HomeMy WebLinkAbout166080 11/24/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR, 042595 Page 1 of 1 e 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS CHECK AMOUNT: $6,231.58 ra CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER 5201 E 131ST ST CHECK NUMBER: 166080 CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 11/24/2008 DEP ARTMENT ACCOU PO N UMBER INV OICE N AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 42313.00 2,761.84 DIESEL FUEL —FIRE; 1120 .:.,4231400: 1,670.1.1 GASOLINE —FIRE 2.125 4231300 263.19 DIESEL, FUEL- PARKS 1125 4231400 1,444.1,1 GASOLINE— PARKS 1205 4231400 92.33 GASOLINE— ADMINISTRN e N rA cLnv Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in E' Education FUEL INVOICE NOV 0 ?008 DY. Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: November 1, 2008 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131S Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844- 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Account #009 Account name PARKS PAULA SCHLEMMER Account address 1411 E 116 STREET CARMEL,lN 4603 573-4023 Date Time Tmn Amt Drivr Vehcl 0domtr Keyboard Type Pump Pmd QuanLdy Price AMMn t OCT 16 208 10:50 0032 009 2M1 OW9 805M8 WN??? N-Noma} 82 01- UNLEADED OMAN V 2167 0 0J.J4 007 17 2008 0807 1016 009 2397 N613 000000 0-Nurmal 02 UNLEADED 00002.1QO 2267 000550 OCT l7, 2008 12A3 0036 009 2148 0563 03051 0-Normo| 02 Ql- UNLEADED 00023100 2267 1 0062M OCT 18, 2W0O 18:03 0007 OR 3432 M9 89007 0-Norma} 02 01' UNLEADED 00026.000 2.667 0869.34 OCT 21 2008 17:40 0017 089 2397 0613 W00080 2-Handle 02 0l' UNBADED 00000.000 2.667 0000.00 OCT 20 2808 0041 8018 009 2397 0613 000000 Q-Nurmal 02 01- UNLEADED 10802.400 2.667 Q006.4@ Of 21 20NH 1158 0033 809 2186 06\8 0000@8 2-Handle 04 ON DIESEL Q0000.000 1 2.875 0000.00 OCT 21 2N8 1006 0034 089 7186 060 000000 0'Norma} 03 82- DIESEL 0N085 .9W0 2.875 0246.96 0CT 22 20N8 1405 OV5 009 2186 8618 078527 Q-Nonoal 02 01' UKEADED 00826.200 2,667 0069.8R (IT 23 700B 0b18 OMB 009 1N90 0565 059B31 04ormai 02 01- UNLEADED 00019.0Q0 2.667 0NO27 OCT 23 200 15/38 004 009 2698 061l 009441 04ormal 02 N1- UNL[A0[U 00015.500 2067 8041.34 OCT 2% 2008 08/19 M5 0N9 2397 06Q8 007627 0-Nurma1 Q2 01- UNLEAUED, 00028.600 2.667 0 0 76.2B OC7 28 2008 lJ:§ 0048 009 1092 0615 004518 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED M000.800 2.667 B050.\4 OCT 2Y 2808 14:36 0043 009 1089 0612 015111 8-Norma! 02 01- UNLEADED 01014,B0Q 2067 0039.47 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 189.500 Gallon 505.40 Product 02 DIESEL 85.900 Gallon 246.96 752.36 CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education c R MCL, 1Np FUEL INVOICE NOU Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: November 1, 2008 West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 31 71844 -820 7 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Account #009 Account name PARKS PAULA SCHLEMMER Account address 1411 E 116 STREET CARMEL,IN 46032 573-4023 Date Time Tran Amt Drivr Yehcl Odocitr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity PricE Amount 0J 02, 2088 08:83 0086 009 1092 0615 003842 al 03 01 900& 3.140 0052M 0CT 07 20 08 14:05 8019 00 3454 061\ O0890 ??7???7??? 8'Wormai Cl' Z! -UNLEADED 0M0\0.200 3.1A� 0032.83 OCT 08 2008 07:20 0003 007 1890 056 5 C159080 0-NOrma1 83 91-UNLEADED 08019.900 3.148 6062.49 OCT N8 2008 13:47 0016 009 1089 06l2 014664 8-Norma} 03 0i'UHL[A0ED Q80�2.800 3.14M 00LQ.B OCT 10 2008 1918 0 0 29 009 2154 0339 072358 T? ?T 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00022.40Q 3.148 8070.34 OCT O. 2088 09:02 0006 009 1092 0615 004859 M-Norma] 03 N1-UNLEADED 00019.008 3.148 0059.66 OCT N, 2008 10:37 0011 009 2186 0619 N07638 Q-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 80826.808 3,140 8084.15 OCT 16 28g8 M�01 0813 089 2�54 8J 03 3Y 072588 H-Normal 01-UNLEADED 80M16.00 2,667 0042.Y4 OCT 20 2008 10:86 0012 009 2643 0,511 009081 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 80011.500 2.667 0830,67 OCT 22 200@ 08137 0006 009 1092 0615 004318 0-Normal 0 3 91'UNLEADE0 00027.180 2.667 0872.28 OCT 23 2808 14/10 0014 009 2397 Q6O 011407 044ormal 03 01-UNLEADE8 00029.700 2.667 007Y.21 OCT 27 2088 1J�33 0016 00Y 2154 0J39 072885 0-Hormal 03 01 -UNLEA0ED 00023.000 2.667 0@81. 006i.� OCT 28, 2008 08:0 0005 009 3438 W559 096210 8-Norma� 03 01-UNL[AD[D 00829.400 2.667 0078.41 OCT 29 2008 08:50 0009 009 1090 0565 060082 7 71 77 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 80017,508 2.667 0046.67 OCT 29 2008 18!33 0012 009 2061 0614 00 0-Norma\ 03 01-UNiEAD[D ZZ926.280 2.667 0069,88 OCT 30 2008 08 37 0005 009 2148 8563 032491 0'Nnrmal 03 01-UWLEADED 00021.080 2.667 0056,01 OCT 30, 2008 15 26 NQ34 009 2 8615 080 008 R-Normal 02 02-DIESEL 80W86.100 2.660 0016.23 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 329.300 Gallon 938.71 Product 02 DIESEL 6.l00 Gallon 954.94 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Terms 5201 E. 131 st St. Date Due Carmel, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/1/08 009 Unleaded gas Eastside 505.40 11/1/08 009 Diesel Eastside 246.96 11/1/08 009 Unleaded gas Westside 938.71 11/1/08 009 Diesel Westside 16.23 Total 1,707.30 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Allowed 20 5201 B. 131 st St. Carmel, IN 46033 In Sum of 1,707.30 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 009 4231400 505.40 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 009 4231300 246.96 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 009 4231400 938.71 materials or services itemized thereon for 1125 009 4231300 16.23 which charge is made were ordered and received except 17 -Nov 2008 Signature 1,707.30 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Acunt #002 Account name CARMEL FIRE DEPT DENISE SNYDER Account address 2 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 571-2622 Uate Timp Tmo Acnt Drivr Vehcl Odomtr Keyhoard Type Pump F Quantity Pna mi munL OCT l6, 1 03 1 08:25 NO21 5�� 0533 0�W838 N-Normal 02 01- UN ��D 000 9.J00 2.667 0024.B OCT 16. NORM 14�3J 8N45 B02 5954 0544 0722 11 0-Nonna� N4 02- DlESEL 0001R.708 2.875 0053.76 0CT l6 2008 �6�37 0068 002 5931 0543 067780 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEA8[D 0N01�.78W 2.667 0031.28 OCT D. 2008 14�44 0W47 002 5736 0527 105841 &-Norma� N2 0�- UNLEADED 00014.80Q 2.667 8039.47 OCT D 200O 16;25 0N57 em 57J5 0545 0112 7 11 ?7? 0-Norma} 04 02- DIESEL 8001Q.080 2.875 NO28.75 OC� 17. 208O 17.-1 8862 0@2 5931 0543 N67Y40 0-Nonoa'I 02 01- Hill EAUEI 800 2.667 0018.i4 03 D 200 2o "I'M 0�6 Q82 5730 0531 0743J1 0-Nurma} 03 02- DlESEI 8W018.100 2.875 0 0' A4 OCT 18, 7008 09�50 8006 0Q2 2455 0544 072278 0'Norma! 04 0Z- Dl[SEL 00W09.500 2.875 8027.3l OCT 0 2008 11:39 0015 0y� 5095 0496 W42364 0-Normal 82 01- UNL[AD[D 000U.008 2.667 0029.34 03 1B 2008 18 07 0023 0&2 575Q 0232 B44567 8-Normal 03 02- DlESEi 08W15.l00 2.875 004J.41 OCT 19, 2008 0 82 0815 00 5570 8230 0 6886 0-Nonoa1 03 02- DIESEL 00018.300 i 2.875 0a52.61 OCT 20 200B 08 51 0826 00 2 5749 0526 080253 0-Norma'1 02 81- UNLEADE0 QN005.6N@ 2.667 0014.94 OCT 28, 2008 11�25 &041 002 5872 040Y 032846 N-Normal 03 N2' DIESEL W0014.90Q 2.875 Q042.84 0CT 20, 2N08 !2!38 0044 002 5086 041J 072540 0-Normol 02 01- UNL[ADEU 0M019.000 2.667 0050.67 0CT 20 2008 13�35 0052 002 57J2 NU:1 N30000 0'Normal 03 N2' D|[SEL 00�J2.400 2.875 N093.I5 OCT 20 2008 13�52 0N58 002 5748 N250 N01000 02- DlES[L 00Q2N.900 2.875 0060.09 OCT 20. 2008 13��8 0060 002 59J1 054J 068176 0'Norma| 02 0{ UNLEAUEB 00&11.000 2.66/ 0029.34 OCT 2l. 2008 08�01 &006 882 5594 0�3J W62144 M-Normol 02 N1- UNLEADED N8N13.6�� 2.667 0836.27 OCT 21 20W8 00 12:�5 0QJ2 2 2814 03J7 06J754 N-Nurma| �1 01 UNLEADED WNO25.900 2.667 0069.88 OCT 21 2008 14:21 O039 002 2471 0544 072339 @'Norma� 04 02- DlESEi 00012.000 2.875 0M3A.50 GCT 21. 2088 16:54 0051 0W2 57J6 W�27 �N60J2 0-Nurma} 02 Q1- UNiEADED 00013.000 2.667 �034,67 0CT 22. 2008 08�41 001� 0W2 593l 0543 068350 0-Nnrmal 02 @1- UNLEA0[D 0008/.70W 2.667 Q028,54 OCT 22, 20N8 12�22 0028 &82 5295 8�96 046524 0-Nurmal 02 0l- HM FAIN 00019.�0W 2.667 0058,94 OCT 22 M8 14�17 0B33 002 59 0526 0BQ710 0-Normal 02 Q1 UNLEADED 00016.6O0 2.667 0044.27 OCT 22 20N8 00J7 0&2 57�2 �409 032Yl8 0-Nurmai 03 0?- DIESEL 00B20.Q0Q 2.668 0853.20 8CT 22 20pi8 17! 615 0046 002 216J 0410 0833D Q-Nurma� N4 Q2- DlESEL 8081W.08@ 2.66Q QM26.60 OCT 22 2008 17�09 WN48 B02 2163 0532 080172 �-Nnrma} 02 01- UNiEADED 000l9.708 2.667 0052.54 UCT 22, ��8 D�54 0052 802 5945 ��0 068600 0-Norma| 0J N2- 0ESEL 0N01J.600 2.66W 0036.lB OCl 2J 20@B ]0�D 00D 002 5076 0542 N�668R 0-Normai N2 81- UNL[ADED 0 2.667 0033.J4 007 23, 2888 1��14 0017 082 5743 N232 0�7577 0-Nnrma\ N4 02- DIESEL 0W0ZJ.7W0 2.66� N063.04 OCT 23. 2N08 1��47 0020 002 57J6 W527 �06197 0-No,ma] 02 01- UNLEAD[D N801�.500 2.667 0W3W.67 OCT 23. 2­88 B 0024 002 5941 N4�9 07Y933 Q-Normo| 04 02- DIESEL 00020.000 2.660 0@5J.20 0 T 2J, 2008 �4�25 �029 002 5875 W531 @74424 N-No/mal 03 02- DIES[L 0W020.000 2.660 0053.2W OCT 23, 2W08 1L 0, 8O37 NO2 2456 Wc45 81iA J0 0'Norma\ N4 02' UlESEL 0N014.2NW 2.660 0037.77 0CT 24 2008 09�09 0815 002 5296 0546 068545 W-Normal 02 81- UNLEAD0 000L4.400 2.667 8038.40 OCT 21. 2008 13;04 0028 0 02 5422 u 5 051 402 ????????Mn 0-Nnrmal 03 02- DlESEL 0N019,0M0 2.660 8050.54 OCT 2A 2008 13 0O 0Q2Y 002 559l 0461 ���713 @-Normol 04 02- 8l[S[L 00023.0N0 2.660 0061.18 OCT 24. 2WQ8 13�16 O838 002 2335 8544 072443 0-No/mal 04 82- D7[SEL 00B12,800 2.660 Q� OCT 24 2&N8 �6�44 �037 002 2456 8545 01i5l1 8'NnrmaI 04 82- DI[SEL 0QOl1.�00 2.660 0W29.53 OCT 25, 20N8 N6�33 0004 002 5086 01L3 072781 0-Normal 02 0l- UNLEADED 0N01B.000 2,667 004B.01 03 25 2088 09;52 00 0W2 5564 04` 6 046606 02 01- UNLEADED 0@010.N80 2.667 0826.67 8CT 27, 2008 08�0� 0015 002 5740 04�9 088122 0-Nnrmal 0� Mn DIESEL 00017.7Q� 2.660 Q0�7.0O P. 27 2008 08 0 &020 002 ��1 054J 868669 0-Normal 82 0l- UNLE0DE0 00�l2.600 2.667 00J3.60 OCT 27 2808 13�07 0B38 002 5954 R544 072561 0-Normal 84 02- 0IES[L 00016.500 2.660 00�3.DY UCT 27, 200O M/l6 0045 002 5748 0409 0Lvmj10Q0 N-Nurmal 04 02- Dl[SEL 00024.2 2.66W 0063.84 OCT 2/. 2008 17��1 0Q62 D02 2172 0532 0O0867 W-Normal 01 81- UNLEADED 00QlW.Q00 2.667 0826.67 0CT 28 28@8 0, 8) 0012 Q02 5�Y4 05J3 0616W7 8-Normal 02 81- UNLEA0EU 08011.8Q0 2.667 Q0J1.47 03 28 20N8 1Q�32 0W30 002 2@N 0337 Q64048 8-Normal 01 0�- UNLEA0ED WWQ2L.20N 2.66/ 0056.54 0Cl 28 2Q�8 l0�%l 0032 002 5570 Q232 047653 0-Normal 04 N2' DlESEL 0�Ol.400 2.660 0W56.9? 0CT 28. 2008 10�55 �OJ 0Q2 247 0545 0\16Q7 0-Nurmal W4 N2- DlESEL 00014.800 2.660 8�JY.37 OCT 28, 2808 �2��1 N0J9 002 5077 g4R6 0467L7 0-Normal W2 01' UNLEADED Q0B�4.500 2.667 NQJ8.67 OCT 28` '��n 14�46 W0�8 5�� 0568 1404l4 0-Norma| W2 81- UNLEA0ED ��18.9Q0 2.6�/ Q�50.4L UCT 2�0 N9�J6 0017 0�2 5562 &230 069005 0-Norma� 03 02- DlESEL 00W1Y.8Q0 UCT 7 0 2000 0 0? 0218 5931 0543 068992 0-Norma� 02 Wl- UNLE�0ED 00813.J0W 2.667 8035.47 03 30 2008 i2�&5 NW3l NO2 5101 0 54 5 01D08 02- DlESEL MR815.0�0 2.66N 0039.Y0 8CT'30 2N08 l2:2J W033 W02 5338 0232 0476 0-Norma} 04 Q2- D lE SEL 8N012.5N0 2.66Q 0033.25 OCT 31 20&8 08�08 0010 002 57J6 0527 106510 0-Normai 02 01- UNLEAD[O 0002l. 8N0 o 2.667 0'58J4 OCT 3\, 7008 09�10 0Ql9 0@2 5424 N4Y6 Q46822 N-Normai 01 81- UNLEADED W0&12.600 2.667 0033.60 [I r. 2008 1Q:44 0026 0Q2 5296 &546 069080 N-Normal 01 0l- UNLEADED 00015.000 2.667 0040.0l OCT Jl 2008 \2:52 0034 082 2J36 W534 036090 0-Normai 02 01- UNLEADED 00011.�00 2.667 0030.67 OCT 31. 2008 18:09 N064 002 5730 0260 0745�2 0-Nnrma\ 02 01- UNLEAD[D 0N0Q5.508 2.667 0014 .67 OCT J1 2088 19;D B065 082 5935 0545 077756 0-Nonna} 04 N2- D(ESEL 00006.Y0& 2.660 0018.35 0CT 7 1 2Q08 19;56 0066 002 57JN 0531 074�58 0-Nonxa| 03 02- DlESEL 00&23.80Q 2.66N 0063.31 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 439.900 Gallon 1173.22 Product 02 DIESEL 529.700 Gallon 1445.53 2618.75 Account #002 Account name CARMEL FIRE DEPT DENISE SNYDER Account address 2 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 571-2622 Datp Time Tran Ant Urivr Vehci Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump prod Uuantity Price Amount OCT 01 2008 06:13 @092 802 510l 0568 139738 ???7?????? 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEA0ED 00015.000 3.148 8W47.10 FL 82 2008 14:29 0021 082 51101 8496 845854 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEA0ED 80811.800 7 .140 0N34.54 OCT 03 28&8 11:07 0016 002 5867 0415 095002 8-Normal 01 02-DlESEL 00B27,J0B 3.441 0093.94 OCT 83, 2008 11:07 0017 082 1042 0529 076019 N-Norma} 01 82-Dl[SEL 00014.780 3.441 0050.58 OCT 06, 2808 10 i 08B6 80 2 5295 0496 045945 0-Normal 83 81-UNLEADED 08012.500 3.140 003Y.25 OCT 07 208 15:\2 0022 002 593l 0495 104999 7?7?7?7 ?7? 0-Horma1 03 01-UHL[AD[0 00020.700 J.148 8065.08 OCT &8, 20B8 16�36 W828 Q02 2457 0459 047777 8-Norma l W2 02-DlESEL 80828.300 3.441 0069.85 OCT 0@ 2008 13:18 0831 082 5875 0409 036278 0-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 00018,000 3,441 0061.94 OCT 09, 2008 11:46 0 025 802 5716 041" &Y5038 0-Normal 01 02-DIE S EL 0Z022. 3.44l 8Q76.73 OCT 09 2808 13;52 803 002 5067' 0532 080694 0-No,ma1 03 01-UNLEADED 8002.208 3.140 0038,31 0CT 12. 2008 M46 0804 002 5744 0545 WU0Fig 0-Norma} 01 02-07 ESEl 00019.900 J.44\ 0065.38 OCT 12, 2808 15:25 H09 0M2 2175 0459 079568 0-Normal O\ 02-DIESEL M30.480 3.441 004.61 OCT 13 2008 19:29 8028 002 5742 0489 032752 0-Normal 02 02-DIESEL 00012.900 3.441 0044.39 OCT 15 200O 18:32 0014 002 5424 0526 0R0157 7117,7 7 1 0-Normal Z. 01-UNLEADED 00089.300 3.�40 0029.20 OCT 15 2 10:40 0815 082 2337 8459 87Y681 ?7??? 0-Normal 82 02-DlESEL 88017.500 2.875 0050.31 OCT 15, 2008 10:48 6016 0 0 2 2014 0J37 06339Y 0-Norma\ 03 01-UNLEADED 00027.608 3,148 O086.66 OCT 15 2808 10:57 0017 902 5868 0415 095280 0-Normal 01 02-UlESE1 80821.W8 2.875 0061.81 UCT 16, 2008 10:36 W007 0 02 5872 0409 0 8-Norm a! 01 02- DIE S[i 00014.0N0 2.875 0848.25 OCT 17, 280R 11:48 8015 002 529'6 W546 068278 N-Norma} 0 81-UNLEADED 80915.580 2.667 004 1,34 OCT 17. 2088 14:52 0026 002 5940 0529 M5i3 0-Nnrma1 02 02-DIESEL 000l3.400 2.R75 0038.53 OCT 18. 200 9 09:43 0004 002 2172 0459 079790 B-Norma} 01 02-DIESEL 00018.988 2.875 W4.34 OCT 28 2008 11:21 0015 002 2165 0258 042345 O-Wormal 02 02-DIESEL 80044.000 2.875 0128.80 OCT 20 2008 11:51 0016 082 5598 0440 035058 94 r, 03 01-UNL[ADED 80014.600 2.667 0838.Y4 OCT 2\, 2008 04:49 0001 882 2169 0545 0 21588 0-Normal 81 02-0[S[L 08015.300 2.875 0843.99 OCT 21 2088 1Y;26 0029 002 5734 0415 995. 8-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 00020.700 2.875 8059.51 OCT 22 2008 12: 10 0014 902 5424 K'4 1-7574' 0-Normal 0� 01-UNLEADED 0WB06.D0N 2.667 000.N OCT 23. 2008 19:86 0006 002 5747 8529 076333 Q-Normal 01 02-0lESEL 00016.300 2.668 0043.36 OCT 23. 2�@ 0�06 WQ0 802 5570 0258 042424 0-Normal 02 02-Dl[S[L 00024.300 2.660 0064.64 OCT 2J 2008 14�l3 0W15 082 5594 8533 06\�� 0�mrmal 83 0\-UNLEAD�D 80008,900 2.667 0823.74 OCT 25, 2M88 10:09 0083 002 2471 0459 079988 ?7 8-Normal 81 02-8l[SIEl W0011.500 2.660 8030.59 OCT 27, 2008 10;56 0808 082 5596 0546 N68790 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADEU 08013.000 2.687 0834,67 OCT }W, 2888 89:06 0006 082 5869 840Y 83 Q-Normo} 82 02 80019,388 2,660 0051.34 OCT 38. 2808 11:15 0817 002 5867 0258 042528 0-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 60030.608 2.669 $1 0081.40 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 167.100 Gallon 496.89 Product 02 DIESEL 433.000 Gallon 1316.29 1Q13.18 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Gasoline $1,670.11 Diesel $2,761.84 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WAR NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 6201 East 131st Street Carmel, IN 46032 $4,431.95 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# 1 Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 42- 314.00 $1,670.11 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 42- 313.00 $2,761.84 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except NOV 2 4 2008 7 Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CLAY, Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in -V, c R `yC1, �NO� Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: November 15, 2008 East Side Transportation fuel charges l Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131st Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571-9659 Account #011 Account name ADMINISTRATION Shelly Lingelbau Ac7count address 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 571-2465 Date Time Ton Amt Drivr Vehd Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Ouaintity Pdce Amou n t NOV 06 2008 1315 OU6 011 2PO 8399 Q22012 0-Normal 02 81' UNLEADED 11015500 1.814 0N28.JW NOV l 2n8 1117 0032 0U 2453 0397 061673 0-Normal 02 BY UNLEADED 0W02i.0Q0 1.814 0HB.0Y NOV 14 20Q8 0t30 0029 011 2340 0J99 K2194 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED 00014.300 1.814 0025.94 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 50.900 Gallon 92.33 92.33 Vehicle #0397 Date Time Ton Acnt Drivr Vehcl Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount NOV 13 200 12:17 002 0l1 2U3 W397 061673 0-Nomal 02 01- UNLEADED 00021.000 1.814 003O.09 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 21.000 Gallon 38.09 38.09 Mileage Total Beginning 61673 Ending 61673 Traveled 0 MPG CPM Vehicle #0399 Date Time Trao Acot Drivr Vehd Odomtr Keyboard Type Puep Prod Quantity Price Amount MV 01 200R 1105 0026 011 2340 0399 022012 0-Normal 02 0Y UNLEADED 00015.600 1.814 0028.30 NOV 14, 2NO 0EJ0 0029 011 2 0399 022194 N-Normal 02 BY UNWED 80014300 1.814 0025.94 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 29.900 Gallon 54.24 54.24 Mileage Total Beginning 22012 Ending 22194 Traveled 182 MPG 12.72 CPM .1425 Prescribed b� State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. I. Payee C arme l Clay Schools Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) s side charges) $92.33 Total $92.33 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER N91 NO. arme FCFa y cools ALLOWED 20 Educational Service Center IN SUM OF —in vLA I $92.33 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR General Fund 1205 Administration Board Members PO# or DEPT q INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 19 ns materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 &Ign .1 t c Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund