HomeMy WebLinkAbout200940 08/30/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351502 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE MACALLISTER MACHINERY CHECK AMOUNT: $1,290.30 a, CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P.O. aox 660200 INDIANAPOLIS IN 45266 -0200 CHECK NUMBER: 200940 CHECK DATE: 8/3012011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4237000 PT040210061 37.51 REPAIR PARTS 1093 4350000 R6057394801 822.29 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS M 1125 4350000 28876 R8158420601 124.00 REPAIRS TO UTV AND AE 1125 4350000 28876 R8158421301 306.50 REPAIRS TO UTV AND AE MacAllister E3 Contract H f ntal No. 584206 001 1 D R f a. MacAllister Rental Invoice No. I R8158420601 Page 1 BEECH GROVE RENTAL 5401 ELMWOOD AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46203 WORK ORDER INVOICE Date 11AUG2011 1174560 0 4AUG2011 11AUG2011 CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC SHOP 28876 ADMIN OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032 OUR SHOP TODD 710 -5671 Equip Make Model Serial Description 583 :RYAN 5448 583 MISCELLANEOUS O:T:HER, LIG WORK PERFORMED. NOT RUNNING Found unit had stale fuel. Drained fuel and cleaned the carberator, changed spark plug and engine oil. Test unit and run s well now. PARTS.. Qty. B /G: Part Number BJn. Lbc Description U Price Extended 1 STE100 -446 PRE FILTER BRIGGS EA 1.850 1.85 1 STE102.549 AIR FILTER BRIGGS EA 3.900 3.90 1 112RC12YC 001M03P SPARK PLUG (71) EA 2.500 2.50 1 KUB.70000 10100 OO:ISP'LAY 1 QT SAE 30: EA 4.750 4,75 LABOR:. Mechanic Hours Work Rate Extended DAVID GRAYBROOK 1.50 MISCELLANEOUS 74.00 111.00 Purchase j ;'Descripfibllt G2�'� P P rF Budget Lbw LIf,B�q x. 11 P rrl Purchaser oate L 0 �Ppi Total Parts Materials 13.00 Total Labor 111.00 Total Amount 124.00 Net 10 days unless otherwise specified. A service charge will be applied to all past due accounts. This agreement shall include the above terms and conditions as well as those set forth on the reverse hereof. Please Remit All Payments to: MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc., PO Box 660200, Indianapolis, IN 46266 -0200 MaeAll ister y Mental Contract No. 584213 -001 MacAllister Rental BEECH GROVE RENTAL Invoice No. i 88158421301 Page 1 5401 ELMWOOD AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46203 WORK ORDER INVOICE 317 788 -4624 Date 11RUG2011 1174560 04AUG2011 IIAUG2011 CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC ADMIN OFFICE SHOP 28876 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032 OUR SHOP TODD 710 -5671 Equip Make Model Serial Description 73848.:'': KUBOTA. ..RTV 90.0 KUBOTA, WORK VEHICLE WORK PE:RF.ORMfD. L.S. DOOR WON'T LATCH /L.S. TURN SIGNAL BROKEN Check left side door latch and striker and found the striker to be worn out and door latch frozen up, ordered and replaced both pieces and door shuts and latche s; properly no;w:..'Th;e:le.f:f .side:: tur.n.sign:al waa br:o;ken afid hadeto be re;p Te's.; ted and ',everyth1 ng: 1 s w orkii ng pr.tiperly at thus ti me PARTS: Qty B/0 Part Number Bin Loc Description U Price Extended 1 FREIGHT FREIGHT EA 8.500 8.50 1 KUB70000 01016 LATCH`,;DOOR;- `INSIDE.:. EA 55:600 55.60 1 KUBKM61 62630. ".04BOAL LAMP. ASSY -T'URN S -GNA fA 23 4.80 23.48 1 KUB70000 01 >108 <02C.05 STRLK.E:R,:: EA. 33.920 33:92 LABOR; Mechanic Hours Work Rate Extended VANCE MCLLAN 2.50 MISCELLANEOUS i 74,00 185.00 or C' ON t_ Budget Line Des Purchaser pate ApPro�� Total Parts Materials 121.50 Total Labor 185.00 Total Amount 306.50 Net 10 days unless otherwise specified. A service charge will be applied to all past due accounts. This agreement shall include the above terms and conditions as well as those set forth on the reverse hereof. WYNN' Please Remit All Payments to: MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc., PID Box 660200, Indianapolis, IN 46266 -0200 MacAllister Rental Contract No. 573948-001 MacAllister Rental Invoice No. R6057394801 Page 1 INDIANAPOLIS RENTAL 6870 WEST WASHINGTON ST INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46241 WORK ORDER INVOICE 317 244 -7368 Date 04AUG2011 Received Date Finished Date 1174560 11JUL2011 04AUG2011 CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC A D M I N OFFICE MONON MATTHEW BUSH 1411 E 116TH ST F CARMEL, IN 46032 OUR SHOP MATTHEW BUSH Equip Make Model Serial Description 150109'4 JLG .1300R`J 0300120739;:. 30' .ELECT.R'IC: AR'TICUL'ATIN WORK PEIRFORMED. HR METER 76.2 /CUSTOMER MACHINE: DIAGNOSE LOSS OF SWING FUNCTION. FREED JAMMED SWING MECHANISM, INSPECT ALL SAFETY OPERATION. NEEDS REPAIRS TO PASS OSHA/ ANSI STANDARDS. RETURNED TO JOB ON 8/1/11, REPLACED PLATFORM DISPLAY LENSE, RESEAL ;STEER'.SWI:TCH REPLACE; ILLEGIBLE DECALS, RETORQU.E WHEEL LUGS. SERVICE'S HY :DRAUL'lC SYSTEM <LUBED COM_PLETELY RESET FU.NCTIO,N RESPONSES FOR. >SAF.ETY MACHIN,E'.PASSES ANNUAL INSPECTION. PARTS: Qty B/O Part Number Bin Loc Description U/M Price Extended 1 :'JLG70D3972S 64 A1' BOQT;'SMA,LL THUMB: STE: EA 6:880 1 JLG.70'21616: Q FILTEIR.CARTRIDGE! EA. 145.1'$0' 14:5...1 4! 8 1 JLG17:0346 FLLE `CAB DECAL`;AC PQWER EA: 2.32D 2 32 1 JLG1704239 FILE CAB DECAL, DISPLAY EA 24.010 24 01 1 JLG1703805 FILE CAB DECAL,DANGER -ELECT EA 3.370 3.37 1 JLG1701504 FILE CAB DECAL, HYDRAULIC OIL( EA 1.780 1.78'': 2 *OIL FILE :CAB HYDRAiULIC;'.QIL EA 2$.5D0; 5`7..00 LABOR Mechanic Hours Work Rate Extended PATRICK JENSEN 6.50 MISCELLANEOUS 89.50 581.75 .I. CONTINUED. Total Parts Materials 240.54 AUG 0 9 1011 Net 10 days unless otherwise specified. A service charge will be applied to all past due accounts. This agreement shall include the 'abo5e tdims' and conditions as well as those set forth on the reverse hereof. w New°B"u1201 1 Please Remit All Payments to: MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc., PO Box 660200, Indianapolis, IN 46266 -0200 MacAllister Rental Contract No. 573948 -001 g T p p MacAllister Rental Invoice No. R6057394801 Page 2 INDIANAPOLIS RENTAL 6870 WEST WASHINGTON ST INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46241 WORK ORDER INVOICE 317- 244 -7368 Date 04AUG2011 Received Date Finished Da 1174560 11JUL2011 04AUG2011 CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC ADMIN OFFICE MONON MATTHEW BUSH 1411 E 116TH ST Authorize CARMEL, IN 46032 OUR SHOP MATTHEW BUSH Equip Make Model Serial Description F<5010:g4 JLG E300A'J 03U12073.9 :i: 30' .......E'I ECTR!;IC ARTI;CULATIN,;';. Purchase Description 1 CT rJ t I A a 9 20 1 1 5 C� L08% I me:..scr. et Purchaser Date Approval Date 1 10 Total Labor 581.75 Total Amount 822.29 Net 10 days unless otherwise specified. A service charge will be applied to all past due accounts. This agreement shall include the above terms and conditions as well as those set forth on the reverse hereof. WY-060.12011P Please Remit All Payments to: MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc., PO Box 660200, Indianapolis, IN 46266 -0200 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 00351502 MacAllister Machinery Co., Inc. Terms P.O. Box 660200 Indianapolis, IN 46266 -0200 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 8/4111 R6057394801 Repair inspect Lift 28799 822.29 8/11/11 R8158420601 Repairs to Ryan aerator 28876 124.00 8111111 R8158421301 Repairs to Kubota UTV 28876 1 306.50 Total I 1,252.79 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 00351502 MacAllister Machinery Co., Inc. Allowed 20 P.O. Box 660200 Indianapolis, IN 46266 -0200 In Sum of 1,252.79 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund/109 Monon Center PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1093 R6057394801 4350000 822.29 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 28876 R8158420601 4350000 124.00 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 28876 F R8158421301 4350000 306.50 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 23 -Aug 2011 Signature 1,252.79 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Engine Power MacAllister 7m7ms.somS�oo po Box 1y4l Indianapolis, /m^*2oe Ph: (s17) oeo'u^o1 Please Remit All Payments to: MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc. PO Box 660200 nvoice NumbeTrPT040210061 Indianapolis, IN 46266-0200 F, CITY OF CARMEL IF STREET DEPT 3400 W 131ST ST WESTFIELD IN 46074 PACKING SLIP NUMBER: 04C282147 PARTS SALES PERSON: JAMES E. BARLOW 1 137-9867 TUBE S 36.86 36.86 TOTAL PARTS 37.51 T TAX EXEMPTION LICENSE 0031201550 020 NET 30 DUE 30 DAYS FROM INV DA MacAllister Machinery's service labor is warranted to the Customer for a period of 180 days from the date of work, to include defects in workmanship performed by MacAllister Machinery employees. This warranty would include the replacement of parts and labor, damaged by that defect in workmanship. Any failures caused by defect of parts, whether replaced new at the time of our work, OF re-used, will be covered by the original manufacturer's warranties, if any. Goods cannot be returned without our permission and are subject to restocking charge. All items marked with an asterisk have been declared non-refundable by the manufacturer and are not acceptable for credit. Items not shown are backordered. Claims for shortages must be made within 5 days. TERMS: 1.5% PER MONTH (18%) PER ANNUM) WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICE PAST DUE Please Pay $37.51 THIRTY (30) DAYS. This Amount CORPORATE OFFICE: 7515 E. 30th Street, PO Box 1941' Indianapolis, |N46206 Ph: (317) 545'2151 Fax: (317) 860-3310 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc. IN SUM OF P. O. Box 660200 Indianapolis, IN 46266 -0200 $37.51 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# 1 Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 PT040210061 42- 370.00 $37.51 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 1) 1 I Thursday %A� gust 25, 2011 Street Commissioner S�oa Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 08/12/11 PT040210061 $37.51 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer