HomeMy WebLinkAbout163577 09/15/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 159000 Page 1 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE IPL CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 110 CHECK AMOUNT: $40,595.96 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 ,CHECK NUMBER: 163577 CHECK DATE: 9115/2008 DEPARTM ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOI NUMB AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 V 4348000 118.49 116807 1120 4348000 1,677.59 736499 1125 4348000 11.72 1069103 1125 4348000 13.94 1095795 1125 4348000 148.48 116789 1125 4348000 62.79 1220879 1125 4348000 70.80 925743 1125 4348000 82.52 985559 2201 4348000 73.86 1174571 2201 4348000 36.82 1230619 2201 4348000 69.78 1230630 2201 4348000 13.53 1257158 2201 4348000 88.96 1263280 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 159000 Page 2 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE IPL CHECK AMOUNT: $40,595.96 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO sox 110 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 CHECK NUMBER: 163577 CHECK DATE: 9/15/2008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NU AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4348000 41.75 1302810 2201 4348000 6.87 6062 2201 4348000 1,695.39 751382 601 5023990 15,733.10 116806 651 5023990 20,649.57 124279 i I U I Y VI I,HNMLL Billing Summary o FIRE DEPARTMENT $1,677.59 09/23/2008 736499 o 0 $1,848.76 $1,848.76 $0.00 $1,677.59 "$1,677.59 Account AdtiVity 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You 1,848.76 Metered Electric Service; Service Address: ID##588709 3610 W 106TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 -9607 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 1,107.37 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0006049 P 07/29/08 08/27/08 29 12301 12446 100 14500 Next Reading Date 09/26/08 Service Address: FIRE STATION 3 ID## 53116 10601 LAKESHORE DR CARMEL IN 46033 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 431.36 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0588654 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 94277 98966 1 4689 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 Service Address: TORNADO SIREN ID##542280 11590 HAVERSTICK RD CARMEL IN 46033 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 21.23 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0492812 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 11067 11177 1 110 Next Reading Date'- 09/30/08 Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 08/29/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Page 1 or 3 Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon anAES Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER company INDIANAPOLIS POWER LIGHT COMPANY P.O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 (317) 261 -8222 IPLpower.com I P..AE S Service Address: TORNADO SIREN ID##542282 3244 E 106TH ST CARMEL IN 46033 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 20.07 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0750133 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 09672 09769 1 97 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 Service Address: TORNADO SIREN ID##542284 11011 DITCH RD CARMEL IN 46032 -8714 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 19.26 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0510270 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 08853 08947 1 94 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 Service Address: TORNADO SIREN ID##542285 11823 CLAY CENTER RD CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 19.68 o Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage o 0659902 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 09426 09525 1 99 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 Service Address: TORNADO SIREN ID##542286 2412 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 19.01 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0573642 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 08883 08974 1 91 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 Service Address: TORNADO SIREN ID##542287 4280 W 106TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 19.01 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0127753 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 09121 09212 1 91 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 Service Address: TORNADO SIREN ID##542289 10590 RIVER RD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 20.60 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0666472 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 09594 09697 1 103 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 BILL DATE FIRE DEPARTMENT Account 736499 08/29/2008 Page 2 of 3 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Pan S any INDIANAPOLIS POWER LIGHT COMPANY I P.O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 462016 -0110 (317) 261 -8222 IPLpower.co111 an AE5 company i Important; lnformatton Status of Account 736499 Total Number of Services 9 PreVIJUS Balance $1,848.76 Total Services Billed 9 Payrnent Thank You 1,848.76 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 1,677.59 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Total Account Balance $1,677.59 assistance. The new energy calculators on IPLpower.com show you how to save energy and money. Find out how much energy your electronics, appliances, heating /cooling and lighting use, and calculate how much you could save by improving energy efficiency. o o BILL DATE 4 FIRE DEPARTMENT Account 736499 08/29/2008 Page 3 of 3 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Pan S ny VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IPL IN SUM OF P.O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 $1,677.59 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 736499 43- 480.00 $1,677.59 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except SEP 15 2008 Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board or Accounts City Form No. 241 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 736499 Electricity 42, 43, Sirens $1,677.59 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer CITY OF CARMEL Billing Summary $15,733.10 09/26/2008 116806 $12,922.25 $12,922.25 $0.00 $15,733.10 $15,733.10 Account Activity....... 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You 12,922.25 Metered Electric Serv►ce:; _.G Service Address. ##WATER DEPT -GRAY RD STATION ID## 61996 1 J 10675 N GRAY RD CARMEL IN 46033 Rate SL Secondary Service(Large) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 8,506.10 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0009239 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 14622 15104 300 144600 5009239 R 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 08799 09060 300 78300 6009239 D 07/31/08 k 08/29/08 29 266 1 266 Actual Billed Amount Energy 144600 144600 5,779.31 RkVAh 78300 78300 0.00 Demand 266 266 2,806.30 Power Factor 88% 79.51 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 8,506.10 Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 09/04/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Page 1 of 2 Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon P--IE S Aut omated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny LI INDIANAPOLIS POWER LIGHT COMPANY IP.,. P.O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 (317) 261 -8222 IPLpowerxom ny 1' Service Address: PRODUCTION WELL #20 ID# 650658 10605 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 Rate SL Secondary Service(Large) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 4,800.49 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0006709 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 10438 11250 100 81200 5006709 R 07/31/08.08/29/08 29 07745 08326 100 58100 6006709 D 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 137 1 137 Actual Billed Amount Energy 81200 81200 3,290.68 RkVAh 58100 58100 0.00 Demand 137 137 1,445.35 Power Factor 81% 64.46 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 4,800.49 Service Address: WELL PLANT #22 ID# 632153 10675 N GRAY RD CARMEL IN 46033 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 2,426.51 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0995267 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 06665 06975 100 31000 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 o Important Inf(irmaUon Status ofAccount 116806 0 Total Number of Services 3 Previous Balance $12,922.25 Total Services Billed 3 Payment Thank You 12,922.25 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 15,733.10 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Total Account Balance $15,733.10 assistance. The new energy calculators on IPLpower.com show you how to save energy and money. Find out how much energy your electronics, appliances, heating /cooling and lighting use, and calculate how much you could save by improving energy efficiency. VOUCHER 082882 WARRANT ALLOWED 159000 IN SUM OF IPL PO 110 PO BOX 110 OI�� O INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 �l�R�'SN Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 116806 01- 6150 -03 $15,733.10 i Voucher Total $15,733.10 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 159000 IPL PO 110 Purchase Order No. PO BOX 110 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Due Date 9/10/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/10/2008 116806 $15,733.10 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer CITY OF CARMEL 'Billing Summary 0 I $20,649.57 09/26/2008 124279 o $19,764.76 $19,764.76 $0.00 $20,649.57 $20,649.57 Account Activity 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You 19,764.76 Metered Electr)c :Service Service Address: ELECTRIC HEAT ADMINSTRATION BLDG ID #54694 9651 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 Rate SH Secondary Service /Heating i1\ Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading V Charges 133.15 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0633701 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 04476 04486 200 2000 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 Service Address: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ID##61999 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY' INDIANAPOLIS If•J 46280 -2935 Rate SL Secondary Service(Large) Charges 20,200.52 Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0008592 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 00012 00115 300 30900 5008592 R 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 00036 00089 300 15900 0009441 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 44891 45940 300 314700 5009441 R 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 20327 20851 300 157200 6008592 D 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 648 1 648 f� Actual Billed Amount Energy 345600 345600 13,669.16 O\ RkVAh 173100 173100 0.00 Demand 648 648 6,781.64 Power Factor 89% 250.28 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 20,200.52 Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 09/04/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Page 1 of 2 Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon S Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny INDIANAPOLIS POWER LIGHT COMPANY P.O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 IL J1 (317) 261 -8222 IPLpower.corn en AES company Service Address: 96TH STREET LIFT STATION (##1(3) ID #'54703 10301 RANDALL DR rr CARMEL IN 46033 1�V'O Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 315.90 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0989934 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 03947 03981 100 3400 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 It portanVinformation... Status ,of Account.124279 Total Number of Services 3 Previous Balance $19,764.76 Total Services Billed 3 Payment Thank You 19,764.76 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 20,649.57 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Total Account Balance $20,649.57 assistance. The new energy calculators on IPLpower.com show you hove to save energy and money. Find out how much energy your electronics, appliances, heating /cooling and lighting use, and calculate how much you could save by improving energy efficiency. BILL DATE Account 124279 09/04/2008 Page 2 of 2 IL J r im PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER company i VOUCHER 086268 WARRANT ALLOWED 159000 IN SUM OF IPL 46206 PO BOX 110 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 082908 01- 7150 -03 $315.90 082908 01- 7152 -05 $20,333.67 v Voucher Total $20,649.57 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund 1 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. s Payee 159000 IPL 46206 Purchase Order No. PO BOX 110 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Due Date 9/9/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/9/2008 082908 $20,649.57 P hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ylz Date Officer BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Bolling Summary $6.87 09/25/2008 6062 $6.87 -$6.87 $0.00 $6.87 Account ACtivity 4812212008 Payment Thank You -6.87 Lighting: Services... Service Address: I D# 2240 3502 E 96TH ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 08/2008 1 175 WATT LIGHT a 6.87 EA Charges 6.87 Im. aortant; }nfofnnatlon::..i......... Status of Account 6062...,.,. Thank you or the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $6.87 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more assistance. Payment Thank You -6.87 Lighting Services 6.87 Total Account Balance $6.87 The new energy calculators on IPLpower.com show you Clow to save energy and money. Find out how much energy your electronics, appliances, heating /cooling and lighting use, and calculate how much you could save by improving energy efficiency. Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 09/03/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m: M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon P,:,-�uy Automated assistance available 24 hours a d PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CITY OF CARMEL Billing Summary 97 9 $1,695.39 09/25/2008 751382 o —o $3,392.25 $3,392.25 $0.00 $1,695.39 1 $1,695.39 mi Account Activity 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You 3,392.25 a 6tered,;Electr)c;Service:: Service Address: ID##54342 4721 BROOKSHIRE PKWY CARMEL IN 46033 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 27.68 Number Use From To Days Prev. Pres Mult Usage 0716970 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 12170 12352 1 182 Next Readirjg Date 09/30/08 i Service Address: TRAFFIC LIGHT /NW CORNER 96TH COLLEGE ID## 606665 698 E 96TH ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 27.32 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0774397 T 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 30958 31136 1 178 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 Light)ng.Serv,�ces Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 09/03/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Page 1 or 2 Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon P S Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny INDIANAPOLIS POWER LIGHT COMPANY P.O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 (317) 261 -8222 IPLpower P ny Service Address: ID$# 180 STREET LIGHTING CARMEL IN 46032 08/2008 70 175 W MV POST TOP a 15.51 EA Charges 1,486.64 08/2008 19 150 WATT HPS OVERHEAD a 10.60 EA 08/2008 8 175 WATT MV OVERHEAD a 9.69 EA 08/2008 6 175 WATT MV CUSTOMER OWNED a 7.59 EA 08/2008 2 150 WATT HPS FIBERGLASS COLUMN a 15.82 EA 08/2008 2 250 WATT HPS OVERHEAD a 13.33 EA 08/2008 2 100 WATT HPS OVERHEAD a 9.09 EA Service Address: ID##36469 STREET LIGHTING CARMEL IN 46032 08/2008 1 AIR RAID SIRENS a 3.15 EA Charges 121.17 08/2008 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL a 3.15 EA 08/2008 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL a 55.86 EA 08/2008 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL a 59.01 EA Service Address: ID## 657613 3715 POWER DR CARMEL IN 46033 -4723 08/2008 1 150 WATT HPS REDDY SENT. a 13.18 EA Charges 13.18 Service Address: ID## 663072 o E 98TH AND HAVERSTICK RD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 o 08/2008 1 100 WATT LIGHT a 6.18 EA Charges 9.70 08/2008 1 WOOD POLE WITH OVERHEAD FEED a 3.52 EA Service Address: ID## 663073 E 98TH ST AND CHESTERTON DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 08/2008 1.100 WATT LIGHT a 6.18 EA Charges 9.70 08/2008 1 WOOD POLE WITH OVERHEAD FEED a 3.52 EA Im`portanf' Information Status of Account 751382 Total Number of Services 7 Previous Balance $3,392.25 Total Services Billed 7 Payment Thank You 3,392.25 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 55.00 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Lighting Services 1,640.39 assistance, Total Account Balance $1,695.39 g The new energy calculators on IPLpower.com show you how to save energy and money. Find out how much energy your electronics, appliances, heating /cooling and lighting use, and calculate how much you could save by improving energy efficiency. BILL DATE Account 751382 09/03/2008 I Page 2 of 2 P�--'-S PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny Cl I OF CARMEL Billing Summary $88.96 09/23/2008 1263280 o $49.00 -$49.00 $0.00 $88.96 1 $88.96 Account Activity 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You -49.00 r. Metered Electrtc`Servtce Service Address: DECORATIVE LIGHTING ID#$ 676376 1149 1/2 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 34.92 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage Tax 2.44 0200837 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 00000 00281 1 281 Subtotal 37.36 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 Service Address: STREET LIGHTS AT ROUNDABOUT ID#$658921 10590 N GRAY RD CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 51.60 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0181180 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 12152 12601 1 449 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 Importanf'lnformation.... Status of Account,1263280_ Total Number of Services 2 Previous Balance $49.00 Total Services Billed 2 Payment Thank You -49.00 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 86.52 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Indiana State Tax 2.44 assistance. Total Account Balance $88.96 Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 08/29/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon P S Au tomated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER any CITY OF CARMEL Billing Summary $69.78 09/23/2008 1230630 �o 8 a e o o o $65.42 $65.42 1 $0.00 $69.78 $69.78 Account Activity 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You -65.42 Metered Electrtc;Servtce; Service Address: STREET LIGHT FOR ROUNDABOUT ID##652009 11599 N ILLINOIS ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 69.78 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0175406 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 25696 26348 1 652 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 „..Irnportantlnformatton Status, Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $65.42 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more assistance. Payrlient Thank You 65.42 Metered Electric Service 69.78 Total Account Balance $69.78 Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 08/29/2008 I DI Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon dnAES Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER company CITY OF CARMEL Billing Summary $36.82 09/23/2008 1230619 id AM Loll o e e� $39.36 $39.36 $0.00 $36.82 $36.82 Account Activity 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You -39.36 v Metered Electric. Sernce Service Address: PUBLIC LIGHTING ID## 652004 9600 1/2 WESTFIELD BLVD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 36.82 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0105028 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 11807 12091 1 284 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 Important Infocmatwn' Status. ot'Accpunt 1230619........' Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $39.36 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if He can be of more assistance. payment Thank You 39.36 Metered Electric Service 36.82 Total Account Balance $36.82 The new energy calculators on IPLpower.com show you how to save energy and money. Find out how much energy your electronics, appliances, heating /cooling and lighting use, and calculate how much you could save by improving energy efficiency. Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 08/29/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon anAES Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER company U I Y UI' UAW kL Balling Summary CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT $41.75 09/23/2008 1302810 1111 $40.29 $40.29 $0.00. $41.75 $41.75 Account Activity 08/22/2008 payment Thank You -40.29 Metered Electrtc Service s Service Address: TRAFFIC SIGNAL ID##666009 9601 SPRING MILL RD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46290 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 41.75 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0183491 P 07/31108 08/29/08 29 05190 05529 '1 339 Next Reading Date 09130/08 Important lnformatton Status of; Account 1342810.......... Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $4029 month. .Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more assistance. Payment .Thank You 40.29 Metered Electric Service 41.75 Total Account Balance $41.75 Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 08729/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon Pan S Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny U1 I Y Vr UAKMEL Balling Summary $13.53 09/23/2008 1257158 $13.56 $13.56 $0.00 $13.53 $13.53 Account Activity 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You -13.56 Metered Electric S'ervtce.. Service Address: ID##661934 10400 N GRAY RD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 13.53 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0184638 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 00573 00597 1 24 Next Reading Date 09/30108 Important Information Status, of Account 1257 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $13.56 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more assistance. Payment "l' ank You 13.56 Metered Electric Service 13.53 Total Account Balance $13.53 The new energy calculators on IPLpower.com show you how to save energy and money. Find out how much energy your electronics, appliances, heating /cooling and lighting use, and calculate how much you could save by improving energy efficiency. Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 08/29/2008 I P .,.,A Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m, M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon m 5 Auto mated assistance available 2�4 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny U I Y Ut UAKMtL Billing Summate $73.86 09/24/2008 1174571 o $75.78 $75.78 $0.00 $73.86 1 $73.86 `Account.Activit Y 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You -75.78 Metered Electric Service Service Address: I D## 571599 11600 TOWNE RD CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 33.33 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0110224 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 60593 60855 1 262 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 Service Address: ID##592195 1351 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 11.38 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0170843 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 00000 00000 1 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 Service Address: STREET LIGHT ID##630446 11598 DITCH RD CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Charges 29.15 Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0900455 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 05239 05451 1 212 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 09/02/2008 I Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Page 1 of 2 Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon a, AES Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER company iNDIANAPOLI5 POWER LIGHT COMPANY P.O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 I (317) P ��Als 261 -8222 IPLpower.com ny Importalnf`7nformatlon Status ofAccount 117457. Total Number of Services 3 Previous Balance $75.78 Total Services Billed 3 payment Thank You -75.78 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 73.86 month. Call us at 261-8222 if we can be of more Total Account Balance $73.86 assistance. The new energy calculators on IPLpower.com show you how to save energy and money. Find out how much energy your electronics, appliances, heating /cooling and lighting use, and calculate how much you could save by improving energy efficiency. 8 �4 o BILL DATE Account 1174571 09/0212008 Page 2 of 2 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER an AES company V O U CHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IPALCO IN SUM OF P. O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 $2,026.96 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 43- 480.00 $2,026.96 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday, September 09, 2008 Street e Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attac invoice(s) or bill(s)) 09/08/08 $2,026.96 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer IANl CLAY HARKS KtL:KtAI i Billing Summary $148.48 09/25/2008 116789 MR o $149.88 $149.38 $0.00 $148.48 $148.48 Account'Activty... 08/2212008 Payment Thank You 149.38 Metered i=lectric:Service Service Al 1154677 5100 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46033 Rate SS Secondary Services 111 Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 79.19 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres I Usage 0809335 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 70964 71721 1 757 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 Llghting 5erviC Service Address: 114358 5100 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46033 08/2008 1 1000 WATT MV REDDY SENT. a 22.27 EA Charges 25.79 08/2008 1 WOOD POLE WITH OVERHEAD FEED a -3.52 EA Service Address: 1/593599 5100 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46033 08/2008 2 400 WATT HPS FLOOD OVERHEAD a 19.99 EA RE Charges 43.50 08/2008 1 WOOD POLE WITH OVERHEAD FEED 3.52 E v'' SEP 0.8 2008 F Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Tall Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 09/03/2008 1 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Page 1 or 2 Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon anAES Automated assistance available 24 hours a. day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER company INDIANAPOLIS POWER LIGHT COMPANY P.O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 0 (317) 261 -22 IPLpower.com P.,.,l S 82 ny Important; tnformatton Status ofAccount 116789 Total Number of Services 3 Previous Balance $149.38 Total Services Billed 3 Payment Thank You 149.38 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 79.19 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Lighting Services 69.29 assistance. Total Account Balance $148.48 The new energy calculators on IPLpower.com show you how to save energy and money. Find out how much energy your electronics, appliances, heating /cooling and lighting use, and calculate how much you could save by improving energy efficiency. p o a2oo$ SE- BY °o BILL DATE Account 116789 09/03/2008 Page 2 of 2 an AES PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER company I.HttI'AtL L—LAY V ANKJ 6i NtUNtH 11UN Billing Summary CITY OF CARMEL $13.94 09/23/2008 1095795 o $13.97 $13.97 $0.00 $13.94 $13.94 Account Activity 08/2212008 Payment Thank You T 1 -13.97 V Mefered Electric Servlcd SAP Service Address: RESTROOM ID# 62 036 1430 E 96TH ST CARMEL IN 46032'', Rate SH Secondary Service /Heating Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 13.94 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0936185 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 72002 72047 1 45 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 Status. of.. Important.,lnforlrnation /#ccount 1095795 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this previous Balance $13.97 mon.th.._Call_us_at .261_8222 if we ct=_n -be of more assistance. payment -Thank You 13.97 Metered Electric Service 13.94 Total Account Balance $13.94 The new energy calculators on IPLpower.com show you how to save energy and money. Find out how much energy your electronics, appliances, heating /cooling and lighting use, and calculate how much you could save by improving energy efficiency. Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 08/29/2008 IDI Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon anAES Automated assistance available 24 hours a day POINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER company CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATION Billing Summary MR-111.111 I 3 $70.80 09/19/2008 925743 o 0 $75.75 $75.75 $0.00 $70.80 $70.80 tIVII 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You -75.75 Metered Electric Sernce: Service Address: I D## 584040 2700 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 -9558 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 56.62 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0136763 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 79075 79615 1 540 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 Lighttng'._Servtces. Service Address: ID## 591301 E 96TH NORA LN CARMEL IN 46032 07/2008 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL a 14.18 EA Charges 14.18 1 R nt inform ;atton Status of Account 925743 Total Number of Services 2 Previous Balance $75.75 Total Services Billed 2 Payment Thank You -75.75 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 56.62 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Lighting Services 14.18 assistance. Total Account Balance $70.80 7RECEIVIED S E P 0 2 2008 BY: Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 08/28/2008 Walk-In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F P Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon an S Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATION Billing Summary a $11.72 09/19/2008 1069103 Previous Balance Pay i $11.72 $11.72 1 $0.00 1 $11.72 1 $11.72 Account Activity 08/2212008 Payment Thank You -11.72 Metered Electric Serv(ce Service Address: METER BY MOUND ID# 618712 2700 1/2 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 11.72 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0161420 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 00118 00122 1 4 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 :illmportant1nformat(ort Status ,o.f:!Account_1069T03 Thank' you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $11.72 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more assistance. payment Thank You 11.72 Metered Electric Servi.;e 11.72 Total Account Balance $11.72 RE C Ir T R. S E P 0 2 2008 BY: Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 08/28/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F /D Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon an Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER AES 1 company Billing Summary MIMEM $82.52 09/24/2008 985559 o Ism 4 $102.38 $102.38 $0.00 $82.52 1 $82.52 Account Activity 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You 102.38 Metered Electric Service.:..... Service Address: FIRE STATION 2 ID 467704 S �Q 2410 VW 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 -9558 �i11 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) �l Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 82.52 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0137641 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 16912 17761 1 849 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 Importan. t information, Status of'Accnunt 985559.. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $102.38 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Payment -Thank You 102.38__ Metered Eiectric Service 82.52 Total Account Balance $82.52 The new energy calculators on IPLpower.com show you how to save energy and money. Find out how much energy your electronics, appliances, heating /cooling and lighting use, and calculate how much you could save by improving energy efficiency. Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 09/02/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F .11D_ Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon anAES Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER company CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATION Billing Summary CITY OF CARMEL $62.79 09/19/2008 1220879 o o 0 $79.51 1 $79.51 1 $0.00 $62.79 1 $62.79 Account;`Activity 08/22/2008 Payment Thank You -79.51 :Metered Electric: Service Service Address: ID##467652 3030 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 -9563 Rate RH Resident /Elec Heat /1 Family Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 55.92 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0993451 P 07/30/08 08/28/08 29 5166 5174 80 640 Next Reading Date 09/29/08 Previous Reading Estimated a. Lght:ng'Services Service Address: I D## 652817 3030 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 -9563 07/2008 1 175 WATT LIGHT a 6.87 EA Charges 6.87 ....Important /Information Status.ot; Account 1220879 1 1 Total Number of Services 2 Previous Balance $79.51 Total Services Billed 2 Payment Thank You -79.51 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric Service 55.92 month. Call us at 261 -8222 if we can be of more Lighting Services 6.87 assistance. Total Account Balance j� �v x�++$62.79 S E P 0 2 2008 BY: Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 08/28/2008 Walk-In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Pn S Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon Aut omated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ny ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 159000 IPL Terms PO Box 110 Date Due Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoices) or bill(s)) Amount 913108 116789 5100 E. 116th Flowing Well 148.48 8129108 1095795 1430 E. 96th St. S. Traiihead 13.94 8/28108 925743 Wst. Pk 2700 W. 116th St., 96th /Nora traffic si nal 70.80 8128108 1069103 West Pk -Meter b Mound -2700 112 W 116th St 11.72 912108 985559 Stora a Maint. Bldg. 2410 W. 116th St. 82.52 8128108 1220879 3030 W. 116th St. W. Park house 62.79 Total 390.25 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bills) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No, Warrant No, 159000 IPL Allowed 20 PO Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 In Sum of 390.25 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 116789 4348000 148.48 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 109.5795 4348000 13.94 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 925743 4348000 70.80 materials or services itemized thereon for 1125 1069103 4348000 11.72 which charge is made were ordered and 1125 985559 4348000 82.52 received except 1125 1220879 4348000 62.79 8 -Sep 2008 Signature 390.25 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund l_l I T UY UMN MLL file Bolling Summary $118.49 09/23/2003 116807 o $120.30 $12Q.30 $O.QO $'118.49 $118.49 Account Activity..:.. 08/22 /2008 Payment Thank You 120.30 Metered.,Electric Service Service Address: FIRING RANGE ID##611379 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 -2935 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 132.03 ,Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0153655 P 07/31/08 08/29/08 29 48054 49401 1 1347 Next Reading Date 09/30/08 METERED ELECTRIC CHARGE FOR 05/29/2008 CANCELLED Charges 15$.80 METERED ELECTRIC CHARGE FOR 06/30/2008 CANCELLED Charges 123.65 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Charges 150.54 Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0153655 P 04/29/08 05/30/08 31 43816 45477 1 1661 Next Reading Date 06/30/08 Present Reading Estimated Rate SS Secondi Service(Small) Charges 118.37 Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mutt Usage 0153655 P 05/30/08 06/30/08 31 45477 46754 1 1277 Next Reading Date 07/31/08 Previous Reading Estimated Questions: Call (317) 261 -8222 Toll Free: (888) 261 -8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: 7 a.m. 8 p.m. M -F 08/29/2008 Walk -In Office Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. M -F Page 1 of 2 IDI Both available on Saturday: 8 a.m. Noon anAES Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER company Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. 1 Payee Indianapolis Power Light Company Purchase Order No. P.O. Box 110 Terms Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 9/9108 monthly payment 118.49 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. s ALLOWED 20 I ndianapolis Power Lich t Company IN SUM OF P.O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 118.49 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR p olice general fund Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1110 480 118.49 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except September 2008 Signature Chief of Police Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund