HomeMy WebLinkAbout160598 06/10/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350338 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE TESSCO CHECK AMOUNT: $160.79 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 8500 -54568 PHILADELPHIA PA 19178 -4588 CHECK NUMBER: 160598 CHECK DATE: 6/10/2008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 557822 160.79 OTHER EXPENSES TESSC® INVOICE 557822 An ISO 9001 -2000 registered company ACCOUNTNUMBER DATE SHIPPED. HOLDER OF GSA CONTRACTS www.tessco.com FEIN #52 1868893 3046895 05/16/08 Invoices are now available online! PAGE PAGES www.tcssco.com Delivering Everything For Wireless 'Mypcconnl>MyOrders Print Invoices 1 OF City Of Carmel D Carmel Utilities S Water Utilities L ATTN: Brian Tolan O T ATTN: Kerri Loveall I T 3450 W. 131st St. D O 3450 W 131st St E O Westfield, IN 46074 D Westfield IN 46074 -8267 R Questions regarding this order call 410- 229 -1395 For future ordering call 800- 472 -7373 P.O. NUMBEE DELIVERED VIA ENTERED BY 7e: 30 INVOICE DATE WLIS- 05140BA -BST Brian Tolan 06/15/08 3 -DAY Wendy Martin SKU /PART UNITDESCRiPTION ORDER srilP cur PRICE -EXTENSION 16542 1 ?LA z 11.5 de Yagi Thanks for choosing TESSCO... your "Total Source" for a Wireless World COMMENTS: ORDER 'TOTAL 0.80 15 TAX 0.00 DELIVERY HANDLING 9.99 PLEASE WRITE THE TRANSACTION NUMBER SHOWN ABOVE ON YOUR CHECK OR RETURN THE REMITTANCE COPY BELOW. 160.79 r Ddng Bm w fth 7 ESSOD TERMS COND ff ONS Your purchases from TESSCO are made subject to these Terms and Conditions. Please In the event TESSCO retains a collection agency or attorney to enforce any of your review them carefully before placing your order. TESSCO's Terms and Conditions are obligations to TESSCO, you agree to pay all of TESSCO's costs and expenses associated subject to change. By purchasing from TESSCO you agree to be bound by the Terms with such enforcement, including all collection, attorney, and litigation fees. and Conditions in effect at the time you place your order, which may be viewed at You agree to pay or reimburse TESSCO for any and all sales, use and excise taxes that http:l /www.tessco- com/go /terms. may be imposed on you or TESSCO by any government entity as a result of any sales to you, regardless of when such taxes may be assessed, imposed, or levied. We object in advance to any additional or different terms you may propose, whether contained 6. Warranty Support: Manufacturers' warranty information and policies for all products we offer in a purchase order or in any other document orcommunication and regardless of whether are available on www,tessco.com /go /mfgwarranty. Although TESSCO does not separately such additional or different terms would materially alter our Terms and Conditions. Your warrant products, we do pass through all manufacturers' warranties and will be happy to help submission of a purchase order or other authorization for products or services, or your you determine the extent of coverage for your claim, coordinate the return of the product, allowing us to ship products or commence work, will constitute your acceptance of all of and assist you with the warranty support offered by the manufacturer. Please email us at our Terms and Conditions, except to the extent specifically consented to by us in a written warranty@tessco.com or call our Customer Service team if you have any questions about confirmation sent to you and signed by an authorized representative of TESSCO. warranties. Note that we make no implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or of fitness 1. Our Performance Guarantee: Our Performance Guarantee is uniquely simple: We promise for a particular purpose with respect to any goods or services we sell, and our suppliers that you will receive your order on time, error free, and in good condition. Your charge for typically exclude these implied warranties as well. delivery and handling will be refunded in the event we do not meet the agreed delivery 7. Damages in Shipment: Even though title and risk of loss pass when merchandise is shipped, date. We cannot guarantee on -time delivery for orders involving HAZIVATS, drop shipments, we will assist you if merchandise is verified as damaged in transit. If this occurs, please ldke third -party billing, customer pickups, shipments outside the continental U.S., unauthorized the following action: transportation carriers, extreme weather conditions, or acts of God. Please inspect products Do not accept a visibly damaged product until the person making the delivery has endorsed immediately upon receipt and notify TESSCO of any damage or shortage the same day. the air bill/bili of lading with a statement of the extent of the damage and file the freight claim at the time of delivery. 2, 30 -Day Money Guarantee Return Policy: If any reason you are not satisfied If damage is concealed and found after unpacking, retain all packing material and with a purchase, you you may return it for a refund or credit it within 30 days subject to the following: immediately call us. Concealed damage must be reported within 24 hours from time of receipt of shipment. Product must be in original condition, original product packaging, uncut, unmodified, Notify us immediately of damages so that we can provide you with assistance on the claim and unused. with the freight carrier. When calling, please have the sales order number at hand. a traceable means (e.g. UPS or FedEx ),freight prepaid. Product must returned within 30 days of delivery date (at your expense} through Please send us copies of all airbills /bills of lading and inspection reports. All components and manuals must be returned. 8. Limitation of Liability: In no event shall TESSCO be liable to you under any legal theory whatsoever, regardless of whether characterized as tort, negligence, contract, warranty, or Credit or refund is issued for purchase price of returned products, excluding otherwise, for any loss of profits or other economic loss, including, but not limited to, such delivery and handling charges. losses as (i) wages paid to your employees, (ii) lost revenue, (iii) lost use of equipment, (iv) Installed equipment and software and special order and value -added items are purchase, lease, or other acquisition of replacement, substitute, or temporary equipment, repaired or replaced under manufacturer warranty. (See Warranty Support, Section 6.) facilities, or services, (v) costs of capital, (vi) costs or losses related to downtime, (vii) manual Items not in compliance with our return policy will be returned to you at labor costs, or (viii) any other indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or other similar damages arising out of any claim relating to your purchases of goods or services from your expense. TESSCO, including losses resulting from your general or particular requirements or needs, Please complete the return form included with your shipment and reference the original whether or not TESSCO, at time of contracting, had reason to know of such requirements transaction number or call our Customer Service team if you need assistance. Beyond our or needs, and whether or not such losses could have been reasonably prevented by you by 30 -day money -back guarantee, no returns for credit or refund will be accepted, even if the cover or otherwise.TESSCO's liability to you shall in no event exceed the purchase merchandise is defective. However, the manufacturer's warranty will apply, and we will be price of the nonconforming goods or services giving rise toTESSCO's liability to you. happy to facilitate your request for warranty satisfaction from the manufacturer. (See Warranty The manufacturer /supplier's warranties that we pass through to you (see paragraph 6 above) Support, paragraph 6.) typically contain limitations similar to those stated in this paragraph. 9. Compliance with Laws: You agree to comply with all laws and regulations that apply to 3. Prices: At the time of your order, you will receive the total bottom-line delivered cost according your use, or the resale or other transfer, of products that you purchase from TESSCO. In to the price prevailing at the time your order was placed and the delivery option you have some cases, the export of products from the US may be subject to restrictions or prohibitions selected. Call 800- 472 -7373 (USA, Canada, Mexico) or +1410-229-1200 (other countries) under US law. You are urged to review the materials regarding such restrictions made for pricing and delivery confirmation. State sales tax, if applicable, will be added to your available by the manufacturer /supplier and, where appropriate, to consult legal counsel. In invoice unless an acceptable resale tax exemption certificate is provided. Where applicable, any case, however, you remain solely responsible for such compliance, and TESSCO takes the payment of all customs duties will be your responsibility. no responsibility for advising you regarding such matters or for providing any necessary 4. Delivery: Your order will be delivered on time, configured and complete, as provided in export licenses. our Performance Guarantee to the address you have designated. We will make every effort 10. No Alterations, Reverse Engineering, etc.: The manufacturers /suppliers of many of the to ship in accordance with the delivery option you have selected. Delivery dates may be products sold by TESSCO prohibit any alteration, modification, adaptation, translation, affected by our late receipt of all information necessary to ship or other causes beyond our decompiling, disassembly, or "reverse engineering" of, or creation of derivative works based reasonable control. In any event, we are not liable to you for any loss of time, material, or on, their products. You agree to abide by any such restrictions contained in the production or any other loss resulting from late delivery. (See Limitation of Liability, paragraph 8.) manufacturer /supplier's terms, and you agree that such restrictions may be enforced against you directly by the manufacturer /supplier, despite any lack of contractual privity between 5. PaymentTerms: If you would like to establish an open account, please contact our Customer you. If you have questions concerning the terms that may apply to a particular product or Transactions team at 410- 229 -1395. During the credit application process, business may would like to obtain information about such terms before purchasing, TESSCO will be happy be done via credit card and EFT. We reserve the right to change terms of sale at any time. to assist you in obtaining such information from the manufacturer /supplier. All payments must be made in U.S. funds drawn on U.S. banks, company bank account only, unless alternate arrangements have been approved by TESSCO. For payment terms 11. Choice of Law, Forum Selection: TESSCO controls and operates its business from its other than net 30, additional fees may apply. offices at Hunt Valley, Maryland, USA. Consequently, any questions relating to these Terms and Conditions or their application in a particular situation shall be governed by the laws of Net 30 terms require prompt payment by company check within 30 days from the the United States and the State of Maryland (without regard to any provision that would shipment date unless otherwise stated on the invoice. We do not accept payment by result in the application of the laws of any other state or jurisdiction). Any legal or equitable credit card except at time of purchase. action of whatever nature brought by you against TESSCO arising out of or related in any There will be a $35.00 charge for returned checks and EFT rejections for any reason. respect to these Terms and Conditions or your purchases or other dealings with TESSCO Please pay from the invoice provided. A late payment charge of 1.5% per month (18% shall be brought solely in either the United States District Court for the District of Maryland APR) will be charged on all invoices not paid within the defined terms. Our Customer located in Baltimore City or the appropriate court of the State of Maryland located in the Transactions team is available to help you in all billing matters. jurisdiction where TESSCO has its principal place of business. 12. Severability: If any provision of TESSCO's Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions will remain in full force and effect. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL t� An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. F Payee 350338 TESSCO Purchase Order No. P.O. Box 8500 -54588 Terms Philadelphia, PA 19178 -4588 Due Date 6!212008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 6/2/2008 557822 $160.79 a I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 081930 WARRANT ALLOWED 350338 IN SUM OF t 'TESSCO�� P.Q. Box 8500 -54588 .p O Philadelphia, PA 19178 -4588 ,p DER h► Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 557822 01- 6200 -04 $160.79 d 'v Voucher Total $160.79 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund