HomeMy WebLinkAboutTree Preservation Guidelines 5--0.-z-oti
Sec. 1 Purpose
The purpose of these guidelines is to promote the economic, aesthetic, and ecological benefits
of wooded areas for the City of Carmel and its residents with the intent to regulate the removal,
maintenance and planting of trees to protect these tree preservation areas.
Sec. 2 For the purpose of these guidelines, the following definitions shall apply:
A. Caliper: The standard measurement for nursery stock, it is determined by measuring
diameter of a tree trunk at six (6) inches from ground for trees with a trunk that does not
equal or exceed four (4) inches in diameter and at twelve (12) inches from ground level
for trees with a trunk that exceeds four (4) inches in diameter.
B. City: The City of Carmel, Indiana.
C. Diameter at Breast Height: (DBH) diameter of a tree measured four and one -half (4.5)
feet (forestry method) above the ground level on the downhill side for existing trees.
D. Exotic and Invasive Vegetation: Plant species that are not native to the region in which
they are located and can displace native species thus changing the structure and
composition of native plant communities.
E. Hazardous Tree: A hazardous condition is present only when a tree has an existing
condition which would lead a knowledgeable person or International Society of
Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist trained in the field of arboriculture to believe that the
specific condition could result in the tree or a portion of the tree falling and striking a
structure or activity area (target), thus, threatening property damage and /or injury.
F. Overabundance: Being beyond what is appropriate or needed, excessive to the point that
wildfire could be imminent.
G. Removal: Physical removal of a tree, or actions such as severe pruning, damaging,
poisoning, root pruning or other direct or indirect action resulting in the early death of a
H. Replacement Tree: A nursery-grown tree that satisfying the standards established for
nursery stock and installation thereof, set forth by the American Association of
I. Shall: Mandatory and not merely suggestive.
J. Should: Suggestive, but not mandatory.
K. Snag: a dead tree that is still standing, usually in an undisturbed forest; a snag can
provide food and a habitat for insects, mammals, and birds.
Tree Preservation Area Guidelines
L. Tree: A woody, self- supporting perennial plant reaching at least fifteen feet (15') or more
in height at maturity usually with one trunk, or a multi- stemmed trunk system and having
a more or Tess definite crown.
M. Tree Preservation Area: An area of existing woodland, reforestation or afforestation that
has been specifically identified for protection or restoration on an approved Tree
Preservation Plan in order to satisfy the requirements of the City of Carmel.
N. Urban Forester: An employee of the city, appointed by the City's Mayor who is trained
and educated in forestry, horticulture, arboriculture, or landscape architecture and who is
primarily charged with the responsibility of implementing direction for these guidelines on
behalf of the City and acting as a designee of the Director of the Department of
Community Services.
Sec. 3 Function of a tree preservation area is to:
A. Protect public health through the absorption of air pollutants and contaminates, and the
purification of air including the reduction of excessive noise, the reduction of the carbon
dioxide, and increase in the oxygen content of the air.
B. Protect the quality of life and general welfare of the City by maintaining aesthetics,
recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat, and historic nature for existing and future
C. Protect public safety by stabilizing the soil and promoting soil conservation, erosion
control, and reducing storm water runoff.
D. Contribute to the maintenance and stabilization of property values.
E. Preserve the essential character of those areas throughout the community which are
wooded and in a more natural state.
Sec. 4 Best management practices for tree preservation areas are:
A. Removal of all invasive species, i.e. bush honeysuckle. (Application of herbicide treatment after
removals of invasive species to prevent them from growing back should be done under the oversight of a
B. Removal of an overabundance of combustible material, i.e. dead fallen trees and leaves.
C. Removal of vines growing on and up a tree when tree growth is affected.
D. Completing all maintenance activities following industry standard using the latest
American National Safety Institute (ANSI) Z -133 and A -300 approved practices and
Sec. 5 Sanctioned activities in a tree preservation area
Tree Preservation Area Guidelines
A. The types of activities allowed in tree preservation areas include:
(1) Planting of native trees. (see Indiana Native Tree List)
(2) Removal of hazardous trees.
(3) Removal of exotic and invasive vegetation. (See Indiana Exotic and Invasive Plant List)
(If you are not certain how to identify exotic or invasive species, seek professional assistance.)
(4) Removal of trees directed to be removed by municipal, county, state or federal
authority pursuant to law.
(5) Walking, hiking, bird watching and paths.
Sec. 6 Non sanctioned activities in a tree preservation area
A. The types of activities that are not allowed in tree preservation areas include:
(1) Removal of vegetation other than exotic and invasive vegetation and hazardous
(2) Mowing any portion of the tree preservation area.
(3) Dumping of leaves or debris from areas other than the tree preservation area.
(4) Seeding; including grass seed, prairie mix seed, sod or the planting of any type
vegetable garden unless approved by the City's Forester or horticulturist.
(5) The construction of sheds, garages, fences, playground equipment, tree houses,
and other permanent or semi permanent structures unless approved by City
(6) Activities that adversely impact the health, structure or integrity of a designated
tree preservation area including but not limited to active recreational activities
requiring the placement of playground equipment, paving for basketball or tennis
courts and swimming pools.
Sec. 7 How to conduct allowed activities
A. If the property is located within a community where there is a Homeowners Association,
or if there are covenants on the property that prohibit the cutting of trees, permission from
the Homeowner Association, and /or Management Company may be required before
proceeding with any work.
B. Hazardous tree removal shall be done by cutting the tree at ground level (within 3 inches
of existing grade) with hand -held equipment and leaving the stump in place. Stump
grinding or stump removal is not permitted unless tree /trees will be replanted in the same
location. Once the hazardous condition is removed; leaving a snag is recommended.
Tree Preservation Area Guidelines
C. The surrounding vegetation should not be disturbed or removed unless that vegetation is
an exotic or invasive species. (See Indiana Exotic and Invasive Plant List)
D. All tree, shrub, and other woody plant maintenance and removal shall be done with hand-
held equipment; not wheeled or tracked equipment that is indiscriminant with respect to
individual plants.
E. All tree, shrub, and other woody plant maintenance and removal shall be done in
accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A -300 standards.
Sec. 8 Requirements
A. Tree preservation areas must be easily and permanently identifiable as tree preservation
area through permanent signage posted around the perimeter of all tree preservation
B. The Urban Forester shall be contacted for any disputed acts within the tree preservation
area and will provide conclusion.
Sec. 9 Removal and replacement standards:
A. In cases where a tree has been removed that is not in compliance with allowed activities
in a tree preservation area, it will need to be mitigated according to the City of Carmel's
Tree Preservation Replacement Formula based on size of tree(s) that were removed:
City of Carmel Tree Preservation Replacement Formula
Diameter at Breast Height (dbh -4.5 feet) Number of Replacement Trees (2" caliper)
Less than 6" 1 for 1
6" and greater, but less than 16" 2 for 1
16" and greater, but less than 26" 3 for 1
26" and greater, but less than 36" 4 for 1
36" and greater 5 for 1
B. The replacement trees species shall be the same as the tree species removed from the
tree preservation area or the tree species selected for replacement must be native to
North Central Indiana.
C. The planting of all replacement trees shall be done by or supervised by a person with
arboriculture training in tree planting and care methods.
D. All replacements trees shall adhere to the standards required by the City of Carmel Tree
and Shrub Installation Specifications.
E. Replacement trees shall be monitored for a one -year period to ensure the health of the
trees. If the replacement trees die within the one -year period, the property owner shall
replace the dead tree.
Tree Preservation Area Guidelines
F. Unless the Urban Forester determines that, consistent with good forestry practices, the
replacement of some or all of the removed trees is not appropriate, within twelve (12)
months after removal of each protected tree; the owner or successor owner shall replace
the removed tree pursuant to the following City of Carmel Tree Preservation
Replacement Formula.
G. Trees for which are candidates for removal are those within a tree preservation area that
(1) Completely dead.
(2) Deemed a hazardous tree.
(3) In recognizable danger of dropping limbs within the next year and, combined with
other factors, makes lesser corrective measures not cost effective.
(4) In decline and have less than an estimated two years of lifespan remaining.
(5) Affected by root cutting of the tree for pavement repair will likely result in the
irreparable decline of the tree or the creation of a public hazard.
(6) Will create a threat to damage property or injure persons.
(7) Host an aggressive, life threatening disease or pest that may pose a threat to the
vitality of the rest of the forest.
I. The owner should (not mandatory) replace any protected tree, or allow one to restart in
the event the tree is diseased, dead or dying from natural causes, or in the event the tree is
damaged or injured by natural causes where it is likely to die or become diseased.
Tree Preservation Area Guidelines
Conn, Angelina V
From: Mindham, Daren
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 10:51 AM
To: 'Jim Shinaver'; 'Jon Dobosiewicz'
Cc: crwhite @crwhitedevelopment.com'; Conn, Angelina V
Subject: RE: Woodland Terrace
Attachments: Woodlawn Terrace Tree Preservation Guidelines.pdf; Woodlawn Terrace TREE
In reference to #2, please add the attached document as part of the Tree Preservation Notes on sheet C2.1. Maybe this can
be a separate sheet. This document is simply stating the general best management practices and would be a benefit to the
development in understanding the best ways to manage this preservation area. I believe this would satisfy any question for
approval for this condition. I can then stamp this extra sheet as approved and all question of compliance for this issue
should be resolved.
After all comments /concerns are addressed, the Dept of Community Services (DOCS) recommends that the Commission
votes to approve this item, with the condition of:
1. the Engineering Department's approval of the final construction documents, and
2. the subdivision committee's condition to `strengthen' the tree preservation plan best management practices
(BMP's) in order to maximize the project's tree preservation efforts.
Daren Mindham
Urban Forester
City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Office: 317 571 -2283
*The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit. Nelson Henderson
From: Mindham, Daren
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 8:40 AM
To: 'Bill Moldenhauer'
Cc: crwhiteCa�crwhitedevelopment .com; Dan Ware; ion{a nf- Iaw.com; Karen Hartlep; Conn, Angelina V
Subject: RE: Woodland Terrace
I have attached the landscape plan stamped approved by me. Please let me know if there are plans for
changes to this design; if so I will need to have it submitted for review. But I hope that this one is the winner.
Daren Mindham
Urban Forester
City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Office: 317 571 -2283