HomeMy WebLinkAbout202569 10/11/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 115100 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DEBRA GRISHAM CHECK AMOUNT: $8,822.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 922 E GREYHOUND PASS CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 202569 CHECK DATE: 10/11/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4340000 9/11 8,822.00 LEGAL FEES c. OC 0 4 1011 J Professional services Invoice FOR SERVICES RENDERED Date: 10/4/11 FROM 9/1/11 THROUGH 9/30/11 Name of Debra M. Grisham, Attorney at Law Purchase Provider: Description Address 922 East Greyhound Pass P.O. P or F Zip: Carmel, Indiana 46032 G.L. //a5• /•D 5�_3:�ODDD Telephone Lin �P Fie Line Uescr S No.: 317 690 -1597 Purchas r ate Fax No.: 317- 815 -8425 Approval Date 1 Project Name: General Park Legal and Business Services Invoice No: 9 -11 Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Description of Service Rate Worked Due 9 -1 -11 Addressed personnel matters with L Russell; $110 3.9 429.00 Worked on Central Park Water Park Enhancement Project "WPEP matters; Addressed matters regarding Founders Park Phase II Certificate of Substantial Completion; Addressed civil complaint matters; Prepared documents for 9 -13 -11 Park Board meeting. 9 -2 -11 Worked on WPEP matters including drafted $110 2.8 308.00 timeline and construction document language for executive management and architect review; Addressed Founders Park Phase II status. 9 -9 -11 Worked on matters related to WPEP including $110 2.7 297.00 common construction wage "CCW') and bid process and discussed same with M Klitzing; Worked on matters regarding the Central Park Eastside Development Project "CPEDP Met with M Klitzing and L Russell regarding personnel matters. 9 -12 -11 Worked on CPEDP matters; Worked on $110 5.0 550.00 personnel matters and communications with L Russell regarding same; Worked on CCW committee matters; Addressed matters regarding civil complaint; Communications to Park Board regarding public hearing notice. Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due 9 -13 -11 Addressed civil complaint matters; Completed $110 6.0 660.00 and distributed correspondence regarding the CCW committee; Addressed personnel matters; Prepared for and attended 9 -13 -11 Regular Park Board meeting. 9 -14 -11 Worked on personnel matters and addressed $110 7.2 792.00 same with L Russell; Researched and responded to J Engledow's inquiry regarding application of NLRB notice requirements. 9 -15 -11 Met with L Russell regarding, and worked on, $110 3.6 396.00 personnel matters; Met with M Westermeier regarding CPEDP and related matters; Started draft of 9 -13 -11 meeting minutes; Prepared for civil complaint deposition. 9 -16 -11 Attended portion of preparation for, and $110 6.0 660.00 deposition regarding, civil complaint; Worked on personnel matters and communications with J Miller and L Russell regarding same; Communications with Park Board regarding cellular communications monopole. 9 -19 -11 Met with M Westermeier regarding civil complaint $110 4.0 440.00 and personnel matters; Worked on 9 -13 -11 meeting minutes; worked on CCW meeting matters; Prepared for and attended agenda and project status meeting with senior management; Communications regarding WPEP. 9 -20 -11 Worked on 9 -13 -11 meeting minutes and civil $110 3.8 418.00 complaint matters; Discussed Founders Park and WPEP with M Westermeier and met with M Krosschell regarding same. 9 -21 -11 Addressed matters regarding civil complaint and $110 4.5 495.00 communications to J Roy regarding same; Completed and distributed 9 -13 -11 meeting minutes; Reviewed and met with M Westermeier and M Klitzing regarding current gun law status, CPEDP, CPEP and CCW committee matters; Communications with J Molitor regarding cell tower matters; Communications regarding personnel matters. e Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due 9 -22 -11 Addressed matters regarding civil complaint; $110 3.6 396.00 Revised minutes and communications with J Hagan regarding same; Reviewed Monon overlay issues with J Hagan and M Westermeier; Prepared for 9 -27 -11 regular Park Board meeting; Communications regarding CCW committee meeting. 9 -26 -11 Addressed personnel matters; Prepared for and $110 5.4 594.00 met J Hagan out at Main Street for on site review of development for which Park Board had been asked to support financially; Prepared for CCW committee meeting; Met with M Westermeier regarding various park matters. 9 -27 -11 Attended CCW committee meeting and $110 7.2 792.00 distributed wage rates to Architect and otherwise worked on WPEP; Prepared for and attended regular park board meeting. 9 -28 -11 Drafted and distributed 9 -27 -11 meeting minutes; $110 5.1 561.00 Met with M Westermeier and M Klitzing regarding various park matters; Communications with M Krosschell regarding WPEP bid document status; Started review of CPEDP change orders. 9 -29 -11 Worked on and addressed WPEP matters with M $110 3.0 330.00 Westermeier and M Krosschell; Worked on Monon Overlay matters; Reviewed status of purchasing handbook and communications with M Klitzing and A Kostrzewa regarding same. 9 -30 -11 Worked on WPEP matters and addressed issues $110 6.4 704.00 with M Westermeier and met with M Krosschell regarding same; Addressed Monon questions raised by J Hagan and met with M Westermeier and J Hagan regarding same; Distributed 9 -27 -11 meeting minutes; Addressed civil complaint status. NATURE OF SERVICES TOTAL HOURS FEE 1 TOTAL HOURS ILLE 80.2 TOTAL DUE: 8,822.00 Signature: i ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 115100 Grisham, Debra Terms 922 East Greyhound Pass Date Due Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 10/4/11 9 -11 Legal Services for Sep'11 8,822.00 x *do not_ma11 E Total 8,822.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 115100 Grisham, Debra Allowed 20 922 East Greyhound Pass Carmel, IN 46032 In Sum of 8,822.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or Board Members Dept INVOICE NO. CCT#FFITLI AMOUNT 1125 9 -11 4340000 8,822.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 6 -Oct 2011 Signature 8,822.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund