HomeMy WebLinkAboutBZA 09-26-11 Hearing OfficerO C A1441 PeNi Rs� C i ty of arme N /NDIAt Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer September 26, 2011 Meeting Time 5:30 p.m. Location City Hall Caucus Rooms, 2 Floor, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 Hearing Officer Mr. Ephraim Wilfong AGENDA A. Call to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Reports, Announcements, Legal Counsel Report, and Department Concerns D. Public Hearing 1. (V) Land Rover Signage (East 96th Street Auto Park, Lot 3) The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals: Docket No. 11070001 V Ch.25.07.02 -08 B Number of signs (5 proposed, 4 allowed) Docket No. 11070002 V Ch.25.07.02 -08 B Number of signs facing a public right -of -way: south (5 proposed, 4 allowed) The site is located at 4620 E. 96 St. and is zoned B -3 /Business. It is not located within any Overlay Zone. Filed by Ron Courtney of Courtney Signs on behalf of Tom Wood Inc. E. Old Business F. New Business G. Adjournment File: 20110926 hearing officer.doc WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV Page 1 of 1 (317) 571 -2417