HomeMy WebLinkAbout159972 05/28/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00353241 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE MARRIOTT LOUISVILLE DOWNTON CHECK AMOUNT: $838.44 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 280 WEST JEFFERSON y*«ON GO LOUISVILLE KY 40202 CHECK NUMBER: 159972 CHECK DATE: 5/28/2008 DEPARTMENT ACC OUNT PO NUMB INVOICE NUMBER AMO DESC RIPTION 1110 4343002 838.44 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA I I J i INVOICE Date: May 21, 2008 Sold to: City of Carmel Police Department 3 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Payment for lodging for John Elliott August 17 August 23, 2008 in Louisville, KY. Confirmation #86059963 Room Rate Tax Total $121.50 $18.24 $139.74 x 6 $838.44 TOTAL DUE: $838.44 Please make check payable to: Marriott Louisville Downtown 280 West Jefferson Louisville, KY 40202 Registration Form Page 1 CONFERENCE ATTENDEE INFORMATION SPEAKER YES LAST NAME: �LLZO FIRST NAME: y v �I U M. I.: NICKNAME: Al I INTER NATIONAL MEMBER? 0 NO MEMBER AGENCY /ORGANIZATION: ADDRESS: CITY: 2 C�— STATE /PROVINCE: ZIP /MAIL CODE: COUNTRY: BUSINESS PHONE: 31 S 7 _26 CELL PHONE (AREA CODE): C3 7 J l�� E -MAIL: �k CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE INFORMATION PLEASE INDICATE IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL NEEDS OR REQUESTS YES NO TO FULLY PARTICIPATE IN THE CONFERENCE: FIRST TIME ATTENDING AN IAI CONFERENCE X I PLAN TO ATTEND THE WEDNESDAY EVENING EVENT I PLAN TO ATTEND THE FRIDAY EVENING BANQUET =s /ATTENTION CONFERENCE REGISTRANTS! k6rereg` st ation deadline is July 14, 2008. L1 Registration forms must be postmarked by this date. The deadline is firm with no extensions Forms received after 7/14/08 will not be processed and wil be returned Cancellation Policy: to the registrant. After 7/14/08 only on -site registrations will be accepted. Cancellations received prior to 7/14/08 will receive a full refund less a $50 processing fee. There will be no refunds for cancellations after 7/14/08. REGISTRATION FEES POSTMARKED BEFORE ON -SITE TOTAL July 14, 2008 1Y MEMBER Al INTERNATIONAL (5 DAYS) $275.00 $325.00 NON- MEMBER (5 DAYS) $375.00 $425.00 3. AAFS MEMBER, MEMBER $275.00 $325.00 4. STUDENT $138.00 $163.00 n 5.. DAILY REGISTRATION (PER DAY) $85.00 $100.00 5A. _INDICATE DAYS ;MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY DAILY REGISTRATION WILL RECEIVE ONLY THE NON -FEE EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS FOR THAT DAY NOT TO INCLUDE SOCIAL EVENTS. WORKSHOPS ARE ADDITIONAL FOR THAT DAY. PLEASE CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE 82: Registration Form Page 2 PRINT NAME HERE: =0 WORKSHOP INFORMATION W01 $50 W16 $60 W31 $35 W46 $30 W61 $25 W76 $25 W91 $60 W106 $25 W121 $50 W02 $50 W17 $60 W32 $35 W47 $30 W62 $25 W77 $25 W92 $50 W107 $60 W122 40 W03 $50 W18 $30 W33 $30 W48 $30 W63 $60 W78 $25 W93 $30 W108 $40 W123 $60 W04 $50 W19 $30 W34 $30 W49 $30 W64 $60 W79 $25 W94 $30 W109 $40 W05 $50 W20 $30 W35 $40 W50 $30 W65 $70 W80 $25 W95 $30 W110 $50 W06 $50 W21 $40 W36 $40 W51 $30 W66 $70 W81 $25 W96 $30 W111 $50 W07 $50 W22 $40 W37 $30 W52 $30 W67 $50 W82 W97 $30 W112 $40 W08 $50 W23 $30 W38 $60 W53 $30 W68 $50 W93 0 W98 $30 W113 $40 W09 $40 W24 $30 W39 $50 W54 $40 W69 $40 W84 $60 W99 $20 W114 $20 W10 $40 W25 $30 W40 $50 W55 $30 W70 $30 W85 $25 W100 $30 W115 $20 W11 $60 W26 $65 W41 $30 W56 $60 W71 $40 W86 $25 W101 $60 W116 $20 W12 $30 W27 $65 W42 $25 W57 $20 W72 $30 W87 $40 W102 $60 W117 $20 W13 $30 W28 $30 W43 $25 W58 $20 W73 $30 W88 $20 W103 $40 W118 $20 Y W14 $30 W29 $70 W44 $25 W59 $20 W74 $40 W89 $80 W104 $40 W119 $20 W15 $30 W30 $30 W45 $20 W60 $25 W75 $25 W90 $80 W105 $25 W120 $40 MkQ WORKSHOP CHANGES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 6:00 PM MONDAY, August 18, 2008. CANCELLATIONS OF WORKSHOPS AFTER 6:00 PM MONDAY, August 18, 2008 WILL NOT RECEIVE A REFUND OR CREDIT. HOWEVER, WORKSHOPS MAYBE ADDED AFTER THIS DATE. It PAYMENT INFORMATION TOTAL AMOUNT DUE IN USD: CHARGE TO MY (CHECK ONE): VISA MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS NOVUS /DISCOVER CREDIT CARD NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: I?s SIGNATURE OF CARDHOLDER: c NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD: Zip Code: CHECK ENCLOSED. PAYABLE TO THE 2008 IAI CONFERENCE. PAYMENT MUST BE POSTMARKED PRIOR TO DEADLINES TO RECEIVE DISCOUNTED RATES. o 3Z 7 G a STUDENT REGISTRATION IAI FEDERAL ID #:141431629 To qualify as a Student Registrant, individuals must be full -time students, Payment must accompany registration in the form of a check or charge. not gainfully employed by a law enforcement agency, and provide a letter of authorization from the dean or their professor on school letterhead. A Student Registrant receives all benefits of the Full Registration with the THIS FORM MAY BE DUPLICATED. exception of the Friday -night Banquet. Tickets may be purchased separately PLEASE SUBMIT ONE FORM FOR EACH REGISTRANT. for the banquet. YOU MAY REGISTER BY: MAIL: FAX: Al Conference 1- 212 500 -0004 408 Calloway Avenue Sherwood, AR 72120 USA ON -LINE REGISTRATION: Credit Card Only 2 WWW.THEIALORG g'3 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Marriott Louisville Downtown Purchase Order No. 280 West Jefferson Terms Louis ville, KY 40202 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 5/21/08 payment for lodging for Sgt. John Elliott while 838.44 attending the 2008 IAI Conference on August 17 23, 2008 in Louisville KY Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Marriott Louisville Downtown IN SUM OF 280 West Jefferson Louisville, KY 40202 838.44 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR police general ufnd] Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1110 430 -02 838.44 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except May 21 20 08 —&�Z'etey -b Signature Chief of Police Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund