843 112.74 Card# 5814242 06/21/08 12:48 pm CF CARMEL 87 NL 56,455 15.574 4.049 63.06 Page 3 of 4 Prescrib6d by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER r CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Crystal Flash Petroleum Corp. Purchase Order No. P.O. Box 684 Terms Indianapolis, IN 46206 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 7/8/08 monthly payment 1,523.48 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Fl ash Petroleum CArp. IN SUM OF P.O. Box 684 2 Indianapolis, IN 46206 1 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR police general fund Board Members Po# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 314 11,552233-448 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except July 8 20 08 Si nature Chef of Po ice Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Invoice Page 1 of 1 Crystal Flash Petroleum LLC City of Carmel P.O. Box 684 46 ORIGINAL INVOICE Indianapolis, IN 4620fi USA (317) 879 -2849 Dept, of Cmniunity Services (317) 879 -2855 (fax) Account Number: 613390 unt Due: 20.00 Invoice Number: 222062 Invoice Date: 06/30/08 11:26AM u Date rte 07/30/08 Shipping Address: City of Carmel- DOCS City of Carmel- DOCS One Civic square One Civic square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 Please return top portion with your payment. Carrier: Counter Sales Delivery Date: 06/30/2008 Salesperson: Ann McGrew Terms: 4cent per gallon 10 days/ tPurchase Order Number: Manual Charge BOIL Number: 222062 HM DOT- Name, Class, ID, Group Product Product Description Quantity Loaded Quantity Billed Unit Price Extended Price Shipment Date: 06/17/2008 Document No.: 222062 Manual Charge Manual Charge 1.0000 0.00 0.00000 $20.00 Products Total: $20.00 Tax Total: $0.00 In consideration of Crystal Flash Petroleum Corporation furnishing the items set forth on this Invoice Total: $20.00 invoice, it is agreed that in the event full payment is not made within terms, Crystal Flash Discount Total: $0.00 Petroleum Corporation shall have the right to charge interest at the highest rate permitted by law. Net Invoice Total: $20.00 In the event that Crystal Flash Petroleum Corporation is required to employ an attorney for collection of the sum set forth in this invoice, the Purchaser has agreed and does agree to pay Total Due: $20.00 reasonable attorney fees and costs of collection. 317- 879 -2849 314 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Total a 0. cc) I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF Ze -�D,00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR J 0 C Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or I �a a aao6a c3 W. 00 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 712/ 2008' Si n ture �Dr CX )OCS Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund