HomeMy WebLinkAbout160876 06/25/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 110000 Page 1 of 1
203 N LASALLE ST #2700 �IiECK AMOUNT: $550.00
CHECK DATE: 6/25/2008
=1701 4340300 550.00 ACCOUNTING FEES
Print Form
Participant Application
(Please type or print)
Section I: Government Information:
r Three copies of this completed application, three copies (whether a hard copy or an electronic version on CD) of the
government's comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) and the appropriate fee should be sent (postmarked or e- mailed)
to GFOA within six months of the government's fiscal year end (if that date falls on a weekend or holiday the deadline is
extended until the next business day), unless you are requesting that we review a document that you have posted at your
website. In addition, if the CAFR was submitted to the program in the immediate prior year, please include three copies of the
government's responses to the comments and suggestions for improvement and any other correspondence that may assist the
program with the current year's review. This information will be sent to Special Review Committee (SRC) members to assist
them in their review. The official requesting the review will receive the results upon completion of the review process.
Note: The results sent to a program participant include a copy of this application that includes preprinted information for
questions 1 through 6. If that application is sent with your next submission simply update the information on the preprinted
application, as necessary, and complete all of the other information for Sections I through VII of the application. Alternatively,
you may complete a new application for each submission to the program (visit the "award Programs" area of GFOA's website,
www.gfoa.org, to download a copy). If you have any questions contact us at: cafrprogram @gfoa.org or call the Technical
Services Center at (312) 977 -9700.
1. Name of Government City of Carmel, Indiana
(as it appears on the report cover and will appear on the Certificate of Achievement plaque, if awarded)
2. Fiscal Year Ended (month, day, year) December 31, 2007
3. Is the government a previous participant in the Certificate of Achievement Program? YesE) No❑
If yes, what was the most recent fiscal year? 2006
4. Official Requesting Review (receives notification of results, detailed comments and suggestions for improvement, the
Award for Financial Reporting Achievement (AFRA), a press release, information regarding presentation by a GFOA
State Representative and the Certificate of Achievement plaque).
Name: Diana L. Cordray
Title: Clerk- Treasurer
Street Address (required): 1 Civic Square
P.O. Box (if applicable): E -mail: (require(j) dcordray @carmel.in.gov
City: Carmel State: IN Zip Code: 46032
Phone: 317 571 -2430 Fax: 317 571 -2410
5. If the government is awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, the Award of Financial
Reporting Achievement (AFRA) will be prepared for the individual or department noted below as being primarily
responsible for the unit's success in earning the certificate.
Individual's or Department's Name: Diana L. Cordray
Individual's Title: Clerk- Treasurer, IAMC
6. If the submission qualifies for the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, whom (mayor, board
chair, etc.) should GFOA send a formal announcement of the award and a related press release.
Name: Diana L. Cordray
Title: Clerk- Treasurer
Street Address (required): 1 Civic Square
P.O. Box (if applicable): E -mail: dcordray @carmel.in.gov
City: Carmel State: IN Zip Code: 46032
7. For municipalities (e.g., cities, townships, villages) and counties, please provide your population figure. For school
districts, please provide your total student enrollment figure. 68,677
L ForGFOA Office Use (MY Check Amount:
Pas, oS 6
Section I: Government Information (Continued):
8. To support the GFOA's recommended practice titled Using Websites to Improve Access to Budget Documents and
Financial Reports`, the GFOA will provide a link to CAFRs that are available on a government's website. Does your
entity follow this recommendation and publish its CAFR on its website? ❑x Yes No
If yes, please provide the hyperlink address directly to the CAFR or to a financial information area:
http: /www.
This link will be on the list of award winners of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting that
can be found in the "Awards program" area of GFOA's website, www.gfoa.org.
Section II: Audit Information:
Agency or Firm Name: Indiana State Board of Acounts
Contact name (optional):
Street Address: 302 W. Washington Street
Phone: 317- 232 -2513 E -mail: (required)
City: Indianapolis State: IN Zip Code: 46204
Section III: Fee Calculation:
Please add the amounts from the following financial statements, if applicable:
Total revenues from the governmental funds Statement of revenues, expenditures and
changes in fund balances (exclude other financing sources) 146,242,091
Total expenses (include both operating and nonoperating expenses) from the proprietary funds
(the total for both enterprise and internal service funds) Statement of revenues,
expenses and changes in net assets /fund equity 22,852,775
Total additions for pension (and other employee benefit), investment, and private purpose trust
funds (do not include any amounts for agency funds) from the fiduciary funds Statement of
changes in fiduciary net assets (if total additions are negative, use the total amount of
contributions from all sources) 1,401,254
Program revenues of only discretely presented component units from the government -wide
Statement of Activities (do not include any information for the primary government)
If applicable, total revenues reported for discretely presented component units and not- for profit
organizations reported on a separate operating statement(s) or statement(s) of activity (NOTE: this
item is only applicable in situations where a organization that appropriately follows other
than GASB standards is included as part of the financial reporting entity)
TOTAL 170,496,120
If you have not already paid for this review, please include a check payable to the GFOA with this application form or provide
the following information if you wish to pay by credit card:
Credit card type: Account number: Expiration date (mandatory):
Signature (mandatory):
Use the following schedule to determine the appropriate fee based on the TOTAL calculated above. Member rates apply if a
government joins GFOA at the time of their submission (in this case indicate below that the government is a GFOA member).
TOTAL GFOA Member Nonmember
Under $1 million $275 $550
$1 -10 million $350 $700
$10 -50 million $415 $830
$50 -100 million $480 $960
$100 -250 million $550 $1,100
$250 -500 million $690 $1,380
$500 -750 million $825 $1,650
$750 million $1 billion $965 $1,930
Over $1 billion $1,045 $2,090
GFOA Member? Yes 0 No If yes, please provide the exact name of the government as it is
used for membership purposes:
What is your government's GFOA membership number (please note that this is not your state GFOA membership
number)? 36543001
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Please refer to the recommended practices area of the GFOA's website, www.gfoa.org for the full text of the recommendation
including the suggested guidelines a government should follow when it presents its CAFR on its website.
Name of government: City of Carmel, Indiana
(as a reference for SRC reviewers)
Section IV: Fund Information:
Indicate below how many individual funds of each generic fund type for which the primary government reports operations
:I and /or balances (including the funds of blended component units and component units that are fiduciary in nature) and
how many discretely presented component units the government -wide statements report at year end. Also, indicate the
number of individual funds of each generic fund type with legally adopted annual budgets. NOTE: The information
provided below should be based on the funds it reports in the CAFR and not the number of funds that are included in the
government's accounting system.
Number of Funds and Number of Funds with
Discretely Presented Legally Adopted
Fund Type Component Units Annual Budgets
Primary Government:
General 1 1
Special Revenue 23 2
Debt Service 5 2
Capital Project 3
Permanent -0- -0-
Enterprise 2 -0-
Internal Service 1 -0-
Pension Trust 2 -0-
Investment Trust -0- -0-
Private- purpose Trust -0- -0-
Agency 1 1
Discretely Presented Component Units:
Governmental entities -0- N/A
Other (e.g., nongovernmental entities
following the commercial or not for -profit model) -0- N/A
Section V: Pension and Other Postemployent Benefits Information:
Indicate below the individual pension and otherpostemployment benefit plans (benefit plans) in which the government
participates or with which it is otherwise connected (e.g., contributions made on behalf of employees by another government)
and indicate the type of plan (see GASB Statement 27, Para. 8, 19, 25, and 28 for guidance and GASB Statement 45, Para. 11,
22, 29, and 32 Also, indicate by answering yes or no, whether the government includes a pension (and other employee
benefit) trust fund in its CAFR to report individual benefit plans. For the separate report of a Public Employee Benefit System
list the individual benefit plans reported by the system.
Reported as
Multiple Special a pension
Employer Defined Single Funding (and other
Benefit Plans Employer Situations employee
Cost Defined Defined (GASBS 27, benefit)
Benefit Plan Sharin Agent Benefit Plans Contribution Paraeraph 28) Trust Fund?
a Public Employee Retirement Fund x No
b) 1925 Police Offiers' x Yes
c 1937 Firefighters' x Yes
d) 1977 Police Officers' and Firefighters' x No
Page 3 of 6
Section VI: Displav and Disclosure Questions:
Please answer each of the following questions. Your answers will assist the SRC in determining whether the item addressed by
the question is properly displayed or disclosed in the CAFR. Comments and suggestions for improvement will be issued to
your government unit if discrepancies are noted between the information presented in the CAFR and the answers to these
questions. (Note: The following questions are in order by when a question relating to the topic first appears on the General
i Purpose Checklist).
All Questions are Applicable to Material Items Only
Yes No N/A
1. Has an obligating event occurred (e.g., the government is in violation of a pollution related permit
or license or the government is named, or has evidence that indicates that it will be named, by a
regulator as a responsible party or potentially responsible party for pollution remediation) that
requires the government to attempt to accrue a pollution remediation obligation? x
2. Does the government unit have any debt that is being repaid by special assessments? If yes: x
a. Is the government unit obligated in some manner for all or a portion of the debt? x
b. is the government unit not obligated in any manner for the debt? x
3. Did the government unit engage in securities lending transactions during the year? x
4. During the year, did the primary government unit engage in any refunding(s)
of debt that resulted in the defeasance or redemption of debt? If yes,
a. Did the transaction(s) take place in a fund that uses governmental fund accounting? x
b. Did the transaction(s) take place in a fund that uses proprietary fund accounting? x
5. Is the government retaining risk (i.e., "self-insurance")? x
6. Does the government unit own or operate a municipal solid waste landfill where it is required
by federal, state, or local law or regulation to incur closure and postclosure care costs? x
7. Is the government unit included in the reporting entity of another governmental unit (e.g., as
a department, enterprise fund, fiduciary fund, or component unit)? If so:
a. Is this government unit reported in one or more separate funds within the primary x
b. Is this government unit reported as a discretely presented component unit in the primary
government's CAFR?
8. As of the end of the fiscal period, did the government have uninsured deposits that were
1) uncollateralized, 2) collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution, or
3) collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution's trust department or
agent but not in the depositor government's name?
9. As of the end of the fiscal period, did the government have investments evidenced by securities
that were neither insured nor registered and that were held by either 1) the counterparty,
2) the counterparty's trust department or agent but not in the government's name?
10. As of the end of the fiscal period, is the government party to a derivative that is not reported
at fair value on the face of the financial statements?
11. Did any significant subsequent events occur after the balance sheet date (e.g., debt issuances
or settlements of litigation)?
12. Has the government unit violated any finance- related legal or contractual provisions? x
13. is the government unit a lessee in an operating lease? If so, x
a. Are any of the agreements noncancelable? x
b. Do any of the agreements have scheduled rent increases? x
14. Is the government unit a lessor in an operating lease? If so, x
a. Are any of the agreements noncancelable? x
b. Do any of the agreements have scheduled rent increases? x
Page 4 of'6
Section VI: Display and biselosure Questions (Continued):
Yes No N/A
15. Does the government unit have any construction commitments outstanding at year end?
16. Did the government engage in short -term debt activity during the year (e.g., anticipation
notes, use of lines of credit), even if no short-term debt was outstanding at the beginning or x
end of the year?
17. Did the government unit engage in transactions with any related parties?
18. Is the government unit a participant in one or more joint ventures? If yes:
a. does this government unit have an equity interest in the joint venture that it reports in:
1. Governmental funds?
2. Proprietary funds? x
19. Does the government unit pay all or a portion of the cost of postemployment benefits other than x
pension benefits (OPEB) for employees? If yes:
a. Are the OPEB provided through a pension plan? If yes:
b. Are any OPEB healthcare benefits provided through a pension plan that is reported as a x
pension trust fund by this government?
20. Has another entity made on- behalf payments for fringe benefits and salaries (e.g., pension
contributions, health and life insurance premiums, Medicare Part D payments from the Federal
government for prescription drug coverage, and salary supplements) to a third party recipient x
for the government unit's employees? If yes,
a. Were any of the on- behalf payments for salaries?
b. Were any of the on- behalf payments for fringe benefits? If yes, please indicate the type of
fringe benefits: N/A
21. Has the government issued debt in its name for which it is not liable in any manner (i.e., conduit or x
no commitment debt) and where the debt is not reported as a liability in the financial statements?
22. Does the government report amounts relating to an obligation for termination benefits that it x
incurred as a result of either voluntary or involuntary terminations? If so,
a. Did the government incur an obligation during the current period?
b. Did the government report a liability at the end of the current period for an obligation that it
incurred during a previous period?
23. Does the government report outstanding debt that it secures by a pledge of revenues? If yes: x
a. Do the pledged revenues directly collateralize or secure debt of the pledging government?
b. Do the pledged revenues directly /indirectly collateralize or secure debt of a component unit? x
24. During the fiscal year did the government enter into a transaction that qualifies as a sale of a x
future revenue stream?
25. If blended component units are included in the financial reporting entity, has the government unit
reported the fund(s) of the blended component unit separate from the funds of the primary
government (i.e., has the government unit refrained from including any fund(s) of the blended x
component unit in a fund with activities of the primary government)?
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Section VI: Dispiav andbisclosure Questions (Continued):
Yes No N/A
26. Describe, in detail, your government unit's legal level of budgetary control (generally, this is the level at which the
government unit's management may not reallocate appropriations without the approval of the governing body). Include
examples of the legal level, as necessary, to provide clarification (e.g., departments include finance, police, fire, etc. or the
object of expenditures level is salaries, supplies, etc.).
The legal level of budgetary control is by object or department within the fund for the General Fund, and by
object within the fund for all other budgeted funds. The County's management cannot transfer budgeted
appropriations between object classifications of a budget without approval of the County Council. Any revisions
to the appropriations for any fund or any department of the General Fund must be approved by the County
Council and, in some instances, by the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance.
a. If the government unit does not demonstrate compliance at the legal level of budgetary control
within the CAFR, is a separate report issued that does so? If yes, one copy of that report must
be included as part of the submission packet. Please note that the annual budget document
itself is not adequate for this purpose as it does not demonstrate compliance. x
Section VII: Authorization:
With this application form we are officially requesting that the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial
Reportin ram review our CAFR. We agree to comply with the policies and procedures of the program.
(Signature of official requesting revie (Date)
The following list is provided to he t e government ensure the completeness of its submission:
Qx Did you include three copies of the application?
n Did you include three copies of the CAFR (either a hard copies or on CDs), unless you are
requesting that we review a document posted at your website?
❑x Did you include three copies of responses to prior year comments (applies only if the CAFR was
submitted to the program and eligible for the award in the immediate prior year)?
Did you provide payment (e.g., by a check or credit card) for the amount of the appropriate fee?
Qx If applicable, did you include a copy of the separately issued budget report that demonstrates legal
compliance at the legal level of budgetary control (See Section VI, questions 26 and 26a)?
❑x If not postmarked or e- mailed within six months of the government unit's fiscal year end (if that
date falls on a weekend or holiday the deadline is extended until the next business day), was an
extension requested and approved?
Mail all necessary items to: Government Finance Officers Association
Certificate of Achievement Program
203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2700
Chicago, IL 60601
Page 6 of 6
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995)
.An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Purchase Order No.
Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s))
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6.
Clerk- Treasurer
r7 r, A Z
�o 5 jj U Sal s� 70
i IL
Board Members
DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the
materials or services itemized thereon for
which charge is made were ordered and
received except
i ture-
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund