HomeMy WebLinkAbout157073 03/05/2008 c CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 319510 Page 1 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAINGER INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 804572097 CHECK AMOUNT: $1,375.10 PALATINE IL 60038 -0001 s� CHECK NUMBER: 157073 CHECK DATE: 315/2008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUM INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRI 2201 4350080 9492521993 207.96 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 2201 4350080 9556065341 399.36 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS Y 2201 4350080 9556065358 265.95 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 1125 4238900 9557617348 23.86 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES 1125 4238000 9560628803 49.02 SMALL TOOLS MINOR E 1125 4238000 9561468324 34.12 SMALL TOOLS MINOR E :1205 4238900 9563500561 36.36 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES 1205 4238900 9563690461 42.59 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES 651 5023990 9565071579 19.23 MATERIALS SUPPLIES `x`1110 4238900 9568540828 32.04 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES 2201 4350080 9569322473 159.57 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 2201 4350080 9569322481 27.68 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 651 5023990 9571499244 22.08 MATERIALS SUPPLIES CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 319510 Page 2 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAINGER INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 804572097 CHECK AMOUNT: $1,375.10 +y'+ PALATINE IL 60038 -0001 CHECK NUMBER: 157073 CHECK DATE: 315/2008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 9572315753 43.34 7202.06. 651 5023990 9574603883 11.94 MATERIALS SUPPLIES 1GRAZGER PAGE 1 OF 1 <r GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 804513497 INVOICE NUMBER 9568540828 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 02/14/2008 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 03/15/2008 AMOUNT DUE 32.04 SHIP TO PO NUMBER: ROBERT CARMEL POLICE DEPARTMENT CALLER: ROBERT ROBINSON 3 CIVIC SQ CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2500 CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 DELIVERY NUMBER: 6064714223 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2005 00038907 1 MB 0360 CARMEL POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 038907 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317- 842 -2497 IK399 LAMP,65R /SP /MI -1,65 W 12 2.67 32.04 MANUFACTURER 65R /SP /MI -1 NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT. 1.80 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 32.04 DATE SHIPPED. 02/14/2008 PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. A„ g90UPdT DUE 32.04 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ,r ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER a CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Grainger Purchase Order No. Dept 804513497 Terms Palatine, IL 60038 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 2/14/08 956854082E payment for light bulbs 32.04 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 G rainger IN SUM OF Dept 804513497 Palatine, IL 60038 32.04 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR p olice general fund Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1110 9568540828 389 32.04 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except February 21 2008 Signature Chief of Police Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund r PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAZNGER® GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9571499244 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 02/19/2008 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 03/20/2008 AMOUNT DUE 22.08 SHIP TO PO NUMBER: JEFF CARMEL WASTEWATER CALLER: JEFF COOPER 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 DELIVERY NUMBER: 6065130592 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2005 00040099 1 MB 0360 CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE110 CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 040099 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS 114VOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877 202 -2594 1-1. 0 11 Imil, 1, -11111 i Immi 5RV01 STRAINER,IN LINE 6 3.68 22.08 MANUFACTURER 5RV01 NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 0.60 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 22.08 DATE SHIPPED: 02/1912008 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: 1Z6533410371242502 DA' MEN EF S n ET 3r r.nsir Y T T .9A .J D P.,Y TI IIS INVOICE NO S T ATE TENT SENT PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 22.08 s s....::;: r:: SALES, FREIGHT AND WARRANTY TERMS AND CONDITIONS Wholesale Only. Grainger sells produals for burs use to udsfomers ,a;h busins, i,lwh':catmn. Identification instead o t tough the s^hedu:e Federal customers are advised that open market purchases are NOT GSA Scdadoie requiieL ri a. austcrr's Possessioi of or access to. and C r�uicer catalog- rtes urn of v itthsiles does not consti- mucFeseS. By pumhasrig an; stern on the open market, customer represents that it has aulhdnt, to ll eke such tote the nghl to pinchase `nom WW Giaingei_ Inc (Grainger) Gra r oar reserves the right to correct publishing errors. purchase and has eemgheri .:_tn all app table procurement r gutations. Ail references herein to the :ern; 'products' stall include set: =ices pro by Ganger. Electronic and Photographic Cleaning Fluids Customers. 11 is a violation of federal law to sell, distribute, or offer to Prices. Price ,fisted are o olesrl, do net in, lude fr=ight I :idling fees, or taxes ard:oi dude.:, and are subject to sell or distributc any cNorofluorocarl—n or aerosol hydricchlo'cift mocarbon containing cleaning hold for electronic correction or ch,3 rte it•aui 0 :Aarket S T 1 -3,11mod t, acnl� tvill be priced accoic'mg to current ma; itat and pholograuhic equi ;rent to anyone is not a commercial user of this product. The penally for rviolating tho ri condiben& hibjhon can he up to .525.000 per sale. Individuals purchasing such clarinets must present proof of their commareiai Sales Tax. Custoir, il c It t ;r t ,I al a, I !des a; for pro,rcino a solid ,tins tax s.., rnpticr eeddicate status in accorda nce r ,n 40 CFR 82 63(a' or fcj. Payment Terms. G r t =,r In er, i Visa hlasterCarci, and American Express For customers A' Commerciol User defined in the regulation, means a person that uses the product in the purchasers rosiness tvdh r 'll In o :t std cot -r: iciris ale 30 r ys f or; the date of shipment m pack: up Amicipatior and or sets it to another person and has one of the following identification numbers: Federal employer identification mm- cash dl, ;oat nls are tot a h..vea Fit, r "ride ray b,. ,,.,lest ipeaa- .pur< paym„ n, terms and conditions A pay- Thai State Sales tax t —motion number Local business license number: Government contract number. Tents nnast he ir U S o,!:ais wr!gn, ;hao lla,c d I right of setoff and deduction :cr an satins owed. If Customer Refrigerant Customers Ef`echve November 14. 1994 in accordance v;i:h the Federal Clean Air A ct. sale of Class t ds to man",. ;a Inn nn that ur r,- mar c el ShL arnents coal such payrre2t is made, or mars, at (CFCs and Class 2 iriG� i rein icarant t,:P be restn.:ed to resale p,irchases ardor to Certified professional service ;air— its oPticc, ease all of an! I i, i.F oed order mcians. To r un t ase regulated reIt galra,t p oduc s all customers nnusf prpsent a ciertifleahu:i cicord or sign a ,,ae,ment Credit Balance. Ciisho r e: gie,,, slat To; :..d t ht. apses sired be apicl;ed Iiethm one (11 year e` Is Issuance. of resale to complete the purchase IF NO OR REQUESTED CVITHIG ONE ;,i YEAR, ANY BALANCE RENIAtNING WILL BE SUB.iECT TO Sourced Product. Grainger may p o. u e piorrwct not available through the Grainger Catalog so aatlable on CANCEI-LATICIN. AND GRAINGF.f S `.ALL 'HAVE NO FUR7htP IAL'iILiTY. wtx..grnngercom for a customer ho r, filter sources ,S1 arced PoduCfj. Grainger :esertt.- ;I e right rdacceF c ,ij.ct Freight Policy and Shipping Charges. Products are shipl i 0 -B shipping point v din freight costs and handling `aes any request or order. Sourced Product is priced according to current market conditions tar spot buy situat ons an a paid by r ,i ige and ch_ ged to In:. cr h mn Ordt rs Two S 500 i any bark, -dads) are shipped ireiCt�t free. per order b t ns Sourced Product Is s upped FOB shipping pdr :anih freight and handling lees paid by Grainger and C 0 D shipments are not perinhteri Other terms and conditmns may apply for height so lect. export orders hazardous charged to tri Shipment, to orations Plods of Ire irguous United States are the responsibilriv of the fnaler ais. sires( handling or shipments outside the corug_ ous United States. Any extra charges incurred for addr customer. Any charges for additiona such as hazardous materials. customers carriar. premium freight or atonal s_nir,s such as cestomti s Tamer or spec t InInd=Ing, by the carrier, must be Said by the customer. Title and special handling are pad by customer, A Returned Goods Au'horzmion (RGA) must be Issued by Grainger prior to risk of loss pass to line customer upon tender it shipment to the carrier If product c dar arl in transit, costcnel returning any Sourced Product A restocking to may apoki to ar 1V returned Sourced Pmc Special manufactured must hle claim With the earner. and custain engineered products are sold on a "FINAL SALE' oasis only and no changes, cancellations returns, refunds. or credits are allov;ed. GRAINGIER S STANDARD WARRANTY TERMS AS SET FORTH ABOVE DO NOT APPLY GRAINGER LIMITED WARRANTY TO SOURCED PRODUCT. GR :TIGER, TO THE FUj1EST EXTENT PERMITTED PASSES THP.DUGH TG CUSTOMER ANY LIMITED WARRANTY. A L PROD(I .T5 SOLD ARE ^JARRAFJTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR RESALE, AttJD AL I. 10ANJUFAC T!;RER AIND SUPPLIER PRODUCT WA.RRANIITS. USE B o5 OR ORI ;Ill EOUIPMENT MAN. tr,CTURE AGA;NST DEFECTS IN 4 ORKMyyJSRIP DR MATIR ALS ADDITIONAL TERMS MDEri till vir.i. (Sf: FOR ONE ,R At 'IIf DAs._ OE PUf C. ASE FHON1 GRAINGL F A J't' P.RODUC'T DFTtR NFl) BY GRA W'LR "G BE DEFECTIVE IN MATERIAL OR 'IVOR KFAANSH I P AND RETURNED TO A GRAINGER BRANCH OR Force Maleure Urairdl shah not he iabl for a i do ev in or i rpanmenf of pittiololanoe sus trig iii ..r .,,n .n ,I part !-C -.D SET VICE _OCAl.,rd, AS GRAINGER DESN ES. SHIPPIFJ`�CO•-TS PRE IL PRPAID W' mE -F `rr•^ran; ,I,( ri,l =;sire;,.. .r °i ,u. ^,1 c,teri fc <tsr,.,,.., -a GA >r`o i n Crt,. tri IT 11(frAYT FEPAiR6u Hf i LP,CEi).OP Al C,R irJhER S OPT ION, i HE 1 tARCHASE FHUCE REFUNDLD. p =ie cl..u, is or ia.. n e ;,Is sere ..taVier cor.itions, or a nJ usher ei emstances or cause oz!. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. NO WARRANT' Ors AFFIRM ION OF FACT EXPRESS OR (IMPLIED. OTHER THAN AS S'.CT e' ;ntro i ic.)er n the conduct it husiress FORTH !it! THE 1-11 WARRANTY STATEMENT ABOVE IS MADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER. GRAINGER Product Substitution. PlgduU3 dray be substituted and may riot always exactly .Hatch catalog descriptions and or i ISCLr' %IS ANY LIABILITY FOR R')DUCT DEFECT CLAIMS THAT ARE DUE TO f OOUCT MISUSE IMPRAPEI1 images PRODUCT SELECTION OR MISAPPLICATION, AND ANY OESCRjPlON DOES NOT EXPRESS OR IMPLY A WARRANTY Cancellation. Any cancellation must be approved by Grainger, and may be subject to restocking and other charges. THAT THE PRODUCTS ARE MERCHANTABLE DR FIT FOR A PARTIGULAP, PURPOSE Product Return. Cad your locai branch or instructions. Proof of purchase is required. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. AN`• L BIL:T FOR CONSEQUE IAL !NCIDENTA SPELL 1L EXEMPLARY OR PUNITIVE Availability. Certain prod lets may n be ava far sale in at ens. DAMAGES IS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED GRAINGER S LIAa LIaY IN ALL EVENTS IS LIMITED T0, AMID SHALL NOT EXCEED THr i :;RCHicSt PRICE PAID OR THE PRODUCT AT G? ;ES RISE'0 1tJ. _IABILiTY. Assignment. Customer strap not assjni any over or am .ntaiest therein .without the prior inter consent of Grainger 1n, actual or ten l a,t assignment !iI :old Gra riders priors ripen consent shall entitle Grainger to cancel sLch oiler Manufacturers Warranty. For ,rT.aur,ia on I vv nanlips please court-,,r y our ocal branch or c upon notice tc cu. tom., Customer Care at 1-888-361-864 Electronic Data Interchange, IF Grainger and customer have nU a II: ti.grited to use n Eh c dart' D i[ ia..•cnar :ge Prompt Disposition. Grainger ill flake a go od fT: h effort to viol npt correction or o•n radios inert with respect to ([-[)I) systern to facilitate purchase ar f sale ira.nsacnon, cu,to.m_r agree, that will nor contest ,.i at' csnna.,: of any p cdlict twitch proves Ld be Bete( five iihi n •.,array period Befwe turmn, any pnaduct wr;te or call file sale resuWng trom art EDI transachoo under the provisions of air; law relating to whether agreements must oe in ,"t Graung, h ;aiuh from t :hrh the p Ct'—.s purenased or contact C..istomei Gare at 1- 888 361 -8649. giving (!ate and Irg or signed by the party to be bound `hereby. or (n; the adnil of copies at EDI records miter the nusiness numb cf ongmai invoice. and rielscfrmg defect records exci.,tron to the hearsay tine. the hest evidence rule or any other Similar role, on the bass that s,i, F iet,ords Product Suitability. Nlan states.: d lar iiib's have codes and regulations governing sales• construction: insulation. were not o kyiated or Unalrtained in documentary form. Grainger and customer rtTl rel and agree 0;1 Lechnical and or Lou of prod ICS fn -t•rtaln [ium'ApS ";filch may Vary prom nose in neighboring areas, While Grainger attempts standards al!d nledif ris to use fit making ED' purchases, and will use reasonable aacwey procedures t0 pro.ect EDI to aSSUM 01,31 1:5 rioducts Conic;, "rh ,ash codes. t cannot uaarantee compliance, and cannot be responsible for hots records (roan Improper access. The business records maintained by Grainger regarding EDI purchases lade b, tha pI„ Jac, is lista led or used Bp .,re purchase and use cut a product please re.•tt the product appllcaticl and customer _i )vii be controlling national and tonal codes and regclatmns, t=o be su!e that the product. installation. and use will comply :vall them. Modification of Terms. Grairgei's acceptance of any order is subject to customer's assent to all of the terms and No Warranties to Consumers. C iiingei makes rig warrant:,- to those cidi ned as consumers ;n the Magmison Moss conditions se- firth In Gra!nger's ackotA and customer's assent to these terms and conditions shall be, Afarram Federal Tiade Comnnssion Inimoiairl Act presumed flan customers receipt of Giaingers acknowledgment, or from customer's acceptance o` all or any part of PRODUCT INFORMATION the goods or e rvices orderer No 1 or modification of terms and conditions shall be binding upon Gram e; uness agreed to by G ainger in runt r g If a purchase order o then curl sponderce co ntain s ms o conditions OSHA Hazardous Substance. Materia Safety Data Sheets s ^'SDSi for OSHA defined n ardogs subsiznces ate pre- contrary to Iii terms and conditions u0niained it Grainger's icknov.dedgme it Gra'.offer s t..epta.l.z of a n; .;rder _tali pared and s ippiled by _namufaetu ors The Information all recornmenclarons contained on the MSDS are believed by not be construed as assent to any additional to =ms and Cdndii o i_, nor will that Ccnstitata a waiver by G•airger of aer G :ins to he ,c cu re. bra rgc a �ei ma kes saes n, ,tar n Ps dish respect to the ai uracy of the information or the, of the terms and c,Ptditions contained In Grainger s acknowledgment. _urea: of t lLon r r .n, u r ci r solel rr poI s,ble for any re lance or, or use of any information. and Jer U e c app :.:...ion it aria el G ..i soar rt sea :ms an, and all habiliFy to arty :sew Materials of Trade. Customer represents that if It is purcha i.ng goods a Its 'an ;tern tr1d s der m •rl it Lire -••n r c river concerning r�.i i s. Hazardous Miatenais Re gulations in T e 49 of the Code of Fed dal uegUl` inns. :flat the) ds !I be .d _n d r :f California Proposition 65 'I' S it iL.., a e ,ones th at c. r in tarn rig.. he g e i c dr c,rmng products subject support of Iu business, witch is not transportation, are that such goods sad not be resold or Ira °s.., r c n: ve.ucH :i P Ko ic. 35 ro a i ,r 'n a 0 or 0 s, Jo. the fo lowing warning, apphy, othet that orv)ol bd itself a `V rig i o U t r S r to trio S ire of Ca fornr<t to cause sance; i,J„ g !du..., ,r ,air tI i_.: oottir .o Ina Sate of California to cause I.irth defects or other Waiver. Choice of Law and Venue. ire failure of eithei Party t o asset t a right h. mdr to insist again e n?pi! IcD, t sir :,nth aru arm o cond Ion t II not roil finite a ttai der of tin ri,dht or e. (use any subsequiono n r to .rnianre ;.ASDS i d a Iis of Fr :,con pr.., cis •e a. iable your I jai Grainger branuo by correcting Gramgai, Dept. ariv such term or condition ify the orier par:; Air tr reactions Ih II I,2 cin ernes hv We ay.s of me Scat of jil to s B2 KCc. 100 G.ainne ?a• ray -,,e reresf IL 600:5 -5201 U.S.A. or by caFing 1-8417- 535-1313. erciuding conflict of Ia.t rules. and :.drill, she be in Cook Cou !try, State o Important Notice to Federal Customers Re: Country of Origin. While p cducts listed on GSA Advantage tr.el the No Third Party Benefit fin ruvislcr: stated a o re for 1 '.0 rim° banaht of the pdr le.; tiered corer rd rents requlrenlents of the Trade Agre if rs Act i 'TAA( as Impl named but FAR Part 25, other products may our nee: these hei' is or clams .illo any oerson c tit t rid, a pa I; here,,. red.uirements. Grainger „u ad•.r., cUni or "ter pruppi v flemlfyiq themselves is klhoi red SCheduie Purchasers al Complete Agreement. The to -ms and conditions In Gra' gar's fo Iris, ackner :leciga eats, qudtabons invoices :,ebsnes. the fl nu vi purrhalr, t l Jtngi an ,�m I: TAA rnmpliant' Customers sceki 1; to pat c"< nmi -TAA tiers Will line given and raiait „ales turns and Condtons are uacorpon.t:,d hereir oy reference, and con.,f Mite the entire and exclusrde the opoo tun r; to purenase an .lie i a. .r arm a to p•irot the :or TAA t -norm through an "open market' purchase agreeitu it ,aiv :den customer and G winger 2Sd93 1 Ciul I GRAZNGE PAGE 1 OF 1 111A GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9572315753 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 02/20/2008 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 03/21/2008 AMOUNT DUE 43.34 SHIP TO PO NUMBER: ]OE CARMEL WASTEWATER CALLER: ROBBIE KINKEAD 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 DELIVERY NUMBER: 6065234422 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2005 00040093 1 MB 0360 IIIIII V III II III II III II III V III II III II III II III IIIIIIItIIIIIIII CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE110 CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 040093 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317- 842 -2497 •o 2E817 THERMOSTAT 1 43.34 43.34 MANUFACTURER KT -121B NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 1.70 INVOICE SUBTOTAL 4334 DATE SHIPPED: 02/20/2008 PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 43.34 VOUCHER 077372 WARRANT ALLOWED 351533 IN SUM OF GRAINGER INC fJEPT. 804572097 PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code n 9565071579 01- 7202 -06 $19.23 c�5 ?231 53 o1.72o2.o6 43.34 g5714jj;,1 01•"1202.06 22.0' 8Y 65 Voucher Total 23 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351533 GRAINGER INC Purchase Order No. DEPT. 804572097 Terms PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Due Date 2/20/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/20/2008 9565071579 $19.23 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and 3orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 n Date Officer 02/25/08 10:43 FAX 888 805 8832 GRAINGER 16 002 i PAGE1 OF 1 fill GRAINGER, INVOICE COPY GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUM IR 804491322 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 462 25 6 -1 01 7 9210 CORPORATION INVOICENUMBER 9492521993 5 INVOICE DATE 1110112007 DUE DATE 12101/2007 SHIPTO AMOUNT DUE $207.96 CITY OF CARMEL PO NUMBER JAMES BENTLEY 760 3RD AVESW STE 110 DEPARTMENT NUMBER STREET CARMEI IN 48032 -0000 PROJECT NUMSM TRUCK 57 CALLER JAMES BENTLEY CUSTOMER PHONE 3175712443 DELIVERY NUMBER: 8056061485 INGO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS STATION 300 CC BLDG THANK YOU! INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 -0000 FB NUMBER 38- 1160280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS 1NV OICE OR AGG W NT CALL 311.842 PO ITEM DESCRIFiION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINES O RO ERED 1A031 Core /Coil Ballast Kit 4 51.99 207.96 MANUFACTURIER 71 A8071 001 D NUMBEROFPKGS: WEIGHT: INVOICESUBTOTAL 207.96 DATE SHIPPED: 11101 X2007 CARRIER TRACKING NO: PAYMENTTERMB Ne130 days -PAY THI INVOICE NO STATEmENT SENT. PAYA13LEIN U-S. OQUARS_ AMOUNT DUE $207.96 02/25/08 11:25 FAX 888 805 88 GRA 002 GJMZNCZJZO PAGE1 OF 1 d1�V(JICE COPY 1111 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 8044 ®1322 9556065341 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICENUMBIER INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46256 -1017 INVOICE DATE 0 DUE DATE 022/291/2912-06 2008 SH IP TO AMOUNT DUE $399.36 CITY OF CARMEL STREE=T DEFT PO NUMBER TRUCK.57 760 3RD AVESW STE110 CALLER JAMESB94TLY CARMEL IN 46032.0 0DO CUSTOMER PHONE 3175712443 DEJVERY NUMBER: 0063047981 INCOTERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS THANK YOU! STATION 300 CC SLOG INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 -0000 FO NUMB 39- 1159280 FOR QUESTIONS AUQUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 517 842.2497 PO ITEM# i)ESCPJFTIQN QUANTITY BACK UNIT PMCE TOTAL ORDERED uNEt/ 4V550 Lamp,Mvr175 /U 24 16.64 399.38 MANUFACTURER# MVR175 /U NUMBER OFPKGS: WEIGHT; 4.000 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 399.36 DATE SHIPPED: 0112812008 CARRIER TRACKING NO: PAYMENTTEWSNP130d- Yz- PAYTH15INVOICENOSTATFMWTSENT .PAYABLEINU.S.DOLW1S AMOUNTOUE $399.36 02/251 11:26 FAX 888 805 8832 GRAI 003 PAGE1 OF 1 INVOICE COPY GRA 804491322 INGERACCOUNTNUMBER 8556085358 9210 CORPOR ION D D17 INVOICENUMBER 01 13 0 120 0 8 1NVOICEDATE D2/2g/2008 DUE DATE $265.95 SHIPTO AMOUNT DUE CITY OF GARMEL STr DEPT GA NUMBER TRUCK M 760 3RD AVE SW 5TE110 CALLER 3175712443 Y CARMELIN 46032 -0000 CUSTOMERPNONE DELIVERY NUMBER; F08 N INCO THZM S: BILL TO C ITY TATION 300 CC BLDIG THANK YOUI INDIANAPOLIS IN 45204 -0000 rn xuMoErt 36-11502,10 FOR QUESTIONS AaOUT THIS INVOICHORACCOUHT CAI- l3!7-11/a -2497 P't) ITEM DE5cwPYlON QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL uNE# ORDERED 2V712 Lamp,MvF2501 2250 W 15 17.73 265.95 MANUFACTURt MVR250 /U NUMBER OFPKGS; WOGKT:fi -t)00 INVOICESUBTOTAL 265.95 OAT E SH IPPEDI 011291200B CARRIER TRACKING NO: PAYMENT TEAMS Net 30 days- PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATENQdT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLAF5 AMOUNTDUP $265,9 02/25 11:26 FAX 888 805 8832 GRAINGER 1� 004 G RANGER PAGF -1 OF 1 1NVDICF COPY 80449132 1 111. GRAINGERACCOUNT NUMBER 9569322473 9210 CORPORATION OR INVOICE NUMBER 02115/2008 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256.1017 INVOICEDATE 03/16/2008 DUE DATE $159.57 AMOUNT DUE SHIP TO p0 NUMBER TRUCK 57 CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT CALLER JAMES BENTLY 760 3RD AVESW 5TE110 CUSTOMERPHONE 3175712443 CARMEL IN 46032 0000 DELIVERY NUMBER 6063436223 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS THANKYOUI STATION 300 CC BLDG INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 -0000 FB NUMBM 86- 1150280 FOR QU9VTION3 ABOUT TH15 INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317 -042 -2497 po ITEM DFSCWPTION gUANT T7Y BACK UNIT PRICE 7159.57 O��ID UNEN 17,73 2V712 Lamp.Mvr150 /U,250 W 9 MANUFACTURER# MVR7250 /U NUMBER OF PKGS: WEIGHT: 3.600 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 159.57 DATESHIPPED' 0113112008 CARRIER TRACKING NO: PAY IeNT TFRM3 Net 30 days -PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLEIN U.S. DDU.ARS, IAM $.159.57 02/25/08 11:26 FAX 888 805 8832 GRAINGER 0 005 INGERA PAGE1 OF 1 1lYVO10E COPY j 11®/ GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 804391322 9569322481 9210 CORPORATION OR- INVOICENUMBER INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46255 -1017 INVOICE DATE 02/1512008 03/1 6/2008 DUE DATE $27'68 SHIP TO AMOUNT DUE CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT PO NUM9ER TRUCK57 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 CALLER JAMES BENTLEY CARMEL IN 46032.0000 CUSTOMERPHONE 3175712443 DELIVERY NUMBER 5064850233 INCO TERMS; FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS STATION 300 CC BLDG THANK YOU! INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 -0000 FU NUMEM 36- 1150900 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 3117.842-2497 po ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNFT PRICE TOTAL LINE ORD6i® 2A426 Soft Carrying Case 1 27.68 27,68 MANUFACTURER# C25 NUMBER OFPKGS: wEIGHT:0.400 1NVOICESUSTOTAL 27.68 DATE SHIPPED: 02115/2008 CARRIER TRACKING NO: PAYM24TT9WS Net 30 day PAY TH15 INVOICE NO STATEMENT 5Q4T. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLAfS. AMOUNT DUE $27.68 01 A 1 PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAINGER® GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 /III INVOICE NUMBER 9565071579 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 02/11/2008 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 03/12/2008 AMOUNT DUE 19.23 SHIP TO p PO NUMBER: VERBALJEFF CARMEL WASTEWATER CALLER: JEFF COOPER 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 DELIVERY NUMBER: 6064363284 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2005 00038862 1 MB 0360 CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE110 CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 038862 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877- 202 -2594 p now 7 56Y42 SPRING PIN,SLOT,PK 100 1 11.94 11.94 MANUFACTURER 5BY42 1KLE3 O RING,BUNA N,AS568A 218,RND,PK100 1 7.29 7.29 MANUFACTURER 1KLE3 NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 0.80 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 19.23 DATE SHIPPED: 02/11/2008 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: 1Z6533410320512708 PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 19.23 02/25/08 11:25 FA% 888 805 8832 GRAIN Z001 Fax Cover Sheet lndusgMal Su001y Area Credit Office 23800 Haggerty Rd Farmington Hills, MI 48335 2/25/2008 To: ACCTS PAYABLE Company: CARMEL STREET DEPT Fax: 317- 733 -2005 From: Shan Fortner Phone: 248- 699 -7324 Fax: 248 -699 -7335 800 LINE: 877503 -2360 Urgent E] For Your Review Please Reply Pages including this cover page Comments: LA� p6p-L J QS� III C'r Any Time, Any Place, Any Where 47JUUZ4C -ER -COQ' Please call if you have any questions or if this transmission is difficult to read. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee OLL n Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) X130 08 L G_mRQ 3Q9,3� T r6 0�) u of (0 5 Q� a �5 t1 1 s4,�� Total o Lo C, J I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Oa oal, IN SUM OF rat-, o4 3 I ad ajT a U UCO3 8- ow ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or DEPT INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or gg qv5LiqQ6 600. 0 �0"I,� bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the �i 551 0(a 534 6 00, 8 0 bG cf. 3 materials or services itemized thereon for q 55 53 50p,8C �L1n5. q-6- which charge is made were ordered and q Sbq 511 0 600. 8 0 i Sq 5''1 received except MAR 0 3 2nnR 20 7 Signatur Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund G RAZNGER® PAGE 1 OF 1 0• c GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 111 INVOICE NUMBER 9557617348 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 01/31/2008 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 03/01/2008 AMOUNT DUE 23.86 SHIP TO PO NUMBER: COURTNEY /1)YY1 CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC CALLER: COURTNEY SCHLAEGEL 1427 E 116TH STREET CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -4144 CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 DELIVERY NUMBER: 6063518920 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2005 00040473 1 MB 0360 CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATIONS ADMINIST 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032 040473 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ,ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877 202 -2594 ••e e 11YY1 PAPER PLATES, DISPOSABLE,WHITE,PK250 2 11.93 23.86 MANUFACTURER DIX709902WN ND CEIVFD FEB 0 5 2008 ID SC NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT 824 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 23.86 DATE SHIPPED: 01/3112008 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO 1Z6533410320261748 PAYMENT I ERK NET 30 DAYS PAY TI IIS INVOIC-F NU STATEMENT SENT PAYABLE 11\1 U.S DOLLARS L AMOUNT` DUt 23.36 PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 llil, INVOICE NUMBER 9560628803 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 02/06/2008 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 03/07/2008 AMOUNT DUE 49.02 SHIP TO PO NUMBER: CRAIG CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC CALLER: CRAIG SMITH 1427 E 116TH STREET q 7 OMER PHONE: (317) 848 -7275 CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 CEI E FIERY NUMBER: 6063957290 INCC TERMS: FOB ORIGIN FEB 1 5 2 0 0 8 g� p� BILL TO -�Z(p IL, w g�rC.e._`.eYVED MDG2005 00041742 1 MB 0360 BY.- FEB 1 3 2008 CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATIONS ADMINIST 1411 E 116TH ST BY. CARMEL, IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877- 202 -2594 e o o ••e e 3U680 MOP,LOOPED END,LARGE 3 16.34 49.02 MANUFACTURER A25306BLOO DEPT LINE DESK (YL�wlk NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 4.20 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 49.02 DATE SHIPPED: 02/06/2008 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: 1Z6533410320669219 PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 49.02 R PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 INVOICE NUMBER 9561468324 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 02/06/2008 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 03/07/2008 AMOUNT DUE 34.12 SHIP TO R ECE IVE CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC UMBER: IPL ER: CRAIG SMITH 1427 E 116TH STREET CUS OMER PHONE: (317) 848 -7275 CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 FEB 1 5 2008 DEL VERY NUMBER: 6063893663 TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BY: I C1 ►YJ MD 2005 00041742 1 MB 0360 RECL DP FE B CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATIONS ADMINIST 1411 E 116TH ST U CARMEL, IN 46032 041742 THANK YOU! BY: FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317- 842 -2497 o•o 0 3U680 MOP,LOOPED END,LARGE 1 16.34 16.34 MANUFACTURER A25306BLOO 3U929 HANDLE,MOP,60 IN SIZE 2 8.89 17.78 7 8 MANUFACTURER MH3U929 DEPT LINE DESC i ko� a a" -6w 4r� NUMBER OF PKGS, 0 WEIGHT 5.80 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 34.12 DATE SHIPPED: 02/06/2008 PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS AMOUNT DUE 34.12 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 319510 Grainger Terms Dept 804572097 Date Due Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1/31/08 9557617348 Maintenance supplies 23.86 2/6/08 9560628803 Maintenance supplies 49.02 2/6/08 9561468324 Maintenance supplies 34.12 Total 107.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 319510 Grainger Allowed 20 Dept 804572097 Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 In Sum of$ 107.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #(TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 9557617348 4238900 23.86 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 9560628803 4238000 49.02 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 9561468324 4238000 34.12 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 29 -Jan 2008 Signature 107.00 t Director Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund PAGE 1 OF 1 RAZNGE GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 II INVOICE NUMBER 9574603883 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 02/22/2008 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 03/23/2008 AMOUNT DUE 11.94 SHIP TO PO NUMBER: JEFF/022208 CARMEL WASTEWATER CALLER: JEFF COOPER 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 DELIVERY NUMBER: 6065409300 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2005 00035118 1 MB 0360 CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE110 CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 035118 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877 202 -2594 5RV03 STRAINER,IN LINE 6 1.99 11.94 MANUFACTURER 5RV03 NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 0.60 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 11.94 DATE SHIPPED: 02/22/2008 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: 1Z6533410371568438 I AYN NT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 19.94 VOUCHER 077451 WARRANT ALLOWED 351533 IN SUM OF GRAINGER INC DEPT. 804572097 PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 9574603883 01- 7202 -06 $11.94 e� Voucher Total $11.94 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351533 GRAINGER INC Purchase Order No. DEPT. 804572097 Terms PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Due Date 2/29/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/29/2008 9574603883 $11.94 A I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer PAGE 1 OF 1 ®6 111 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 O INVOICE NUMBER 9563500561 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 02/08/2008 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 03/09/2008 AMOUNT DUE 36.36 SHIP TO PO NUMBER: 019867224 CITY OF CARMEL BOARD OF PUBLIC WO REQUISITIONER: JEFF BARNES ONE CIVIC SQUARE CALLER: JEFF BARNES CARMEL, IN 46032 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2448 DELIVERY NUMBER: 6064200866 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2005 00039918 1 MB 0360 CITY OF CARMEL /BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 039918 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877 202 -2594 777 OP,WET, #16 ,NATURAL 12 3.03 36.36 ANUFACTURER 31.1915 NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 10.80 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 3636 DATE SHIPPED: 02/08/2008 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: 1Z6533410320883095 r'AYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS_ PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. I AMOUNT DUE 36.36 �qb PAGE 1 OF 1 1� GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 INVOICE NUMBER 9563690461 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 02/08/2008 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 03/09/2008 AMOUNT DUE 42.59 SHIP TO C PO NUMBER: GROUNDS CARMEL BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK REQUISITIONER: JASON 1 CIVIC SQ CALLER: JASON FORCE CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2443 DELIVERY NUMBER: 6064065475 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2005 00039918 1 MB 0360 CITY OF CARMEL /BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317- 842 -2497 6X642 HOSE, CHARGING, 36 IN 1 10.19 10.19 MANUFACTURER 803 -MRY 5T153 TAG,5 3/4 X 3 IN,PK25 1 32.40 32.40 MANUFACTURER 65373 NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGHT: 0.60 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 42.59 DATE SHIPPED. 02/07/2008 PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN US DOLLARS I AMOUNT DUE42.59 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Grainger Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) UZ/UO/Udl 90 3500456 1 Mop, Wet, aura 02/08/0 956369 Tag $42.59 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER f`Qjn, 1j() WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 D ep t 804572097 IN SUM OF Palatine, II 60080001 $78.95 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR GENERALFUND 1205 Administration Board Members PO# or DEPT INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 120 63500561 389 $36.36 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 �Si nature,��� Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund