HomeMy WebLinkAbout159305 05/14/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 069001 Page 1 of 1 f i ONE CIVIC SQUARE CRYSTAL FLASH y, I CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P o BOX 684 CHECK AMOUNT: $1,100.89 iNDPLS IN 46206 CHECK NUMBER: 159305 CHECK DATE: 5/14/2008 DEPA RTMENT ACC OUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE N AMOUNT DESCR IPTION 1120 4231400 1,066.06 GASOLINE 1192 4231400 34.83 GASOLINE Invoice Crystal Flash Petroleum Corp. P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA (317) 879 -2849 Account Number: 613375 (317) 879 -2855 Invoice Date: 04/22/08 Transactions from 04/01/08 to 04/15/08 ATTENTION FLEET MANAGERS: See important information included in this mailing concerning our new fleetcard program. City of Carmel -Fire One Civic Square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, Indiana 46032 Pump Transaction Date Purchase Site Product Odometer Qty Price Amount __Card# 5671482 Car 450 w 04/01/08 08:13 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 14,500 17.470 2,649 46.28 04/04/08 08:15 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 14,500 19.763 2.789 55.12 04/07/08 01:06 pm CF CARMEL Mid NL 14,500 12.975 2.769 35.93 04/09/08 08:21 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 14,500 11.365 2.959 33.63 04/11/08 08:14 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 14,500 15.859 2.939 46.61 Totals for Card# 5671482 77.432 217.57 Card# 5671484 car 4503 04/02/08 07:35 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 22,658 14.607 2.639 38.55 04/05/08 03:50 pm CF S EMERSON 87 NL 22,942 14.866 3.249 48.30 04/08/08 01:55 pm CF CARMEL Mid NL 23,105 6.453 2.769 17.87 04/10/08 11:26 pm CF CARMEL Mid NL 23,308 9.118 2.939 26.80 Totals for Card# 5671484 45.044 131.52 Card# 5671492 Car 4508 04/02/08 08:35 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 51,833 9.117 2.639 24.06 04/03/08 08:36 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 51,975 8.017 2.799 22.44 04/04/08 01:58 pm CF CARMEL Mid NL 52,082 5.951 2.789 16.60 04/07/08 09:13 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 52,262 9.996 2.769 27.68 04/09/08 04:20 pm CF CARMEL Mid NL 52,455 11.267 2.959 33.34 Page 1 of 2 Invoice Crystal Flash Petroleum Corp. P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA (317) 879 -2849 Account Number: 613375 (317) 879 -2855 Invoice Date: 04/22/08 Transactions from 04/01/08 to 04/15/08 ATTENTION FLEET MANAGERS: See important information included in this mailing concerning our new fleetcard program. City of Carmel -Fire One Civic Square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, Indiana 46032 Pump Transaction Date Purchase Site Product Odometer Qty Price Amount Card# 5671492 Car 4508 04/14/08 08:16 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 52,660 11.179 2.899 32.41 Totals for Card# 5671492 55.527 156.53 Invoice Taxes Amount Due Exempt Indiana Inspection Fee 1.78 No Products Total: 410.32 Indiana Excise Tax Gas 32.04 No Tax Total: 95.30 Federal Excise Tax Gas 32.57 No Invoice Total: 505.62 Indiana Excise Tax Distillate 0.00 No Federal Excise Tax Distillate 0.00 No Tax Exempt Total: 28.72 Indiana Sales Tax 28.72 Yes Net Invoice: 476.90 Leaking Underground Storage Tank 0.18 No Tax Total 95.3 Total Due: 476.90 If Payment received by Friday, 05, /02 /2008Subtract from Total Due: $7.12 Date For Period Amount Balance Fwd 0.00 Invoice 10/05107 09/01/07 to 09/30/07 1,337.96 Invoice 11/06/07 10/16/07 to 10/31/07 786.21 Invoice 03/21/08 03/01/08 to 03/15/08 523.28 Invoice 04/07/08 03/16/08 to 03/31/08 505.02 P6yment 11112`07 09/01/07 to 09/30x07 1,285.54 Discount 10/31/07 10/16/07 to 10/31/07 -16.25 Discount 12/20/07 09/01/07 to 09/30/07 -16.25 Discount 12/20/07 10/16/07 to 10/31/07 -10.62 Prev Invoice Balance 1,823.81 Current Invoice 476.90 Balance Due 2,300.71 Page 2 of 2 Invoice Crystal Flash Petroleum Corp. P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA (317) 879 -2849 Account Number: 613375 (317) 879 -2855 Invoice Date: 05/06/08 Transactions from 04/16/08 to 04/30/08 Attention Owners and Fleet Managers: Your new Mannatec fleet fueling cards will be arriving soon. Please contact Ann McGrew at 317 -879 -2868 ext. 1061 with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you. City of Carmel -Fire One Civic Square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, Indiana 46032 Pump Transaction Date Purchase Site Product Odometer Qty Price Amount Card# 5671482 Car 4501 °v 7:J4 r,.- GF- .C.:i EL 87 N '1.4,500 R. flit 3399. _2 04/19/08 10:50 am CF S EMERSON 87 NL 14,500 12.315 3.399 41.86 04/21/08 08:15 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 14,500 14.210 2.869 40.77 04/24/08 07:22 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 14,500 19.765 3.159 62.44 04/25/08 08:18 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 14,500 6.598 3.119 20.58 04/28/08 04:29 pm CF CARMEL Mid NL 14,500 16.776 3.099 51.99 Totals for Card# 5671482 77.686 244.91 Card# 5671484 car 4503 04/16/08 06:13 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 23,520 12.554 2.689 33.76 04/22/08 07:17 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 23,667 9.051 2.869 25.97 04/23/08 11:00 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 23,834 8.417 3.159 26.59 04/27/08 06:55 pm CF CARMEL Mid NL 24,061 13.768 3.099 42.67 Totals for Card# 5671484 43.790 128.99 "Card# 5671492 Car 4508 04/16/08 08:40 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 52,908 14.261 2.689 38.35 04/18/08 04:31 pm CF CARMEL Mid NL 53,116 11.757 2.879 33.85 04/22/08 04:45 pm CF CARMEL Mid NL 53,318 11.196 3.159 35.37 04/24/08 07:33 am CF CARMEL Mid NL 53,533 12.035 3.159 38.02 04/26/08 02:36 pm CF CARMEL Mid NL 53,699 9.288 3.119 28.97 04/28/08 03:47 pm CF CARMEL Mid NL 53,892 11.087 3.099 34.36 Page 1 of 2 Invoice Crystal Flash Petroleum Corp. P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA (317) 879 -2849 Account Number: 613375 (317) 879 -2855 Invoice Date: 05/06/08 Transactions from 04/16/08 to 04/30/08 Attention Owners and Fleet Managers: Your new Mannatec fleet fueling cards will be arriving soon. Please contact Ann McGrew at 317- 879 -2868 ext. 1061 with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you. City of Carmel -Fire One Civic Square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, Indiana 46032 Pump Transaction Date Purchase Site Product Odometer Qty Price Amount Card# 5671492 Car 4508 0;;30�'Oo_1 :0-1-am- 1 F C^;RMEL Mid NL 54,128 12 3,259 ,12.24 Totals for Card# 5671492 82.585 251.16 Invoice Taxes Amount Due Exempt Indiana Inspection Fee 2.04 No Products Total: 512.84 Indiana Excise Tax Gas 36.73 No Tax Total: 112.22 Federal Excise Tax Gas 37.34 No Invoice Total: 625.06 Indiana Excise Tax Distillate 0.00 No Federal Excise Tax Distillate 0.00 No Tax Exempt Total: 35.90 Indiana Sales Tax 35.90 Yes Net Invoice: 589.16 Leaking Underground Storage Tank 0.20 No T Total 112.22 Total Due: 589.16 If Payment received by Friday, 05 /16 /2008Subtract from Total Due: $8.16 Date For Period Amount Balance Fwd 0.00 Invoice 10/05/07 09/01/07 to 09/30/07 1,337.96 Invoice 11/06/07 10/16107 to 10/31/07 786.21 invoice 04/22/08 04/01/08 to 04/15/08 476.90 Payment 11/12/07 09/01/07 to 09/30/07 1,285.54 Discount 10/31/07 10/16/07 to 10131107 -16.25 Discount 12/20/07 10/16/07 to 10/31/07 -10.62 Discount 12/20/07 09/01/07 to 09/30/07 -16.25 Prev Invoice Balance 1,272.41 Current Invoice 589.16 Balance Due 1,861.57 Page 2 of 2 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Crystal Flash IN SUM OF P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 $1,066.06 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 42- 314.00 $1,066.06 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the b materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except r /7 1l Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Fuel FD $1,066.06 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.5 20 Clerk- Treasurer Invoice Crystal Flash Petroleum Corp. P.O. Box 684 ��I��Y of O arrp�� Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA Dept of� o'�L (317) 879 -2849 m4jnity Service Account Number: 613390 (317) 879 -2855 S Invoice Date: 05/06/08 Transactions from 04/16/08 to 04/30/08 Attention Owners and Fleet Managers: Your new Mannatec fleet fueling cards will be arriving soon. Please contact Ann McGrew at 317 879 -2868 ext. 1061 with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you. City of Carmel- DOCS One Civic square Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, Indiana 46032 Pump Transaction Date Purchase Site Product Odometer Qty Price Amount Card# 5671534 DOCS -1 04%22j08 08:25 pir O CaRMEL 87 ivy I '013 0. 3.659 37.00 Totals for Card# 5671534 10.112 37.00 Invoice Taxes Amount Due Exempt Indiana Inspection Fee 0.10 No Products Total: 31.04 Indiana Excise Tax Gas 1.82 No Tax Total: 5.96 Federal Excise Tax Gas 1.85 No Invoice Total: 37.00 Indiana Excise Tax Distillate 0.00 No Federal Excise Tax Distillate 0.00 No Tax Exempt Total: 2.17 Indiana Sales Tax 2.17 Yes Net invoice: 34.83 Leaking Underground Storage Tank 0.01 No Tax Total 5.96 Total Due. 34.83 If Payment received by Friday, 05/16/2008 Subtract from Total Due: $0.40 Date For Period Amount Balance Fwd 0.00 Prev Invoice Balance 0.00 Current Invoice 34.83 Balance Due 34.83 Page 1 of 1 Statement Summary Page 1 of City of Carmel Crystal Flash Petroleum LLC INVOICE Indianapoli IN 46206 USA pepf, of Community Services (317) 879 -2849 (317) 879 -2855 (fax) Statement Date 05/06/2008 Account Number 613390 City of Carmel- DOCS Statement Total Amount Due One Civic square 34.83 $34.83 Attn: Shelly Lingelbaugh Carmel, IN 46032 Amount Enclosed Transaction Due Transaction Transaction Transaction Amount ,Dare Date Number Type- 04/07/2008 05/07/2008 209997 Invoice 38.76 .00 04/2112008 1043431 Receipt -38.76 CR .00 05/06/2008 06/05/2008 212938 Invoice 34.83 34.83 Current Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 Total 34.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.83 PAY THIS AMOUNT $34.83 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 2q� Total e l 2_5 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. e ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF 11 8 3 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 'Joe's Board Members PO# EP or DEPT. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or /y 3 83 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except ,e �l* A 0 0 e "14�� Tit e Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund