HomeMy WebLinkAbout163249 09/03/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 143001 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE INDIANA ASSOC OF CITIES TOWNS a CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION CHECK AMOUNT: $600.00 200 S MERIDIAN ST, SUITE 340 SON INDIANAPOLIS IN 46225 CHECK NUMBER: 163249 CHECK DATE: 9/3/2008 DEPAR ACCO PO NUMB INVOICE N UMBER AM DESCRIPTION 1401 4357002 300.00 SNYDER 1701 4357004 .300.00 CORDRAY i I Fq _E7 C3 7 710 rl REGISTRATION DEADLIN :,SEPTEMBER 20, 2900, o tbi FULL NAME TITL a \J PREFERRED NAME F R BADGE MUNICIPALITY/COMPANY COUNCIL PRESIDENT'S NAME ADDRESS CITYfTOWN STATE ZIP CODE FIRST TIME ATTENDING TACT ANNUAL CONFERENCE PHONE EMAIL FULL NAME OF GUEST REGISTERING FOR THE CONFERENCE RE TRATION FEES NELSON STEELE MEMORIAL RUN/WALK /ember TNIunicipal Official $300 MONDAY. OCTOBER 13 615 AM Population greater than or equal to 1,000) Walkers will enjoy atwo -mile scenic course while runners take an 'Member _1\1Iunicipal Official $210 (Population less than 1,000) extended four -mile route in this non- comperitive event. Meet in Associate Iylember $300 the South Bend Century Center lobby (near registration booths) at 6:20 am for shuttle service to the course. No additonal fee is Guest Spouse* ...........................5185 0 Nonmember 5445 required; please sign -up below to participate. iMunicipal Day (Monday only) $135 The guest registration fie is restricted to those iPho are not viunicipal of icialr Full Name and ivho have no pr %ssional interest at the conference. The fee includes adntis CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 3 EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: Sion to all conference events; exhibit hall, veal• and participation in the gues1pro gram and tours. Online at wim citiesandloivus.org (keyword: annual conference) Mad completed registration form with payment to: Registration deadline is September 20. Registration after this date Indiana Association of Cities and Towns, 200 South TNIeridian is considered late. Please add $50 for late or onsite registrations. Street, Suite 340, Indianapolis, IN 46225 o Fax completed registration form with credit card information Please check the conference events that you plan to attend: to (317) 237 -6206 (No additional charges eoply): CANCELLATION POLICY SUN /10 /1 2 Welcome Party Only written cancellations will be accepted. Please mail your writ- MO N 10 /1 3 Opening Bus iness Session Co Breakfa ten cancellation to 200 S. Meridian St., Suite 340, Indianapolis, IN _MON /1 0/1_3 1lnnual Awards Luncheon_. 46225, Attn: Lindsay Heinzman; fax to (317) 237 -6206; or email to TUES 10 14 Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall Ihein�rnan @citiesandtoums.oig. Written cancellations received on or -L j- TUES /10/14 Lunch in Exhibit Hall before October 1 will be refunded less a S40 processing fee. TACT TUES /10/ Closing Bu Session is not responsible for hotel reservations or cancellations. 0 TUE /10/14 Annual Banquet AFFILIATE GROUP EVENTS WEDS /10 /1 5 Closing Breakfast IAC "f' affiliate groups will hold individual meetings and events at the conference. Attendees must be registered through the affiliate PAYMENT INFORMATION group in order to attend affiliate events. Registration information will be mailed separately. Credit Card Discover MasterCard Visa p` Check /Pavable to IAC'f Annual Conference /Check DISABILITIES AND SPECIAL DEEDS IAC'I' will make all programs accessible to you. If you require spe- 1 CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE cial arrangements, or a special diet, please notify IAC 1' by sending requests to 1l rein�Znrau @citiesandtoxiis.org. We may not be able to NAME OF CARD HOLDER 3 -DIGIT VERIFICATION CODE accommodate such requests the day of the event. Meeting room temperatures may vary beyond our control; please wear layers of BILLING ADDRESS clothing for your comfort. CITY /STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE OF CARD HOLDER -E7 Or 14S T 710 r7 F 0 IR M REGISTRATION DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 20, 2008 FULL NAME (for PREFERRED NAME FOR BADGE UNI IPALITY /COMPANY COUNCIL PRESIDENT NAME e. cipL ADDRESS CIT' N STATE IP COD ,_FIRST TIME ATTENDING TACT ANNUAL_ CONFERENCE_ PHONE EMAIL FULL NAME OF GUEST REGISTERING FOR THE CONFERENCE V RATION FEES NELSON STEELE ME MORIAL RU NIWALK ber i\hanicipal Official OVialkers MONDAY. OCTOBER 13 0 6:45 AM (Populaliongrealer than or equal to /,000) will enjoy atwo -mile scenic course, while runners take an Member Municipal Official $210 extended four -mile route in_this d c non com P' dve event. Meet in (Population less than the South Bend Century Center lobby (near registration booths) at Associate Afember S300 6:20 am for shuttle service to the course. No additonal fee is Guest /Spouse $185 required; please sign -up below to participate. Nonmember S445 Municipal Day (i\Ionday only) 5135 Full Name The guest regirlratiort fee is restricted to those lvho are riot rrluniciipal officials and who have no professional interest at the conference. The fee includes admis CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 3 EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: lion to all conference events, exhibit hall, meals and participation in theguest pro o Online at zvrvrucitzesarrdtorvrrs.org (keyword: annual conference) gram and tour Mail completed registration form with payment to: Registration deadline is September 20. Registration after this date Indiana Association of Cities and Towns, 200 South Meridian is considered late. Please add 550 for late or onsite registrations. Street, Suite 340, Indianapolis, IN 46225 Fax completed registration form with credit card information Please check the conference events that you plan to attend: to (317) 237 -6206 (Alo additional charges appl)): SUN /10 /1 2 Wel e Party CANCELLATION POLICY lY com Only written cancellations will be accepted. Please mail your writ- MON /10 /1 3 O Bu siness Sessio Contin Breakfa ten cancellation to 200 S. Meridian St., Suite 340, Indianapolis, IN 0MON /10/1 3 Annual Awards Luncheon 46225, Attn: Lindsay Heinzman; fax to (317) 237 -6206; or email to 0-- TUES 10 14 Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall Ihein�r fain @ciliesandtowiis.org. Written cancellations received on or 10 14 Lunch in I xhibit Hall before October 1 will be refunded less a 540 processing fee. IACT TUES TU is not responsible for hotel reservations or cancellations. ES/10 /14 Closing Bu Ses �WEDS TUE /1 Banquet AFFILIATE GROUP EVENTS 0 /1 S Closing Bre akfas t IACT affiliate groups will hold individual meetings and events at the conference. Attendees must be registered through the affiliate PAYMENT INFORMATION group in order to attend affiliate events. Registration information Credit Card Discover MasterCard Visa will be mailed separately. Check /Payable to IACT Annual Conference /Check DISABILITIES AND SPECIAL REEDS IACT will make all programs accessible to you. If you require spe- CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE cial arrangements, or a special diet, please notify IAC 1 by sending requests to lheirrZmcrrt @ciliesarzdlorvns.org. We may not be able to NAME OF CARDHOLDER 3 -DIGIT VERIFICATION CODE accommodate such requests the day of the event. iMceting room BILLING ADDRESS temperatures may vary beyond our control; please wear layers of clothing for your comfort. CITY /STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE OF CARD HOLDER Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOULHER NO. WARRANT NO. I ALLOWED 20 V I DC IN SUM OF ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except r 20 Signature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund