HomeMy WebLinkAbout201132 09/13/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359959 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE AMERICAN RED CROSS OF GREATER 'CHECK AMOUNT: $498.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 LOCATION 14164 PO BOX 10900 CHECK NUMBER: 201132 FT WAYNE IN 46854 -0900 CHECK DATE: 911312011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1096 4358300 34038 19.00 OTHER FEES LICENSES 1081 4357004 34045 192.00 EXTERNAL INSTRUCT FEE 1081 4357004 34094 287.00 EXTERNAL INSTRUCT FEE American Red Cross Processing Center IN I E h ;l e Accounts Receivable �[ivalceAtit $/26 /2011 k4E a`rR,vv. `i.�w 4kwV:w P.O. Box 10900 T Fort Wayne, IN 46854 -0900 nvolcealk� 34038 317 684 -1441 Ext. 808 Email: accounting @redcross indy.org Amount Due: g 19.00 Page I 9 ra 3 11 E ala �,t wa :31, 'p' m e ,mo M"251 N r,y� $��1< 51,11 3aR� ep 9 �k 1 .51 "3 7 s m rani !g w.117jp "l;.kl 14164 The Monon Center (Carmel Clay Parks Rec) 14164 The Monon Center (Carmel Clay Parks Rec) 1411 East 116th St 1411 East 116th St Carmel, IN 46032 -3455 Carmel, IN 46032 -3455 Please &iac:h-aud- returmbisPoainawA yourreanutance w. �i? w� A Gustomee [Q Custprr€erEPO Ctv. Qcdei Tlate 1, is 5ht d 4-JE sY a EOB a. hPe 4, ,4H es. R: �aaa��a_'a«. ���a[a,:tr,.r�.e">�� 566 8/26/2011 ;3i m' ADue =Date -5. rt N?atttigY s �edaet� m:� ff� Spld B� 1.,,,, a s E r. e r s -u 5 uc Y �I;_ a ,aa a�€�`� m `n: :a, „gAd�' w k I' 1 tf n, "_a....:�',.,'.�,.. i .:,3... x.:�: s� �..�i... d...,�'., s ,...�..'m,'94k, �mu.fniS';,`. Upon Receipt 8/26/2011 0.00 [Cathleen Mayo €iE= Item Na .,ft 5 De5cnptigi A a aC7mt Ifutt,Pr3ce Discount y Extendle P h 71718 CPP/AED For professional rescuers and healthcare providers 1.00 ea $19.00 t9A0 review 8/17/11 offer id# 010'39915 Ri L6 AUG 3 E a Purchase DOscri Lion P R 8 P.O. fY1C00 2�1�. G.L A l o-- �9( _!o 3583 Line Descr Purchaser e APProval Date_ Date to a $19.00 Salesax 50.00 3 Printed on 8/26/2011 Totat�Y $19.00 'rotal&Uue- $19.00 American Red Cross Processing Center INVOICE Accounts Receivable U o�cii" a 8/26/2011 P.O. Box 10900 "I Fort Wayne, IN 46854- 0900' lD 34045 317. 684 -1441 Ext. 808 Email: accounting @redcross- indy.org Amount Due: 5 192,00 Page 1 ���3�'Ea�e' is 3F .4a _'�,'x ':I �k' t i �P,P[Jia1f�, Ae� �.I i�j i�� °��i e�" m_..x �e �n� w as ��Sre�" fi+!� lix .a,.,(` C.LfSTpII R m11 14164 The Monon Center (Carmel Clay Parks Rec) 14164 The Monon Center (Carmel Clay Parks Rec) 1411 East 116th St 1411 East 116th St Carmel, IN 46032 -3455 Carmel, IN 46032 -3455 Cu stomer Gusmmrr Pt7'ho f}rder &hi d a P FOS x �.netoe trea.. r�... vs 3 w s ..:.�.M� ..�r.�: a m -x. a..�r, a €e� d =3� t m .i i.. i` 566 8/26/2011 g{;. 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Box 10900 Fort Wayne, IN 46854 0900 InvolcefD 317 684 -1441 Ext. 808 K O „.'w 34094 Email: accounting @redeross indy.org Amount Due: S 287.00 Page l rd t 73 rj a`Nt 4a'3 b�- �'�"i 3 a a.�€ re W "re c r� r re v a k €a a fir 2 a FM 3�. s. 3 lL )•`I,lEli lei'."' r 8 u+i Li m M P „9�. k,?�e .E R T 14164 The Monon Center (Carmel Clay Parks Rec) 14164 The Monon Center (Carmel Clay Parks Rec) 1411 East 116th St 1411 East 116th St Carmel, IN 46032 -3455 Carmel, IN 46032 -3455 r_...— eN p ,i (.;c3 2 %0 ,"5.`� tru5tOnICr�D.; ai �IIStOR12C;.1��}t�Q";;�,�.s ..aria:: amwP s� t}rder date Shipped Ala MI 'M six 566 8/30/201.1 Now, .r,. ��3,.' >�3 g -aim m. .w W Terms floe Da f 3'atd B D Iuet 9nld S .re I� ���z�, �.�>z Nu.� as'. aax '-m re .rH t M.. k; Upon Receipt 8/30/2011 S 0.00 Kathleen Mayo gip." a a$s�sx� ;ga, ftem.�lo Y N,.. re she .a� re.' o 13rscrlpti¢n.. `.Q 1 3 iii I 1 r�It;EiIC¢ D1 seuunt �,m, ERtencledaFrxe �A W.w.., h 71805 adult and child CPR/AED 8/20/[ 1 1.00 ea 5152.00 $152.00 offer id'# 01046709 71806 adult and child CPR first aid CPR/AED 8/20/1. 1 L00 ea S135.00 S135.00 offer idA 01046789 M' r7j I r SEP p 6 2011 'A Purchase Description n L fi! r1w �a P.O.# V" r G.L. (Cl l- `JGJ -�l- ZoD� Budget Line Des n at I cr Purchaser Date Approval Date ulitotal $287.00 �atesFax�E 50.00 Printed on 3/30/2011 "I otsl $287.00 Totall3ue 5287.00 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 359959 American Red Cross Processing Center Terms Location 14164 P.O. Box 10900 Fort Wayne, IN 46854 -0900 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO* Amount 8126111 34038 CPR Certification 8/17/11 19.00 8/26111 34045 CPR /AED Training 28955 192.00 8/30111 34094 CPR /AED Training 28955 287.00 Total 498.00 i hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 359959 American Red Cross Processing Center Allowed 20 Location 14164 P.O. Box 10900 Fort Wayne, IN 46854 -0900 In Sum of 498.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 Monon Center/ 108 'ESE PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1096 -10 34038 4358300 19.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1081 -99 34045 4357004 192.00 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1081 -99 34094 4357004 287.00 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 8 -Sep 2011 Signature 498.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund