HomeMy WebLinkAbout200345 08/17/2011 a CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 022518 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 3067 CHECK AMOUNT: $6,868.09 STAMFORD CT 06905 -0067 CHECK NUMBER: 200345 CHECK DATE: 8/17/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1192 4350400 27209 32590523 -0 861.50 TREE PLANTING 1192 4350400 27209 32668177 -0 401.09 TREE PLANTING 1192 4350400 27209 32668178 -0 5,285.50 TREE PLANTING 1192 4350400 27209 32713452 -0 320.00 TREE PLANTING 1�31m ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER BARTLETT TREE (EXPERTS 9112931 08/05/2011 32668177 -0 P.O. Box 3067 AMOUNT DUE PAY THIS AMOUNT Stamford, CT 06905 -0067 TEMP-RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Page 1 401.09 401.09 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Bartlett Tree Experts HOME OFFICE STAMFORD, CT Pay by check or money order. DO NOT SEND CASH. THE BARTLETT TREE RESEARCH LABORATORIES 8 EXPERIMENTAL GROUNDS CHARLOTTE, NC N H ®ICE YOUR CHECK NUMBER El Please check box if your address below is incorrect or has TO INSURE PROPER CREDIT PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION changed. Indicate change(s) on reverse side. WITH YOUR PAYMENT. ALL ACCOUNTS NET PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT II IIIIII IIII I'l1lI IIII IIIIII IIII IIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIII 000841 0.8150 MB 0.390 TR00005 BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS City of Carmel P.O. BOX 3067 Department of Community Se STAMFORD, CT 06905 -0067 One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 -2584 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIII 1111111 IIIIIIIII1111111IIIIIII INVOICE NO. AMOUNT DUE 32668177 -0 Work Completed 07/30/2011 401.09 Work at Department of Community S One Civic Square Carmel Grind the stumps on list received 6/27/11 stump located at the community to approximately 6 inches below existing grade. Remove grindings and provide soil and seed. If the notes say no replace then just grind it below grade. If it says replace then it will need to be ground down so a replacement tree can be planted. Please remember that all stump locations are to have topsoil and lawn seed mix added. All trees and stumps are marked with orange paint. I have attached a map to help a little with the general locations. Register for 'Your Account' at www.bartlett.com to see your service history, review work orders more. Also, if you had a good experience with us, let others know by submitting an online review. For details, go to www.bartlett.com /review. Thank you for the opportunity to care for your property. ACCOUNT NUMBER I IC PAY THIS AMOUNT YOUR BARTLETT REPRESENTATIVE IS: V�9 RICK CARTER 9112931 0�P iI 401.09 (317) 879 -1010 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1.5 PER MONTH WHICH IS AN ANNUAL PERCENTAGE OF 18.0 BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS IS ADDED TO ACCOUNTS 30 DAYS AFTER INVOICE DATE. P.O. BOX 3067 RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS STAMFORD, CT 06905 -0067 TREE 110808- 00988 -0001 ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS 9112931 08/05/2011 32590523 -0 P.O. Box 3067 AMOUNT DUE PAY THIS AMOUNT Stamford, CT 06905 -0067 TEMP RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Page 1 861.50 861.50 HOME OFFICE STAMFORD. CT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Bartlett Tree Experts THE BARTLETT TREE RESEARCH LABORATORIES EXPERIMENTAL GROUNDS CHARLOTTE, NC Pay by check or money order. DO NOT SEND CASH. I INVU CE YOUR CHECK NUMBER Please check box if your address below is incorrect or has TO INSURE PROPER CREDIT PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION changed. Indicate change(s) on reverse side. WITH YOUR PAYMENT. ALL ACCOUNTS NET PAYABLE- UPON RECEIPT IIIIIIIIIIIII111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIII IIIIII II II IIIIII III III IIII IIIIIIII IIII II II IIIIIIII IIIIII 000841 0.8150 MB 0.390 TR00005 BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS City of Carmel P.O. BOX 3067 Department of Community Se STAMFORD, CT 06905 -0067 One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 -2584 Il l ll l l l l 1 1111111 Ili 1 1 1 1 1 II (IIII IIII 1111111 IIII 11 111111111 INVOICE NO. AMOUNT DUE 32590523 -0 Work Completed 07/27/2011 861.50 Work at Department of Community S One Civic Square Carmel Grind the stumps on list received 6/9/11 stump located at the community to approximately 6 inches below existing grade. Remove grindings and provide soil and seed. If the notes say no replace then just grind it below grade. If it says replace then it will need to be ground down so a replacement tree can be planted. Please remember that all stump locations are to have topsoil and lawn seed miixadded. All trees and stumps are marked with orange paint. I have a:ttached a f.map to help a little with the general locations. Register for 'Your Account' at www.bartlett.com to see your service history, review work orders more. Also, if you had a good experience with us, let others know by submitting an online review. For details, go to www.bartlett.com /review. Thank you for the opportunity to care for your property. ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE DATE PAY THIS AMOUNT YOUR BARTLETT REPRESENTATIVE IS: RICK CARTER 9112931 08/05/2011 861.50 (317) 879 -1010 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1.5 PER MONTH WHICH IS AN ANNUAL PERCENTAGE OF 18.0 BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS IS ADDED TO ACCOUNTS 30 DAYS AFTER INVOICE DATE. P.O. BOX 3067 RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS STAMFORD, CT 06905 -0067 TREE 0 110808- 00987 -0001 ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS 9112931 07/29/2011 32668176 -0 P.O. Box 3067 Stamford, CT 06905 -0067 AMOUNT DUE PAY THIS AMOUNT T TEMP RETURN SERVICEREDUESTED Page 1 5285.50 5285.50 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Bartlett Tree Experts HOME OFFICE STAMFORD, CT Pay by check or money order. DO NOT SEND CASH. THE BARTLETT TREE RESEARCH LABORATORIES &EXPERIMENTAL GROUNDS CHARLOTTE, NC INVOME YOUR CHECK NUMBER Please check box it your address below is incorrect or has TO INSURE PROPER CREDIT PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION changed. Indicate change(s) on reverse side. WITH YOUR PAYMENT. ALL ACCOUNTS NET PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT I III II IIII IIII II IIIIIIIIIIII�III II'l II IIIIIIIIIIII II II IIIIIIII III II II IIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII1�11II n 000909 0.6200 MB 0.390 TR00005 BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS City of Carmel P.O. BOX 3067 Department of Community Se STAMFORD, CT 06905 -0067 One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 -2584 (IIIIIIII I illllli 1111111 LIII IIIIIIIIIIIILIII (IIII 111111 III -INVOICE-NO: AMOUNT DUE 32668176 -0 Work Completed 07/15/2011 5285.50 Work at Department of Community S One Civic Square Carmel Remove the marked trees on list received 6/27/11 located at the community. Leave stump low- Remove resulting debris. FM LIN OD ?olJ O s Indiana is experiencing dry weather conditions. For trees stressed in last year's drought, weekly watering is recommended. Contact your Arborist Representative if you need assistance. Thank you for the opportunity to care for your property. ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE DATE PAY THIS AMOUNT YOUR BARTLETT REPRESENTATIVE IS: EjlCK CABIFR 9112931 07/29/2011 5285.50 (317) 879 1010 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO A SERVICE CHARGE OF kb PER M ONTH WHICH IS AN ANNUAL PERCENTAGE OF 18 BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS IS ADDED TO ACCOUNTS 30 DAYS AFTER INVOICE DATE. P.O. BOX 3067 RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS STAMFORD, CT 06905 -0067 TREE 110801- 00969 -0001 ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER tt BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS 9112931 08/02/2011 32713452 -0 P.O. Box 3067 AMOUNT DUE PAY THIS AMOUNT Stamford, CT 06905 -0067 TEMP RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Page 1 320.00 320.00 HOME OFFICE STAMFORD, CT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Bartlett Tree Experts THE BARTLETT TREE RESEARCH LABORATORIES &EXPERIMENTAL GROUNDS CHARLOTTE, NC Pay by check or money order DO NOT SEND CASH. INVOICE YOUR CHECK NUMBER Please check box it your address below is incorrect or has TO INSURE PROPER CREDIT PLFASF RETURN THIS PORTION changed. Indicatechange(s) on reverse side. WITH YOUR PAYMENT. ALL ACCOUNTS NET II PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT EE III II II'll�l 111 ltll ll]III1111I1IIII IIIlil I1II I I111111IIII1111 II II1111 FIIIII11II1111 �1III�II II I1111IIIIIIIIIII I111111'IE11'I m 000848 0.6200 MB 0.390 TR00004 BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS City of Carmel P.O. BOX 3067 Department of Community Se STAMFORD, CT 06905 -0067 One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 -2584 INVOICE NO, AMOUNT DUE 32713452 -0 Work Completed 07/28/2011 320.00 Work at Department of Community S One Civic Square Carmel Perform a bark treatment to the following plant to help suppress borers. (32) 4' Oaks located at the courtyard south of new palladium Products: Agri -Fos, Onyx, Provide 1 treatment. r Q A� Register for 'Your Account' at www.bartlett.com to see your service history, review work orders more. Also, if you had a good experience with us, let others know by submitting an online review. For details, go to www.bartlett.com /review. Thank you for the opportunity to care for your property ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE DATE PAY THIS AMOUNT YOUR BARTLETT REPRESENTATIVE IS: RICK CARTER 9112931 08/02/2011 320.00 (317) 879 -1010 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO A _ERVI F D HARGE OF 1.5 PER MONTH WHICH IS AN ANNUAL PERCENTAGE OF 18.0 i BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS IS ADDED TO ACCOUNTS 30 DAYS AFTER INVOICE DATE. P.O. BOX 3067 RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS STAMFORD, CT 06905 -0067 TREE 110803-00944-0001 VOUCHER NO. WARRA NO. ALLOWED 20 Bartlett Tree Experts IN SUM OF P.O. Box 3067 Stamford, CT 06905 -0067 $6,868.09 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel DOGS PO Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 27209 3 2668178 -0 43- 504.00 $5,285.50 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill (s) is (are) true and correct and that the 27209 32713452 -0 43- 504.00 $320.00 materials or services itemized thereon for 27209 32668177 -0 43- 504.00 $401.09 which charge is made were ordered and 27209 32590523 -0 43- 504.00 $861.50 received except Mond August 15, 20-1,,l L U irector Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoices) or bill(s)) 07/29/11 32668178 -0 Removed marked trees throughout City $5,285.50 08/02/11 32713452-0 Perform bark treatments re: borers $320.00 08/05/11 32668177 -0 Grind Stumps $401.09 08/05/11 32590523 -0 Grind stumps $861.50 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer