HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence: TAC Review Mindham, Daren
From: Mindham, Daren
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 11:50 AM
To: 'khartlep @interdesign.com'
Subject: FW: Woodland Terrace
Attachments: CDplanting2 24x36L1.pdf; CDplanting2 24x36L1 -0.pdf
The following email represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of urban forestry. I
have reviewed the drawings and offer the following comments:
1) Could you email a copy of the civil plan with the Tree Preservation signage design.
'I have attached a tree preservation signage design for posting the tree preservation areas. I highly
recommend posting signs on the east perimeter, due to past concerns. SHOWN AND WILL BE
2) I had a request from the Kensington folks to ask for some evergreen trees where possible between your
building and their neighborhood.
3) Under planting notes, #13.2 The Manual of Woody Landscape Plants has a more current edition.
You may want to note current edition rather than Co. 1990.
4) #21 and 28, I have not seen wordage like this before. Is that specific to this project just curious.
5) #26, it notes...removal of a branch...of a plant shall promptly be treated as required...
There is no treatment for a tree wound except removal when necessary. Tree paint, concreting a
cavity ect. are no longer a practiced method. Was there something else in mind in reference to the
Otherwise, the plan looks great. Please let me know when you might be available to have someone
walk the tree preservation area with me for comments.
Daren Mindham
Urban Forester
City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Office: 317 -571 -2283
*The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit. Nelson Henderson
From: Karen Hartlep [mailto:khartlep @interdesign.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 10:53 AM
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Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Place: Dept. of Community Services Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Carmel City Hall.
Time: 9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. Latter -Day Saints Mormon Temple Meetinghouse
The applicant seeks the following special use approval for a temple and religious
meetinghouse: Docket No. 11020010 SU Ordinance Chptr 6.02: church/
temple/place of worship in S2 zone. The site is located at the southwest corner of 116 St.
and Springmill Rd. on 12 acres and is zoned S2/Residence. Filed by Kerry Nielsen of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints for Suburban Land Reserve, Inc.
No Objection, the site is in Carmel Utilities service territory.
9:1.5 a.m. Docket No. 11020012 SP Amend: Replat of North Augusta, lots 20 29A
The applicant seeks secondary (final) plat amendment approval to create 5 lots from 2, on
3.14 acres. The sites are located at 3802 W 96` St. and 9640 N. Augusta Dr. They are zoned
B -5 and B- 7/Business, both within the US 421 Michigan Rd. Overlay Zone. Filed by Bill
Niemier for Sand Capital IX, LLC.
No Objection, the site is in Carmel Utilities service territory.
9:25 a.m Docket No. 11020013 DP /ADLS: Woodland Terrace CCRC
The applicant seeks site plan design approval for a continuing care retirement community
(CCRC) on 7 acres. The site is located at 136` Street and Pro Med Lane, and is zoned B-
6/Business, within the US 31 /Meridian Street Overlay. Filed by Charlie Frankenberger of
Nelson Frankenberger, on behalf of Justus Homes, Inc.
No Objection, the site is in Carmel Utilities service territory.
i 9:35 a.m. Docket No. 11020014 TAC: Veolia Indianapolis White River North Water
Treatment Plant Expansion. The applicant seeks Technical Advisory Committee approval
to add a UV Disinfection Facility. The site is located at 11825 River Rd. The site is zoned S-
1/Residence and lies within the Flood Hazard District. Filed by Robert Willet of Black
Veach for Indianapolis Dept. of Waterworks.
No Objection, the site is in Carmel Utilities service territory.
Veolia Water Indianapolis (VWI) is the contract operator for the Indianapolis
Water (IW) utility, and as such has reviewed the above referenced TAC Agenda
Topics the bold blue type is the response for each of the topics.
Page 1 of 1
WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV ONE CIVIC SQ. CARMEL, IN 46032 (317) 571 -2417
lit �tl jTe }3zt...Y -T7Ei.
March 1 1, 20] 1 CI .t i MEL
7400 North Shadeland Avenue, Suite 150
Indianapolis, IN 46250
RE: Woodland Terrace CCRC Project Review #1
Dear Mr. Reynolds:
The City received your development plans on February 17, 2011. The project is scheduled for review at
the March 16, 2011 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. We offer the following comments:
1. These comments represent the Department of Engineering's first review of the development
plans for this project.
2. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing and be accompanied by
a drawing reflecting the requested revisions. Failure to provide written responses may result
in the delay of the review process.
3. It is critical that this office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re-
submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our
previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of
any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan
Commission, BZA or other committee meetings.
4. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers, PC to review all drainage plans and drainage
calculations submitted to this office for review. If you have not already done so, please
provide a set of drainage plans and calculations to their office for review. We will share
Crossroad's comments as they are received.
5. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until:
a. All Engineering Department and Utility Department and Hamilton County Surveyor
issues have been resolved.
b. All bonds and performance guarantees are posted.
c. All Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency
approvals (if required) are obtained.
d. All off -site easements necessary to install utilities to serve the development are secured.
e. SWPPP is approved.
f. All fees are paid.
6. The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based upon subsequent
7. An approved Storm Water Management Permit is required prior to commencing any earth
disturbing activity. Please contact Mr. John Thomas regarding storm water quality
8. An approved right -of -way permit is required prior to commencing any work in the public
right -of -way.
9. If it will be necessary to relocate existing utilities, the costs for such relocation shall be borne
solely by the developer. Any utility poles requiring relocation shall be relocated to within
one -foot of the outside edge of the proposed right -of -way.
10. The Department requires that the construction drawings be developed in accordance with the.
City of Carmel digital submission standards and that all required submittals for primary plat,
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Mr. Rick N. Reynolds
March I I 2011
RE: Woodland Terrace CCRC Project Review #1
Page 2 of 4
secondary plat, and construction drawings be made. The digital files must be submitted to
the Department of Engineering prior to the approval of the construction plans. Please contact
the City GIS Department for the requirements.
11. Jurisdictions:
a. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits.
b. Perimeter Street and Right -of -Way City of Carmel (Old Meridian Street, Grand
c. Water City of Carmel Utilities
d. Sanitary Sewers City of Carmel Utilities
e. Storm Sewers /Drainage City of Carmel.
f. Legal Drains Hamilton County Surveyor's Office.
12. Drawings submitted for approval:
a. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval.
b. This office will require 9 sets of drawings for approval after all issues have been
resolved. The drawings will be statnped as approved and signed by the City Engineer
and by Carmel Utilities. The Owner will receive 3 sets, one of which must be maintained
on the construction site at all times. If this project is subject to review and approval by
the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, a total of 11 sets will be required for final
13. Carmel Utilities will provide separate reviews of this project for water issues. Please assure
that copies of all drawings are sent to:
Paul Pace Paul Arnone
Carmel Utilities Distribution Carmel Utilities Collection
3450 West 131 Street 901 North Range Line Road
Westfield, IN 46074 Carmel, IN 46032
14. Carmel Utilities subscribes to "Holey Moley" who should be contacted directly for all water
main locations.
15. The following items will be sent electronically upon request regarding this correspondence
and project:
a. Project Approval Checklist
b. Performance/Maintenance Guarantees
c. Utility Jurisdictions /Right of Way Permits
d. Availability (acreage) Fees
16. A schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines will be
sent electronically for your use upon request. Please use the Engineering Department
deadlines for submissions to the Board.
17. Any submission to the Board requires prior approval by the Carmel Clay Plan
Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable) and completion of
review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests to be placed on the
Board's agenda must include the appropriate Docket Number and the date (or dates) of
approval by the Plan Commission and /or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable).
18. Water Availability and Sanitary Sewer approval from the Board will be required. This is an
EDU approval based upon the proposed use of the site. Reference Items #33 to #35 below
for additional details /explanations. Please note that if an entryway or other irrigation
system is planned for this development, additional Water Availability Approval from
the Board will be required and additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based
upon the size and usage of the system as determined by the Director of Carmel Utilities.
19. Commercial Curb Cut Approval. Please provide 8Y2 x 11 exhibits with the request for
approval. Provide all pertinent information including lane widths, overall width, radii, lane
markings, location of opposing drives or streets, relationship to the location of previous curb
cut, etc.
Mr. Rick N, Reynolds
March 1 1, 201 1
RE: Woodland Terrace CCRC- Project Review #1
Page 3 of 4
20. Temporary Construction Entrance Approval. It is anticipated that the construction entrance
will be shown on forthcoming construction plans.
21. The installation of any permanent, privately owned and /or maintained improvement (signs,
decorative street signs, walls, streetlights, etc.) within dedicated right of way or dedicated
easements requires the execution of a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner
and the City of Carmel. Such agreements are executed by the Board of Public Works and
Safety. The City Engineer may approve irrigation system agreements.
22. Secondary Plat approval if applicable. All performance guarantees must be posted prior to
submission of secondary plats for Board of Public Works and Safety approval.
23. Dedication of right -of -way if not platted. This is based upon the City of Carmel 20 -Year
Thoroughfare Plan requirements. Dedication documents are available upon request. Please
be advised that all Right -of -Way Dedications must be accompanied by a Sales Disclosure
Agreement completed by the owner for the property being dedicated to the City. The
dedication document cannot be recorded without a completed Sales Disclosure. The form is
available upon request,
24. Any open pavement cuts of Smokey Row Road, other than those required for the curb cuts,
will require Board approval.
25. Please contact Mr. Dave Barnes to review performance guarantee requirements. Please
contact Mr. John Duffy to review water and sanitary sewer bonding requirements.
26. The amount of the Performance Guarantee is based upon a certified Engineer's Estimate for
I00% of the cost of labor and materials to construct the individual improvements, to be
provided by the design engineer. Please provide detailed Engineer's Estimates for each
improvement including quantities, unit costs, pipe sizes, and materials, etc.
27. Upon completion and release of individual Performance Guarantees, a three -year
Maintenance Guarantee will be required (see Street Sign comments above). The
Maintenance Guarantee amount is based upon 15% of the Performance amount for Streets
and Curbs and 10% of the Performance amount for all other improvements.
28. Performance Guarantees may be Performance or Subdivision Bonds or Irrevocable Letters of
29. Please reference the available enclosures for more detailed explanation of our procedures.
30. Any work in the dedicated right -of -way will require an approved Right -of -Way Permit and a
License Permit Bond.
31. The bond amount is determined by our Right -of -Way Manager. However, if the work is
included in the scope of work of a required and posted Performance Guarantee, the
Performance Guarantee may be used to satisfy the bond requirements of the Right -of -Way
32. Please contact our Right -of -Way Manager, Fred Glaser, to arrange right -of -way permitting
and bonding.
33. We defer to Carmel Utilities regarding this issue.
34. If an entryway or overall site irrigation system is planned for this development,
additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon the size and usage of the
system and upon the recommendations of the Director of Carmel Utilities.
35. These fees are required to be paid prior to final approval of construction plans by
Engineering and prior to issuance of building permits by Building Codes Services. Please
confirm these fees and calculations with Carmel Utilities.
Mr. Rick N. Reynolds
March 11, 2011
RE: Woodland Terrace CCRC- Project Review #1
Page 4 of 4
36. General Comments
a. This project is subject to the City's Storm Water Management and Storm Water Quality
b. Please add the following note to the drawings: "IF IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO
38. Sheet C1.0 Title Sheet.
a. Please remove the titles for the Landscape Plan, Landscape Details, and Site Lighting
Photometric Nan from the Sheet Index from construction sets to be submitted for review
by this department. The Department of Engineering does not have approval authority
over landscape plans or photometric plans.
If you have questions, please contact me at 571- 2441.
Nicholas J. Redden, P.E.
Plan Review Coordinator
Department of Engineering
cc: Angelina Conn, Department of Community Services
John Duffy, Carmel Utilities
Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities
Paul Arnone, Cannel Utilities
Greg Hayes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engineers, PC
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LKenton C. `Ward, CrEM
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Surveyor of J County One Namitton County Square
Tl one (317) 776 .2 oblesville, Indiana 46060 -2230
Tax (317) 776 -962g
March 11, 2011
ATTN: Rick Reynolds
7400 North Shadeland Avenue, Suite 150
Indianapolis, IN 46250
VIA E -MAIL: rreynolds(aemht.com
RE: Woodland Terrace CCRC
Dear Mr. Reynolds:
We have reviewed the construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
on February 23, 2011, for this project and have the following comments:
1. The proposed project falls in the incorporated area and MS4 jurisdiction of the City of
2. The proposed project DOES NOT fall in a Carmel Wellhead Protection Zone.
3. The proposed project does not fall in a Hamilton Regulated Drain Watershed.
4. Please direct all stormwater questions to the City of Carmel Engineering Department.
Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317- 776 -8495.
Greg Hayes, AC, CFM, CPESC
Plan Reviewer
CC: Angie Conn Carmel DOCS
Dave Barnes Carmel Engineering
John Thomas Carmel Engineering
Greg Ilko Crossroad Engineers
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March 10, 2011
Mr. Rick Reynolds
7400 North Shadeland Ave, ste 150
Indianapolis, IN 46250
RE: Woodland Terrace
Dear Mr. Reynolds:
The following letter represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of alternative
transportation. I have reviewed the project submitted for the March 16, 2011 Technical Advisory
Committee meeting, and offer the following comments:
Alternative Transportation Review and Comments
1) The City of Carmel Parking Ordinance requires developments to include bicycle parking.
Bicycle parking spaces are required at a rate of five (5) bicycle parking spaces per one
hundred (100) parking spaces. Please see the City of Carmel's Parking Ordinance in order to
determine the appropriate locations and construction details for the above.
2) Please indicate ADA compliant ramps and crosswalks at each location a path or sidewalk
crosses a street or drive.
3) Please ensure that all sidewalks and paths are fully located within right -of -way or easement.
We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written
responses may result in delay of the review process.
It is critical that this office be made aware of all modification made on the plans being re- submitted,
particularly if any such changes are considered "new” or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please
provide revised plans indicating all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any
changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee
Page 1
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The Department of Community Services reserves the right to provide additional comments based on
subsequent reviews.
If you have questions, please contact me at 571 -2417.
David Littlejohn
Alternative Transportation Coordinator
Department of Community Services
cc: Angie Conn, Department of Community Services
Engineering Department Review
Project File
Page 2
February 24, 2011
EMI &T, Inc
7400 North Shadeland Ave. Suite 150 S�
Indianapolis, IN 46250 itg QA
RE: Woodland Terrace CCRC
Dear Mr. Reynolds:
We have received Construction Plans, dated February 18, 2010 for the above referenced
project. There were no drainage calculations included with this submittal. At this time,
there is nothing for our office to review. Prior to any proposed land alteration activities,
construction plans and drainage calculations will need to be prepared and submitted to
our office for review and acceptance. The drainage submittal and requirements shall be
in accordance with the manual, which can be found online at
http: /www.ci.carmel.in.us/ services /Engineering /engineering2.html.
Please include with your submittal, one (1) copy of the comments indicating the
action taken or a written explanation for action not taken. Construction plans and
drainage calculations are not to be re- submitted without implementing changes with
respect to any and all review comments from the City of Carmel and the Hamilton
County Surveyor's Office. The comments and plans may be submitted to my attention at
the following address:
CrossRoad Engineers, P.C.
3417 South Sherman Drive.
Beech Grove, IN 46107
Please contact me at (317) 780 -1555 ext. 112 with any questions.
CrossRoad ngineers, P.C.
Greg Ilko, P.E.
Sr. Project Manager
copy: Gary Duncan, City of Carmel Assistant Engineer
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyors Office
3417 Sherman Drive a Beech Drove, Indiana 46107 a Tel 317.7(30•1555 e Fax 317•780.6525
5: t of _C8II'Il7Ltll1eY
Carmel Poi 6e DeparimentE
1. FEB232
February 22, 2011 a DOGS
Rick N. Reynolds, RLA, ASLA
7400 N. Shadeland Ave., Suite 150
Indianapolis, IN 46250
RE: Woodland Terrace CCRC
Job no.: 2011 -0066
Dear Mr. Reynolds:
The information for the above referenced project has been reviewed.
At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law
enforcement efforts.
If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us.
Respec I
Tim thy J. Green
Chief of Police
cc: Dept. of Community Services
(317) 571 -2500 A Nationally Accredited'Law Enforcement Agency Fax (317) 571 -2512
Conn, Angelina V
From: Mindham, Daren
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 3:25 PM
To: 'RKelly @emht.com'
Cc: 'Jon Dobosiewicz'; Conn, Angelina V
Subject: Woodland Terrace
Attachments: Crabapple List.pdf; Tree Preservation Detail.pdf; Tree Preservation Sign pre const.doc; Tree
Preservation Sign- postconst.doc
The following email represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of urban forestry. I
have reviewed the drawings and offer the following comments:
1) The bar scale will need labeled lengths; also needed is a north arrow.
2) The site's use is as a multi family development (nursing facility) which is a permitted use in B -6;
conversely, the use, for the purposes of the bufferyard requirement, is not business (offices). So,
the perimeter bufferyards should be all C except for along Smokey Row which is D. This will not
affect the tree preservation areas, or the total shade trees needed, however, the West P.L. will
need a total of 13 ornamentals and 69 shrubs and the South P.L. will need a total of 14 ornamentals
and 77 shrubs. The additional required shrubs can easily be placed near the parking area for use as
a buffer from headlights and cars. Also, from my counts, the current shrub totals in these two areas
do not match the noted counts in the listed bufferyard chart.
3) I have attached a tree preservation signage design for posting the tree preservation areas. I highly
recommend posting signs on the east perimeter, due to past concerns.
4) It might not be initially feasible to plant trees within the tree preservation areas for example on the
Pro Med /Smokey Row intersection and one of the MJA on the north buffer. The tree preservation
should be fenced off with no construction /grading inside the fence.
5) 1 noticed a sanitary line and a 4' wall going through the tree preservation area near Pro Med and
Smokey Row Rd, also there is a variable height retaining wall in the same location as the tree
preservation fencing on the east perimeter. For the tree preservation areas to be effective,
construction cannot occur in these areas. Even with a retaining wall and parking to the west of it,
these structures will have a devastating effect on the tree preservation to the east. The roots of
many large trees currently are in non preservation areas and adding fill and compaction of these
areas will have an effect on the trees in the preservation area. Better mapping of this crucial divide
will need to be shown on the plans. The tree preservation fencing should be one of the first things
in place before construction starts. I realize that the purpose is to have the tree preservation for
50', but the construction limits for a wall will obviously encroach into this 50' area. I would like the
plans to reflect that with the tree preservation fencing, knowing that this wall to fence area will
then be left to 'fill in' afterwards.
6) Please substitute the TCG with native yellowwoods or maybe Japanese tree lilacs; TCG are very
susceptible to Japanese beetles. Also, please substitute the GBA with native trees like more tulip
trees, river birch, or oak. The ginkgo is such an exotic looking tree, I feel the overall aesthetics
would benefit from sticking with a more native setting.
7) Redbuds are native to woodland edges, it would provide better survivability to have the redbuds
along the woods and the crabapples along the building on the northwest side of the building or
simply substitute the 3 MJA for 3 more CCA.
8) MPR is on our 'not recommended' crabapple list, please select an approved species. Attached is
our crabapple list.
9) There are 2 GBA tree circles overlayed by lawn at the SW entrance. Please have the tree circles on
the top.
10) The water quality plants will eventually need quantities.
11) Within the Plant Schedules: 'Spring' should not be capitalized and 'headed' should be removed
from all remarks. Heading is a term for pruning from the top down, I believe the intent here is for
pruning from the bottom up (crown raising). We never recommend topping a tree.
Definition of heading: Pruning off the terminal or "head" growth of a plant, especially a tree. Heading back is a
general term, whose subcategories include "topping" and pollarding." Topping is performed on large old trees as
an inexpensive alternative to their full removal. Pollarding, in contrast, is performed for aesthetic reasons.
Pollarding begins when a tree is young, and continues throughout the life of the tree.
Please illustrate how these comments will be addressed by letter or revised plan. If you have any questions,
feel free to contact me. Thanks.
Daren Mindham
Urban Forester
City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Office: 317 571 -2283
*The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit. Nelson Henderson