HomeMy WebLinkAbout161665 07/22/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 042595 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER CHECK AMOUNT: $80,132.19 5201 E 131 ST ST CHECK NUMBER: 161665 CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 7/2212008 DEP ARTMENT ACCOU P NUM BER INVOI NU MBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION -1110 4.231400 39,026.75 GASOLINE POLICE 1115 4231400 251.45.GASOLINE -COMM CENTER 1120 4231300 11,304.95 DIESEL FUEL -FIRE 1120 4231400 4,648.66 GASOLINE -FIRE 1125 4231300 541.56 DIESEL FUEL -PARKS 1125 4231400 3,960.49 GASOLINE -PARKS 1192 4231400 1,022.01 GASOLINE -COMM SERVICE 1205 4231400 442.49 GASOLINE- ADMINISTRATN 2200 4231400 1,074.49 GASOLINE ENGINEERING 601 5023990 6,736.63 FUEL UTILIITES 601 5023990 6,494.64 FUEL UTILITIES 651 5023990 4,628.07 FUEL UTILITIES Carmel Clay Schools July 1, 2008 5201 E. 131st St Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 317 844 -9961 Bill To: Carmel Communications Janet Arnone 31 1 st NW Carmel, IN 46032 Account #6— Carmel Communications Quantity Description Unit Price Total 17.2 gal Unleaded $3.478 $59.82 Balance Due $59.82 Accc/nt ���6 Account name COrw1UWCATIONS JANET ARN]ME Account address 31 WT NW CARMEL IND 571-2586 Date Time Tran Acnt Drivr Whcl OOomtr Ke'board 71ps Tump F-od Quanbty Price Amount OUN 19 2000 1109 0029 006 102I D334 101160 77777???? D-Nnmal 02 01' UNLEAD[D 00010.00 16K 0037.46 JUN 20. 2808 1056 Q05O 006 N24 0516 01234 0'wormal 02 0\- UNLEADED 00020.100 3122 N72.40 JUN 26, 2008 20:38 OKO 006 5473 05J 007O01 777777 0d�mal 01 Ql' UNLEADED 0002.700 3102 ON1.77 ysage TOW. Product 01 UNLEADED 53.200 [alloq 5 19 l.6� cwv� �w Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education June 26, 2008 To whom it may concern: As a result of damage to our fueling computer system from a lightning strike on May 30, 2008, all records of fueling transactions were lost for the Westside Transportation Facility from May 1- May 30, 2008. In order to issue invoices for transactions made during that period, each department's use for the prior three months was averaged. The cost of the fuel, both regular and diesel was also averaged. The attached invoice reflects those calculations. Please review and contact Chris Hoover, 844 -8207, if you have any questions or concerns. We are sorry for any convenience that this has caused your department. Sincerely, 2�. Ron Farrand, Jr. Director of Facilities and Transportation Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 cLnv Carmel Clay schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, D. Klingensmith Carmel- Communications, J. Arnone(o D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Dianna Ray Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: June 30, 2008 Eastside Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131" Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 I.T KC, "PiS Vehicle 40216 Ti Put �ri r �e�c` O�c`t~ KeyboarJ by rupp F'od AWAY Trice A*ourt Date pe r�r pc� l�~� 051� 0171`� ~n�`'?�n �'Norwa` 01' UNL[ADED 0 Q02O.100 3.6Q� �87Z.40 JUN 20. 20�8 1056 Q�50r���) Usage Total Ea]l�r Prpdurt 01 U�� �E4DE9 Mileage Total 17��A Tra C_N �eginning 1713 E`�dim. `'elsJ Vehicle ¥051 Date Tin Tran Acnt DOW too! Ojcs�r �e^�aard T41 nu�p i-od ��a`�i�y Pr�ce Wont Jac 26. 200 20:38 Q06Q 086 54 0517 O07E@1 T?�7-7-77 AEVED 0W.700 3102 Usage Total 700 Gallon s a1 77 27 Product 01 UNLRADED 81.77 Mileage Total ��Q1 T_LveTxd 0 MPG CPM 9eginri�� 78�1 E�dir� Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/30/08 $191.63 07/01/08 $59.82 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER N G. WA NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools Educational Services Center, IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $251.45 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 42- 314.00 $191.63 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1115 42- 314.00 $59.82 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, July 10, 2008 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education June 26, 2008 To whom it may concern: As a result of damage to our fueling computer system from a lightning strike on May 30, 2008, all records of fueling transactions were lost for the Westside Transportation Facility from May 1- May 30, 2008. In order to issue invoices for transactions made during that period, each department's use for the prior three months was averaged. The cost of the fuel, both regular and diesel was also averaged. The attached invoice reflects those calculations. Please review and contact Chris Hoover, 844 -8207, if you have any questions or concerns. We are sorry for any convenience that this has caused your department. Sincerely, Ron Farrand, Jr. Director of Facilities and Transportation Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Carmel Clay Schools July 1, 2008 5201 E. 131 st St Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 317- 844 -9961 Bill To: Carmel Engineering Judy Stohler 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Account #8— Carmel Engineering Quantity Description Unit Price Total 151.2 gal Unleaded $3.478 $525.87 Balance Due $525.87 V CLAV,C Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention. Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, D. Klingensmith Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy_Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Dianna Ray Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: June 30, 2008 Eastside Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131' Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 Account nams CARMEL EnJlNEERTN3 '7UDv ST[ALY�*. Account address 1 CIVIC 5NDAR[ CAPr[L 571-2u11 Dah Tine Tran Amt G'i/r Whc} Amer 'aherd TYPE Pm P-od ]wnLity Prm Aouynt JUN 16, 200 1311 ON6 000 1260 0560 074244 7?77?7 §'NX01 02 01- HLEAC[D 00014300 1565 0053.12 JUN 17, 2008 12:57 0038 008 23Z8 2562 031980 r?r~r?~~vr Q'Vo~W 02 Q1' UNLEADED 20818.JOQ a 3102 006532 AN 1Y. 200 10;11 00l' 803 5002 0561 OWX ?77?7?7? 41H 02 0 P UINDED 00009.000 s 3102 DOE .3Q JUN 2U8 10,13 0220 008 5C82 0561 04624 77 7 7 777 7 Wwpoi 02 01' U�ILPD[D QOZ07.KO 3.602 01-028.10 jUN 2. 200 10:50 ON4 QQB 552 NZ^1 8161N ??7777?7 0-Normai 0I 01' PLEADED 32309.600 3.602 0034.56 JUN 23, 2008 12:45 0944 200 1060 2512 M556 77 7r` 7 ~r O'Nn'pal 02 21' L[uDED 00- :.622 0062.67 JUN 24 2000 1157 O027 008 2338 0567 037:18 7?7777 Q-Nnraal 02 O1' UUWAD0 ODE 5.50Q E602 00518J JUN 24 2808 11M8 0033 008 1019 0408 010222 0-Normal QZ 01' UNLEADED 00W11./00 3.602 0O42.14 JUN 26 2088 11:04 0029 008 1069 0568 074826 0-Normal 62 01- UNLEADED 00015100 1602 0O55.\1 JUN 21 2008 13/11 0042 088 5082 0561 046564 ?????rr?? 0-Vurpf 22 W UNLEADED 0NQ18.30O 3102 S 086512 SUN 32, 2000 09:1 0013 008 2338 0562 032426 7777?7 11oraal Q1 81- PLEADED 00011600 3271 0049.Y3 usags Total produTt 01 Lit K-F&WD 152 ,TZT Cal 7 c: c 04 A .K� n F r b Z C Q L i7i �'-No�r.z J ON i -6 2 C.. Lil� t' v 7 7. VA F* Cl 7J J J wo I z 0i Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to. properly itemized most show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate.per hour, number of units, price per..unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. 5201 E. 131 st Street Terms Carmel, IN 46033 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 7/1/08 Fuel May 1 -May 30, 2008 $525.87 6/30/08 Fuel June 16 -June 30, 2008 $548.62 $1,074.49 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 amen Clay SGhQQ.Is IN SUM OF 5 201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $1,07 4.49 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for n/a accnt #8 EN 3 4231400 5525.87 which charge is made were ordered and n/a accnt #8 EN 4231400 5548.62 received except 20 a? 2o 2, i at -r Cost distribution ledger classification if Itle claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in ••c "`^1EL.IND�er E ducation `7 June 26, 2008 To whom it may concern: As a result of damage to our fueling computer system from a lightning strike on May 30, 2008, all records of fueling transactions were lost for the Westside Transportation Facility from May 1- May 30, 2008. In order to issue invoices for transactions made during that period, each department's use for the prior three months was averaged. The cost of the fuel, both regular and diesel was also averaged. The attached invoice reflects those calculations. Please review and contact Chris Hoover, 844 -8207, if you have any questions or concerns. We are sorry for any convenience that this has caused your department. Sincerely, Ron Farrand, Jr. Director of Facilities and Transportation Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131" Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 3iy t Carmel Clay Schools July 1, 2008 5201 E. 131st St Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 317 844 -9961 Attn: Sue Ardiaolo City of Carmel Bill To: ORIGINAL INVOICE D O C S pt. of Community Services Sue Coy 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Account #7 —DOCS Quantity Description Unit Price Total 119.4 gal Unleaded $3.478 $415.27 Balance Due $415.27 CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, D. Klingensmith 0)y Cit y f Car F Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D ept, Of /A mPt Sue Coy y se,v/Ce t s Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Dianna Ray Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: June 30, 2008 Eastside Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131" Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844- 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 7 Account rama a E 0 C S SUE COY Account addrEms 1 Ej W,mrw caym] 577- Date Tine TrEn A:qt Dow AW hastr hytard Tjpe Vap Frod lAnk A Prim Awnt jN 16. 2008 1050 @ME 00 A A 7 1 0505 7?7777 Olush 02 Oy UNLEaR CYi R2 3. A5 A ON9 02 n W 16, 2000 1030 OUT 007 E47 20 00142 77770 OWN 02 01- UNWED ON Z. 7 2 S 7165 S 0 N 4 5 MN IL 2NR 0001 0000 ON M23 07- 00147 TV?7777 3just 02 Z V UNLEADED CATURT 1 3065 1 @No so MH 17, 2ns ow 2on Or w27 2 7 nP47 n 0 P UNLEADED WNW I h5K 1 0022AO IN 2, 2N8 0921 •023 OF 500 70; 000 ?77777 @Anal 22 On UNLEUED W: woo I 3AK 1 @05: 22 IN 18. 2008 0941 ln6 017 1023 27' 0@5C25 777777 21mma 02 0o M L EF 7 D E*5 000- i 1602 s 002 n AN 10. 2HG 15 a9 002 007 2U! 371 04%3q 4?77?7 B-MaK 02 W 003:4 01 2 ?Y__ MN 2k 2WS W25 ON! 007 NO2 eWl COW hir-111" 1 r c! 2 1 _2 2 1 1 1i N A D 3.602 0046.K RN 22. 2006 10:1 0006 007 2H6 3 1 032226 ???7????r Olumd 02 0 Y UKEADED Wil S 602 20 z 3S JUN A __OR 13,37 0052 007 2W 279 0 1777 '_t I'_ 01 01 UNLEADED ONOT ATT 3402 1 01__'8 j U 24; 2009 1 *.`1 i 5 ON6 N7 2131 X :5 04242 ?77777 04mm 1 02 2 1 1 ,11 L E AT... E D 0 0 C s 0 R 2 5 2 1 RN 26, 2208 27 G! 0010 007 2121 2 0:463 ?H? O 02 0V 0 L E A. F ED 7, 2 7 7 2 i s 01 4 8 AHN A, 2002 1003 OL7 007 420 00589 ?77?77 @AvW! 02 01 UNLEWD Wl 47 x 1632 1 SOU 73 W 27, 2NS ZI 57 OMO 007 p53 7172 011559 07'7717M C-Noroy 02 UNLEADED OW02 5 3171 1 0044j AUN 2L 21':8 lh!P OEN 007 247 TV ONAT ?7777?7T &HOW 02 Fl- UNLEATE1 OW: 16A s ONY52 1 2nS 1043 H22 007 200E 27L 07VT 7__ O 22 01- NLEADEG W� Z i 7171 1 0240,4 Wage Total Product 01 UNIPACTO �AQQCT CilKp A hub.T�� 1 f"! T oats TiMe Tral ANt R!, VAN IdNin NOW 74PE Pay pm, AWAY prin Amunt AN A INS 15:0 0053 076 04019 17? PAM 02 Ob PURGED 03MINO V602 I 30M? Usage Total Product 01 IRK-PAREG 21, CIRD7 MiWaga Tatal. CPH 7 710?T.' Wginning 4W7? Endjan WA77 vehicle ¥0306 Dato TipE T'op Apt 5'ivr vehc: Odopt' Ie'boE'b T,p* ?"p suantity Price Anount JUN 2l. 2N08 0; 11 0006 BY 220S OH6 M26 707777 MUM 01 3 UIKED 00d11.1&0 3102 1 00J9.98 JUN it 2808 10:49 0222 02` 2281 0121 273171 7 06orpd 22 UAM[D 00011., No L671 004.75 Usage Total Product 01 100 on 0 Go.7� 70 .7:� Mi]eage Tots] Be?irnirg TTE26 [ndipg 17?77 7`'1veisd 307 rpl 77.hO CPr| .1527 Vehicle ¥0387 WE Tim Top Apt D'i'' Vehc| 8doph Kyhoa'd Tqs uop Pod Quantih Nice Aoount AN D. 200 07:01 0010 037 1023 0387 8019:7 `77777 DFirst g: 01' bI[A6[J 233H. No 3165 QQ0O.0Q JUN 17 2R8 0702 0111 007 i023 Q387 004947 ??????7 !'First 01 QL' UNLEADED QQQowo 3.565 0ut0Q JUN H 2000 09/41 0028 007 1023 0387 NQ5Q25 70777? Mormal 02 ON UNLEADED QQ008.00Q 3.602 QQ2O.82 Usage Total produrt 01 UR|/yaDE MR 54110� s 78.�2 '1| lEaas Tota] 9e�innin� 7 7nA 5C21 7 A ad CP^| .365 Vehicle 40309 �ate rie Tro cut 14/r 1 401 71:00 ve`hco'J 7. se Pay Froj Ouaptity Price Hmu± voo0 17;37 OK2 007 Tw ohs 54&7N 7�~7 J-%sraa} j1 Oi- W[IDED QM§108 1602 00:8.G2 Uvaqe Total Product 01 UNLEADED 8.000 Gallon 28.82 28.82 Mileage Total Beginping A2720 Endino 40720 Tra/eled CPM Va.icle Da�s Ti�e Tre A �'��r »e�ci �d�p�r ke Typc Py�p P'a� ��antit� F Awnunt 2�� UNL[��[D n U.... agc Tntal Mileage Total Beginnir� 4 Ve�icle ¥�4�� Odcw7' J�LE�LEL 05Q!-.-8D Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 12.2Q0 Callon 44.79 age C��s ���e Trap 4�nt �r�vr oehd Ctnp�� Ke�tnsd T�po rupp �'a� Ou�mti�y Frics Apount �ht:E�[[D g8D11.�0� 3.5u5 0039.22 JUN 2u. ��8 1Qd7 @Q26 U:L[��[� �Q25.21 Usage Tota] Produrt 01 U�L DE... Mi��s�e Ts�a� -�'.l :eticle #04�6 Cate Time Tnm Am� Urivr Veh i Odumtr Key�mrd Tyye �sp Prod QuantiLy Price Amou J0N 18 2�� 09�Jl 002J 007 5l2N L. 0Q52Y7 Q'Nnrmal O2 0�' UNLEAD[D �0012.�� 3,602 0043.22 JUN 26, ��O 0�3J 0027 007 5D0 0�06 Q05 5O9 nn? 0-Norma> 02 0]' UNLEA0[D 0QO12.J00 3.6Q� 0Q44.30 a. .e Tota� 67 d �7� ic]... Date Tipe T n Acn Amo nt JUN 16, 200 15�J0 207 0407 006942 0-Normal 02 01' UNLE��D QN012.500 J.5�5 ��&56 JUN 2/ 2Q0D �5�l0 00 52 007 2N7 Q4&7 Q07215 0'Normal 02 01- UNLEAD�D Q80D.400 3.671 0045.52 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 24.900 Gallon X. 90.08 Mileage Total Beginning 6942 Ending 7215 Traveled 273 MPG 22.01 CPM .1667 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee l Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) I �9$ WILD 14 -7 Total ��o2c�, of I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF 5a o I ��065 0a r) o l ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or DEPT INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or i i qa 3 ILI /©aa ,O bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 d c� Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund a CLAY, Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, D. Klingensmith Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Dianna Ray Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration Shelley. Lingelbaugh Billing Date: June 30, 2008 Eastside Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844- 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Carmel Clay Schools July 1, 2008 5201 E. 131st St Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 317 844 -9961 Bill To: Carmel Administration Brenda Cook 1 Civic Square Carmel IN 46032 Account #2— Carmel Administration Quantity Description Unit Price Total 15.2 gal Unleaded $3.478 $52.87 Balance Due $52.87 CLAY 9 Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in °ea.,rro•'3'j Education �l( June 26, 2008 To whom it may concern: As a result of damage to our fueling computer system from a lightning strike on May 30, 2008, all records of fueling transactions were lost for the Westside Transportation Facility from May 1- May 30, 2008. In order to issue invoices for transactions made during that period, each department's use for the prior three months was averaged. The cost of the fuel, both regular and diesel was also averaged. The attached invoice reflects those calculations. Please review and contact Chris Hoover, 844 -8207, if you have any questions or concerns. We are sorry for any convenience that this has caused your department. Sincerely, 271_l Ron Farrand, Jr. Director of Facilities and Transportation Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131' Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 .7 z LD j n.. L I I k, Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/30/0 Admin Gasoline for Administration eastsid Gasoline for Administration westside charge Total $442.49 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER V NO. Carmel lay Schools ALLOWED 20 C.ducational Service Center IN SUM OF 52 E. 13 1 st St; eet $389.62 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR General Fund 1205 Administration Board Members PO# or DEPT INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for Adfnun which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 g.natur Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund T r ccnr N Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education t June 26, 2008 To whom it may concern: As a result of damage to our fueling computer system from a lightning strike on May 30, 2008, all records of fueling transactions were lost for the Westside Transportation Facility from May 1- May 30, 2008. In order to issue invoices for transactions made during that period, each department's use for the prior three months was averaged. The cost of the fuel, both regular and diesel was also averaged. The attached invoice reflects those calculations. Please review and contact Chris Hoover, 844 -8207, if you have any questions or concerns. We are sorry for any convenience that this has caused your department. Sincerely, Ron Farrand, Jr. Director of Facilities and Transportation Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Carmel Clay Schools July 1, 2008 5201 E. 131 st St Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 317 844 -9961 Bill To: Carmel Fire Dept Denise Snyder 2 Civic Square Carmel IN 46032 Account #2— Carmel Fire Department Quantity Description Unit Price Total 291.6 gal Unleaded 3.478 $1014.18 761.4 gal Diesel 4.085 $3110.32 Balance Due $4124.50 GUN 01 2N6 0048 ON6 002 Z162 0545 00248 77 0'Morm} 03 02' DIESEL OCO12.3N 4.390 0 N51 00 0N 0 9� 2H0 1112 §N2 002 E36 0527 097604 ??77????' 0'Naws} 02 01- UNLEADED 00011900 1565 00W.55 JUN Of 200D 12:10 000 002 5945 0230 066000 TOWN?? §-Nnrea| N 02' D[ESEL 0QQi4.T0Q 4.50 Q0640. JUN 09. 2NO 12,74 0044 U2 2457 0459 075704 777777 5'Ncnxal 04 82' DIESEL Q8M6300 15W 0073 211 JUN 09. 2N0 14,15 0057 002 5591 0462 044641 7707707 0'Norma| N 02' DIESEL BOON. NO 4190 01115 JUN N. 2NO 0k53 0Nn 002 K94 043 05069 777777 0'Nur50 01 01' UNL[APED Q0011.100 3.565 0039.57 JCN 101 2N8 @h59 0215 OO 5747 0K9 07n93 7 ??7 7 77 Q'No'pa| 0J 22- D7ESEi ON26.80Q 4.390 0 1D.65 JUN 10 2NO 0819 0BM 002 5569 0260 000000 0'Norsa} 01 BY UNLEADED MOIL 100 1 1565 0041.14 JUH 101 2008 0804 0018 002 5338 0162 0 7 0fosai 03 O2' DTESEL 0Q020AN 4290 0287.80 JUN N. 2H0 0907 ON6 002 5731 8250 04D922 O'Noma} 03 02' DIESEL 0ROO4.7QQ 4290 o 0108.0. GUN 1W 200 09:45 0027 002 5076 0495 103C75 ???r????? O'Nu'ea} 02 0l' UnEAD[D 08M2.7Q0 1565 O#5.28 JUN it 2US 1104 0033 002 2176 0409 010344 7?7???7 04sma} 83 WZ' DIESEL 80033.000 u 4.390 0144O7 JUN it 2008 1402 0847 002 5075 0501 071971 72 O'Ncrnal UJ 02' DAHl 0002/.NO 1.390 0119.85 JUN U 202 0605 0011 002 5086 0413 06R793 ???7????~ &-Nomal 02 Q1' UNLEADED 0002W.780 1565 1 &Q7J.D0 JUN 11 2008 0031 RO19 012 5735 0258 040525 ??????r??? 00orna] 03 02- D[ESEL BONE 7H 4. TO 8130.38 JUN 11 2008 09:35 0020 002 5U4 0243 041271 ????777?? Q-Norma} 02 01' UNLEADED 0W0 9.400 1 1565 ORY.16 ON 11, 2008 1209 0227 002 2174 0545 005445 Q-Nmma} 04 02' DIESEL 0 0! 0119.�i 0 0 4. O05.6i J0Y �1, 2002 12/50 0040 002 5945 0230 066000 0-Normal 03 02- DIESEL 00017.200 4.126 0070.Y7 JUN U, 2U8 1311 0041 002 509O 0542 044198 0'Nurwai 02 01- UNLEADED 00017.600 1565 8062.74 JUN H. 2008 1059 0044 002 5KB 05J2 075176 0'Nnrma\ 02 N1- UNLEADED 0000.900 1565 5830.36 JUN it 2008 1304 0062 002 2457 059 075H1 7 4777 3 7 04orpa) 04 02' DIESEL QQ01600 4.126 2067.n GUN it 2NR 1045 0070 002 5067 0546 065288 ?=???r? 0-Nurmal J1 Ql- UNLEADED 00012.500 1265 8044.56 JUU 11. 20M 16:59 @071 802 5101 0568 1J6576 ????r??r?? Q'worpal 02 21' 1ALE4DED 00010 ABC 5.565 0054.B RN it 2008 17,07 0072 002 5736 0527 697768 0-Nnraa} 02 D1' UNLEADED 80M100 1565 OEM .Y3 JUN 12. 2008 042 0005 002 5086 0413 069089 77 7 7 774 0'0ore| 02 0! UNLEADED 0827300 150 006110 AN D. 2008 0430 00IO 002 5422 0534 12711 ??r??????? 04nrmA 02 Ql' UNLEADED 000 10.2Q0 305 &0J607 JUN 12, 2008 0049 0021 002 450 042 NOW 0'No'pa! 03 02- DIECEL Q0O1),500 s 4.126 QN7.�5 JUN 12 2008 1044 0058 002 5954 0229 ?????T 7?7777?? 8'Na031 04 02' DIESEL 000l3.900 V26 0057.J5 JUN it 2008 0606 0009 U2 200 0337 057113 0'%orasi 01 01' UNLEADED Q002900 3365 1 010&^5 JUN 13, 2008 002 0NJ6 002 5570 0409 03N46 7777?777 0dnrmil 03 82' DIESEL 0QQ15.600 4.126 0K.J7 JUN 11 2008 13,13 0037 002 5939 0459 075864 ?rrv `'Na'mI| 07 02- 5[ES[L C001W.700 4.i26 00 421 �-0 JUN it 2UR 1003 0039 002 2162 0545 00558 Q'KnrrA 01 02' DIESEL 03021600 4.126 0WB510 JUN 13. 2U8 1042 0841 002 5336 0529 074178 7 2'Norpal 03 02' DIESEL, 00019.10N 4.126 0878.81 JUN D, 2008 1003 0059 002 5730 0531 072057 04nrma} 04 02' DIESEL 03018200 0126 0077.57 MA 13 2009 LON W060 N2 5568 0544 068534 04ormai 03 02- DIESEL 0 0 020.0 00 4.126 0W82.52 jUN 14, 2008 1010 0M1 002 5746 0243 041394 04orma} 01 01- UNLEADED 000\5.400 J.565 0054.90 JUN 14, 20Q0 1006 00l4 002 5740 0NW Ul000 W-Norma} 04 02' DIESEL 00021.100 4.n6 N087.06 AN 14. 2NQ8 001 0015 002 5746 0243 000000 0-Normai 02 01' UNLEADED 00016.500 i 3.565 0058.82 JUN 1*, 2N8 1189 Q817 002 2172 0159 0702 2 0'Nerna} 04 02' DIESEL 0NA.220 4.26 W858.5Y JUN 15, 2008 0186 NQQY 07 5076 Q4Y5 103217 @'Normal 82 01- UNLX[D 00011000 1 3.565 1 0042.7D JUN 15, 2Q08 09/02 0010 ON 5742 0210 D67106 ??????'r?r 0'Norpal 83 O2' DIE3EL 00020.90Z 5 4.1Z6 0086.23 JUN it 2008 0n23 0012 007 5077 033 04N63 77777 04onal 02 01- UNL[ADED Q0N9.0Q0 3.95 0832.09 JUN 15 20OO 110 0017 002 2456 0545 005677 ????r????? 00crmal 03 02' DIESEL 20021.0o s c126 0089.\2 JUN 15, 2N8 1216 0018 002 576 0409 03Q110 ?777?7 Q'Nnrmal 0J 02' DIESEL 50011900 4.126 U77.98 JUN 11 2008 12:29 0019 002 503 8462 044801 757 777 7 2 O'Nornai 04 02' DIESEL Q0026.400 26 0108.�3 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 546.4O0 Cal ]on s 1950.�� Product 02 DIESEL 11Q8.100 Gal]on 47D9.66 6740.33 ?"UM 24, 2 000 00;15 OK3 C27 173 245 07593 ?77"77 Wu;Z IN 02- T JESEL @21LQO 4,06 1 W A" jUN 24, 20N 11 A 005 002 201 022? 77777 ?7777'71 Wvul 04 K NESEL CONLON VA 1 VOW7 OR 21 HOS 09; 10 CON 002 5750 Oil: 00970 WT"7 O-Arval T 02 DIEHL COHERE A 4.Q6 a QRn2t AUK 71 2N9 01 0027 092 VAT 040" 020401 777777 &-h jT 02- DIESP, OR1,00 i 4,36 1 ONE IN 20H 1424 0021 N2 21 0 002 V 0-Nomm! 21 Z2- NEEL COL WN 1 4 A26 5 0252. 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Q'Moroa} 03 02- DIESEL Z00\4100 402 0065.4l AN 04, 2008 09:37 0021 007 5101 0527 097431 7777247 0'Norsal 02 01- UNLEADED 00016.408 1561 0058.40 AN Q 2008 1025 2227 002 2170 0545 00510 0'Normal 84 02- DIESEL QQ011.100 4.390 0048.7J MN 04 200R 11/40 0029 002 5519 0462 044555 04nrmal 04 82- DIESEL Q0030.W00 4,3Y0 001.78 JUN 04. 2M8 1219 004 002 2457 0459 075464 8-Power 04 02- DIESEL 00@2J.3 0 4.390 0102.29 0N 04 2008 1430 0050 002 5076 0495 102920 0-Normal 02 01' UNLEADED 00081400 1561 0029.9� JUN 01 M 100 Q06Q 002 2175 000 Z1YQ36 ?rr??????? 2'HaK}o X^ 02' UlES[L 0Q00W.0Q0 4.390 0N0.80 JUN 00 2N8 1910 0Q61 002 5424 0243 040998 ???7777 0'Woraal 02 0P UNLEADED O§0L5000 1561 0055.20 J3N 0k 2ON8 0,22 0062 002 2175 024O 019036 r??r??r?r? 8-Normai 04 02' DIESEL 20013.4Q0 4.390 0058.83 AN 01 200B 0110 O011 002 558 M 074712 ?77777 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED 0Q01L.180 1561 0Q39.53 AN 05, 2088 0904 0018 0Q2 5594 0533 052345 ??rrr? 0'Normai 02 21- UNLEAPED QN12102 1561 0042.73 AN 01 200O 1024 0012 002 51M 0568 136415 ?777?7 05ormal 02 01 UNLEADED 00017.200 3.�61 0061.25 AN Q5. 200B 14:52 0054 002 2454 0415 093076 r?r?r???y 0-Norpd E 02- DlBEL NQ021,600 4.390 009412 AN On 2008 1406 Z056 002 2115 0544 068289 ???r?????? 8-NormA 04 02' DIESEL 00016.00Q 4.390 0070.24 JUN 05. 2008 WAS 0057 002 5742 0409 829035 7vr &-Noroa} 03 02 DIESEL 00007.7Z0 4.50 0D33.80 AN 05 2008 17:21 0069 002 556 W 078404 ?????N??? 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WO 1565 004056 JUN 08 2008 1516 ON! 002 W 040Y 029891 W'Nnrmal 84 WI' DlES[L 080177600 4.390 0077.26 JUN Of 2000 2103 0035 002 2|7J 0544 0683SO Q'Normal 04 12' 3{[S[L 00017.800 4.390 007O.l4 JUN 08, 20Q0 2203 OM6 002 5871 0250 048872 0-Nnrmal 04 02' DIESEL 00 -0, 21.J0 8 4.J90 OR3.51 JUN 01 2M8 0M20 W008 002 M 0413 068517 0'Norma} 02 01' UNLEADED 00Q20.0BB 3165 007100 AN 01 2008 08:24 1015 002 5579 0532 075011 4 Nnraa) 0 2 0 1' UNiEAD[8 01 0 013 .R00 3.565 0O49.20 Account ra=s CARA21 F7FE DEPT DENTSE GAYOMr Account address 2 EWE 5GUAF[, WR|^EL 571'?L22 THE ripe Tran Aa,t 0rivr vehd Cdok, Keyboard hy VP F'sd 0ulntity Price Am:unt AN 1L 2002 08/NJ W N2 5594 055 05295 777?777 0'aorwA 02 51 UULEGFD OW.700 1565 Q048Y. JM 16. 2003 08d7 OXN N2 499 053: 27547 777 7`77 O'Moma} 22 11- AlEADEt COOG.6N V65 00480 JUX 1b� 2008 090 002 802 AN 0529 074120 7?V777 04orpal 24 QZ' 111HEL 0O012300 4.126 005123 AN 16. 2008 1136 002 202 U48 NN NQ|OO ~~7 2A�rp11 O* RI D7EHi O0815.W? 4126 1 0061 9� AN 16, 20W8 1145 NH 002 5110 852i 078611 777777 Wore\ 01 Ql' MILEACED NUT 0Q0 3.565 00320 JUw 16. INS 1601 2N8 222 506 @K7 OVER? 7'` Won 22 01 UNLEADED 02016.4W I.565 005R.47 AN 16 Z008 1V 00 0@64 002 5930 0531 072129 ??777777 Q'Nomml 83 0: DIESEL 00015.500 4.126 0063.95 JUN D 2008 21:19 0021 002 2171 0545 805700 Q-Normal 03 02' Dl[SEL 2010.300 4.126 0W75.5L JUN 17 2008 15/J] 0049 002 5731 0409 030157 0-Norma| 03 02- DIESEL N00.700 4.126 0060.65 J0» D. 2W0O 16:19 0053 002 5743 0462 044873 ???????r?? 0Ao,mai 24 02- DlBEL 00014.900 4.126 0061.48 SUN 17. ZWQD 18:30 0058 002 5101 0568 1366L 5'Naral 02 0 P UNi[AD[D 20020, NO 3102 007184 nm 171 20QR 22:59 0064 002 501 0459 076085 v7 }*urea! 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NH 10; 17 0023 002 NOT 0210 85125 777777 00za| 14 N� DlREL 6007.200 4126 01110 RN Q. 2N0 10 J5 2056 ON 585 0571 17:112 0 1 7 7 77 2'Nur`ol Q3 22' DlFHL CR17.Q0Q 4.L26 s ON044 JUN 1Y 2008 19:39 0060 002 2456 035 0Q5912 777777777 D-Nnraal 05 QT 0[EHL Q@8D.00 4.126 0HLY5 JUN 20, 20Q8 1116 0U0 102 t31 0359 044538 Odonral 02 M' UALEAUED Q0017. NO 3102 ON1.95 JUN 20 2000 12�23 0037 002 2170 0240 018150 ???rN??? 04ormal 03 02- 0lESEi 00011300 4.l26 0075.51 JUN 21 2108 O:JJ 0039 002 2335 0229 04ormal 04 07- DIESEL 10018000 4.126 N076.3J JUN 20 20@8 12,34 0040 002 5873 W409 030211 ????7?7?? 0'Xural Z! 02- DIESEL On! B.8&0 4.126 0077.57 MN 21 2008 1205 0041 002 2336 W4 Q9VY 70777 COo'pa| 02 01' UWLE�DEU 2 2 3.682 o �QB3.57 AN 20 20H 21 AS Q0B 082 541 052 05003 7777`7 0-0voal 04 QZ' DIESEL 0@JI8.00X 1 "126 004.�7 JUN 21. 2n8 cm @m ON 5V6 0495 12717 7777 ?-Norpal 0: OF U%L[A0EF 2000.00O a 3AK C0083 JX% 21. 2W0S 12,35 0005 002 J6: 0Q3 0 777?77 0-Nurm 14 01' JlR[L Q0K1.193 4.126 1 0&B7.S J Z1. :�0O *__�78 0N6 Q02 949 070 0OQ004 7 7777 7 Ov�'=& Z^ QZ' DIESEL 28023280 4.i26 T 2095.72 SUN 2L ZHY 18:20 0007 002 5056 W 007 7777 0-Nuld 02 01' UNL[7DED Q80- 8.:0 3.6Q2 0073.51 JUW 2" 2008 100 2028 002 5 2409 PRO: 7 Wnaw> 21 02' DIESEL ON23102 4.126 OFTEN AN 22, 220 Q9/30 On! 002 571 021 040157 ?7777 K�,m) TZ 02- KEFEL 00011600 411I6 012 2 .1 1 AN 21 2KD8 09/45 0@04 002 5295 0243 241684 77 T'war"a! 2: 2 0xLE4 ED OQC16.0 0 3.�Q2 Q05r.63 JUN 22, 2008 12:00 OUS 002 H45 Q230 BOOK ?77777 07 K- DIES[L %Q0& .?Z 3 4.126 JUN 21 2U8 12;@N 0009 ON W45 C23@ 05700 ????n?'?? Q-Nu=t 25 CZ' KBEL 2221�220 4.126 0069.32 JUN 22 20%8 1519 0011 002 n36 0459 D763l0 04�md 03 02- DIES[L ��10.9 0 0 4.126 G044.97 JUN 23, 2008 Q804 0012 002 5N4 8533 053424 8-Normd 02 OF UNLEADED 0@D13.100 3202 0047.19 JUN 23 2100 11:45 0037 002 5872 040 030J40 bNurma] 03 82' DIESEL 0000600 4.126 006805' JNY 21 2808 11:48 0QD 002 5942 0258 010000 0-Normal W4 BY DIESEL 00N6.780 4.126 0068.90 JUN 2l. NOV 13A8 0047 002 5422 354 124244 777777 0'uorma7 02 01' UNLEADED 0001301 3.6R2 0047.55 JUN 23, NOS 1050 0062 002 1038 0529 074355 777777 0'Noruai 04 ON C{ESEL 00015.70O *.P6 O064./8 AN 21 2NO 15:45 0064 IN 00 0531 072284 ??????7?V 04ormal 03 22' ClES[L N0D.N00 1126 QQ70.14 JUN 21 20QO 1507 0066 002 2167 0545 005999 0'No,mai 03 02' DIESEL 00815.600 4.126 0064.37 JUN 24 2M8 OM 30 0805 002 590 0M2 07603 Q'Norma} 02 OF UNLEADED Q@014.6 A J.602 0052.59 JUN 20 2N8 0043 0010 002 5077 0243 041740 0-Normal 02 01- UN LIE ADED 00008.CO Ol 3.602 002O.87 JUN 24 208 07:55 0012 002 5736 3527 098588 04orma! 02 OF UNLEAD[D 00020,800 1 J.6 02 0074.92 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Diesel $11,304.95 Gasoline $4,648.66 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 East 131st Street Carmel, IN 46032 $15,953.61 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 42- 313.00 $11,304.95 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 42- 314.00 $4,648.66 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Carmel Clay Schools July 1, 2008 5201 E. 131st St Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 317- 844 -9961 Bill To: Carmel Parks Department Dianne Ray 1 Civic Square Carmel IN 46032 Account #9— Carmel Parks Department Quantity Description Unit Price Total 391.9 gal Unleaded $3.478 $1363.03 24.8 gal Diesel $4.085 $101.31 Balance Due $1464.34 7 JUL 1 1 2008 i Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education June 26, 2008 To whom it may concern: As a result of damage to our fueling computer system from a lightning strike on May 30, 2008, all records of fueling transactions were lost for the Westside Transportation Facility from May 1- May 30, 2008. In order to issue invoices for transactions made during that period, each department's use for the prior three months was averaged. The cost of the fuel, both regular and diesel was also averaged. The attached invoice reflects those calculations. Please review and contact Chris Hoover, 844 -8207, if you have any questions or concerns. We are sorry for any convenience that this has caused your department. Sincerely, Ron Farrand, Jr. Director of Facilities and Transportation JUL 1r Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Cannel, IN 46033 3171844-8207— Fax 3171571 -9659 A170.nt Account MINE a PARKS =41TE YKA74W Account addresz g 1411 E WE STFEET CAWEL,1N WE Time Tra� s D to! CAW WyKnErd Ty, ropy Prod hunt, F-he 4 n r, A N 1 L 2022 140 BUI 0 P 1F2 0615 000000 7'77r? SAW01 02 Ob NLYED 2032L 230 1 1565 1 N86,27 AM Z 2US RON 0014 N9 K97 047 001:5 0 777 1 7 241ral ?2 21- WELDED ONN.N2 105 s jloll' 17� 2 2 2 5 0 10; 0 OV ON 154 OTT 06152 77777?T 0 s! 02 01- UNLEADED 00020.4N 1 1, 6K i 0073 4-' AN M NOS 1100 Colo 00, 278 0WO 005063 N'77 04y"A 12 RI- UNLEADED ONLYZE s 102 s 0075�4 AN 1T 2008 1101 DOM 033 2378 0567 07223 7?7777 0-Nual L 01- UNLEADED 0031� NO 5 1,022 1 ONO 12 AN 17. 2222 029 ON9 ON 27 Ed? 00111 'K'7 ONOVA 02 2P ALEADED 20028. NO 1 1602 1 OKA- AN 19, 2US 09:74 0024 N9 RK H15 05W65 77777?7? 02 01 UKEOED OPM8400 16H 005 z 2 HN it 2NG 12:16 0030 009 2106 0614 001566 7777?7 UK@& 02 0 P U N f•! 52 2 2 F D 0 0 G 2 -9 •7 6100 7 :602 S 0107:.- MN 10, 2000 1157 OOU 009 1072 0615 0016B9 T?Kr?r Wmad 02 0 1 UNIL E A DITE D 001019:100 1 7, 6`3 2 �111:- Q1 "0 6 5: 2 7 0 JUN 10, 2US 13:35 0047 009 1089 0612 011084 7???????? O-Numd 02 W UNLEADED 0002? NO S 6 2 1 0101 6, 2 6 AN it, 20N 1047 OGI 009 2297 0607 001335 r?Tr?T Blum! 32 N UNLEAND NN 5. NO 1 1602 OHBA! ,WN 1, 2002 1105 N24 0 N 1092 0613 000220 717 7'7 bNorms! 02 01- UNLEADED 20029 NOE 1 1602 1 0104, HN 19, 2NS 1028 004 003 2382 052 01002 77 013nal 02 01 UKEATED 031100 5 1602 006b A AN 20 2UO WOU 0051 OV 100 0559 M230 "T7 Wnsal 22 L WEADED HN5, nO 1 IS02 WKY! AN 20. 2NS 031 DOM 009 1092 0618 000230 777777 311rul 0 K- DIESEL _____r___ s 110 1 521 L K. jjN 1 2NO 14 Al 0057 00 INO 055 05413 7 7 ,7 7 7 7' 2407031 02 N MLPHD ON P142 1602 5 00621 2.17 ON4 037 277 ON7 NNOO 77 vWxy 02 S.__ LANDO NOTE NO 3102 s 0 9 2 A RN X 20N 2; H OUR OF 216 245 @1734 77 -57 7 07 C%Vvi 22 W VADDU o= NO 3412 a 0 1 A A 29y 2L 2HR jjQ3 2040 OF is OK5 MONO 777777 Odynal 01 0:- DIESEL __.2:._ 1 1225 5 OKA? AN 21 2US 15103 0040 2M 2S52 W! 006753 7 02 01- WEADED CONINE 1 3102 1 ONE I ORN N. 2009 15,05 BOW 309 2852 051 SO K53 777777 00us 1 02 1 UKEAZED ONYHO 3202 0053.3 AN 2nO 15:41 0053 009 2154 HT 062144 7 O C2 Ok NLPHD ONN, TO s 3202 OW 4- N12 N hit W9 07K -7 777 &Aowa! 02 01- UNLEADED ONZ600 1 3 AN 01070 Q IT AN 21 2008 1106 ON2 009 2372 060S 005551 7 045001 02 Cl LAEADED OUL 1 10 1 3 W 1 00760 AN 2V 2008 13:43 ON3 009 2166 0119 030000 7777777 JAMW 03 02 DIESEL oulonzo i 1126 1 204,15 AN A !Me QW6 0034 000 201 ek? 0041:9 7 OAMPA 02 01- UNLEADED 00027 100 1 3,022 S 0097,0 AN 2n 2252. 0704 0011 OF 2KI 0614 000000 =777 TOWN 04 02- NESEL MOHAN 5 4,126 1 ONZ 5 U- X 2& 2208 2902 0022 OF 217 001 207W6 '77777 R-NorpO 02 01- BLEADED RON? AOO 16N 0 10 11 AN 2n W 13:48 0044 Boo 2110 0107 003704 777707 06orman 31 Op UREADED 0001 A AN 1602 v-_1. MN 26, 20N 1409 OM5 NO 1090 0565 TWA 777v?y 040"0 02 Sk L' NL EE A F E D 0 0 602 S 0059.79 jUN 2Q 2N8 15:32 0052 009 2380 055B MW N?37?P BAumh 32 `I- lu'N L E A DE: D 0 7, 0 1, 0 7 1 0 1 .3 6 0 2 10 0 610 .'-i 7 JUN 27, 2NO 0606 ON7 009 140 0%3 021596 WKW Blum! 02 N UNLEADED ONN, NO 3102 10' 1 _E 5 A N 27. 2008 0704 0013 007 2H7 008 OGNOO K?77?K Blum& 02 0 P UNLEADH ONOKNO 1 3. W2 I ONE 0_ ON 271 2008 27:52 OW 009 1009 OSIT 011253 7 1-Nowd 02 0 P U '.J. L E D 0 16 72 0 S 7 ._3_ 0 0 .6 1 AUN 7. 2008 10:07 ON7 ON D61 045 031330 777777 BANK 01 0 i 5255 T. E D DO. 1 z 4 00 S 71 S 0 115 W 2S, :NO 00 0015 023 TEO 000 09251 ?7??K?V 00UPH 01 01- UNLEADED 00028 NOE 5 5,51 1 OPEN AN 30, 2NS 1402 004 009 HE? OR: 01971 7777777 KNUIA 1 2 01- UNLEADED 00011300 s V65 1 0047.6- Unnua Total pr"Anct 01 710.000 Ca 1 1 n� 2 -.i 1c)j-4231400 Product 02 D 1 EK 7 B 0 wo 1 1 aq A 3 JUL 1 1 2008 ccnY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in ••c�'yCL,IND�l�'. Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, D. Klingensmith Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carm1E Parks -and _Recreation, Dianna Ray �J Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: June 30, 2008 Eastside Transportation fuel charges 1 JUL 1 1 2008 Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131" Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Terms 5201 E. 131st St. Date Due Carmel, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 7/1/08 009 Unleaded gas Eastside 2,597.46 7/1/08 009 Diesel Eastside 440.25 7/1/08 009 Unleaded gas Westside 1,363.03 7/1/08 009 Diesel Westside 101.31 Total 4,502.05 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Allowed 20 5201 E. 131 st St. Carmel, IN 46033 In Sum of 4,502.05 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members "Dept 1125 009 4231400 2,597.46 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 009 4231300 440.25 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 009 4231400 1,363.03 materials or services itemized thereon for 1125 009 4231300 101.31 which charge is made were ordered and received except 21 -Jul 2008 Signature 4,502.05 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CXWn U LISA K7P!n A CIVIC EQPPFF CYRPTI. 5 DW Tits Ton Ant Ehn WA! CdQotr Keybowd Type Fvq Fou Nutty prics Apsynt RN 16, 2NS OqA3 OMS 00: 256 024 WA2 77707777 h4wul 32 1 D 300R:000 z 6 0032: 00 AN 1, 2000 Of; 22 0020 003 517? 0267 022055 7 Ohm! 02 Oi- UNLEADED 00027 100 5 3165 1 ON: J�= AN W NN 0025 0021 003 5005 @497 ojji? ?7777777 &?My 1 02 op UZESTED OWAN 1 vow 1 9073 x N i 16: 4 9 2HI 003 509 CEO 01502 7 77K77 OlwxV 02 0 P UNLE45ED 00226, NO s 1.565 1 0021.0 2 7,7 UNLEADED DOE 4 100 1 1565 1 0049.0 Z S 1107 001: 001 27H 065 120215 7777 Ofamal 72 To HN 16. ONS 13 Q N47 003 2T6 207 063116 7 777 7 77 7 20smol 21 01 UREADED 3333 4 100 1 E50 A 0019.91 AN 16, 2MB 1109 ON7 003 0 15 OH6 0206S 77?777 5 N 0 V UREGED 0002LOOO 1 3.565 0096,26 JUN 16, 2008 13:39 HT 003 2NS 0271 009775 4-HPD 64 02- DIESEL 00014.000 S 4,126 S 0057.76 AN it 2608 13:40 0054 803 3NO ORB 0ON60 ?77r?T? Odwad 02 ON UNLEADED ONWHO 3165 1 81130 AN it 2NO 1143 2855 003 2NO ON! W75 ?77777 04NY 04 ON DIESEL 00011HO 5 4, 126 1 ON407 AM 11 2US 1401 HT 003 1W OHS SIU71 V77777 O-NN, 1 01 M UNLEADED 000W.W0 1 3, AR L 0, N jUN 16, 20H 1500 OU9 OF 2WO 016 OWN 7 ?77'7 04VTO 02 Ok URTADED 00030300 s WAR 5 0109.45 OR n 2022 16 20 0277 001 2281 2261 ON&J7 V'� 7 77 C­Nywo 02 W _J E A F NC20:0-H _05 s OKI 0-F AN 17, W 0 OC15 003 259 0551 07777 777?7777 7-FirQ Z2 0 P WNERH OONINO i 3,95 1 OUT 3 TH 17, 2NO RV 17 005 003 wj3 25S Zvff7 717777 CAUpo 02 0 k U50505 20000 AN s 3. b5 1 NN. 0-0 AN 1L 20H Oki! OW 007 435 045 02547 7VV777 10us 1 02 L UUEADED ZNN,UO h 1202 1 OKI W AN 14 20H Fill ON! 201 23 Z212 032601 77707?7K O-Narsaj 02 Q E 0 *_i 2 0 7.7 n jUN 1L 20H 11:12 002B 003 ZQ 0423 037154 777777 KNUT& ZI 0 v UIEVED OOK7. NO 1 mK I NW. RN 1� 22N 11:15 0029 007 522 250 025021 7 7' 5 7 7 04�;Q 22 M WEAKE 05212.002 1 5102 A 004h 2_. A! 0. 2002 12,00 DOE 001 5N2 ON! 05W 7?7777 Olunh 02 0 UNLEADED Noll 000 5 1602 1 0118,27 0 N 171 20N W2 W 00: 203 W 011: VTK ?U FAVIV 32 T- 01075 OZO22 AN 5 3102 1 20534 As q, 2sH s7 ooij 007 R 0151 534011 ?77 0":nA 02 TV WKE6 SOM5200 1 3102 1 0 0 5: JUN 11 2U8 OnE @ME 003 202 ONO 001715 77 TAmmV 0: 01- GREHER 20TT. TO 5 1602 S C11L AIN 1h 20H 090 ONS OF 50 Z75 OWN 777777 Imrm& 32 On UTEAND Oomhwo 1 32H 1 ook _1 jum s 2nq 11:04 0243 005 121 0541 05 "7' 0"vW 02 0 P UKEOH 2001INT 1,602 1 ONE K RIN 11 20H 1504 DOE 003 455 002 To 49 7777 Onnsh 02 01- ShEsER OWS.No h 102 t 3TIV6 AN it 2NO 150 2155 003 556 04 A 020958 7 00777 7 7 lAwd 01 W LEERED CO212100 s �W 1 00412: jUN 13. 2NO 3913 3016 003 505 071 00405 777777 W E E DIEHL 0201110 1 Ila 5 00410 RN it 2N8 1122 t222 003 5013 DON 02W 7 @Awd 01 0. 1 J I J.* E E _N01 300 __602 MN 19 2NO 11a9 0 0 2 01 01 3 5 1 R 5 0333 018772 G 02 ON UNLEADED 00031-WO 3102 N1146 AN 19. 20N 1 n 12 0026 003 U91 0475 120422 ????V???? bNorsh 02 @N URIL E A D E D 000 15, ON i 6 0 2 2 00 5 4 t 21 3 AN 13. NN 1201 DON 001 TWO ON6 OM241 7?7774 Ofw;A 02 r3l 71 UIN. 1. E A D 21 0 n 2 7 r 7 0 0 K 6 23- 2 1 0983,57 j 0 it 22M 120 OW 001 2112 0519 027411 7 777?7 O-Hund 32 0 P UMEADED ON26 NO 2 3. W2 1 2293 1 AN it 20M 1401 0042 001 515 04 7 060245 77777777 Wow] 0: W WEADED 00022. NO 1 1632 1 DOE! 0 AN !k 20H 102 004: 003 5145 007 061757 777n77 Ojowl 21 W NITADED 00011320 i 5 02 1 009:83 RIN 1� 20H 1409 004 003 57 0552 02411' 777777 Ilya! 11 1 WAND ONN, NO a 3 NZ2 1 0022- JA 13, 2NE 1505 2041 001 2174 2501 0777 727777 Qjw 2 P 455DED ON2KNO S LON 5 OF I jUN 1 T VNS 1511 ON7 001 5723 ONS 01357 707777 Wory] K TV UARDED WE NO I Z A02 a OHL 7 30P 1 T 2NO 1614 2152 091 5760 0421 C2417 77 W 02 21- YNEREF 0023.102 s 7W S 205hh AN 20, 2DN 0156 024 003 r77 ON? 24804; 77TT77 YNNal 14 K DIESEL 201 000 1 4126 1 HAS, 02 MN A 20N 09 Q OCIS NZ :274 0212 251100 7"� 7 ONY-C 02 0 V UMINED COCAINE s 7.602 0 OUSA4 At 20. 20H INH ON! 0 N 201 071 0054 777777 OAMW 07 02 DHKL 231WO s 4. K6 1 ONTH RA 2L INS 1002 ONT 003 2FS 207 0041 O"Upw 02 0 k shwER ONOT NO 1 5.02 A ON5 a 4 AN 2L 20H NKI RR 001 2HP ON? 07733 777777 0 1 K 01 PLEADED ONY. NO a TA02 1 ONS0 AN 22. 22H 1206 0218 003 1214 0549 @58076 ON7777777 O.& 22 01. ]UEIDED 20017 100 1 F 202 1 W 1 z -..7 AN 21 20N 1105 OW 000 2713 0416 H1.555 777777 k4weA 02 31 WENED OHIIHO 1 3102 1 OHL E4 SUN W, 2NO 130 0047 OFT AN 0551 020286 Myth 27 02- NEEL ONTINO 1 41Qb s FmJ 1,�: 20 @10 001 35@ 004 1ON61 7"7777 00vin 01 11 USTAW ONYHO f 11@2 OHL AN 20, 20H 15 Q 000 021 2281 0221 006001 7?77?� OW-1 02 2 WEREE 0000HY E 1202 E 2 06 V 0 AN 2NS 1452 OW 001 H07 ON' 0517S 7777?7 04und 02 OP U LE T E 7 0 0 0 r 1 Z 0 Z 7 ®r �L MIIR JUN H HIS 0907 ON5 001 !ON E77 045240 71 Clunj 02 01- UNLEADED 0000OU A 1022 S 0243.22 IN 21 2US ONIS Ons 007 Kid TH4 0007 ?77777 3QxgV 12 00 U 11. E A D E 03 000 i 7. 6 0 3 9 0 4 NN 2h 2NS 08,32 0014 001 275 014 0106 TKW fAunt 01 .0 t A. 2'00 7 0 10 0 s _:J"22 0',] E 4 SUN 21 2NO 2326 ON! 003 5 01' 02NOB ?77777 0000 12 21- LILEADED 0005, NO 5 1 W 1 Z126.07 OUN 21 2HS POP OMe 003 50 Ott 0 7 ?�yrh 01 U URFAIED NO3,202 V22 1 OM8 2 IN 21 2US 12:7 0010 003 2526 0467 5&:'4 7077?7 CAmnA Z2 V UNLENED 00011000 3,02 1 ON& IN 231 :US 1001 001 001 25S3 0207 0401E2 777777 Ofmom 02 0 P WRELOED 0000,00 5 7,622 S 0063,11 MM N In iota 0031 001 WS 015 01271' 777777 O0w;V 02 BY UTEQED 20010 AN 5 1632 1 01091- A N 21, 2008 120 UP HT 5413 0215 @11343 7 20yot 21 01 W'DED U53,50 L102 5 005, `i IN 2h 2ND 12 0042 037 2326 0554 03541 7777777 Mum 01 b MLEVED OHH.N@ 5 1, R2 1 OHIO AN 21 008 04 ONT 003 150 0247 OZ4727 77 7 72 J%ryt 12 0 P U k E_ D E _7"22 4 1 Z -7 Oz IN 7. 2000 1304 205 303 5UT 071 32" 777777 Tkuld Z2 L UFAEADED 00011 TOZ 1 3402 5 2050. 07 GAN 23. RH8 13,50 0055 CO3 7390 2 N0510 TONTT� TOW WO s LEN 00011 SUN 2h 20H 1100 013 031 5157 ON? 04476; 77777 20070 2: Ek UIEKED 0XV02 t 1602 5 OON: 77 OUN 21 2202 1401 CM9 000 3NO 078 OU492 7-7 Imuld 2: 21- PALTAND 0@030 100 s :02 s 230,01 311 2, 2NS 1011 0067 n3 221 0:11 336342 7777?7 DAMW 02 0 WEIDEP 20011000 1 3202 1 H64, R4 jUN 20 2NO 1600 0060 003 2115 ON6 022H6 WFUT 04owl 02 W UNLEADED 0@028, NO 1 3112 S ONO16 aW 24, 2MO 002S 00n 003 U92 ON6 0006 ?0=7 011wal 02 01 U N L E A. P E D 0 OR `T. 01 01 6 5 I'D 01E 7 r 5 3 NN 24 2N 1116 On9 013 2NO ON3 0OHSO Olval 02 21- UNLEADED CONLIN 1 1602 1 U360 SUN 24 2NB 1100 BON 003 2908 003 001556 7777?7 SAVIV M 0 Y UNLEWD OHI 5, NO G 1602 S 020,11 AN 24, 2008 I!W 2011 003 2M3 049 048467 T"TuTT? Olwml 02 01- OTEADED 00020 100 1 3122 1 0072,01'. jUN 24. 2NI 131 DST 003 255 05A 03614 77TV77 B 0: OP UPLEGED 23MOYO I VoN N3� TE RM 2no In5v omi ozz 002 OWO OeMP2 T—T"V" OQW 02 0 ALEABEG 00015 100 s 3 02 1 0257.27 ON 2009 1012 W NZ Hil ON' 05H0 777777 21�0 02 0 P UREGED ONTWO 1 16K I 00724 TH 24. 2HE 1057 BPS CT7 002 000 21 T! 1 7"7777 SlYrd 0: OP UALOTED EWAN 1 04042 1 200 z 3: MN 21 20H 00 OW OM 2?07 3157 @17511 7777'7 1 knon 92 01- WADER 3020 600 1 2,602 1 00740 RN 241 2US 160 OMA 003 502 Oal 05071 ?n ?7 ONYPA 07 01 ATEINED ONE, NO 1 3102 O00 04_ al 2, 2H8 0134 ON! DO: 201 04H 036:2 ?77777 2 2' O� DIHEL 0004. W 1 1 12C 1 010111 XN 25. THR 0150 ONE NZ WS WIT @10130 7 V7`7 bKowal 02 01- h L E w_.. F 00012000 -L.02 5 204 jUN 2h 20H 09:56 0020 002 5TS5 3437 311201 7 777 7 ?Ann! 01 ZY UNLT�DED 0 0 21. 2 4 ��v 2 0 2 OOS6:4�. jUN 2 h THS 1102 0021 023 2265 002 FIVE 777"?V Wood A I UKH57D ON21 NZ 1 3202 1 ON: AS 25. 2HI 11M 001 903 5G5 025 52761 777777 NOM0 22 V MLEADER OOL31@0 1 1602 05024 ON A VES 10 37 000 Z03 50S 0474 01147E 7__7 C­Non� 01 W URE90 2002142 AUN 2, 20@2 15:01 004 003 5145 06 0111 777777 Elunl 01 n AlEADE: 02015 100 R 1602 i N56.13 in 2h IN QQ6 004Z 001 2502 2216 OVA? 7? 7 77N lNuFal K IP WNLEADED N___. 5 7.602 i 017.7t jUN 2h 2N8 NQ ON! 053 2376 012 03555; 777777 &AWIN Z2 On ALEADED lnn�uo 1 142 1 6054 A RN 21 IM Val 00:2 003 5751 0302 017M 7 TV 77 n JJYP i K UP HKEL ONE. HT 1.06 1 0 A C 4 1 111 H, 222D 15:1 0026 N3 HE 025 E2011 777777 04wal L 01 CHARED TOW, 5@0 1,802 0045.0 -N W HT 016 2281 210237 7�7777 O­Hwh 22 21 HLEVED NONX0 Z102 NV S2 jUN 26, 2000 1007 0049 N3 HP BUD 03073 WNW Emu! 02 M UNLEADED 00027z209 i 3;612 1 00!7:37 JUN 26 2008 15:12 0050 003 HSO H@5 074141 TPUTT? 045nal 02 W HLEADED NN! ON S 3. W2 S ON2 A5 RM y 22H Ion OK5 003 N81 ON! 0OHN 47777 Olonal 22 N UNLEADED NOW N3 1 3122 1 U61 jUN IL 2HC @74B 024 2@3 5399 Q6 CITS9 07MV77 @AnQ V BY UNLEMED NEW@ 1 1 E22 a 007, �1�.: jUN zh 2H6 Hat 0010 001 101 05 05560 77777? 20AIN, L 01- UNLEADED 0002& @00 1 1,171 1 @073,4 SO 7, 2000 1005 ONS 003 5760 00 COAM 7 7 77" 2 F r L 2 I T L'. _E 7 2 1 7 i 0 0 __3 7 t- .0 4 1 7 '777?7 bonly ol 01- UKEGED OWNO3 i 7271 1 3374 200, 055 @1057 Cls 07110 7777�7 TAwmi 12 0 P WOOED ON29 122 A 1171 1 0 10 5. 4 IN IN 1004 000 @03 241 22 0720 777777 Z"wid Z: 31 UVADE: 01021,62 1 1671 jyN 2L 200 Q00 DOW 003 5Q5 J&7 2 rQ71'" oq& 22 01- UNLEWD 00215 100 A T-G! 25 L UK 2L zN8 IhP OOK 031 2404 0519 011106 7777?7 00000 02 0 P 7 ON-] t �N T 7;1-71 010462 IN 2T 200A 020 BOY 007 OP 00� 0707; V OWPI 02 OV WKEPED 22007 a?F 7171 A 0022,27 jjq 27 2008 1 5�8 0051 003 2U7 241? 04712 V77777 30 K 01- tALEVVED 00017NOO 5 1,01 5 0062,41 j JI.: `7 OUR 003 271 W 43NI 7 7?77'7 ONYPY 0: 01- TILFTED 20032 302 1 1071 1 SIX ON 2h 2000 10:41 001 001 IN; OT 1011 7 7777? hNuml 0: NOH:300 i .Rd 70, NOR 1112 ON7 201 577 054 02541 7 77 77 "n COYPO Ti Oi- MLEADED E00 2L 102 s 701 ROOM ON I IN 10:51 ors 003 w 0 041175 7777'77 shrol ZI op WAVED Book AN i 1611 s Hns.74 joy in 2NE 1200 ow ul 2111 0511 017201 7 hmsnE j 01 OP UNLEADED 00221 5 5,11 1 20770 JUN 30, 2NO 1442 OT7 @03 10! ON! 00076 7777777 30mul 2: 01 PlEADED 00031500 A 1671 1 N 11 37 ON 72, 2NG 1406 ON2 003 2713 0431 08145 1TV777 P-Nund 02 0 b UNLEGER HT5100 s L6H i 0 0 A 013 IN 10, 2029 1000 003? 003 5926 010 0@1033 77777 WHol 02 BY UNLEADED BONS, NO 5 164 1 0103 A6 2002 1508 ONO 201 579 OH7 02F 'K --70 OQYFQ 21 L- PREAN! OMAN E 1:5 0110M. 2333.0 SON 12, 2ns 1505 ONI go! 115 ONE KAI 777777 Flual 01 01- UNLEADED MAZOO I 3A71 upth ON2 CO3 27L 042 05109 77 7 777 OnWal 22 21- UNLEADED 00019120 1 wil 5 Wa Mans Prohm 01 FTuduct 02 DIEM- 121,302 631jan 1 27 57 vt. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131 ST ST Due Date 7/15/2008 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 7/15/2008 061608 $2,008.16 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and ;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 085923 WARRANT ALLOWED 42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ,ATTN: TERRY RICH +5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 061608 01- 7500 -02 $1,004.81 061608 01- 7502 -06 $904.22 061608 01- 7500 -08 $99.13 t Voucher Total $2,008.16 r Cost distribution ledger classification if (claim paid under vehicle highway fund s t CLAY scyoO N C r armel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in ,••c ''M6L. IND�13'•. 6. du ca ti o n wzllcpl__� June 26, 2008 To whom it may concern: As a result of damage to our fueling computer system from a lightning strike on May 30, 2008, all records of fueling transactions were lost for the Westside Transportation Facility from May 1- May 30, 2008. In order to issue invoices for transactions made during that period, each department's use for the prior three months was averaged. The cost of the fuel, both regular and diesel was also averaged. The attached invoice reflects those calculations. Please review and contact Chris Hoover, 844 -8207, if you have any questions or concerns. We are sorry for any convenience that this has caused your department. Sincerely, Ron Farrand, Jr. Director of Facilities and Transportation Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 f r Carmel Clay Schools July 1, 2008 5201 E. 131 st St Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 317 844 -9961 Bill To: Carmel Utilities Lisa Kempa 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Account #3— Carmel Utilities Quantity Description Unit Price Total 2279.8 gal Unleaded $3.478 $7929.14 349.4 gal Diesel $4.085 $1427.30 Balance Due $9356.44 6500.07 65y,95 61.65o0,05 401 off. b500.0 2o5$.yl o I.- )500.0- 11221? 01.,so L) (0 ly�").o� Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131 ST ST Due Date 7/15/2008 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 7/15/2008 070108 $2,619.81 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and ,orrect and'I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 085922 WARRANT ALLOWED 142595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS 'ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST r CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 070108 01- 7500 -02 $1,122.77 070108 01- 7502 -06 $1,497.04 l� ,S P 1, Voucher Total $2,619.81 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund CLAYS. Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education �f3 June 26, 2008 To whom it may concern: As a result of damage to our fueling computer system from a lightning strike on May 30, 2008, all records of fueling transactions were lost for the Westside Transportation Facility from May 1- May 30, 2008. In order to issue invoices for transactions made during that period, each department's use for the prior three months_ was averaged. The cost of the fuel, both regular and diesel was also averaged. The attached invoice reflects those calculations. Please review and contact Chris Hoover, 844 -8207, if you have any questions or concerns. We are sorry for any convenience that this has caused your department. Sincerely, Ron Farrand, Jr. Director of Facilities and Transportation Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131' Street, Cannel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Carmel Clay Schools July 1, 2008 5201 E. 131 st St Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 317- 844 -9961 Bill To. Carmel Utilities Lisa Kempa 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Account #3— Carmel Utilities Quantity Description Unit Price Total 2279.8 gal Unleaded $3.478 $7929.14 349.4 gal Diesel $4.085 $1427.30 Balance Due $9356.44 01.6500.07 6sq.g5 6(, 6 5 DD,05 o� 3.a1 01. b5O x()52r.gl o 50O.0 112219 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts Form No. 3 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER TO ADDRESS Invoice Date Invoice Number Item Amount P I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Mo. Day Yr. Signature Title I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. Mo. Day Yr. Officer Title Voucher No. Warrant No. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DETAILED ACCOUNTS MUNICIPAL WATER DEPT. ACCT n l9 C ARMEL, INDIANA l�lj�P Fa /��SC �S Total Amount of Voucher D U/ Qeductions soQ s 500 -0 5 D Amount of Warrant 6 7 V Month of Yr. VOUCHER RECORD Acct. No. Source of Suppl Water Treatment Transmission and Dist. Customer Accounts Administrative and General Operation- Maintenance Utility Plant in Service Constr. Work in Pro ress Materials and Supplies Customers Deposits Total Allowed Board of Control Filed Official Title BOYCE FORMS SYSTEMS 1 -800- 382 -8702 325 7 7 7., 7 7 7 7 7 I 1; I I I I I I I w I 7 z I -1 I z I 4 I I p p 1. I F Prescribed by State Board of Accounts Form No. 301 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER TO ADDRESS Invoice Date Invoice Number Item Amount I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Mo. Day Yr. Signature Title I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. Mo. Day Yr. Officer Title Voucher No. Warrant No. DETAILED ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MUNICIPAL WATER DEPT. ACCT. CARMEL, INDIANA r Of CAOtO C'�i9Y Fa C1700 Total Amount of Voucher Deductions OG/608 6500-DS G OD.D7 7 Amount of Warrant 6 y 9y 6 Month of Yr VOUCHER RECORD Acct. No. Source of Su pply Water Treatment Transmission and Dist. Customer Accounts Administrative and General Operation- Maintenance Utility Plant i e Constr. Work in Vrogress Materials and Supplies Customers Deposits Total Allowed Board of Control Filed Official Title BOYCE FORMS SYSTEMS 1 -800- 382 -8702 325 d:< CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, D. Klingensmith Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Dianna Ray Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: June 30, 2008 Eastside Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 cLnv 4� y Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 I 1 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson 1 Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, D. Klingensmith Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Dianna Ray Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: June 15, 2008 Eastside Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Carmel Clay Schools July 1, 2008 5201 E. 131 st St Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 317- 844 -9961 Attn: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Dept Teresa Anderson 3 Civic Square Carmel IN 46032 Account #1— Carmel Police Department Quantity Description Unit Price Total 2529.8 gals. Unleaded 3.478 $8798.64 Balance Due $8798.64 cLnr 4 y Carrr►el Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education •c �Mf1. INO FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 I Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, D. Klingensmith Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Dianna Ray Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: June 15, 2008 Eastside Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 13P Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844- 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 cLAY Sc 4 y Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Edu FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131S Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: I Carmel Police- Department; Teresa Anderson r Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, D. Klingensmith Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Dianna Ray Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: June 30, 2008 Eastside Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Prescri%gd by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 Terms ATTN: Sue Ardiaolo Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 7/11/08 payment for gasoline 39,026.75 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 C armel Clay Schools IN SUM OF Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131st Street C armel, IN 46033 ATTN: Sue Ardiaolo 39,026.75 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR p olice general fund Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 314 39 026.75 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except July 11 20 08 Signature Chief of Police Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund