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200679 08/17/2011
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350370 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER l CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P.O. Box 6292 CHECK AMOUNT: $469.88 CAROL STREAM IL 60197 -6292 CHECK NUMBER: 200679 CHECK DATE: 8/17/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1180 4469000 823243156 336.00 LIBRARY REF MATERIALS 1110 4358200 823277477 133.88 SPECIAL INVESTIGATION 1 ACCT# 1003940760 CARMLL POLICE DEPT WEST, c[-IC Q DI::RSON AThomson Reuters business CARMLL. IN 46032-2584 INVOICE 823277477 N'ES'T 1NFORNIATION CIIARGES INVOICE PAGE' JUL 01, 2011 JUL 11. 2011 1 CIIARGE TA TOTAL CIiARGE DESCRIPTION IN USD IN USD IN USD NH,ST INFORMATION CHARGES 133.88 0.00 133.88 IMPORTANT NEWS GO GREEN with West'sinew e- Billing system? Convenient and Easy sign up with no future fog in required. Make this the fast paper invoice you receive from us. Sign up for e- Billing now and receive an e-mail notification when your invoice Is available. Logon to https /iebilling.thomsonreuters.com /Delivery /Welcome to register or call Customer Service at 1- 800 -328- 4880. Thank you for your business. For more information about West, a Thomson Reuters business, or to shop online visit west.thomson.com. FOR BILLING INFORNIATION CALL 1003940760 A 1- 800- 328 -4880 IzEMIT TANCI:' INSTRUCTIONS: 0 terms: Net 30 d Cantlrlian Registration N'�tturbers 0 lJ'c the cntcIowd cni elope to scud }tnir pay nmIE. C amlda (.SST 13(,-# 1 RVO 0 Dcuie:h and return the remittance prntiun aitd tni.i6c 1nq'n3ent pXl a fe in' vU'5I 13rilish Columbia PST 1;23756.5; Federal Employer ldentlf'ieatiaer Number 41442097.3 QUChcc t'ST 102 1623993 0 Dri not cnc lo,e ai�h or Iorrign c urrcuc%. it lati f 500 -0500 0 Remcn;hcr. clterke rntt,t he drawn 1rnrn hmin acctrunt_ PS i' 1895669 0 Write Four aicckntl Number nil the front of our 'JIM 0 D not fold or :,IcipIc Horn chccl. „r rcrnirlam:e portion. Vi1-j' T RETURN POL If }uu ;rre 001 coniplcicl' ti ith the products- wu purdt L..Ie irr liecnti12 111)1)3 West, you may wwrn timn lti ithin aS da of the nrivinul wvnice M'Ct'hip dcact! for Lull credit or 3eru11d. Pack'ccu;el and return all mrrcft nriir�c. in:uriil c contents for rl; lalcie_ All expcn s as'oriatcd t' ith rcuml3 uro thr rc'ilun,ibility Of th'c custonrcr Cu'ton3er"cill lorfeil anc wilcn returning part o a prt aunt it m:ri alc. '1 n rmure :iccrn'irle prt Wc,sr ng,:3 cnc o,c n ii ow 3, tl ropy caf the o dr lirrr er bIII ill C ttbCU nleni. incllulM" a thct rrastln lur the rcuirn. 'I h1 :110 1 policy doe' nni apply ro onlunr nere icr'.'ia h 'ls Wcr�tlwc suhscYibei is ccpn3t -ihlc for nny ti ith ollhir: predict: pll: :t,e re3er to'otn suh,cribrri :tgrecrucru Six spceiric rei'r13s .tnd v7ndittiin,. QN72INE RELS;OURCE: lo o1 ill," 3c'utu7t inlnrni:iiion i homrs.Ata�: 0 A: L:L s nnline it M 'lccuuut c tc >t.lhurris,.n3 caul. 4't eke Irt_tiiimiI 0 R:Ioni prWuk:is 4 I',r1'uo11l tnan.t;tc:nocnl 4 Check nrdtrt 0 61ake adelrcc, duphcaic hillin dneunlcn[ 4 lrlfin muucln tcbnru la;r p,t, me w ice- cir':cI credit' 0 Acecv, b' "1e9clthc,ne ut 1/800/328/4980 4 A'kc tun 1' 1%rncnt inlorm,n rrn o I'm rnent Hislon intitrrn:uinn oMAc 11:1} one1111� 4 Relurn in toimation A S alc' riaini[I" Cnnt rz ur l0J r M1ti1m FORASSISTANCE TVITIII3II_CING, SUBSCRIPTII)N.'1AD GENERAL LNIQUIRIR',S: G if p iwmw FAN l: -uuul 0 Customer Ser) lee: 1180013 2 8 -4880 1180013400378 usionwri c rvic A- ihcm�oo.conl i' i10 A"; 7 f I'M M4 0 .Sales 1 /8(1(/328.93;+2 uat sale.+ thonraun.ctm3 A Fedvnl Govertunellt.Account;: f/MM/328 -2781 IW;U687 -6857 c,(Al d._tcw1C %r'thuanson.com 0 Boulislore Accomils: 118001328 --209 1/6511687 -68;7 C cst .huok�toreCa:ihcitnst NM 0 hifer}lolional Accounk: 1 /6J 11687-6857 ":I.lnlCrnlit iiCC junE.bC'r ice C tho111'st1m(:Y 0 WC."t Nlaitr %�Vh Site: iscai..thomvnn.euln )'ou rrrcrr wrilc r.rs rrt 4arr min uraillranrrtrrrrs rrr Kni rucrr return merchambse to West West Payment Center WesI P.O. Box 64833 RO. Box 6292 Returns 131dg 11 5t. Patrl, NIN 55164 -0833 Carol Stream, 11, 60197 -6292 525 Wescott Road i h:agan.,NIN 55123 i c anaiE: d4rsi.: ARPactlaen t(:cnicrC�r`thomsnu.coto c -mail: est. �A Nl�ctal •n('crrfcrCr?'(htrrllsnn.cooa t•- n3ai1: 11' cut.: ARRc1'uaulCcntcrf {st I OR Shilrrmn- h'inl ACCT# 1003940760 CARMEL POLICE DEPT TfR1SA ANDERSON 3 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 IMPORTANT NEWS *INDICATES A SYSTEM CREDIT Thank you tar your business. For more information about West, a Thomson Reuters business, or to shop online visit west.thomson.GOm. INVOICE 823277477 BILLING SUNIMARY PACE POSTING 6074264728 JUL Ill. 21111 JUL 31, 2011 1 CHARGE TAX TOTAL CHARGE DESCRIPTION UNITS IN USD IN USD IN USE) INVESTIGATIVE SUITE DETAIL OF CHARGES CLEAR INVESTIGATOR 133.88SG O.00SG 133.88tiC TOTAL INVESTIGATIVE SUITE DETAIL OF CHARGES 133.88SG O.00SG 133.88SG TOTAL NEST INFORMATION CHARGES 133.88G O.00C 133.88C 1003940760 A VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 West Payment Center IN SUM OF P.O. Box 6292 Carol Stream„ IL 60197 -6292 $133.88 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department PO# l Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1110 I 823277477 I 43- 582.00 I $133.88 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, August 11, 2011 Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 08/01 /11 823277477 monthly payment $133.88 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer ACCT# 1000359094 CARMEL LAW DEPT ,�a �`T Yf� EJ `O I DOUGLAS Q IEANI Y AThomson Reuters business CARNI EL IN 46032 -25114 INVOICE 823243156 WEST INFORMATION CIIARGES INVOICE PACE JUL 01. 201t JUL 31. 2011 1 CHARGE TAX TOTAL CHARGE DESCRIPTION IN USD IN USD IN USD WEST INFORMA'T'ION CHARGES 336.00 0.00 336.00 IMPORTANT NEWS GO GREEN with West's new e- Billing systeml Convenient and Easy sign up with no future log in required. Make this the last paper invoice you receive from us. Sign up for e- Billing now and receive an e-mail notification when your invoice is available. Logon to https: /ebilling. thomsonreuters .com /Delivery /Welcome to register or call Customer Service at 1.7.800- 328 4880. Thank you for your business. For more information about West, a Thomson Reuters business, or to shop online visit west.thomson.com. FOR BILLING INFORMATION CALL 1000359094 A 1- 800 -329 -4980 Rl,"MITTANCT INSTRUCTIONS: 0 Tcrm,s: NO 31) 0 Canadinn Registration tiuntbers C` 1'�0 the cncicnacl ew,a-Iope ta,c Motu p:a4lnent. Canada GSl' 13641fi480 0 DCUICh tutd 1l:IkI it the remittance Ixwrlion :md make payment payable to \Vest' FSritisfi Columbia PST P'71(53 Federal fimplu_t lificatiuuNumber41- 1426973 QucbecQST 10-' 16 -3993 Q Do not or Ilm -iLn currency. Ontario PST 5002 0500 0 Rcmcmhrr_ Chcck, most be dr.iwn From :t E'.S. b ok ,tccuum. Swkatchcwait PST' 1 t3Q5663 b wliic° your ac.'ciunt nun;bcr oil the finiii -if your chcck. 0 Du nut folti or maple your check u4 I'cmttt:uice portion. I'V i :ST RETURN POLICY- Ef pain arc not owpi cid% saai fwd v. itia Ilia lrmductr }'oil purchnse of liccnsc from A•Vcst, you muy ,caitrn thcin withua 45 day" Of thy. I:'t imriiee CQ ,trap al,ttr± I {ir fu!1 c rt2ilil or rcl'nnd. Yuck secure!)' al relum <III nrerchandi� in.,iiriii_; cuuterltr; for ire kqluc. AH �e hrn,r� n „nci: w 1111 :rtnrir :ire the tc::wpowbiht} of the customer. Cu..stoners a iii forfeit m;. app licahlc diwo nits w'iacn retunmig parr oP :i Ill oiwilorld ,;0 1 II'mn. ,lc' pl ..:ilm ay, C71close %%lth vuiit' rfiom �1 co p!' (if lite CIt igiil Il &Iiv'�Iy or bil lif)ir k1ocuntei7i. rt�iuclin� ,r i,iiri n1 the i loon list the• mtutit ''1 his Ilea pulicy flocs hilt apply to oniinc we such a, Wee tla%k. Stt1 crit?er is :,puiavhle Ent aou 'Ipp7icnhlc chat .ts,uc wcd y+ ith online products. Please refer to your sub,eribet agreemew for specific terlwa anil "fa ae� es un t2t: �,run.nt uilimn:iti0fl ?-1 Ixrur.,rcl:iv: n .1c, :�'s nnlirtc at :Mt Ac(' oral at ne,l.tholnson.eaam: 0 MAC pa menu 0 Rclurn produces 4 Pa_v.'mord rrl,oattsecucN 0 Chuck uld'3 r staitrs 0 i i it dwr chmt„c, 0 itryne�t dupliv tie billing, dOCl:MCHil 0 110'01MA ahout lust p mpmew reccived and civdit, l:ostco. 0 Access by ielcphcne at 1/800,32f#A880 o Acctnmt Pat moot iuiornialion 0 Puinment Ilistury inloru .ttion 4 NA akc pa }hews Rcrurn udm muri;m 0 Sales T'ininina Contact iniiufflutin FOR ASSISTANCE Will] BII.I iNG, SUBSCRIPTIONAND GENERAL hYQUIRIES: klehliuur- FA-V i ore a 0 Custorner Seri ice: USMIV328 4880 1/8001340 -9378 wet, t, cciston?erserviccra 'thouisola.c<n1i 4 Sales 0800/328.9352 wostsalc tAillnmau,.cona A Fe (leral Government Accounts: 1/800/328 -2781 1/651/687 -6837 tP t.homson.cvm 0 KmAsturc Accounts: 1/800/328 -2.209 1/6-511687 -6857 west.hogkrtare�cthomson.com 10 411 %I ti -Fr 0 11IM At:c:mvlt4. 1/651/687 -68-57 yycsf. irate: rmukimti. ticci >untservic:cClthvnlsrsil.ciam 0 NNe"i A1ahl AAvb Site: arocst.tlllurlson.com You maul, trrite Ic.c ar f "rnr meal maillrrrvrnewt to Yiu may a.•rtern merchcm& e to West West Payment Center 'vVest RO. Box 64833 RO. Box 6292 Returns Iltda _li St. Paul.,AIN 5"5164• -0833 Carol Stream. IL 60197 -6292 525 Wescott Road Ea ;Ian, rti1N 55123 e -nr. lit: 4Vcst.AltPaylaeitfCcnter thnntsrrrt .cote e-mail: Nect.rlddlxe.tnrttCcatc_I 'Yibumsnrt.cnro e- nr,ril: 15est.;AR Rci'undCent+: t C� lhmnsou.rnln Ft 311 Shipphig Prim ACCT# 1000359094 CARMEL LAW DEPT DOUGLAS HANEY I CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 40032 -2584 IMPORTANT NEWS *INDICATES A SYSTEM CREDIT Thank you for your business. For more information about West, a Thomson Reuters business, or to shop online visit vvest.thomson.com. INVOICE 823243156 BILLING SUNINIARY PAGE POSTING 6074228119 JUL 01, 2011 JUL 31. 2011 1 CIIARGE TAX TOTAL CHARGE DESCRIPTION UNITS IN USD IN USD IN USD DETAIL OF CHARGES NVESTLAW SELECT -WPack MONTHLY CHARGES DATABASE ALLOCATION 315.84 0.00 315.84 COMMUNICATION ALLOCATION 20.16 0.00 20.16 TOTAL MONTHLY CHARGES 336.00S I1.00S 336.00S TOTAL WESTLAW SELECT- WIllack CHARGES 336.00SG O.00SG 336.00SG TOTAL DETAIL OF CHARGES 336.00SG ().00SG 336.00SG TOTAL WEST INFORMATION C}IARGES 336.00G O.00G 336.00G 1000359094 A it o C f INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT PAGE CERTIFICATE NO. 003120155 002 d PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER r �f FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT l 35- 60000972 ONE CIVIC SOUARE THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES, A/P CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 -2584 VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO, PACKING SLIPS, FORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL 1997 SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE. PURCHASE ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO, VENDOR NO. DESCRIPTION VENDOR (fl k'r!y�.'✓� SHIP TO CONFIRMATION BLANKET CONTRACT PAYMENT TERMS FREIGHT QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION ilk F a Send Invoice To:� �p PLEASE INVOICE IN DUPLICATE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT PR_ OJECT ACCOUNT AMOUNT at.tj g© `�/��Q dGCS PAYMENT 334 'oa A/P VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT UNLESS THE P.O. NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED, SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOBUGATED BALANCE IN SHIP REPAID. THIS APPROPRIATION SUFFICIENT TO PAY FOR THE ABOVE ORDER. C.O.D. SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL 6 ORDERED BY,_ SHIPPING LABELS. THIS ORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99, ACTS 1945 TITL AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. CLERK- TREASURER DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. 1 2 A.P.V. COPY SIGN AND RETURN TO CLERK OFFICE VOUCHER NO. NO._ ALLOWED 20 1 IN THE SUM OF (0 ON ALCOUNT OF APPR@PRIATION FOR Board Members o FO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except i tire TitIe Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund.