HomeMy WebLinkAbout166523 12/09/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 159000 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE IPL 4 CHECK AMOUNT: $2,478.85 CRRMEL, INDIANA 46032 Po Box 110 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 CHECK NUMBER: 166523 CHECK DATE: 1219/2008 D EPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOI NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 4348000 298.17 116807 ;1125 4348000 11.38 1069103 1125 4348000 154.55 1095795 1125 4348000 306.78 1220879 j '1125 4348000 873.89 925743 1125 4348000 985559 651 5023990 775.77 124279 q, CITY OF CARMEL `3r9fing Summary o e W. $775.77 12/23/2008 124279 $3,343.23 $3,343.23 $0.00 $775.77 $775.77 Account Activlty 11/17/2008 Payment Thank You 3,343.23 .Metered Electd& Service Service Address: ELECTRIC HEAT ADMINISTRATION BLDG ID##54694 9651 HAZEL DELL PKWY 5 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 0 I 1 151• Rate SH Secondary Service /Heating Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 266.27 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0633701 P 10/30/08 12/01/08 32 04504 04524 200 4000 Next Reading pate 12/31108 I Service Address: 96TH STREET LIFT STATION (##16) ID##54703 10301 RANDALL DR CARMEL IN 46033 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) �n Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading '�ISV� Charges 509.50 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage Q 0989934 P 10/30/08 12/01/08 32 04063 04115 100 5200 Next Reading Date 12/31/08 Important Informat(on Status, ofAccount 124279 Total Number of Services 2 Previous Balance $3,343.23 Total Services Billed 2 Payment Thank You 3,343.23 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 775.77 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Total Account Balance $775.77 assistance. Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 12/01/2008 Walk-in Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Page 1 of 2 Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon panAlS Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny INDIANAPOLIS POWER LIGHT COMPANY P.O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 (317) 261 -8222 I p I S IPL power.com ny This winter, stay warm AND safe. When it's cold, some people use heating sources other than their furnace. However, these cause a high percentage of home heating related fires. IPL does not recommend the use of space heaters. If you choose to use one, always keep safety first. For more on electric safety, visit IPLpower.com. BILL DATE 4 Account 124279 12/01/2008 Page 2 of 2 1 pc.�AES PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny VOUCHER 086867 WARRANT ALLOWED 149000 IN SUM OF IPL 46206 PO BOX 110 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 t Carmel Wastewater Utility Er ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 120108 01- 7150 -03 $509.50 120108 01- 7152 -05 $266.27 Voucher Total $775.77 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee R. 159000 IPL 46206 Purchase Order No. PO BOX 110 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Due Date 12/8/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 12/8/2008 120108 $775.77 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and ;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer L,HKMLL I,LHY F /AKKS 6, KtI.KtH I IUN Billing Summary. a OT War CITY OF CARMEL $154.55 12/23/2008 1095795 o g o $77.66 $77.66 $0.00 $154.55 $154.55 Account: ActtVity 11/17/2008 Payment -Thank You -77.66 Metered Electric Service Service Address: RESTROOM ID# 625036 1430 E 96TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SH Secondary Service /Heating Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 154.55 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0936185 P 10/30/08 12/01/08 32 73185 75433 1 2248 Next Reading D�te 12/31/08 Importanti Information Status pf' +Acco.unt 1095795 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $77.66 month. .Call us-,at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Payment Thank You -77.66 assistance. Metered Electric Service 154.55 Total Account Balance $154.55 Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 12/01/2008 I Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon an AE S Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER company CARMEL CLAY PARES a RECREATIOiv Billing Summary. 3 $873.89 12/22/2008 925743 $430.23 -$430.23 $0.00 $873.89 $87189 Account ActEVty 1 11/17/2008 Payment -Thank You }��j,� 430.23 0 Meteir. flElect4c Service Service Address: ID##5 2700 W 116TH ST fY CARMEL IN 46032 -9558 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Cha ges 859.71 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0136763 P 10/29/08 11/26/08 28 84738 94810 1 10072 Next Reading Dote 12/30/08 t Lighting Services Service—Address:--- I D## 591301 E 96TH NORA LN CARMEL IN 46032 10/2008 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL a 14.18 EA Charges 14.18 Important.lnformation Status, of Account 925743 Total Number of Services 2 Previous Balance $430.23 Total Services Billed 2 Payment Thank You 430.23 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 859.71 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Lighting Services 14.18 assistance. Total Account Balance $873.89 The holidays return to the Indiana State Museum with Celebration Crossing, presented by IPL, Nov. 28 Dec. 31. The event features holiday decorations, children's activities and the 50th Anniversary of the Santa Claus Express train. Learn more about Celebration Crossing at the museum's Web site: www.indianamuseum.org. Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 11(26/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon P.n S Aut omated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny CARMEL CLAY PARKS I IUN Billing Summary $11.38 12/23/2008 1069103 o o o $11.38 $11038 $0.00 1 $11.38 1 $11.38 Account Activity 11/17/2008 Payment Thank You -11.38 Metered EWctr c..Service;; Service Address: METER BY MOUND ID# 61871 D 2700 1/2 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Cha 11.38 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0161420 P 10/29/08 11/26/08 28 00128 00128 1 Next Reading Pate 12/30/08 Important Informatwn Status <of Account 1069:103. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $11.38 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Payment Thank You -11.38 assistance. Metered Electric Service 11.38 Total Account Balance $11.38 This winter, stay warm AND safe. When it's cold, some people use heating sources other than their furnace. However, these cause a high percentage of home heating related fires. IPL does not recommend the use of space heaters. If you choose to use one, always keep safety first. For more on electric safety, visit IPLpower.com. Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 12/01/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon panAIS Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny dLC HEA L.IVN- Billing Summary ID CITY OF CARMEL $306.78 12/23/2008 1220879 Z. o e o $88.16 -$88.16 $0.00 $306.78 $306.78 Account Actvty< 11/17/2008 Payment Thank You -88.16 Metered lectric'Service Service Address: ID##467652 3030 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 -9563 Rate RH Resident /Elec Heat /l Family Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 299.91 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0993451 P 10/29/08 11/26/08 28 5199 5273 80 5920 Next Reading pate 12/30/08 Lighting Services Service Address: ID## 652817 3030 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 -9563 10/2008 1 175 WATT LIGHT a 6.87 EA Charges 6.87 Important Information Status of'Account 1220879 Total Number of Services 2 Previous Balance $88.16 Total Services Billed 2 Payment Thank You -88.16 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 299.91 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Lighting Services 6.87 assistance. Total Account Balance $306.78 Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE 4 Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 12/01/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F P Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER �.--uy CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATION Billing Summary M e $58.31 12/22/2008 985559 =o o $46.94 -$46.94 $0.00 $58.31 $58.31 Account ActiVtty. 11/17/2008 Payment Thank You -46.94 Metered Electrtc:Servtce Service Address: FIRE STATION ##2 ID##467704 2410 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 -9558 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 58.31 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0137641 P 10/29/08 11/26/08 28 18679 19203 1 524 Next Reading !late 12/30/08 Important 1 Worm attan:.., Status 6f.A6count19 5559 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $46.94 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Payment Thank You -46.94 assistance. Metered Electric Service 58.31 Total Account Balance $58.31 DEC 0 1 Zoos Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 11/26/2008 1p,, Walk -In O ffice Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon S Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms 159000 IPL PO Box 110 Date Due Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoices) or bills Amount 116789 5100 E. 116th Flowing Well 1/12/00 1095795 1430 E. or St. S. Trailhead 154.55 11126/08 925743 Wst. Pk 2700 W. 116th St., 96th /Nora traffic signal 873.89 1211108 1069103 West Pk -Meter b Mound -2700 112 W 116th St 11.38 11/26/08 985559 Storage Maint. Bldg. 2410 W. 116th St. 58.31 1211108 1220879 3030 W. 116th St. W. Park house 306.78 Total 1,404.91 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 159000 I PL Allowed 20 PO Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 In Sum of 1,404.91 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #[TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 1095795 4348000 154.55 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 925743 4348000 873.89 materials or services itemized thereon for 1125 1069103 4348000 11.38 which charge is made were ordered and 1125 985559 4348000 58.31 received except 1125 1220879 4348000 306.78 5 -Dec 2008 Signature 1,404.91 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CITY OF CARMEL Riffle Summary $298.17 12/23/2008 116807 $102.82 $102.82 $0.00 $298.17 $298.17 Accourit Activity 11/17/2008 Payment -Thank You 102.82 Mefefed El ectrlc i Service Address: FIRING RANGE IDt# 611379 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 -2935 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 298.17 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0153655 P 10/30/08 12/01/08 32 51617 54722 1 3105 Next Reading I��ate 12/31/08 Important`;informatton Status of:Accodnt 11.6807 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $102.82 month. Call—us—at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Payment Thant' Yuu 102:82 assistance. Metered Electric Service 298.17 Total Account Balance $298.17 This winter, stay warm AND safe. When it's cold, some people use heating sources other than their furnace. However, these cause a high percentage of home heating related fires. IPL does not recommend the use of space heaters. If you choose to use one, always keep safety first. For more on electric safety, visit IPLpower.com. Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 12/01/2008 Walk -in Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon AES Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER an company Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL O 1n invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee IPL Purchase Order No. P.O. Box 110 Terms Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 12/5/08 monthly payment 298.17 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. f' r ALLOWED 20 IPL IN SUM OF P.O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 298.17 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR police general fund Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1110 480 298.17 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except December 5 20 08 Signature Chief of PQI Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund