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155657 01/23/2008
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354290 Page 1 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BOONE COUNTY AUTOMOTIVE, INC CHECK AMOUNT: $474.23 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1212 w MAIN ST LEBANON IN 46052 -2324 CHECK NUMBER: 155657 CHECK DATE: 1/2312008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT 'DESCRIPTION 2200 4231500 685395 19.64 OIL 601 5023990 8039 50.49 660686 601 .5023990 8039 51.86.680756 601 5023990 8039 5.28 680790 601 5023990 8039 21.98 680809 601 5023990 8039 15.26 680833 601 5023990, 6039 106.51 680992 601 5023990 8039 12.04 681100 01 5023990 8039 3.80 681108 4 601 5023990 8039 15.26 681149 601 5023990 8039 26.55 681382 601 X5023990 8039 39.02 681626 601. .5023990 8039 67.1.7 682028 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354290 Page 2 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BOONE COUNTY AUTOMOTIVE, INC CHECK AMOUNT: $474.23 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1212 w MAIN ST LEBANON IN 46052 -2324 CHECK NUMBER: 155657 CHECK DATE: 1123/2008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 8039 69.89 682350 I 8cHAutomotive Supply NAPA Auto Parts of Westfield 1212 W. Main Street 1APAD (317) 896 -5615 aw Lebanon, IN 46052 -2324 (317) 896 -1820 Fax NAPA Auto Parts of Noblesville ::::7 (317) 773 3180 (317) 774 -0932 Fax (765) 482 -1180 NAPA Auto Parts of Carmel (800) 924 -6831 Remit to: Boone County Automotive, Inc (317) 844 -3973 (765) 482 7398 Fax 1212 W. Main Street, Lebanon, IN 46052 2324 (317) 844.6220 Fax BILL TO T CITY OF CARMEL —WATER S I M P 130 1ST AVENUE SW ACCT SM P;4G •ate CARMEL, IN 8039 53 1 46032 "YI]ATE,rY� r�l YP REFERE ICE AMOUNT a ,P.CIJO-HECK/J�E 12/19/07 -PIT 121907 -1 149.15 Cr '154541 11/28/07 Inv 680686 50.49' 11/28/07 Inv 680756 51.86 11/29/07 Inv 680790 5.28 11/29/07 Inv 680809 21.98 11/29/07 Inv 680833 15.26- 1J' 11/30/07 Inv 680992 106.51• 12/03/07 Inv 681100 12.04 12/03/07 Inv 681108 3.80 12/03/07 Inv 681149 15.26 Cr 12/04/07 Inv 681382 26.55 12/06/07 Inv 681626 39.02• 12/11/07 Inv 682028 67.17• 12/13/07 Inv 682350 69.89% Summary as of 12/25/2007 Previous Balance 983.97 Payments 1133..12Cr Pu= rchases --454' -59 Current Balance 305.44 Future Dated 0.00 C:U.RREN_T,,.', P..,AS7DUE 3 PASTQ:UE @90DP,YS;z 305.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 DATE 12/25/2007 C} wee d 305.44 TERMS No svc due 10th STORE 100006128 -0004 S A o� a 1 D u "xe 305.44 k NAPA.�A►uto Parts` of Cannel 111 Medical Drive Carmel,{I,ndlana 46032 •'317 -844 -3973 a Fax: 317 -844 -6220 Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply' *'1212 W. Main St. -Lebanon, IN 46052 LA J�l AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE agricultural use INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -SALES TAX DIVISION LIMITED WARRANTY PLEASE READ hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the personal property purchased by the use of this exemption certificate will be f directly used in the direct production of agricultural products for resale. Please examine these parts at once. Enom should be reported before using or installing.. Returns "The factory warranty constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale of this ilemllteme. The seller hereby expressly �Q VVVIII must be made within TEN DAYS and must be aeconi pan ied by this INVOICE NUMBER. This disclaims all warranlies,'eilher express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability orfitness for a particular properly is sold to you with the definite understanding that it is purchased for resale, unless tax purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO 10% RESTOCKING CHARGE. sale of this hemlitems. NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS. ACCT SOLD TO i DATES TIME STORE S EMP,# i 08039 CITY OF C:ARMEL_- WATER 1.'.1 l-2.8 0 08-.59 1000061-3- 38 E,S0158Ei 130 1ST AVENUE SW CARIEL IN PURCHASE ORDER ATTENTION 53 4603 TAX EXE PTIQN: AD TERMS n 1 n -r I1 it"u DELIVERY'. PART NUMBER ,,LN DESCRIPTION QUANTITY "PRICE;' NET TOTAL hlLt..t.A;Jt IW d Y"IL WIaYi I 1 e +.a4 i:,.�t o tt �i a l s.: l :sv 1 AL.0075 NWtI Whit_ WGH 1 (JC 25.6 15 22 C 15. T350 NWO WHL WIGHT 1.0C 36. 33C 21. 55C 1. 55 50. 49 REMIT TO-. 1212 W MA IN Tax 6 TAXTABL E" 3 0.00 LEBANON IN, 46052 TOTAL--) CHARGE BALI_ SIGNATURE tJa' ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE All NAPAaAuto Parts-& Carmel' 111 .Medical Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 •317 -844 -3973 Fax: 317 844 -6220• Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply 1212 W. Main St. Lebanon, IN 46052 1 I I AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE agricultural use. f l.����L r INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -SALES TAX DIVISION ,t LIMITED WARRANTY PLEASE READ I hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the personal property purchased by the use of this exemption certificate will he di rectly used In the direct production of agricultural products for resale. r 1 Please examine these parts at once. Errors should be reported before using or installing, Returns "The factory warranty constiWtes all of the warranties with respect [o the sale o} thisitemhlems. The seller hereby expressly must be made within TEN DAYS and must be accompanied'by this INVO4CE NUMBER. This disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular property is sold to you with the definite untlers[antling that if is purchasetl for resale, unless tau purpose and the seller.neither assumes nor authorizes any ether person to assume for it any liability in connection with the has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO-10% RESTOCKING CHARGE. Sale of this itemlitems:.� NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS. g r ACCT 'r f SOLD TO E DATE TIME 4 STORE r EMP (ARMED- -WATER 1 1! G /t17 14. f c Y OF 1 tit )t_u )G 1 3� CL�,.)7.�6 1+ AVENUIm'W PURCHASE ORDER`# ATTENTION CARMEL IN 53 46032 P TAX EXEMPTION .a rnt r nrn r^ w•ti w� TE RMS` rr rir�wEt }u r DELIVERY: PART NUMBER LN: ti DESCRIPTION QUANTITY P:RICE'' NET TO7AL 15 1 WOZZ 1"I iI WH IN{ iii F i 1 °S1t:)tj. Ni l'1. WHL,Wul °i�f; 1.0 5.'30 1Vii.. 11sC i.5. 11 BTSP50 NWt I WHL WGHT' 1, 0 49.97C 25 st 7 '25.47.. !t r0 5%F RESTOCK F EI:. REh 1T' 1�i:� W t+IA.tN w Tax `rru,TA'SLE LEBANON IN, 4Eif) c TOTAL CHARGE- SALri 1 SIGNATURE ALLGOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE NAPA-Auto Parts of Carmel 111 Medical Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032.317- 844 -3973 Fax: 317 844 -622. Gatlf�; Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply 1212 W. Main St. •Lebanon, IN 46052 AGRICULT RAL EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE U agricultural use A PAI INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SALES TAX DIVISION PLEASE certi under the penalties of perjury that the personal roe LIMITED WARRANTY PLEASE READ; y ty p p I ry p property ftY purchased by the use of This exemption certificate will be t` directly used in the direct production of agricultural products for resale. Please examine these parts at ante. Errors should be reported before using or installing. Returns "The factory wananty constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale of this ilemlitems The seller' hereby expressly O -must be made within TEN DAYS and must be accompanied .by this INVOICE NUMBER. This disdaim5 all warranties, either express or implied, including any implied warranty pf'morchantability or (loess for a particular property is sold to you with the definite understanding that it 1. purchased for resale, unless tax purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person Ie assume for it any liability in connection with the s has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO„10% RESTOCKING CHARGE. sale of this itemlitems. NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS., ACCT SOLD TO DATE TIME, STORE EMF?,# M60) 039 C J rY OF' CA RME:L ATER 1 1 29 07 08,a 5 1 C�Crt =E, i 3 19 �t y PURGHASE O I SO 1 ST AVENUE SW R_ DER ATTENTION S.Ra;# L C.ARMEL IN 53 A-6032 TAX EXEMPTION: AD TERMS lI t:! Svc _1 I_4 e 1 1_ t.rI t1 l R y DELIVERY: PART,NUMBER LN'� DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE NET!. TOTAL 1:99.6 F ov-d Truck. F250 3/4s Ta 5..0 .L 02 C THPI. THE RM1OST -i� 1. 0e 7. 61C .4. 79K 4.79 10 i I�IIl�1 GASKET 1. a OC U, '74C 0. 49, 0. 4 x t fi V e 5 RESTOCK FEE c, I, 5.0 REMIT !"etc 1212 W IY1A1 d Tax 61 �'1= 3XTA�� E, rI, r17 LESANON I N, 46052 v SIGNATURE TO TA[._ --k CHARGE SAL.I9. 28 ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE ds. k NAPA Auto Parts of Carmel 111 Medical Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 317= 844 -3973 Fax: 317- 844 -6220 Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply 1212 W. Main St. •Lebanon, IN 46052 AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE U I XA INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -SALES TAX DIVISION ?gnculWral use LIMITED WARRANTY PLEASE READ I hereby certify under the penalties of pedury that the personal property purchased by the use of this exemption certificate will be used in the direct production of agricultural products for resale. Please examine these pads at once. Errors should be.reportedbefore using or installing. Returns °The taciory warranty constitutes all of the wamantie5 with respect to the "Sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly must be made within TEN DAYS and must he accompanied by this INVOICE NUMBER. This disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability er Biness for a particular property is sold to you with the definite understanding that it is purchased for resale, unless tax purpose and the Seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with thi has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO 10% RESTOCKING CHARGE. sale of ihis'itemlitems. r� NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS. SOLD TO y DATE. f •TIME STORE ar EMP 0 0 C Cf CAFdE– WATE F! 1 I U7 t9 5 1 1 0 Cr i:fG 17, 7 680809 130 1ST qVENIJE SW PURCHASE ORDER ATTENTION SR CARMEL I N 53 '46 TAX EXEMPTION: 5.. r AD. TERMS: 'av v u:ar_ as II Ei 1"tiX•L:JI�:. Zw)l y' wt DEL4VBRY: PART NUMBER LN DESCRIPTION QUANTITY I PRICE NET''.' TOTAL' 6608 SAC, GLO i �y.� IL Lis 1' �`at 1. 1• m 61 IyIG ADAPTER i�.t3' 1.��'.. ?F3 9 99 lei +Ir n Its ►C, "c' RESTOCK i F E. C 1 I F% n 4•f a 1 98 r FBI= IYII "I Ti 1c'_i` W MAIN Tax pl ABlE Ca. 00 LEBANON ICI, 46052 �Tj k w x 7-,O r t 0TAL -5 CHARGE ..S ALi :21. 98 f �l SIGNATURE /ALL'GOOD_ S RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE y s, NAPA Auto Parts of Carmel 111 Medical Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032. 317 8443973 Fax: 317- 844 -6220 U 11AP Please Remit To: H' H Automotive Supply 1212 W, Main St, Lebanon, IN 46052 hereby certify AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE f agn E l use INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -SALES TAX DIVISION LIMITED WARRANTY PLEASASEREAD under the penalties of perjury that the personal property purchased by the use of this exemption certificate will be directly used in the direct production of agricultural products for resale. Pleas "The fact warrant constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale of this itemlitems. The seller hereby expr examine these parts at once. Errors should be reported before using or installing. Returns ory must be made within TEN DAYS and must be accompanied by this INVOICE NUMBER. This disclaims all warranties, either express or, implied including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular property is sold to you with the definite understanding that it is purchased for resale, unless tax •purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the has been added to the once. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT.TO 10% RESTOCKING CHARGE. sale of this itemfitems. NO RETURN O ELEC PART a ACCT SOLD TO DATE TIME f' STORE EMP 09.039 CITY OF CARMEL —WATER 12/04/07 15: 1 6 1 100006133 33 68'1382 �4 130 1ST AVENUE SW PURCHASE ORDER r AT, ENTION CARMMEL, I N 4 X �tr.� L, TAEXEIVIPTION TSN,$ AD TERMS o DELIVERY: PART NUMBER LN DESCRIPTION QUANTITY', PRICE NET"",.- TOTAL "Zi V' U N 11 I IM- W-11" 4`..t. 414. (J. bbQ V. ZRIQ if b. nn n p j re Kt.z, I UL;K I 1=.k. e�tso 55 REMIT" TO-. 121.2 W MAIN w Tax 6;l TAXTABl 3 0. „11~,1 LEBANON IN4 46-05c s �x 7LL.� SIGNATURE TCITGL -D f`F'�f�RGE SI^1L /1f/ f i'` ALL GOODS RETURNED 'MUST 8E ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE s NAPA, Auto Parts of Carmel 111 Medical Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 •317- 844 -3973 Fax: 317- 844 -6220 Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply 121.2 W. Main St. Lebanon, IN 46052 ;;q AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE INDIANA NAPA agricul DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE •SALES TAX DIVISION agricultural use LIMITED WARRANTY •PLEASE READ hereby certify under the par Of perjury,that the personal property purchased by the use of this exemption cedificate will be lirecty used in the direct production of agricultural products for resale. Please examine these parts at once. Errors should be reported before using Or installing.Realms °The factory warranty conslitutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale of this itemftems. The seller hereby expressly must be made within TEN DAYS and most be accompanied by this INVOICE NUMBER. This disclaims all warranties, either express Or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability Or fitness far a particular Pro is sold to you with the definite understanding that it is purchased for resale, unless tax purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authcnzes any Other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the. has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO 10% RESTOCKING CHARGE. Sale ofdhis itemlitems: a NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS. ACCT* SOLD TO y DATE s TIME.. STORE `"EMP 4 0$0,.9 CITY OF CARMEL.- °WATER 12/06 /07 13:53 10,000613- 1S 681626 SR 1 1 S1" AVENUE SW PURCHASE ORDER ,ATTENTION CARMEL, I N 53 4603C. TAX EXEMPTION: 0 s c cl kl e I 't- it L r1FiP 0r_ L_r AD TERMS: DELIVERY:' ,a PART NUMBER L N DESCRIPTION QUANTITY, PRICE NET FD R ,'TOTAL 50LB D OIL DY 1. 00C 5. 5c) 5.45 1001A 4. WD WT�A -01 110Z n rC� 5.190 4 o'g 1 f 16 1 Fa�R NCB PL.ASTEW ;"'PENETRANT UCi 5. 5�, �:'e' 190 a.''.37 Above Item. n Sale ?�888Ci MMM NON 8 BRAKE CL.NR 2a 00 3.520 c.'. 29 4. 5Cs Above Iteman Sale 8700 MAC CARB -SCI OKE: (:L-NR 13OZ 1.00 0 2. 74Ci 2.31 60 2. 36 j U% RES roC K FEE J9. Cif REMIT TO: 1212 W MAIN Tax 6% TAXTABLE 3 0.00 f LEBANON J N1, 46052 SIGNATURE TOTAL CHARGE SALE ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOM BY THIS INVOICE NAPA Auto Parts of Carmel 111 Medical Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 .317- 844 -3973 Fax: 317 844 -6220. A M Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply e.1212 W. Main St. +Lebanon, IN 46052'1 AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTIONCERTIFICATE INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SALES TAX DIVISION tural use LIMITED WARRANTY PLEASE READ hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the personal property purchased by the use of this exemption cedificate will be. directly used in the direct production of agricultural products for resale. y. Please examine these parts at onto. Errors Should he,reportetl before using or installing. Returns "The faclorty warranty constitutes all of the wartarr with respect to the sale of this item items. The seller hereby expressly must be made within TEN DAYS and must be accompanied by this INVOICE NUMBER. This disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or Rness for a particular properly i5 Sol tl t0 you with the definite understandingg that it is purchased for resale, unless tax' purpose and the seller neither d55umea nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the w has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUB TO 10% RESTOCKING CHARGE. sale of this item /items C NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS. ACCT SOLD TOE P E DATE e TIME STORE MP ��`03 t` "t'�f OF C;R't -WtTF 1.2 1 1 /07 t e 1,� tauGC�6r 1 3Q EB�a E! 1�o IST- AVENUE SW SR 'CA CARMit -I 9 PURCHASE ORDER A ft, T TENTION ri. I 1# tr• 53 4603C8 TAX',EXEMPTION: ;,s. r +r t`.ienr ,.nr AD, TERMS: v, DELIVERY:i PART NUMBER 'I LN! DESCRIPTION., QUANTITY PRICE NET TOTAL I. D o r- w., t 1 t_t i..: K r' F....•r ca p' i i 1 1 r" J. t–: K -A l J 6, 17 NH ,HEATER`; CdRE 1. 00 °,67. Cr90 :3C--1 1'� 0 36.19 03695 HAV ANT If k E 8" 00 1 9. 360 1 4%y 30R '38 of Ktt:iiLJUK th•ht,� iIIhrEnF -:4 t jai '1 MIT O.— 1212 W MAN :`Tax 6 l;4 4A�TRSLE 3 1t 0. 00 LEBANON IN, 4.6052 Jl f k CC]T1# 7 CHARGE' SALE i SIGNATURE tr ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS 1 NVOICE y NAPA Auto Farts of Carmel 111 Medical Drive.• Carmel, Indiana 46032 a 317 -844 -3973 Fax: 317 844 -6220 Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply 1212 W. Main St. -Lebanon, IN 46052' INA P� AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE agricultural use INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SALES TAX DIVISION LIMITED WARRANTY PLEASE READ hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the personal property purchased by the use of this exemption certificate will be directly used in the direct production of agricultural products for resale. Please examine these parts at once. Errors should be reported before using or Installing, Returns d "The factory warran on ty constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale of this itemlitems. The seller hereby expressly AM must be made within TEN DAYS and must be accompanied by this INVOICE NUMBER. This isclaims all warranties, either express Or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness far a particular property is sold to you with the definte understanding that it is purchased for resale, unless tax purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authori any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO 10% RESTOCKING CHARGE. sale of this itemlitems. R NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS.' ACCT SOLD TO r DATE TIME: STORE jEMP s a 08039 G1TY OF CARIYIEL.— WATER 12/13/0 1 1C1e,19 1��OCIt?6 13 30 6822 0 130 1ST AVENUE SW j SR CAF2I�EL;p IN PURCHASE ORDER 4 ATTENTION' 5 .4603 2. Ely, I �af }tai TAX EXEMPTION: t Ir�nn rNt r App TERMS: m ac, �,Wt'�;,..• W.. DELIVERY: I PART NUMBER LN> DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE NET TOTAL t' 'vu t Or a i r^ trek ..r 250 3c ion Lila 5. kI i_ .artj.`: 11.11 449c4ta RAY START EN ,,tpDr'.. lt� 4a 3 1`G t03. 49 ��DC h!f~] BARS 1_� AK N Iii CL7iVC 1.00 '4� C� f 590 59 Zr- 177(3. IV1-II FiEATEW 1. o0 67. E,�30 19 6. 19CR 244-9240 RAC CORE DOOS i T 1. a CO. 45x,1 0 49; 0CRD 4 r rt__t lI L.r% rr..t tit 1_11 D 0T.aJL i�r t G7.0 R8MIT TiDi. 12 W IVIAIIW Tax 6 'TAXTABL_E 3. 0.00 LEBANON :1N 46052 fig X TOT CHARGE SA LE 0Z). i t SIGNATURE ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE NAPA Auto Parts of Carmel w 11 111 Medical Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032.317- 844 -3973 to Fax: 317 844 -6224 tr Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply 1212 W. Main St. Lebanon, IN 46052 A I R A PAI AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTION SALES TAX agricultural use INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -SALES TAX DIVISION LIMITED WARRANTY PLEASE READ In certify under the penalties of perjury that the personal property purchased by the use of this exemption certificate will be 7 directly used in the direct production of egrieuhural products for resale. I, Please examine these pads at once. Enors should be repoded before using or insta3ling. Returns "The factory w1nanty, nsfitutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale of [his item items The seller hereby expressly C r must be made within TEN DAYS and must be accompanied by this INVOICE NUMBER. This disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including any 11 ,,d.,warranty of merchantability or fitness tar a particular property is sold to you with the definite understanding that it is purchased for resale, unless tax purpose and E. neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO 10% RESTOCKING CHARGE. sale of this iterri items. NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS. ACCT I' SOLD TO, DATE TIME.. STORE HEMP ObO'39 CITY OF CARMEL- -WATER 1 1l29f07 11 a29 1 000061 3C. Ga X833 130 1ST AVENUE SW SR CARMEL q 1 N �.P..URCHASE ORDER ATTENTION 53 461 TAX EXEMPTION: y AD TERMS: '1 u Uf._�e� L. 171P -I: i' =1 AD DELIVERY: PART NUMBER. LN DESCRIPTION .QUANTITY PRICE NET TOTAL 17' 8 Ch e v t* r t e I t1 iii Y. on 4 W i3 i-° k 1_4 F 819-5337 BR CABLE �E�. R, 0t 11.00C 7. 15.26 K d 25% RESTOCK FEE c. 14 4- 1 REMIT TO: 121.2 W .MAIN w"� Tv,x 8% TAXTABLE 3 0.00 LEBANON r N, 461" 52 SIGNATURE TOTAL CHARGE i +a ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BEACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE NAPA Auto Parts of Carmel 111 Medical Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 •317- 844 -3973 Fax: 317- 844- 6220lr Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply 1212 W. Main St. el-ebanon 46052 AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE ❑T E INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SALES TAX DIVISION agricultural use Ihereb cer under the p enalties of p erjury that the personal property LIMITED WARRANTY PLEASE READ y fy p p j rY p p p y purchased by the use of this exemption certificate will be directly used in the direct production of agricultural products for resale. Please examine these parts at once. Errors should be reported before using ar installing..Returns "The factory warranty constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale of this itemlitems. The seller hereby expressly L'1 must be made within TEN DAYS and must be accompanied by this INVOICE NUMBER. This disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including any implied warranty of mefchantability or fitness Fr a pcu property is sold to you with the definite understanding that it i5 purchased for resale, unless tax purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO 10 RESTOCKING CHARGE. sale of this itemlitams. NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS. ACCT SOLD'TO DATE 1TIME STORE EMP s 9 039 CITY OF CARMEL.- -WATER 12/03/07 1, 1 a w6 100006133 19 5$114' 1 30 1ST AVENUE SW PURCHASE ORDER# ATTENTION C:ARIMIEL_, :I N f� 1+6032 TAX EXEMPTION..i.: AD TERMS:J No avc d1-t9 10•Ch CREDIT MEMO 3 DELIVERY: OUR TRUCK PART NUMBER" .LN DESCRIPTION QUANTITY' PRICE. NET TOTAL` 819- -5337 DK CABLE 4 °24 OC 1 11. 00r. 613 15Q i• 6 R �w f s lt'•' r t5% .RESTOCK FEE Bub pta 4- 26CR REMIT TO.- 12 12 W MAIN, Tax 6% TAXTABLE• 3' 0.00 LE AN0N I N 4605 r' X SIGNATURE TOTAL_ 'CREDIT 'MEMO. 15> 2EC' ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE VOUCHER 074375 WARRANT ALLOWED 354290 ��EO IN SUM OF NAPA BOONE COUNTY AUTOITIVI {1 1212 W MAIN STREET LEBANON, IN 45052 ;6 eR Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR A\ Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 681626 01- 6200 -06 v $39.02 t Voucher Total 3 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form Flo. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. cs' Payee 354290 NAPA BOONE COUNTY AUTOMOTIVE Purchase Order No. 1212 W MAIN STREET Terms LEBANON, IN 46052 Due Date 12/28/2007 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 12/28/200, 681626 $39.02 k I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer H &H Automotive Supply /RML NAPA Auto Parts of Westfield 2212 W. Main Street (317) 896 -5615 (317) 896 -1820 Fax �A Lebanon, IN 46052 2324 4, NAPA Auto Parts of Noblesville R (317) 773.3180 (317) 774.0932 Fax (765) 482 -1180 NAPA Auto Parts of Carmel (800) 924 -6831 Remit to: Boone County Automotive, Inc (317) 844 3973 (765) 482 -7398 Fax 1212 W. Main Street, Lebanon, IN 46052 -2324 (317) 844.6220 Fax BILL TO STATEMENT CITY OF CARMEL -WATER 130 1ST AVENUE SW CARMEL, IN 8039 53 1 45032 A M 0,10i 12/19 1- 21907 -1 149.15 Cr 1.51541 11/28/07 Inv 680686 50.49' 11/28/07 Inv 680756 51.86 11/29/07 Inv 680790 5.28' 11/29/07 Inv 680809 21.98 11/29/07 Inv 680833 15.26- 11/30/07 Inv 680992 106.51 12/03/07 Inv 681100 12.04` 12/03/07 Inv 681108 3.80' 12/03/07 Inv 681149 15.26 Cr 12/04/07 Inv 681382 26.55 12/06/07 Inv 681626 39.02• 12/11/07 Inv 682028 67.17• 12/13/07 Inv 682350 69.89, Summary as of 12/25/2007 Previous Balance 983.97 Payments 1133.,. 12Cr Pia rc IT! ses 454.55 Current Balance 305.44 Future Dated 0.00 RIJ 305.44 0.00 0'.00 0.00 DATE 12/25/2007 a s�� ct� Cap 81 1 305.44 TERMS No svc due 10th STORE 100006128 -0004 305.4.4 BOONE COUNTY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. 1212 W. MAIN STREET LEBANON INDIANA 46052 -2324 yj�� c T pa k 3 P 8039 CIT OF CARMEL —WATFR X05 A a, ,,,Y. CLOSING DATE 12/25/2007 t 3 t�ttVl NT NE..." f APA Auto parts ®f Carme0 111 Medical Drive o Carmel, Indiana 46032 0.317 -844 -3973 D Fax: 317 844622.0. l n l�n r Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply o 1212 W. Main St. *Lebanon', IN 46052 I Ir11'I II'f'f 4 AGRICULTURALEXEMPTION CATE agricultural use 1 Jf 111111 l���l jjj I `J I r 1 JW INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -SALES SALES TAX DIVISION LIMITED WARRANTY •PLEASESE READ. �y I hereby certify'under the penalties of perjury that the personal property purchased by the use of this exemption cerfi8cate will be directly used in the direct protlucAlen of agricuhurel products for resale, Please examine these parts at once. Errors should be reported before using or installing. Returns "The factory warranty constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly be made within TEN GAYS and mull be accompanied'by this INVOICE NUMBER. This must disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including any implied wari of merchantability or fitness for a particular property is sold to you with the definite understanding that it is purchased for resale, unless tax purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO-10% RESTOCKING CHARGE. sale of this itemlitems. NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS. V ACCT# 1 SOLD TO DATE "TIME STORE EMP;# M 4 1 Ir.trt. 68o39 c. OF QARMEL.- -RATER 111:30/0 14 ."50 100006132 1 W ESL; 992 S'R` 130 1 ST AVENUE 5W PURCHASE ORDER ATTENTION ,CARMEL., IN, 46038 TAX EXEMPTION: AD TERMS_Kip due 10th CHAR[aI~, SAL E 29 DELIVERY. OUR TRUCK PART NUMBER ,t. LI DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE NET TOTAL 2001 Fbv,d I r-f_ic c Rz�nyer^ Pickup 4886672. N8 DISC SRO�KE ROTOR AND 2, Q( '78.37( 3 97-C 65 .94 R AE 7532M UP FIRM'. FADS 1. ()Q 90. 4 5112 40.57 P� tz RESTOCK FEE 10G 51 REM IT TO: 1 W MAIN rax 6% T(UTRBLE 3 0. 00 LEBANON X.N, 4B052 orl SIGNATURE" "DOTAL CHARGE 9Ai._I 106. ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE. Y fi NAPA Auto Parts of Carmel 111 Medical Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032. 317 844 -3973 Fax: 317 844 -6220 Please Remit To. H 81 H Automotive Supply 1. 1212 W. Main St.•Lebanon, IN 46052 A AGRICULT E T CERTIFICATE INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ENUE -SALES 7A DIVISION agricultural use LIMITED WARRANTY PLEASE READ u I hereby certify antler [he penalties of perjury that the personal property purchased by the use of this exemption certificate will be directly used in the direct production of agricultural products for resale. r Please examine these parts at once. Errors should be reported before using or installing. Returns "The factory warranty constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the Sale of this itemfitems. The seller hereby expressly must be made within TEN DAYS and must be accompanied by this INVOICE NUMBER. This disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including any implied warr8nty of merchantability orfitness fora particular property is Sold to you with the definite understanding that it is purchased for resale, unless tax purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to of for it any liability in connection with the has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO 10! RESTOCKING CHARGE., sale of this itemdlems. NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS. y x ACCT•# SOLD TO DATE TIME STORE I} EMP Cs9CI 3 city OF C �1Ri�EI._ -4J�1 I'ER 12/03/07L ()67 c 1 i 1 Cst C tiC�61:, i 681100 SR 136 i ST AVENUE SW f' PURCHASE ORDER ATTENTION CARME:L. IN 46032 TAX EXEMPTION': AD TERMS: IVta s vc ,.due I Ot h CHARGE„ SALE DELIVERY: OUf,` TCRUCK PART NUMBER LN 4 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY k PRICE` NET ;i ;TOTAL 2001 Fbrd i-i 1, Ranger Pic'k.r_a p 1 Y' 4886673 NB; DISC B,RC RE ROTOR ANr l 4:.1Q 9 25C 38..9% 7. r� R 4886672 NB{ DISC BRAKE ROTOR ANN 2. OC' 7 37C 3� ,97C 65. 94-CRR Al 'yx•.. a '5f f7ESTOC:K FEE 4 REM II TL7. 121.2 W �MAJN Tax 6 TAXT'ABLE 3 0.00 LERAfrIC1N N, 46 SIGNATURES r i "L7TAL CHCtRGE. S,ALI ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE �r -NAPA Auto 'Parts of Zatme� 111 Medical Drive P. Carmel, Indiana 46032 0 317- 844 3973 o Fax:.317- 844 -62'20 ulx Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply o 1212 W. MainSt. Lebanon, IN 46052 AGRICULTU E CERTIFICATE I' N'TOF REVENUE -SALES TAX DIVISION LIMITED WARRAy agnculturaPUSe INDIANA DEPART f,L {41 MENT OF VENUE NTY PLEASEREAD I hereb certi under the enalties of eru that i the ersonal o ert urchased b the use of this exem lion certificate will be y fY p P 1 rY, p D, p Y P Y P used in the direct production of agricultural products for resale. Please examine these pads at once. Errors should be reported beforeusing or installing. Returns °The factory warranty constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the'sale of this itemfitems. The seller hereby expressly •V' rf .must be made within TEN DAYS and must he accompanied by this INVOICE NUMBER. This Qisclaims all warrantes, either express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular 1 4° propedy is sold to you with the definite understanding that it is purchased for resale, unless tax Purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connect +on with the has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO 10% .RESTOCKING CHARGE. sale of this iternmems.' r •NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS, if ACCT SOLD TO DATE TIME q,., STORE EMP 06039 CIT OF C:ARMELT WATER 12/03/07 08:34 1 10000613 32 Cs ICie .SR 130 1-ST AVENL.Jl SW "�PURCHASEORDER #z ATTENTION CARMEL., ICI. 46_03 �TAX'EXIEMPTlOk TERMS: i s vc d Ill e 1 sa ter L;4 °IARQE SALE 3 DELIVERY:' OUR TRUCK, PART.NUMBER T E LN DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE NET,, TOTAL, 1� 2C }C►1 Ford r��t�I: Ranger-Picky_t�► 451365/37 NS- ROTOR .'a.,,HUB "ASS'S FIR z'..;�� _95.::,8- 40. 81 TB R 4886673 Ne DISC: BIZAI'.E ROTOR AN D :91.. 38. 139C 77198CrRR tom 0 �y c RESTOCK FEE 'r.a t< o' -0, 80 Y �t REM I T TC7 121 '1+1A r hl T ex 'I i .?CTA Li~ 0. 00 LEBANON 1N-, 46052 SIGNKTURE TOTAL_ CHARGE SALE; 3 BCC ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE, o VOUCHER 074441 WARRANT ALLOWED 654290 IN SUM OF NAPA BOONE COUNTY AUTOMOTIVI z 1212 W MAIN STREET LEBANON, IN 46052 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 660992 01- 6500 -07 $40.57 c a ol.6s ©O. o7 g`I,17 Voucher Total 54D-.-5 7 7 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER 4 CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 354290 NAPA BOONE COUNTY AUTOMOTIVE Purchase Order No. 1212 W MAIN STREET Terms LEBANON, IN 46052 Due Date 12/29/2007 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 12129/200 680992 $40.57 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and :orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer y; NAPA Auto Parts of':airmel 111 Medical Drive t. Carmel, Indiana 46032. 317 84=3973 Fax: 317 844 -6220 Please Remit To: H H Automotive Supply 1212 W. Main St. -Lebanon, IN 46052 AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE agricultural use INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -SALES TAX DIVISION .LIMITED WARRANTY PLEASE READ I I hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the personal property purchased by the use of this exemption certificate will be directly used in the direct production of agricultural products for resale. Please examine these parts at once. Errors should be reposed before using or installing, Returns "The factory warranty constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the Sale of this itemfitems. The seller hereby expressly must be made within TEN DAYS and must be accompanied by this INVOICE NUMBER. This disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular property is sold to you with the definite understanding that it is purchased for resale, unless lax purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability In connection with the has been added to the price. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO 10% RESTOCKING CHARGE, sale of this item( items. NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS. ACCT SOLD TO DATE TIME STORE EMP afH 080 CITY OF CARMEI.. ENGINEI- m-RING J. t 14 /08 134 49 1.000i1,;:3 :38 x,1:1 s S ONE CIVIC ,SQUA R PURCHASE ORDER ATTENTION SR CARME::L.,, IN 41. 4 32 TAX EXEMPTION: AD ;EEP COPY l:NV TERMS:IwIn sv dil 1i CHARGE SALE. DELIVERY: PART NUMBER LN DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE NET TOTAL 1522 F `i: L 011.. F II__ G'OL.D 1, C.)0 1.i�o 320 Ea 41.0 G. 41. R 5 -05 NEIL QUART 530 7. 00 2.360 1.390 13.23 o l�' cif 1e1,. 25% RtESTOCK. FEE �.tLit, W i' REMIT TO.- 1212 W ihA11'+I Tea( 6% TAXTABL -E 3 0.00 LEBANON IN, /46052 (SIGNATURE TOTAL CHARGE CIi E 1.'R ALL GOODS RET RNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICEr Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) r CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Boone County Automotive Purchase Order No. 1212 W. Main Street Terms Lebanon, IN 46052 -2324 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 1114108 685395 Oil and oil filter $19.64 $1q 64 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer 406CNER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF 1212 W. Main Street Lebanon, IN 46052 -2324 $1 9.64 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members PO# or DEPT INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or n/a 685395 2200 4231500 $19.64 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 2010 O gna re Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund