HomeMy WebLinkAbout161873 07/23/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR. 051125 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE ICE MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PROCESSING CENTER CHECK AMOUNT: $238.64 PO Box 856680 CHECK NUMBER: 961873 LOUISVILLE KY 40285 -6680 CHECK DATE: 7/23/2008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1047 4350900 0121202766 17.66 OTHER CONT SERVICES .2201 4238900 08FO1178210 8 61.66 08FO117821082 2200 4239099 08FO12004852 17.95 08F0120048525 1125 4353099 08FO12009535 112.40 08FO120095351 902 4239099 08FO12022391 16.23 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 1701 4239099 08F722032704 12.74 08F7220327048 720106 6/01/08 6/30/08 08FO120223912 #215 6661 DIXIE HWY, SUITE 4 LOUISVILLE KY 40258 service.icemountain.com e I WED- JUL 16 0120223912 III IIII III I III III II II III III II IIIII II II THU- AUG 14 MON- SEP 15 #BWNNWYR TUE- OCT 14 #0400001202239129# CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISION Customer Service: 1- 800 472 -9888 SHERRY MIELKE 111 W MAIN ST STE 140 Did you forget about us? Kindly pay upon receipt. CARMEL IN 46032 -1905 Remember, past due accounts are subject to a late fee. Your prompt payment is appreciated. For your convenience, pay online: icemountainwater.com/service. If payment has been made, we thank you. Enfoy speclahsavingslOrder 2 cases,of our most popular on the go sizesforjust°$12t Choose from our half liter -bottles, Aquapod bottles or l pstle Pure Lif Sp!ash'flavors. Offer Qxpires 6/30/08. Log onto service ICe mountarnwater com orc all800- 472 9888 ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Pay your bill online at: service.icemountain.com or by phone at: 1- 800 472 -9888. Its free! 1 Delivery address: CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISION, 111 W MAIN ST STE 140, CARMEL IN 46032 PREVIOUS BALANCE 27.97 6/16 0569417611 2 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DRI< W /HANDLE 6.98 2 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN BOTTLE DEPOSIT 12.00 2 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN DEPOSIT RETURN -12.00 1 9 OZ PLASTIC UP 50C /SLEEVE 2.54 6/30 0572704864 1 OIL /FUEL SURCHARGE 2.72 F5982459 RENT 3.99 TOTAL 44.20 ACCOUNT SUMMARY PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMEN VADJUSTMENT CURRENT ACTIVITY PAY THIS AMOUNT �biect to terms on reverse side. I 27.97 a .00 T 16.23 44.20 BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY YOUR INVOICE 4 "AYS TO HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER T t IN CASH OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL, OR FOR I Please remember payment is due by the "pay by" date noted to ensure the smoothest service. A REPORT' ON WATER QUALIFY AND INFORMATION, PLEASE 2. Remember, if you are renting equipment, your equipment rental is charged one month in advance. That means CALL I -800 -472 -9888 OR WRITE US AT: your first invoice will include a pro -rated fee for the current month, plus the next month's rental. ICE MOUNTAIN SPRING W A'T'ER CO. 3. Kindly fill in the amount enclosed, include your account number on your check, and do not send cash. #216 If you prefer, you can pay your bill online at service.icemountain.com. 6661 DIXIE ITWY., SUITE 4 LOUISVILLE, KY 40258 4. Never hesitate to call us with comments, questions, or concerns. If you think your bill is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction on your bill. write us on a separate sheet of paper. We must hear from you in writing no later than thirty (30) (lays after we I NVOICE sent you the first bill on which the error or problem appeared. You can telephone us, but doing so will not preserve your rights. In your letter. give us the following information: Your name, address, telephone and account numbers. Date range of this invoice The dollar amount of the suspected error. Describe the error and explain if you can, why you believe there is an error. You arc obligated to pay the parts of your bill that arc not in question. 001 ooloo 1z 3456�e9 0 Your Account Number You do not have to pay the disputed amount while it is being ooloD�ooroo investigated. During dte investigation, we cannot report your account t23456799 as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount in question. .P -Del 04 DN.«T 29 Watch here for a GENERAL INFORMATION WED TDE DEC 2, �DEC ,R personalized account I. payments received after the billing (INVOICE) date will appear on Important a,II „�tll., 111 „111111•••IIILI,IIII,,,,IIp1 „a „11,1111 C.11-1 5e^” eoBrnesee P°a message Your next invoice. past due invoices (not paid within 30 days of news and ^x °91 ^9laMw Tn billing date) may be assessed a late fee its allowed by law not to offers I iziMZs oa Km•. exceed S20 per month. Additionally. third party collection /attorney n .,n t., And., I• au. ,,e,ii „t expenses may he assessed at a rate not to exceed 100% of the w unpaid balance or the maximmnt allowed by law. —T ,e9,� d,B1aPS• Ergnv. w+'^�” 1C,,,ranuom^^I ^v c Pay elCCtronicalh' 2. L'ach returned check is subject to it service charge subject to the aeY9^a�°�°' homom nutxinuun check return charge allowable in your State. Make sure this 3. All bottle and equipment deposits are shown as CURRENT Activity amount has been ACTIVITY since Your ACCOUNT ACTIVITY O,r sm,_B000o to 4. Equipment replacement costs will be charged for bottles lost, last im•oice DdMrvAamex, ,^h^s paid in full W avoid late fees stolen, damaged or not returned v In accordance with NWNA's Terms and Conditions "T &C your Bea, 46,e9e s wim�e sa "yw so^o Equipment Lease and /or Service Agreement account ntav be ie�es,+ s °im sm,D6P0•� ,,.99 Monthly Oil J,7085,a4x+ 5 subject to minimum monthly purchases and/or early cancellation �nI >,e26uwu n. Surcharge, Fuel fees. (A complete version ofthe currentT&C may be viewed on the wnv 166i -97 57M Surcharge or Delivery websitc listed below) Upon service discontinuation, rent for the TDTAL Fee (see #6 under Leased Equipment is charged through the end of the billing cycle "General in which service is discontinued. Information 6. You will be charged a monthly Oil Surcharge, Fuel Surcharge or Delivcry Fee as described in your T &C. Only One of these fees Payment stub ACCOUNT SVMMAPV c ,a• c99 °u• ppy TnIS AMOUNT will apply to each account. The fee that applies to your account ACCWMNUM6E0. PAY BY 5]a0 ,M mn •tee rnu•. W^ P• 00100 W is stated oil the front of the invoice. For further information please n m2 567B90 BALING DATE MT. ENCLOSED IINOICE NUMBER 88100100 visit the websitc listed below or contact our customer service 1 2}4567890 center. 1 Sub 2009 1B 7. As it food 1roduct, bottled water is ub' 0920096307 092B2? ect to the rules and Amount due regulations promulgated by the Federal Food and Drug 1 „n ^1« Administration (FDA). ICE MOUNIA,N WATERCOMPANY ,2B Main St 8. lour first invoice indicates the products delivered on your first 'B ,,,,„„a w „w C4y,514,B Submit your DRD ST UMERSERV cET "L °,7x.9B68 p ayment b y this deln•en•. along with any applicable bottle and account deposits, L, ui. u „I,u „i D...re.+B^B redemption fees. and any dispenser charges. All future invoices P ^°u date will reflect charges for water delivered and dispenser rental. bottle 6rNw deposits and credits plus charges for any additional products Ordered b_v vou. Deliveries are male every three or four weeks. for it local of 16 -17 deliveries per year. You will only receive invoices 12 times per year, so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect two deliveries. Q 2008 Ice Mountain Spring Water Company, a Division of Nestl6 Waters North America Inc. Form No. NW 709 s /oa Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) r ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee T e'e I t G(JA -f--t I Purchase Order No. Q6 gox Lav tic? ec Terms If zsr FWO Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 7 G C) &F 0 1zG o Z w t Total t' I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accdance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. l ALLOWED 20 C e I /Ay/' I I G L. n 'F n a t�V Rex IN SUM OF s s Ile l�- Z ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR �GZ f 4735 Board Members Pon or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or I6Z �SF�rZ�z 5 1 4230 t 1 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except r 20 ignatu Dfrec r c,.,Ce Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund w o 720106 1 0 1 6/01/08 6/30/08 08FO120048525 V #215 6661 DIXIE HWY, SUITE 4 LOUISVILLE KY 40258 service.icemountain.com WED- JUL 16 0120048525 THU- AUG 14 MON- SEP 15 #BWNNWYR TUE- OCT 14 #0400001200485252# CITY OF CARMEL DEPT OF ENGINEE Customer Service: 1- 800 472 -9888 LISA SCOTT OR JUDY STOHLER 1 CIVIC SQ Did you forget about us? Kindly pay upon receipt. CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 Remember, past due accounts are subject to a late fee. Your prompt payment is appreciated. For your convenience, pay online: icemountainwater.comiservice. If payment has been made, we thank you. En s al sav n sl.Order 2 eases�of our most ular;on the o dies for 'ust $12! Choose from our half Ilter'- 1 _Y p� 9 pop 9 1 bottles, Aquapod bottles or Nestle Pure Llfe Splash flavors. Offer expires6 /30/08. Log -onto servlceacemountainwater com or.:call 800 -472- 9888.: ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Pay your bill online at: service. icemountain.com or by phone at: 1-800- 472 -9888. Its free! Delivery address: CITY OF CARMEL TOWN HALL ENGIN, 1 CIVIC SO, CARMEL IN 46032 PREVIOUS BALANCE 81.97 6/08 151762 PAYMENT -THANK YOU -21.44 6/16 0569417595 4 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DRK W /HANDLE 13.96 4 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN BOTTLE DEPOSIT .00 4 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN DEPOSIT RETURN .00 6/30 F5929830 RENT A`b9�0111213�4,S� 3.99 6' TOTAL h(0 78,48 M RECE JU 1 CARMEL c;ITY ENGINEER ti ti� ���8ZLZ9Z52�2 BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY YOUR INVOICE 4 WAYS TO HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER IN CASs of ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL, OR FOR I Please remember payment is due by the "pay by" date noted to ensure the smoothest service. A REPORT ON WATER QUALITY AND INFORMATION. PLEASE 2. Remember, if you are renting equipment, your equipment rental is charged one month in advance. That means CALL 1 800-472-9898 OR WRITE Us At': your first invoice will include a pro rated fee for the current month, plus the next month's rental. ICI? dtOUNT,UN SPRING \V,VI'F.R CO. 3. Kindly fill in the amount enclosed include your account number on your check, and do not send cash. #216 If you prefer, you can pay your bill online at service.icemountain.com. 6661 DIXIE IJWI'., SUITE 4 LOUISVILLE. KY 40255 4. Never hesitate to call us with comments, questions, or concerns. I I' think your bill is wrong• or if y'ou need more information about a transaction on your bill, write its on a separate sheet of paper. We mutt hear from y ou in writin no later than thirt (30) da after we SAMPLE INVOICE sent you the first bill on m n which the error or proble appeared. YOU ca telephone us, but doing so will not preserve your rights. In your letter, give us the following infomlation: Your name. address, telephone and account numbers. Date range of this invoice The dollar amount of the suspected error. Describe the error and explain if you can. Why you believe there is an error. You are obligated to pay the parts of your bill that ;Ire not in question. 123 +56 Your Account Number )'oil do not have to pay the disputed arnomlt while it is being DDtoo /oo.00100100 investigated. During the investigation, we cannot report your account Ell 123456 89 as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount in question. THR OC' MDNoa 39 Watch here for a WED NOY 31 GENERAL INFORMATION Hit 0EC le personalized account Im ortant n.n..•nt.•nl.. Boa „,nna a.,RmN l,II16,,,IIIII „a „ILl,tu $e 800 I. Payment. received after the belling (INVOICE) date well appear on P messa e your next invoice. Past dire invoices (not paid within 30 days of news and w, Tlu ^Sr'� °''^'1 "M°" pl ^v'Reo g hilling date m offers ay be assessed a late fee as allowed by law not to m e urvh. .i N +a ^5t exceed S20 per month. Additionally. third pane collection /attorney Cer.st— 0( I.111.1•.•I•. III•.•.• IL. ..II..aL•I•II•I••. Jill .•I,•II cx proses miry be assessed at a rate nut to escccLl 100% u(tllc +y. Unpaid balance or lire nlaxiniurn allowed by law. r ,iR^ +aAr�^' �,Im+mw� °ap Pa)' electronically' 2. Each returned check is subject to a service charge subject to thece amcam.rou oncMLLrw' Oe^ CeliSa+'re.oeeP hem out wlda raek9yd WO6ue,sand l maximum check return charge allowable in your State. Make surf" this 3. All boucle and equipment deposits are shown as CURRENT Activity amount has been ACTIVITY. since your ACCOUITrArnm v R 4. Equipment replacement invoice ent replaceent costs will be charged for bottles lost, y y DerRVAeeie p ^e• 123Ma ^a KLO t r ,zim eoODOO n?R paid in full to R aR ^<4 R3<s avoid late fees stolen, damaged or not returned. soro Sa mem- 5. In accordance with NWNA's Terms and Conditions "T CC your o R1nl .6tese wi9+^Nav ,I SRUi ^9`^'^'^' 50m II Jt )RBS1Ma 6 Ile Mountain 5061 De9m 1.46 Equipment Lease and /or Service Agreement account may be olru me�sRRn+ Itr mR� ^wmscdi Re,^.^ u?e Monthly Oil 09,,, >"RRS subject In min um m imonthly purchases and /or early cancellation Surcharge, Fuel 0943 nR363esn 5160 g fees. (A complete version of the current T&C Jury be viewed on the 99 Surcharge or Delivery websitc listed below) Upon service discontinuation, rent for the TOTAL Fee (see #6 under Leased Equipment is charged through the end of the billing cycle "General in Which service is discontinued. ,.wT �TyR.uO h. )oil will be charged a nlomhly Oil Surcharge, Fuel Surcharge or Information Delivery Lee as described in your &C. Only one of these fees Payment stub ACCOUNT SUMMARY aka pAY THIS AMOUNT will apply to each account. The fee that applies to your account w- o?v`--- ACCoUHT NUM8E9 PAY 6V SJ yR oeun w, n• n..a .w.. 00 00 W Is stated on the front of the invoice. For further information please 6169 NVOICE NUMBER RRIINO DATE MT. ENCLOSED I 00100100 visit the websitc listed below or contact our custorner service ,n +561 ce'nte'r. 16 7. As a food prOduct. bottled water is subject to the rules and 0420096307 0'1262712619 000391099 200'1 Amount due regulations pron3ulgated by the Federal food and Drug I. ",D^e Adirun IStrafion (FDA). ICE.MOUNTAIN WATER ^It'AN� 2, S500000 Submit your e W. K. Your first invoice indicates lcs the pr(ductsY�Jeliv red On your first State FORCOSTOMfRSEWICECALLI q '•s et d p ayment by this delivery. along with any applicahle bottle dnd'a count deposes. u w 1•,I��•1.1 I II Indempilot) fees, stud any dispenser charges. All future invoices L.�uL IloRVlx,eunl� ^wvR., .wOnR« Y•..,AnrTR.�.,D�Rr date will reflect charges for water delivered and dispenser rental, bottle deposits and credits plus charges for any additional products ordered by vou. Deliveries are made every three nr four weeks, for a total of 16 -17 deliveries per year. You will only receive invoices 12 times per vear, so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect M1so deliveries. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice ors bill t6..be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom,';rates.,per day, number of hours, rate',per hour, number of units,.price per unit, etc. Payee Ice Mountain Purchase Order No. OX Terms Louisville, KY 40265 -6680 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 7/3/08 08FO120048525 Rent and Service -June, 2008 $17.95 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (_are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. ,20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. A LLOWED 20 !Go Me Rta;R IN SUM OF E P.O. Box 856680 Louisville, ICY 40285 -6680 $17.95 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the n/a C BF01 2004W25 HNG423W99 17.95 materials or services itemized thereon for a ontot2o04s525 which charge is made were ordered and received except 71 1 200J ign ure Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 720106 my 0� 6 /01 /08 6/30/08 08FO117821082 #215 6661 DIXIE HWY, SUITE 4 LOUISVILLE KY 40258 service.leemou n tain.com WED- JUL 23 0117821082 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII THU- AUG 21 MON- SEP 22 TUE- OCT 21 #BWNNWYR #0400001178210823# Customer Service: 1- 800 -472 -9888 CARMEL ST. DEP. 3400 W 131ST ST YOUR ACCOUNT IS PAST DUE and is subject to WESTFIELD IN 46074 -8267 additional late fees. Water delivery service may be interrupted. Please make your payment today. For your convenience, pay online: icemountainwater.comiservice. If payment has been made, we thank you. g riioy special savingsv E Cl rerrfzCaSeS of our'tnastrpoouiar on the acs saes for bus# �12 fr�?m our Halt liter x 6Dt Ies Aquapo DOTIIe s?or Ne! fI r Life Splash flavors Offer explresa6 /3UfQ8Log servtce tcemountainwater corn or "call 800 ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Pay your bill online at: service.icemountain.com or by phone at: 1 -800- 472 -9888. It tree! Delivery address: CARMEL ST. DEP., 3400 W 131TH ST, WESTFIELD IN 46074 PREVIOUS BALANCE 142.83 6108 151763 PAYMENT -THANK YOU -57.92 6/23 0570884312 1 9 OZ PLASTIC UP 50C /SLEEVE 2.99 4 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DIRK WIHANDLE 31.96 4 5 GALLON ICE'MOUNTAIN BOTTLE DEPOSIT 24.00 4 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN DEPOSIT RETURN -24.00 6125 0572093920 1 LATE FEE 15.00 6/30 0572889582 1 OIL /FUEL SURCHARGE 2.72 F5917577 RENT 8.99 TOTAL 146.57 ACCOUNT SUMMARY PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENT /ADJUSTMENT+ CURRENT ACTIVITY PAY THIS AMOUNT biect to terms on reverse side. 142.83 57.92 61.66 146.57 BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY YOUR INVOICE Q WAYS TO HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER IN CASE or ERRORS OR QUESTION'S A BOIJI BILL. OR FOR 1. Please remember payment is due by the "pay by" date noted to ensure the smoothest service, A REPORT ON WATER QUALITY AND 1NFORMAr[ON. PLEASE 2. Remember, if you are renting equipment, your equipment rental is charged one month in advance. That means CALL i -a00- 472 -9888 OR WRITE US AT your first invoice will include a pro -rated fee for the current month, plus the next month's rental. ICE MOUNTAIN SPRINC NalATER CO. 3. Kindly fill in the amount enclosed, include your account number on your check, and do not send cash. 4216 If you prefer, you can pay your bill online at service.icemountain.com. 6661 DIX1 F HWY.. SUITE 4 LOUISVILLE. KY 40258 4. Never hesitate to call us with comments, questions, or concerns. If you think yourbill is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction on your bill, write as on u separate sheet of paper. We must hear from you in writing n error or or p m thirty i day; after an SAMPLE I NVOICE sere you the first bill on which the error or proble appeared, You can Methane us, but doing so will not preserve your rights. In your letter. give us the Following information: Your name, address, telephone and account numbers. Date range of this invoice The dollar amount of the suspccaxl error. Describe the error and explain if you can. why you believe there is an error. You are obligated to pay the Paris of your bill that are not is question. "I 34567 Your Account Number You do not have to pay the disputed alnomrt while it is being t aoroolao oa omoo nveStigated. During the investigation, We cannot report your account Y 123 56789 as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount in question. T "A 04 ocr 29 Watch here for a GENERAL INFORMATION T11 �t rypV1t DEL personalized account I, Pavnicrits ier (he billing [INVOICE) date will appear on Important en+mm �sema, eo o °A 1{,{ 6„ Hll. ah. llllll „VLhUl Mo"ne npTOdna. ]l ast c oices trot paid within 3U days of news and message 1 ^nn Doe rn ^k r un i and s.M"es- billing dutc,l irrw be pis LSUd it line fee its allowed by late not to offers Iz3 Mi s cxctedS20 p Additionally, third party collection /attorney ciyzea ��it I, „IILI 1 III 11 IL,,II 1 II 1 1111 1.II T expenses may be assessed at a l ate not to exceed 100 of the unpaid balance or the maximum allowed by law. t"mi»a r vq ^u�meb rEOm'n9 Pay electronically T a±ae.Y� r ralw dvetkv raa n Bch f;ach returned cheek Is subject to a service charge subject to the, wiaA� wr�viadun� +n maximum check return charge allowable In your State. Make sure this 3. All bottle and equipment deposits are shown as CURRENT Activity w w"",�kni W° amount has been ACTIVITY. singe your ACCOUNT ACT IV try pp aid in full to 4. Equipment replacement costs will be charged for bottles lost, last invoice P on +a "P r avoid late fees stolen, damaged or not returned. 7. In accordance with NWNA's Terms and Conditions °T &C your I>erri xie9e °a�; "ISai ^�wa+e -sago 9 +1+ Equipment Lease andfor Service Agrccm Monthly Oil account may be 1 "s, s "Ins�ai "e� 3�I1165t.ua4 Penlluicbarge subject to min m nnu monthly purchases and/or early cancellation pg Surcharg e, Fuel Fecs. (A complete version of the current T &C may be viewed on the o9l Surcharge or Delivery website listed below) Upon service diSCOutinuation, rent for the ToTAC Fee (see #6 under Lcascd Equipment is charged through the end of the billing cvcic "General in which service is discontinued. °nA. ^o Information R 6. You will be charged a monthly Oil Surcharge. Fuel Surcharge or ,srov ..s" Delivery Fee as described in vourT &C. Only one of these fees Payment stub AC1.1NTsuMMAav .o��.eo.,�c.ou PAY Br ---f- PAV T11 AM011NT will 'a pply to each account, The fee that applies to your account y,,d AGCOVNr NVMBE Si.40 00!961 Is stated on the froth of the Invoice. I further information please �NVOCE NUMBEII 9anNc DATE Mr. ENCLOSED visit the website listed below or contact our customer ServicC ,23A56]090 00166/00 eciner. 16 7, As a food product, butiled water is ,subject to the rules and D„IaP96327 n4 aE2v 12619 nt1o391049 2a9V Amount due regulations promulgated by the Federal Food and Drug tarn o« Administration (FDA). ice mouNTAw war erN�„� c1 „m aoo6o w.” Submit your 5 Your the products delivered on your first rD "cusoML "siAVI�E�n<E,.�.,zs n nt his t anv applicahle bottle and account deposits, L ..Ill,t...1.IIL.n.11.•.IL.,II „1,9..1,,,1,1,1,1 „Ial s'dP P,,,,, a�rcn.�9.. pail le by l icclempnon fees, and any dispenser charges_ All Future invoices T will reflect charges for water delivered and dispenser rental, bottle deposits and credits phis chargos for any additional products ordered by you. Deliveries are made every three or four weeks, for a total of 16 -17 deliveries per year. You will only receive invoices 12 times per year, so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect Iwo deliveries. 2008 Ice Mountain Spring Water Company, a Division of Nestle Waters North America Inc. Form No. NW 709 s)oe VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Ice Mountain IN SUM OF P. O. Box 856680 Louisville, KY 40285 -6680 $61.66 'a ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 108FO1111211182 42- 389.00 $61.66 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, July 17, 2008 Stre4 r ommissioner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 07/03/08 08FO117821082 $61.66 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer 0 720106 ee e LWN910101:1 &M 6/01/08 6/30/08 08FO121202766 #215 6661 DIXIE HWY, SUITE 4 LOUISVILLE KY 40258 service.icemountain.com t FRI- JUL 18 0121202766 11111111 IN III 111111111111111111111111 tioo� WED- SEP 1 #BVVNNWYR �v` 1 THU OCT 16 #0400001212027662# CARMEL PARKS DEPARTMENT vv Customer Service: 1- 800 472 -9888 MANDY SPADY 1411 E 116TH ST Did you forget about us? Kindly pay upon receipt. CARMEL IN 46032 -3455 Remember, past due accounts are subject to a late fee. Your prompt payment is appreciated. For your convenience, pay online: icemountainwater.com /service. If payment has been made, we thank you. I y p g popular, on the go sizes for just $12. Choose from our'half liter E n o s eclat savin s! Order 2 cases, of our most I bottles; `Aquapod bottles or Nestle Pure Life Splash flavors. Offer expires 6 /30/08. -Log onto servlce.icemountainwater c or'call 80 0 -,472 9888 Wi=t '.'xw+- �E..-- •_^rsv i+` ....c 9. ...+.�:m, .,s�,..sa__: c.....45.,.:- ..w.,... w.v-- wa:.:a.P- �s-y.n ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Pay your bill online at: service.icemountain.com or by phone at: 1 -800- 472 -9888. Its free! Delivery address: CARMEL PARKS DEPT/MONON CENTER, 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR EAST, CARMEL IN 46032 PREVIOUS BALANCE 21.65 6/18 0570098574 2 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DRK W /HANDLE 7.98 1 9 OZ PLASTIC UP 50C /SLEEVE 2.69 BOTTLE DEPOSIT: 2 DELIVERED, 2 RETURNED .00 6/30 0572950913 1 OIL /FUEL SURCHARGE 2.00 F6012887 RENT 4.99 TOTAL 39.31 IN -1 4 3sog00 To 7 0� I ACCOUNT SUMMARY PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENT/ADJUSTMENT +CURRENT ACTIVITY PAY THIS AMOUNT a to terms on reverse side. 21.65 .00 17.66 39.31 BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY YOUR INVOICE 4 WAYS TO HELP US SERVE YOU HET7t111 IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS At3OUTYOUR BI I.L. OR FOR I. Please remember payment is due by the "pay by" date noted to ensure the smoothest service. A REPORI ON WATER QUALITY AND INFORMATION, PLEASE 2. Remember, if you are renting equipment, your equipment rental is charged one month in advance That means CALL 1- 800-472 -0888 OR WRITE US At': your first invoice will include a pro -rated fee for the current month, plus the next month's rental. ICE MOUNTAIN SPRIN(: WXTER CO. 3. Kindly fill in the amount enclosed, include your account number on your check, and do not send cash. U216 If you prefer, you can pay'.your bill online at smice.icemountain.com. 6661 DIXIE IlWY SUITE 4 LOUISVILLE, KY 40258 4. Never hesitate to call us with comments, questions, or concerns. If you think your bill is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction on your bill, write us on a separate sheet of paper. we mull hear from you in writing he error than thirty (30) days after we SAMPLE INVOICE sent you file first bill on which the error or problem appeared. You can telephone us, but doing so will not preserve your rights. In your letter. give its file following information: Your name, address, telephone and account numbers. Date range of this invoice The dollar amount of the suspected error. Describe the error and explain if you can, why you believe there is an error. You are obligated to pay the parts ofvour bill that are not in question. ,z3ase?s9 Your Account Number )'oil do not have to pay the disputed amount while it is being oolomao. DOloowo investigated. During the investigation, we cannot report your account A as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount in question, r "e .a, o, 123456 MoN.oa :9 Match here for a WED' NOV Z, GENERAL INFORMATION Mc,, personalized account I. payments received after the billing (INVOICE) date will appear on Important c,tpTefs.,„,, :,soo,]z9e message 11.11••.111. 111•, 11111, I.., III61 ,1111II111111III Tn,nr rW for n,,,.9,•• Proeu.t. your next invoice. Past due invo )not paid within 3(I days of news an d billing date) may be assessed a late fee as allowed by law not to offers 1 123 s ,na,•.M exceed $20 per month. Additionally, third patty collection /attorney o,rsla t I.all•L•A,.III•.•..11y,•IL,,II „III „I,,,I,LII,1 „11 expenses may be assessed at a rare not to exceed 100% of the unpaid balance or the maximum allowed by law. ro maro9e aKO „nwny Ume.�k asa ^a,te y ou, "PC Pay electronically 2. Fach returned check is subject to a service charge subject to the marinlUIu check return charge allowable In your Stale. Make sure this 3. All bottle and equipment deposits are shown as CURRENT Activity amount has been ACTIVITY since our ACCOUNTARIVITY ieMlnS,r C,ys oOWo nanDO paid in full to 4. Equ,pr3ent replacement costs will be charged for bottles lost. last invoice pelrve"Ablm „99 stolen, damaged or not returned. n,e,;a,,.ealan<e avoid late fees harm many roan wme� wo�a 5. In accordance with NW'NA's Terms and Conditions 1 "I &C'1. your oe,n wln9e swlwnNarv�alsm� 9 l,]8n51aaM l ke MOUn,dln SOal DeM*�I Equipment Lease and/or Service Agreement account may be 'm l,]ens„a„ s ,«MO„mams wlxeaan n.99 Monthly Oil 0911, l,]nn5 fuel5u�� "a'9e subject to minimum monthly purchase, and /or early cancellation „9]M11B8 Pen, Surcharge, Fuel fees. (A complete version of the current TRC may be viewed on the s a0 Surcharge or Delivery website listed below) Upon service discontinuation, rent for the TOTAL Fee (see #6 Under Leased Equipment is charged through the end of the hilling cycle "General in which service is discontinued. Nr Arn+ITM s� Information" ti. You Will be charged a monthly Oil Surcharge, Fuel Surcharge or tiA"c ,o Delivery tee as described Ill your T&C. Only one of these fees Pay stub ACCOUNT SUMMARY eO• ce +w 1 AY TN,3 AMOUNT PAY BY will apply to each account. The Ice that applies to your account ��,,.m,m ^-a°w ACCOUNT NUM-M 000000 5— is started on the front of the invoice. For further information please Oi C 9° ER q,uwc OA,E MT. ENCLOSED INVOICE NUMB visit the Ywebsite listed below or contact our customer service 125+567e90 ooloofw center. 16 7. As a food product, bottled wafer is subject to the rules and 0,2009630? 04262712619 0003910 V9 200, Amount due regulations pronmlgafcd by the Federal !rood and Drug Inn, Administration (FDA ICE MOUNTAIN WATERCCOM�A CYsiates`00000 w., Submit your K. lour terse invoice indicates the products delivered on your lust Ion cusTOMEn :ImlcE Cpu,.eoon].9xee deliverv. alon With any applicable bottle and account deposits, p ayment by this e n „n,.•Y P ..,..9<. 1...idyl.•ll,lAl.,l,.aa,1,1 „1.11 redemption fees, and any dispenser charges. All future Invoices date AV s,q,,,,nn•9w•�o. "�.,,•P. will reflect charges for water delivered and dispenser rental, bottle deposits and credits plus charges fix any additional products ordered by you. Deliveries are made every three or four weeks, for a total of 16 -17 deliveries per year. You will only receive invoices 12 times per year. so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect two deliveries. Q 2008 Ice Mountain Spring Water Company, a Division of Nestle Waters North America Inc. Form No. NW 709 5/08 Q ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by .wham, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 051125 Ice Mountain Terms P O Box 856680 Date Due Louisville, KY 40285 -6680 Invoice 39.31 Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invo ice(s) or bill(s)) 713108 121202766 Drinking Water cooler MC Total 39.31 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No, Warrant No. 051125 Ice Mountain Allowed 20 P 0 Box 856680 Louisvilie, KY 40285 -6680 In Sum of ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 104 Program PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT4/ AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1047 121202766 4350900 -`9fi 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 17 -Jul 2008 Signature 39.31 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 720106 6/01/08 6/30/08 08F7220327048 #215 6661 DIXIE HWY, SUITE 4 LOUISVILLE KY 40258 service.icemountain.com WED- JUL 16 7220327048 THU- AUG 14 MON- SEP 15 #BWNNWYR TUE- OCT 14 #0400072203270488# CITY OF CARMEL OFFICE OF THE C Customer Service: 1- 800 472 -9888 ANN DAVIS 1 CIVIC SQ Thank you for choosing Ice Mountain Home Office CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 Deliveryl We value your business. Enjoy special savings! Order 2 cases of-ourmost popular on the go sizes`forjust Choose from our,half liter 'r bottles, Aquapod bottles or Nestle Life �Splash,flavors. Offer expires 6/30/08. Log' 'onto service icernountainWater.com or call 800- 472 -9888 I ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Pay your bill online at: service.icemountain.com or by phone at: 1 -800- 472 -9888. It's free! Delivery address: OFFICE OF THE CLERK TREASURER, 1 CIVIC SQ, CARMEL IN 46032 PREVIOUS BALANCE 36.02 6/22 231485 PAYMENT -THANK YOU -36.02 6/16 0569417777 1 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DRK W /HANDLE 3.49 1 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN BOTTLE DEPOSIT .00 1 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN DEPOSIT RETURN .00 1 9 OZ PLASTIC UP 50C /SLEEVE 2.54 6/30 0572783934 1 OIL /FUEL SURCHARGE 2.72 F5956342 RENT 3.99 TOTAL 12.74 ACCOUNT SUMMARY PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENT /ADJUSTMENT+ CURRF�,N-T—QCTIVITY PAY THIS AMOUNT biect to terms on reverse side- 36.0 36.02 12.74 12.74 BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY YOUR INVOICE 4 WAYS TO HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS AHOUTYOUR BILL. OR FOR 1. Please remember payment is due by the "pay by" date noted to ensure the smoothest service. A REPORI ON WAl'ER QUALITY AND INFORNINFION. PLEASE 2. Remember, if you are renting equipment, your equipment rental is charged one month in advance. That means CALL 1- 800 472 -9888 OR WRITE US AI: your first invoice will include a pro -rated fee for the current month, plus the next month's rental. ICE MOUNTAIN SPRING NVNFER CO. 3. Kindly fill in the amount enclosed, include your account number on your check, and do not send cash. 9216 If you prefer, you can pay your bill online at service.icemountain.com. 6661 DIXIE HWY., SUITE 4 LOUISVILLE, KY 40258 4. Never hesitate to call us with comments, questions, or concerns. If you think your bill is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction ml your bill, write us on a separate sheet of paper. We must hear from you in writing no later than thirty (30) days after we SAM INVOIC sent you the first hill tin which the error or problem appeared. )oft can telephone us, btu doing so will not preserve your rights. In your letter. give its the following information: Your name, address, telephone and account numbers. Date range of this invoice The dollar amount of the suspected error. Describe the error and explain if you can, why you believe there is an error. You are obligated to pay the pans of your bill that are not in question. 123 nse7e 90 Your Account Number 1 "oft do not have to pay the disputed amount lvhile it is being ooloolDO- 00/001oo investigated. During the investigation. we cannot report your account 173456789 as delinquent or take any action 10 collect the amount in question. rHF -a o' MON. «1 29 Watch here for a WED NOV 31 GENERAL INFORMATION law not to DEC 18 personalized account I. payments received after the billing (INVOICE) date will appear on Important x, 1 ,,,ItaJAttt•,•�InO sarn ,a.1.80o.x729988 message your next invoice past due invoices (not paid within 30 days of news and billing (late) may be assessed a late fee as allowed b offers iii Mce n ea 00000 exceed S20 per month. Adduiotwlly third party collection /attorney t dn a.. d., nl.. .at.•Idt.. „1,,,t,6LLe•.tl expenses unpaid balance t to nce or the maximum allowed I aYl ccal 100'/,, of the oe „^y,„„e.eav� ^gnvN^lar v as n a•, Pav electronicalh• ton,a^a9erw,au ^a „wRn.me� 2. Each returned check is subject to a service charge subject to the w�ae�9moumm ^.com.Ym<a ^mMaro'"a'"w ���p,I¢,ftom wr witlevak'tY ^II oaucU•R maximum check return charge allowable in your State. Make sure this 3. All bottle and equipment deposits are shown its CURRENT ActivityI amount has been ACTIVITY. since your pCCOVNTACTIVITY p 123 ^s rcvr sa,e000DO aid in full to 4. Equipment replacement costs will be charged for bottles lost, .•N—YAed,e" 3°n ^0«. ,199 P last invoice x2 x1 avoid late fees stolen. damaged or not returned. ^'�i rov 5G00 5. In accordance with NWNA's Terms and Conditions ("'F&C'). your 0e,3, .a,e9e s�au ^Nammisw� ^9Wa' _woo 9111 3170XSIxab 5 ke M°U111a111s W10eposa 2 Equipment Lease and/or Service Agreement account may be meavaxm Mw ^1ams0alR u99 Monthly Oil 3,TXRS1x+xa s o9n1 pad s "I�w,9e subject to minimum monthly purchases and/or early cancellation S rte Surcharge, Fuel p911t 318363X811 aO fees. (A complete version ofthe currentT&C may be viewed on the o901 Surcharge or Delivery website listed below) Upon service discontinuation, rent for the TOTAL Fee (see #6 under Leased Equipment is charged through the end of the billing cycle "General in which service is discontinued. 6. You will be charged a monthly Oil Surcharge, Fuel Surcharge or v Information Delivery Fee as described in y our T&C. Only one of' these fees Payment stub ACCOUNT SUMMARY W BY PAY THIS AMOUNT will apply to each account. The fee that applies to your account nuew�.w o +�w•p"^ ACCOUNT NUMBER ppl s is stated oil the front of the invoice. For further m I fornuui0H please 1234 "t BER s,LlTf AIT.7rNCrOSTD NUM visit the website listed below or contact our customer service NV 34 7890 WI./W center. 1e 7. As a food product, bottled water is subject to the rules and 0920096307 09282732619 000393oV9 x009 Amount due regulations promulgated by the Federal Food and Drug t °n^nM AdruiHistrinion(FDA)' ICEMOUNTA,N WPTERCOMPANV City S',atps Submit your D R. Your firs) iuvulec in the products delivered on your first ,o. cus,oMeR S CRV1ce "epO deliverv, :long with any applicable bottle and account deposits. „v,„ ayment by this tit t..• t.. nt „..at•••aI• u „6n „6 „I,t ba n p,1• ^,Tn. 9� date redemption fees. and any dispenser charges. All future invoices "Dp1 8111 A D3opAn v9 ^1�p ^•"pne° will reflect charges for water delivered and dispenser rental, bottle deposits and credits plus charges for any additional products ordercd by you. Deliveries are made every three or four weeks, for a total of 16 -17 deliveries per year You will only receive invoices 12 times per year, so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect two deliveries. Q 2008 Ice Mountain Spring Water Company, a Division of Nestl6 Waters North America Inc. Form No. NW 709 s)oe S Presgibed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee l Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Q IN SUM OF ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1n materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Signature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund t w o 720106 e® 8 6/01/08 6/30/08 08FO120095351 #215 6661 DIXIE HWY, SUITE 4 LOUISVILLE KY 40258 service.icemountain.com FRI- JUL 18 0120095351 IIII III II II IIII I IIIII II III III �e MOD- AUG 18 WED- SEP 17 #BWNNVVYR 00 THU- OCT 16 Y OF CA CITY PARKS DEPARTMEN ,Ub 2 Customer Service: 1- 800 472 -9888 AUDREY KOSTRZEVVA 1411 E 116TH ST Did you forget about us? Kindly pay upon receipt. CARMEL IN 46032 -3455 Remember, past due accounts are subject to a late fee. Your prompt payment is appreciated. For your convenience, pay online: icemountainwater.com/service. If payment has been made, we thank you. En s al sav�n s Oder 2 cases of our most ular on the o sizes for j y pec g I pop g just $12+ ':Choose from,our half Ilter bottles, Aquapod bottles or Nestle Pure Llfe Splash flavorsOffer expires- 6/30/08. Log onto service Icemountainwater comlor call 800 472 9888: a ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Pay your bill online at: service. icemountain.com or by phone at: 1- 800- 472 -9888. It's free! Imam Delivery address: P CARMEL PARKS DEPARTMENT, 1427 E 116TH ST, CARMEL IN 46032 PREVIOUS BALANCE 43.31 6/18 0570098525 10 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DRK W /HANDLE 39.90 20 9 OZ PLASTIC UP 50C /SLEEVE 53.80 BOTTLE DEPOSIT: 10 DELIVERED, 9 RETURNED 6.00 6/30 0573025574 1 OIL /FUEL SURCHARGE 2.72 F5944978 RENT 9.98 TOTAL 155.71 ACCOUNT SUMMARY PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENT /ADJUSTMENT CURRENT ACTIVITY s PAY THIS AMOUNT I%Z;Ibiect to temps on reverse side. 43.3 v .00 112.40 155.71 BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY YOUR INVOICE 4 WAYS TO HELP US SERVE YOU"BETTV11 IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR 1311.1., OR FOR I Please remember payment is due by the "pay by" date noted to ensure the smoothest service. A REPORT ON WAFER QUALrrY AND INFORMNI'lON. PI -FASE 2. Remember, if you are renting equipment, your equipment rental is charged one month in advance. That means CALL 1 800 411 9888 OR WRrfE USAF: your first invoice will include a pro rated fee for the current month, plus the next month's rental. ICE LIiIOUNI'AIN SPRING WATER CO. 3. Kindly fill in the amount enclosed, include your account number on your check, and do not send cash. 6216 6661 DI XIE 11 Y., SUITE 4 If you prefer, you can pay your bill online at service. ice mountain.com. LOUISVILLE. KY 40258 4. Never hesitate to call us with comments, questions, or concerns. I f you think your hill is wrong. or it you need more information about a transaction on your hill, write its on a separate sheet of paper. We must hear from you in writing no later than thiny (30) days after we SAMPLE INVOIC sent you the first bill on u which the error or problem appeared. Yo can telephone us. but doing so will not preserve your rights. In your letter, give us the following information: Your name, address, telephone and account numbers. Date range of this invoice The dollar amount of the suspected error. Describe the error and explain if you can, why you believe there is an error. )'oil are obligated to pay the pans of your bill that are not in question. 010 1234567090 Your Account Number You do not have to pay the disputed amount while it is being oolool00 °o investigated. During the investigation, we cannot report your account 12345678 as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount in question. Watch here for a GENERAL INFORMATION wED NO ,DE -DEC +n personalized account I. payments received after the billing (INVOICE) date will appear on Important nl Ilun„IIa,Lna,,,,apl „a „udan C­_ mesa e s• v.BOO +n 9110 your next invoice, Past due invoices (not paid within 30 days of news and rn..EY ^^I d uM••v. billing (late) may be assessed a late fee as allowed by law not to offers 3 Mom s` exceed $20 per month. Adchuonally, third piny collection /au 001- 00000 ornev Iu ILIA il.,,,a,nn „I,a „1,,,1,1,1,1 „1 „11 expenses may be assessed at it rate not to exceed 10M% of the unpaid balance or the maximum allowed by law. y aay« �wns p m dr�� ��,newr^w 9 x« ^9 Pay electronicalh• 2. Each returned check is subject to a service charge subject to the tlNn<.�4+.o^>r,fiom 9u ,wNeY. araw° .,1 maximum check return charge allowable in your State,' o..e Make sure this 3. All bottle and equipment de oasts are shown as CURRENT Activity l P ,",,,,,,.,.M. ACTIVITY. since your ACCOUNTACTIVI7Y amount has been se, «sclr•s ppp o.m paid In full to 4. Equipment re replacement costs will be charged for bottles lost. D r �1 d,” 12J .99 I g last invoice stolen, damaged or not returned. v,ma^•�u °r az "s avoid late fees 5. In accordance with NWNA's Tents and Conditions ("TKC°), your Oeni a,e9e s son o. ,.m s Ga cevo. m meeswana ne Equipment Lease and /or Service Agreement account may be mnes,444< i „4 Ma ;nsGa�R =1^m 1 l Monthly Oil subject to minimum monthly purchases and /or early cancellation 09 3'JBnslmw r Surchar g e, Fuel orm nna3ean R• 11.40 fees. (A complete version of the current—'&C may he viewed on the o 6 97 Surcharge or Delivery websitc listed below) Upon service discontinuation, rent for the TOTAL Fee (see #6 under Leased Equipment is charged through the end of the billing cycle "General in which service is discontinued. Aam^ p4 s w 6. You will be charged a monthly Oil Surcharge, Fuel Surcharge or s o Information nellvery hec its described In your TCC. Only one of these fees Pavment stub ACCOUNT SUMMARY 99 pAY TNIS AMO PAY BY will apply to each account. The fec` that applies to VOur account n�uy.,b,nw•-ACCOUM NUMBER Is sl'd[C 113456]0 d oil [lie front of flue invoice. For further information please 90 BILLING DME MT. ENCLOSED INVOICE NUMBER 00100100 visit the websitc listed below or contact our customer service I13450Il” center. 1 B 7. As it food product, bottled water is subject to the rules and 0420096307 0V262T12619 00°391049 2p0° Amount due regulations promulgated by the Feder Food and Drug 1 ^an D« Administration (FDA). ,cE MOUr4raN wnncoMANV cryx s`000BD Submit your w4=^ R. )'our first invoice indicates the products delivered on your first vo,cunoMeRSERV,cEr nao.JZ.9nee p ayment by this deliverv. along with any applicable bottle and account deposits, P,�,,,.m<^.•.a..o ^w. «,•v redemption Ices. and any dispenser charges. All future invoices I,.. Ind•, d. du,,.. ,n.,.at..at.a,R,a..,la,la,a•dt date will reflect charges for water delivered and dispenser rental, bottle deposits and credits plus charges for any additional products ordered by you. Deliveries are made every three or four weeks. for it total of 16 17 deliveries per )'car. You will only receive invoices 12 times per year, so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect two deliveries. 2008 Ice Mountain Spring Water Company, a Division of Nestle Waters North America Inc. Form No. NW 709 5/08 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 051125 Ice Mountain Terms PO Box 856680 Louisville, KY 40285 -6680 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 713108 08F0120095351 Water cooler supplies 155.71 Total Is 155.71 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 .20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 051125 Ice Mountain Allowed 20 PO Box 856680 Louisville, KY 40285 -6680 In Sum of $1 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 08FO120095351 4353099 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 21 -Jul 2008 Signature 155.71 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund