HomeMy WebLinkAbout164184 09/30/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 361514 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 2068 MOMENTUM PLACE CHECK AMOUNT: $9,009.79 CHICAGO IL 60689.5326 CHECK NUMBER: 164184 CHECK DATE: 913012008 DEPARTMENT AC COUNT P NUM BER INV NUMBER AM OUNT DESCRI 1047 4239001 10461666 45.12 LINENS BLANKETS 1047 4239040 10461666 16.39 FOOD &'BEVERAGES 1047 4239099 10461.666 515.69 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 1047 4342100 10461666 431.99 POSTAGE I w SEP. 5.2008 3 :21PM CENTRAL PRODUCTS NO.190 P.2 CENTRAL. Restaurant Products Invoice# 10461666 7750 Georgetown Road ���f Date 07/11/08 Indianapolis, IN 46268 -4135 Customer# 272139 PHONE; 500 222.5107 or 317 -876 -1010 (Reprint) Page 1 of 3 FAX: 800 882.0086 or 317 -337 -1100 4 2.39o0 I L -�L" 8 43.iz �i L13 704 a r-J 413n.r. 14.3° Pulc Descriptlati y Z3 9o9g v v A l :k. SlS• d Carmel -Clay Parks Rec Drr�t b Ship To 1 P »S4 y 1235 Central Park Dr East G.L 1.•�••- MGM GRAND HOTEL Attn: Chef Redmon 6ud�et C/O CHARLES RE=DMON Carmel IN 46032 LIn9 �q$1�A�5 N v g9 SOUTH Purcht'�er ITIA .,.t• n, rrn mry 'rYr' t► M 10287332 ZALAKTHAKKAR ext 8322 GOVT Net 15 Days 07111/0$ Ic Treig 'i UPS NEXT DAY AIR S= FOB ORIGINIPREPAID AND ADD Paula Schlemmer .i 0 r 4 rice Ulm 481 -002 1 1 0 15.46 EA 16,46 S� 15'X20 "X112" NSF WHITE CUTTING BOARD, ECONOMY, POLYURETHANE 120 -140 4 4 0 4.67 EA 18.68 g, MIXING BOWL,5 QT S/S ROUND W /MIRROR FINISH, 11 112" DIA. 415 -060 1 1 0 8.70 EA 8.70 �q 6" S/S EXTRA FINE MESH SKIMMER WIRE STRAINER 6 114 [NCH �C 2 2 0 5.93 EA 11.86 DOUBLE MEDIUM MESH S E P 11 6 2008 819 -016 BY' 1 1 0 13.33 FA 13.33 9A KITCHEN SHEARS, 3 3/4" SERRATED BLADE, 8" OVERALL 535 -155 2 2 0 35.99 EA 71.98 5g 9 QT ALUMINUM STOCK POT 535 -M 2 2 0 21.75 FA 43.50 RS ALUMINUM SAUCE PAN, 2.75 QT COOL HANDLE mill (Continued) Upon Receipt of your Merchandise Please Inspect your delivery carefully. We take great pride and care in the packaging and delivery of your products, In the unfortunate eventthat something is damagod or hae to bo returned please call custamarServie6 ata00,88z9334. Please save ap shipping cartons and packaging until you are sure everything Is In good working order. Claims must be reported within 15 days of receiving your delivery. All returns are subiectto Inspa before a credit Is Issued and may be assessed a restocking Charge. A monthly finance charge of 1.5% will be charged on all past due balances. our federal tax Id number la! 03.0605365. Central Is OPEN until 9:00 prn (Eastern Time) SEP. 5.2008 3 :21PM CENTRRL PRODUCTS NO.190 P.3 CENTRAJ. Restaurant Products Invoice# 10 /11/08 Georgetown 7754 eorgn (toad pate 07111!08 7750 eorg IN n Road4135 I nvoice Customer# 272139 PHONE: 800 222 -5107 or317- 876 -1010 (Reprint) p age �f FAX: 600 882.0086 or 317. 337 -1100 Ca -Clay Parks Rec Dept Ship To: 1235 Central Park Dr East MGM GRAND HOTEL A CIO CHAR REDMON Attn: Chef Red 3799 LAS VEGAS BLVD SOUTH Carmel, 1N 46032 LAS VEGAS,NV 89109 l`✓' in7^ T. ;',If! i^ N 7 ^'rt.' ^nn- Tr ^—r —v 4n.rc,yK.� ,a r.rr^fr r"PYrl7f'U'�, ,�f,..u,w,•.- r �r 10287332 ZALAK THAKKAR ext 8322 GOVT Net 15 Days 07111/08 Customer -s UPS NEXT DAY AIR SAVER FOB ORIGINIPREPAID AND ADD Paula Schlemmer r� o erd hip e 115 -453 4 3.59 EA 14.36 `vc� 16 INCH SIS SPRING TONG 913 498 -BLK 4 4 0 10.85 EA 43.40 oft STAINLESS STEEL LADLE, 6" BLK HANDLE, 1 OZ. CAPACITY, 1 PC. 115 -464 6 6 0 2.24 EA 13.44 q% 15 INCH SLOTTED SPOON 115 -431 4 4 0 11.22 EA 44.88 S. 24 INCH FRENCH WHIP, SIS 913 -516 6 6 0 3.66 EA 21.36 16 518° PLASTIC SPATULA CONTOURED FLEXIBLE BLADE 737 -006 1 1 0 16.39 EA 16.38 tFU BOX OF (100) 12" DISPOSABLE PASTRY BAGS IN DISPENSER BOX 628 -100 4 4 0 12.81 EA 5124 HALF SIZE 22 GG STEAM PAN (Continued) Upon Receipt of your Merchandise please Inspect your dolivory oarefully. We take great pride and care In the packaging and delivery of your products. In tho unfortunate event that something in damaged or has to be returned please call customer service at 800.882.8339. Please save all shipping cartons and packaging until you are sure everything is In good working order. Claims must be reported within 15 days of receiving your delivery. All returns are subject to Inspection before a credit is laauad and may be assessed a restocking charge. A montpty finance charge of 1.5% will be charged on all past duo balances. Our federal tax Id number to 03.0605365. f Central Is OPEN until 8:00 pm (Eastern Time) SEP. 5.2008 3:21PM CENTRAL. PRODUCTS NO.190 P.4 CENTRAL Restaurant Products Invoice# 10461666 7750 Georgetown Road Invo Date 07/11/08 Indlana$olls, IN 46268-4135 Costotrter# 272139 PHO NE: 800 222 -5107 or317 -876 -1010 Reprint) Page 3 of 3 FAX: 800 882.0086 or 317 -337 -1100 Carmel -Clay Parks Rec Dept Ship To: 1235 Cdntral Park Or East MGM GRA HOTEL Attn: Chef Redmon CIO CHARLES REDMON 3799 LAS VEGAS BLVD 90UTH Carmel, IN 46032 LAS VEGAS 89 10287332 ZALAKTHAKKAR ext 8322 GOVT Net 15 Days 07111/08 Cust omer s o UPS NEXT DAY AIR SAVER FOB QRIGINIPREPAID AND ADD P Schlem e• j r eT,d Sh 2 -112 "D 115 -102 6 6 0 7.75 EA 46.50 g 1 HALF -SIZE SHEET PAN,NSF,STD WT 17 314" X 12 718" X 1" 725 -106 6 6 0 4.63 EA 27.78 'Y° HALF SIZE 02 "X16.5 WIRE GRATE FOR HALF -SIZE BUN PANS 115 -432 4 4 0 4.41 EA 17.64 qp� 10 INCH PIANO WHIP STAINLESS 535 -300 2 2 0 25.79 EA 51.58 2.5 QT. SAUTE PAN, 8 "DIAM, 3"H, 18110 S/S 117 -048 4 4 0 11.28 DZ 4512 0 HERRINGBONE TOWEL, 100% COTTON 15 "WX26 "D 577.20 0.00 0,00 431.99 1009.19 0.00 1009.19 Upon Receipt of your Merchandise Please inspect your delivery carefully. We take great pride and care to the packaging and delivery of your products. In the unf eunato event that somethirtp is damaged or has to be ratufned please Call euetemer eervlce at 80t1_892.83sa. Plaaaa nave all shipping cartons and packaging until you are sure everything is in goad working order. Claims must he reported within 18 days of receiving your delivery. All returns aro subjoctto inspection boforc a credit Is Issued and may be assaa59d a restocking Charge. A monthly finance chargo or 1.5% will ba charged on all past due balances. Our federal tax Id number Is: 03.0605365. Central is OPEN until a:od pm (Eastern Time) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 19483 F 361514 Central Restaurant Products Terms 2068 Momentum Place Date Due Chicago, IL 60689 -5320 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 07/11/08 10461666 Linens 45.12 07/11/08 10461666 Food Beverage 16.39 07/11/08 10461666 Other Miscellaneous 515.69 07/11/08 10461666 Postage 431.99 Total 1,009.19 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 361514 Central Restaurant Products Allowed 20 2068 Momentum Place Chicago, IL 60689 -5320 In Sum of 1,009.19 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 104 Program Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1047 10461666 4239001 45.12 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1047 10461666 4239040 16.39 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1047 10461666 4239099 515.69 materials or services itemized thereon for 1047 10461666 4342100 431.99 which charge is made were ordered and received except 17 -Sep 2008 Signature I 1,009.19 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund I