AUGUST 16, 2011
4. Docket No. 11070009 CA: Yorktown Woods Commitment Amendment.
The applicant seeks approval to amend the tree preservation commitments. The site is located
near 2952 Highmount Ct., and is zoned R- 1/Residential ROSO. Filed by Jason Rowley, on
behalf of the Yorktown Woods Homeowners Association.
The applicant seeks approval to amend the tree preservation commitments associated with the recorded
plat, which are currently very strict and leave no room for the addition of play areas or similar active
recreation areas. All of the common area in the neighborhood is currently shown as a tree preservation
area or a tree reforestation area, aside from the pond. Please see the petitioner's informational packet for
more detail.
Outstanding staff concerns /comments:
a. Provide the filled out and notarized Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing page of the application.
b. Provide the filled out Notice of Public Hearing page of the application.
c. Provide the filled out and notarized Public Notice Sign Placement Affidavit page of the
d. Provide a copy of the Official List of Adjacent Property Owners from Hamilton County
Auditor's Office.
Recommendation: The Dept. of Community Services (DOCS) recommends that the Plan Commission
suspends its rules of procedure and votes to approve this commitment amendment this evening.