HomeMy WebLinkAbout165958 11/12/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351028 Page 1 of 1 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE SIMON AND COMPANY INC CHECK AMOUNT: $3,150.69 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1660 L STREET NW, SUITE 501 WASHINGTON DC 20036 CHECK NUMBER: 165958 CHECK DATE: 11112/2008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1160 4341999 900.12 OTHER PROFESSIONAL FE 601 5.023990" 1,125.29 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 1,125.28 OTHER.EXPENSES r_ r SIM. ®N AND COMPANY INCORPORATED Intergovernmental Relations and Federal Affairs 1660 L Street N.W. Suite 501 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 659 -2229 Fax (202) 659 -5234 e -mail: len.simon a srmoncompm�v.com October 29, 2008 Mayor James Brainard One Civic Center Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Statement October 2008 Summag of Major Activities Undertaken in the Last Month Carmel Utilities The U.S. Conference of Mayors held a meeting to discuss the Public Transportation and the need for additional funding. We attended the National League of Cities meeting during which we discussed housing, telecommunication, highway and infrastructure issues, influencing the Stimulus to benefit transportation authority needs and the upcoming SAFETU -LU reauthorization among other issues. We worked with the Mayor regarding possible funding to develop a Transit Circulator for downtown Carmel. We worked with the U.S. Conference of Mayors regarding key infrastructure elements of a possible second stimulus. We worked with Mayor to develop proposed project which could be incorporated into the U.S. Council of Mayor's economic stimulus package testimony which was held on October 29. We attended a meeting by the U.S. Conference of Mayors to discuss telecommunications, the national agenda on infrastructure for the next president, New Starts /Small Starts programs, APTA recommendations of public transportation and SAFETEA -LU issues. We prepared and forwarded a grant memo from the Federal Railroad Administration announcement of the $20.1 million for rail line relocation. We prepared and forwarded the Washington Friday Report to the mayor including Meltdown and Aftermath: background and Next Steps, HUD releases Neighborhood Stabilization Program, A CR through March and a Stimulus Bailout Fall and Rise, Tax Extenders, CR, Amtrak, Stimulus, HOPE for Housing, NSP, Census, Telecom, City Projects Fall, Rail Grants, HUD Summit Rolls Out Neighborhood Stabilization, Progress in Homeland Security, Appropriations, Stimulus Talk Continues, Where Will We Go on Infrastructure, Stimulus, Record Deficit, Bailout, FTA Report, FTA Head Resigns, Gang Problem, Bicycle Tax Twist, Stimulus: Momentum Up, Now the Details, House Energy Climate Change, Banks Have Been Bailed Out, Homeowners Need Help, Henry Cisneros, The Mortgage Crisis, Presidential Transition Preparing To Progress and Grant Opportunities. Professional Services for the Month of October 2008 ..................$2,083.00 Expenses (see attached summary and receipts 71.4% .......................$167.57 TOTAL AMOUNT DU E ......................$2,250.57 LEONARD S. S1MON President Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 357028 SIMON COMPANY INC. Purchase Order No. i ;t 1660 L Street, N.W., Ste 501 Terms Washington, DC 20036 Due Date 11/5/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/5/2008 102908 $1,125.28 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and d ;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1'7 JS /'03 Date Officer VOUCHER 086632 WARRANT ALLOWED .,357028 IN SUM OF SIMON COMPANY INC. 1660 L Street, N.W., Ste 501 Washington, DC 20036 Carmel Wastewater Utility N ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 102508 01- 7360 -08 $1,125.28 1 l Voucher Total $1,125.28 Cast distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund SIM ON AND COMPA INCORPORATE Intergovernrnerztrd Relations and Federal Affairs 1660 L Street N.W. Suite 501 Washington, D,C. 2 0036 (202) 659 -2229 Fax (202) 659 -5234 e -mail' ten_ sin�ora(u�srn7a2cvnr��nny_co��� October 29, 2008 Mayor James Brainard One Civic Center Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Statement October 2008 Summary o Ma oor Activities Undertaken in the Last Month Carmel Utilities The U.S. Conference of Mayors held a meeting to discuss the Public Transportation and the need for additional funding. We attended the National League of Cities meeting during which we discussed housing, telecommunication, highway and infrastructure issues, influencing the Stimulus to benefit transportation authority needs and the upcoming SAFETU -LU reauthorization among other issues. We worked with the Mayor regarding possible funding to develop a Transit Circulator for downtown Carmel. We worked with the U.S. Conference of Mayors regarding key infrastructure elements of a possible second stimulus. We worked with Mayor to develop proposed project which could be incorporated into the U.S. Council of Mayor's economic stimulus package testimony which was held on October 29. We attended a meeting by the U.S. Conference of Mayors to discuss telecommunications, the national agenda on infrastructure for the next president, New Starts /Small Starts programs, APTA recommendations of public transportation and SAFETEA -LU issues. We prepared and forwarded a grant memo from the Federal Railroad Administration announcement of the $20.1 million for rail line relocation. We prepared and forwarded the Washington Friday Report to the mayor including Meltdown and Aftermath: background and Next Steps, HUD releases Neighborhood Stabilization Program, A CR through March and a Stimulus Bailout Fall and .Rise, Tax Extenders, CR, Amtrak, Stimulus, HOPE for Housing, NSP, Census, Telecom, City Projects Fall, Rail. Grants, HUD Summit Rolls Out Neighborhood Stabilization, Progress in Homeland Security, Appropriations, Stimulus Talk Continues, Where Will We Go on Infrastructure, Stimulus, Record Deficit, Bailout, FTA Report, FTA Head Resigns, Gang Problem, Bicycle Tax Twist, Stimulus: Momentum Up, Now the Details, House Energy Climate Change, Banks Have Been Bailed Out, Homeowners Need Help, Henry Cisneros, The Mortgage Crisis, Presidential Transition Preparing To Progress and Grant Opportunities. ti Professional Services for the Month of October 2008 ..................$2,083.00 Expenses (see attached summary and receipts 71.4% .......................$167.57 TOTAL AMOUNT DATE ......................$2,250.57 �`�'`T' LEON�Ii.D S. SIlVION President Prescfibed by State Board of Accounts Form No. 3oi (Re 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER M' TO ADDRESS Invoice Date Invoice Number Item Amount I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge'is made were ordered and received except Mo. Day Yr. Signature Title I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. jzw/ Mo. Day Yr. i ficer Title Voucher No. Warrant No. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DETAILED ACCOUNTS MUNICIPAL WATER DEPT. ACCT. NO. CARMEL, INDIANA Favor Of /i6D Z Sf. /yW Sf e Ahbb Nb%z Total Amount of Voucher Deductions 15210 Amount of Warrant Month of Yr VOUCHER RECORD Acct. No. Source of Suppl Water Treatment Transmission and Dist. Customer Accounts Administrative and General Operation-Maintenance Utility Plant in Service Constr. Work in Progress Materials and Supplies Customers Deposits Total Allowed Board of Control Filed Official Title BOYCE FORMS SYSTEMS 1 -800- 382 8702 325 Y3 /i 9 SIMON AND COMPANY INCORPORATED httergovernmentral Relations and Federal Affairs 1660 L Street N.W. Suite 501 Washington. D.C. 20036 (202) 659 -2229 Fax (202) 659 -5234 e -mail: letr.simon simoracartparrv.com October 29, 2008 Mayor James Brainard One Civic Center Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Statement October 2008 SummarE of Major Activities Undertaken in the Last Month City of Carmel We met with Mayor Brainard in our Washington, DC office to discussing possible upcoming federal priorities. We reviewed and forwarded information from HUD regarding the launch of the Neighborhood Stabilization program, which provides $3.92 billion to states, cities and counties to obtain, repair and recycle foreclosed homes. We participated in HUD Summit on the implementation of the Neighborhood Stabilization program. We also prepared and forwarded a memorandum regarding the Summit on Housing sponsored by HUD we attended in Washington to assist recipients in the implementation of the $392 billion Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The U.S. Conference of Mayors held a meeting to discuss the Housing and Foreclosure/HUD distribution issue that was discussed along the Highway Trust Fund. We worked with the Police Chief and Department of Justice regarding the status of FY08 COPS and Byrne Grant City of Cannel earmarks. We worked with Mayor to develop proposed project which could be incorporated into the U.S. Council of Mayor's economic stimulus package testimony which was held on October 29. We attended a meeting by the U.S. Conference of Mayors to discuss telecommunications, the national agenda on infrastructure for the next president, New Starts /Small Starts programs, APTA recommendations of public transportation and SAFETEA -LU issues. We prepared and forwarded a grant memo from the Institute of Museum and Library, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Small Grants Program on conservation of Wetlands, the Department of Commerce Economic Assistance Program announcement, Department of Labor's availability for funds for the Youth Build Grant and Community Based Job Training Programs. We prepared and forwarded the Washington Friday Report to the mayor including Meltdown and Aftermath: background and Next Steps, HUD releases Neighborhood Stabilization Program, A CR through March and a Stimulus Bailout Fall and Rise, Tax Extenders, CR, Amtrak, Stimulus, HOPE for Housing, NSP, Census, Telecom, City Projects Fall, Rail Grants, HUD Summit Rolls Out Neighborhood Stabilization, Progress in Homeland Security, Appropriations, Stimulus Talk Continues, Where Will We Go on Infrastructure, Stimulus, Record Deficit, Bailout, FTA Report, FTA Head Resigns, Gang Problem, Bicycle Tax Twist, Stimulus: Momentum Up, Now S the Details, House Energy Climate Change, Banks Have Been Bailed Out, Homeowners Need Help, Henry Cisneros, The Mortgage Crisis, Presidential Transition Preparing To Progress and Grant Opportunities. Professional Services for the Month of October 2008 ........................$833.00 Expenses (see attached summary and receipts 28.6 .........................$67.12 TOTAL ArMOUNT DUE 900.12 LEONARD S. SIMON President SIMON AND COMPANY, INC. Carmel Expenses Summary October 2008 EXPENSE DATE DESCRIPTION TOTAL, Telephone 09/12/08 10/11/08 Long Distance Charges $0.14 Applicable Taxes Postage 09/22/08 1.0/22/08 Postage Due $38.94 Photocopy 09/22/08 10/22/08 Photocopying Expenses $171.75 Publication 09/20/08 (prorated) Congressional Yellow $23.86 Book TOTAL CARMEL. $234,69 :EXPENSES: i i ii IMON AND COMPA Y" I'N'C Communications 2746 34379334 09112108 T, 257421 Account Code Details Account Code Details Continued Summary of Charges Long Distance Call Details for Account Code 36 Group Dem. Ma V66 Call Account Code Description Quantity Amount Date Time Called From Called To Called Location Type Duration Amount 10 10 Group 3 0.83 08/15/08 11:36am (401)274-8240 (202)659-5234 Providence (RI) 1.00 0.05 12 12 Group 1 0.09 08/18/08 11:32am (859)492-5869 (202)659-6147 Lexington (KY) 1:42 0.09 2 2 Group 2 0,61 08119108 09 48am (551)822-1419 (202)659-8147 Wpalmbeach (FL) 1:00 0.05 25 25 Group 6 0.67 08/20/08 09:29am (720)423-3316 (202)659-8147 Denver (CO) 1 :42 0.09 36 36 Group 7 0.55 08/20/08 10:40am (401)578-3235 (202)659-8147 Providence (RI) 1!00 0.05 37 37 Group 2 0.14 08/21/013 09:54arn (804)646-7970 (202)659-8147 Richmond (VA) 2 :30 0.13 Total Account Code Charges 2,89 08/21/06 10:02am (252)524-3700 (202)659-8147 Waukesha (VIA) 1148 0.09 Long Distance Call Details for Account Code 10 Group Lz-;> Yjnr�r� Total Long Distance Call Charges for 36 Group Calls: 7 10A2 0.55 Call Long Distance Call Details for Account Code 37 Group (farmol Date Time Called From Called To Called Location Type Durat Amount Call 08119108 09:08am (859)494-7733 (202)293-9160 Lexington (KY) 1:00 0.05 bate Time Called From Called To Called Location Type Duration Amount 08/19/08 09.09am (869)258-3150 (202)293-9160 Lexington (KY) 8:12 0.39 09/08/08 08:52am (317)571-2400 (202)293-9160 Carmel (IN) 1:00 0.05 08119/08 09:52am (859)258-3150 (202)293-9160 Lexington (KY) 8:24 0,39 09/11/08 10 53am (317)714-3022 (202)293-9160 Indianapis (IN) 1:36 0.09 Total Long Distance Call Charges for 10 Group Calls: 3 17:36 0.83 Total Long Distance Call Charges for 37 Group calls. 2 2:36 0.14 Long Distance Call Details for Account Code 12 Group SLG Call Date Time Called From Called To Called Location Type Duration Amount 08/19/08 09:40am (601)535-7939 (202)293-9160 Salt Lake (UT) 1:24 0.09 Total Long Distance Call Charges for 12 Group Calls: 1 1:24 0.0 Long Distance Call Details for Account Code 2 Group L) Call Date Time Called From Called To Called Location Type Duration Amount 09/11/08 10-26am (510)774-7136 (202)293-9160 Oakland (CA) 3:54 0,18 09/11/08 10:30am (510)774-7136 (202)293-9160 Oakland (CA) 9:30 0.43 Total Long Distance Call Charges for 2'Group Calls. 2 13:24 0 Long Distance Call Details for Account Code 25 Group Call Date Time Called From Called To Called Location Type Duration Amount 58/18108 09:36am (412)258-6658 (202)293-9160 Pittsburgh (PA) 1:12 0.09 08118108 11 12am (410)289-6444 (202)293-9160 Ocean City (MD) 1:36 13.09 08120108 11:16am (410)250-5909 (202)293-9160 Ocean City (MD) 2:00 0,09 08/20/08 11:21am (410)289-6444 (202)293-9160 Ocean City (l 4:36 0.22 08/28/08 11:33am (512)947-6247 (202)293-9150 Austin (TX) 2:48 0,13 09102/08 10:56am (215)643-0700 (202)293-9160 Ambler (PA) 1:00 0.06 Total Long Distance Call Charges for 25 Group Calls: 6 13:12 0.67 Manage your account online www.xo.com/aim 13 of 13 Contact Customer Care: 800.553.1989 r w L f; ll 1 CT 4r' ai= \.1 Cl J 1�t�tw/ 1.1L Lea ders hip Directories, Unc. 104 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011 Account Number Please refer to this number i Tel: (212) 627 -4140 Fax: (212) 645 -0931 n any correspondence, E -mail: info @lvadershipdirectories.com x 2 7021 1 Internet: www.leadershipdirectories.com Billing Address: Publication: SIMON COMPANY INC LEONARD S SIMON CONGRESSIONAL YELLOW 1660 L ST NW STE 1050 BOOK WASHINGTON DC 20036 -5663 Current ExRire Date: 01/ 0 0 F Ordered: 8/21 08 ate: 9!2U!Ct8 3 l i p a ng addr SIM- ON, 4, CDMPA€�iY INC LEONARD S SIMON Invoice Number: 1660 L. ST N €,i STE 1050 WASHINGTON DC 20036- -5663 7546955 Bill Code: 0610196 Update Fax Number :(202) 659 -5234 Update E —Mail Address:simoncodc@aol.com 1 14 121,1111: 1111 r i Prior FO##: CONGRESSIONAL YELLOW BOOK Annual Subscription, 4 editions 475.00 LESS 5.00 DISCOUNT 23.75 SALES TAX 25.95 Per the authoriZatiOn on tjour ori0inal order, your subserIption has been autocratically renewed, Invoice reflects payments received through 08/21/08. If invoice was paid after above date, please ignore. Choose your method of payment: When mailing, please return one copy of this invoice. Our Federal ID number is 520888981. Check Enclosed Mease make checks payable to Leadership Directories, Inc. and write your account number on the check.) Credit Card: Visa Mastercard American Express Card Number: Expiration Date: Signature: Make a payment online at: WWW.Ieadersh ipdirectories.com When you make a payment online, you will need your 4 account number indicated above. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER 11i10/08 CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Simon Company Purchase Order No. 1660 L Street N.W., Ste 501 Terms Washington, D.C. 20036 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) S tmt Professional services October 2008 $900.12 Total $900.12' 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. 11/10/08 ALLOWED 20 Simon Company IN SUM OF 1660 L Street N.W., Ste 501 Washington, DC 20036 900.12 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 1160 Mayor 4341999 Other Professional Services Board Members Po# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or Stmt 4341999 $900.12 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 J" Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund