HomeMy WebLinkAboutRiver Road Path/Pursel, Marcella1828166v1 STATE OF SS: COUNTY OF SURVIVORSHIP AFFIDAVIT Marcella E. Pursel (the "Affiant being first duly sworn, deposes and says that: 1. Affiant is the surviving spouse of Arthur Pursel formerly Arthur Pursel, Jr. (the "Decedent who died a resident of jjayluil County, \J)4 .1.w. on t 'YYl.tc.c.c.Gt 6 2. Affiant and Decedent acquired the following described real estate in Hamilton County, State of Indiana, as husband and wife, prior to April 16, 2004. See Exhibit A attached And more commonly known as: 12190 River Road, Carmel, Indiana 46033 3. On April 16, 2004, Affiant and Decedent conveyed, April 16, 2004, said real estate to the Arthur and Marcella Pursel Revocable Trust Under Trust Agreement dated April 16, 2004 and retained a life estate for their joint lives with a life estate to the survivor. 4. Affiant and the Decedent remained married continuously from the date they acquired title to the above described real estate until Decedent's date of death. 5. This affidavit is made for the purpose of establishing Affiant's life estate interest in said real estate by virtue of surviving the Decedent. Dated this 2- day of p,.e .4._cA.. 2011. By: DULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION c- Subject to final acceptance for transfer —day of 205L 1 4Ltan LtridA. Auditor of Hamilton County Parcel v vo -3y- oti -0V- o03.0° Printed: Marcella E. Pursel "Affiant" 2011044403 AFF SURV $17.00 09/14/2011 10:32:57A 3 PGS Mary L. Clark HAMILTON County Recorder IN Recorded as Presented IIIDIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIilI IIIIIIIitIIIIM� EXEMPT FROM SALES DISCLOSURES STATE OF I Ptak- SS: COUNTY OF Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Marcella E. Pursel, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Survivorship Affidavit. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this a1- day of 2011. My Commission Expires: (name) 1828166v1 j ount Y L f Residence: GAG' affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social Security number in this document, unless required by law.' By: Printed: /►'1/4 -e-C1/9 C (SCgUJ_TZ Notary Public MARCIA G. SCHULTZ Notary Public State of Florida o. My Comm. Expires May 14. 2014 oF Commission DD 981826 J e y be4. I4.3 c fL, ey 1828166v1 EXHIBIT A A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, described as follows: Begin at a point in the center of the highway which is 297.0 feet North and 1994.0 feet west of the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of Section 34, Township 18 North, Range 4 East. Run thence West 361.0 feet to an iron stake; Thence South parallel with the East line of this quarter 180.0 feet to an iron state; thence east 253.0 feet to the intersection with the center line of this road. Thence northeasterly on and along the center line of this highway 210.5 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 1.27 acres more or less. After recording, return deed to: City of Cannel Office of the Clerk Treasurer One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 1 DULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION C Subject to final acceptance for transfer y day of 'z'"bo`' 20 Dawn 0. Auditor of Hamilton Caun oUITCLAIM DEED Parcel Rs k A0- 3y -o`t- ok- oo 3.AOC' THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT Marcella E. Pursel, Life Tenant (individually and collectively the "Grantor quitclaims to the City of Carmel, Indiana the "Grantee for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in Hamilton County, State of Indiana: See attached Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Grantor shall be responsible for the payment of all real estate taxes now outstanding against or which otherwise become due and payable for the Real Estate through and including the installment of real estate taxes due and payable through the November 10, 2011 installment. It is understood between the parties hereto, and their successors in title, and made a covenant herein which shall run with the land, that all real estate herein described (excepting any parcels or portions thereof that are specifically and expressly designated as easements or temporary rights of way) are conveyed in fee simple and not merely for right of way purposes, and that no reversionary rights whatsoever are intended to remain in the Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this Quitclaim Deed to be executed this 2 of n 2011. GRANTOR: Marcella E. Pursel, Life Tenant 2011044404 QUIT CLAIM $22.00 09/14/2011 10:32:57A 3 PGS Mary L. Clark HAMILTON County Recorder IN Recorded as Presented 1111111111111 Project: River Road Path Parcel: 1 EXEMPT FROM SALES DISCLOSURES STATE OF e- 6- i24 SS: COUNTY OF Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Marcella E. Pursel, Life Tenant, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Quitclaim Deed for and on behalf of such Grantor, and who, having been duly sworn, stated that the representations therein contained are true. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this a- day of cJe-6 h 2011. My Commission Expires: c57/(( f tc f County of Residence: Notary Signature 1092577 „sl °;e MARCIA G. SCHULTZ c Notary Public State of Florida ate My Comm. Expires May 14, 2014 Of F��'� Commission DD 981826 NOTARY CERTIFICATION This instrument was prepared by Douglas C. Haney, Carmel City Attorney, City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 Send tax bills to: One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 After recording, return deed to: Douglas C. Haney, Carmel City Attorney, City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each and every Social Security number from this document, unless it is required by law. Douglas C. Haney 2 fit A- 2 ci 6 S C C� Lr Notary Printed Name -N- (ASSiThe SCJLE 50' AR1HUR PHIS]. WARRANTY DEED INST. #2004413358 TEMPORARY RIGHT—OF—WAY acs ACRES 12431.44 1 rya SETH 1r1S5: Y T: 6k 6445 002 L 118911'07"W 5.96' 1447.31 45.50' Li S8911 07"E 3.48' 4, A V 36.1$ LT X 55'51 "E 5.00' y4`q iir A IEWT R iT-0F —WAY D.1791 ACRES N N89'6211'W 1994.00' SEC. 34, T.1814., R.4E. S JAKE IRON PIN SE COIL NE 1/4 Ff PRCO€ TY SOUTH L1NE ►1E 114 SEC. 34 _5ES1 REFSENCE TES Permanent Right— of—Woy A pert of the property deed as instrument Number 2004- 28358 rid 10 the Office of the Hr ta=e City Rem lying in Sect 34,, Township 18 North, Range 4 East of the Seed Princ pd de e. more particularly described as folio= and 199400 feet of the Southeast Be4a ring at the northeast c of said property which s 297.00 feet North Comer of the Northeast Corder of said Section 34; the South 33 degrees 28 rninlltes 41 sows West dung the centerline of River Rood a rEstaerce of 214.36 feet to the south Ike of sald property, thence North 89 dopes 31 minutes 07 seconds West along said south line a distance of 43.20 feet; thence North 33 degrees 24 mites 53 seconds East a distance of 214.21 feet to the north Ilse 0f said proper thence South B9 dues 31 minutes 07 seconds East along said north file a distance of 43.46 feet to the Paint of Begkating, contoinbg 0. acres of land, more or less. Rlchcrd G. Raps* Registered land Srrrwe}mr No 870015 Septeernber 28, 2010 4' To the best of my knowledge amid belief. this plat. together with the Control Route Survey for River Rd. from 126th St. to Northwood Dr.' recorded as Instrument Number 2007016178 in the °ffeee of the Recardir of Hamilton County, Indiana, (incorporated and made o part hereof by reference) comprise a Route Surrey in accordance with Indiana Admin troth 3 Code 865 IAC 1 -12, {'Rule 12'). 113 t rie Fort IIsrrison 8901 Otis Svenue Indianapolis, Indiana +102113 -1937 317 --828 -7100 317-.826 -710 FAX s 644500 01P ABS nets surveying Landscape Architecture GI l�eology 16.4 1 Schneider 1799794v1 EXHIBIT A 3 After recording, return deed to: City of Carmel Office of the Clerk Treasurer One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT Marcella E. Pursel, Trustee of the Arthur and Marcella E. Pursel Revocable Trust per Trust Agreement dated April 16, 2004 (the "Grantor conveys and warrants to the City of Carmel, Indiana (the "Grantee for the sum of Six Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty and 00 /100 Dollars ($6,950.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in Hamilton County, State of Indiana: See attached Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Real Estate subject to any and all easements, agreements, restrictions and other matters of record. Grantor shall be responsible for the payment of all real estate taxes now outstanding against or which otherwise become due and payable for the Real Estate through and including the installment of real estate taxes due and payable through the November 10, 2011 installment. It is understood between the parties hereto, and their successors in title, and made a covenant herein which shall run with the land, that the Real Estate (excepting any parcels or portions thereof that are specifically and expressly designated as easements or temporary rights of way) is conveyed in fee simple and not merely for right of way purposes, and that no reversionary rights whatsoever are intended to remain in the Grantor. GRANTOR: DULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION c Subject to final acceptance for transfer Dft U' 1 JLd Q Auditor of Hamilton County Parcel 4 V-t -to 34 -04 -01- Do .0 TRUSTEE'S DEED IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this Trustee's Deed to be executed this ,L--- day of 2011. _mac/ Marcella E. Pursel, Trustee of the Arthur and Marcella E. Pursel Revocable Trust per Trust Agreement dated April 16, 2004 roject: River Road Path Parcel 1 09 /14/2011 10 DEED $22.00 Mary L. Clark 3 2.57A 3 PGS HAMILTON County Recorder IN Recorded as Presented I IIIII I I IIII I I III IIIII I IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII STATE OF INDIANA SS: COUNTY OF Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Marcella E. Pursel, Trustee of the Arthur and Marcella E. Pursel Revocable Trust per Trust Agreement dated April 16, 2004, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Trustee's Deed for and on behalf of such Grantor, and who, having been duly sworn, stated that the representations therein contained are true. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this c day of 20114. My Commission Expires: tayitiliti County of Residence: MARCIA G. SCHULTZ Notary Public State of Florida My Comm. Expires May 14, 2014 Commission DO 981826 NOTARY CERTIFICATION Notary Signature p 01 C/4 c S L4 a C. 2— Notary Printed Name This instrument was prepared by Douglas C. Haney, Carmel City Attorney, City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 Send tax bills to: One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 After recording, return deed to: Douglas C. Haney, Carmel City Attorney, City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each and every Social Security number from this document, unless it is required by law. Douglas C. Haney 1799794v1 2 1799794v1 VA ARUBA P1JR1. WARRANTY DEED INST. 4— GARY ROT—OF—WAY a038* ACRES 124B1.44 SOUTH LSE "i`i'i Ntli7 31'�0 9 F ST SEMI Richard 0, Repack Registered Land Sur eye r No 870015 September 28, 2010 13f5040 J5.18' LT S55 '51'E 5.00' 134-sew EXHIBIT A 3 14+8"7.31 41.5t LT SENT RIGHT —OF —WAY 0.179± ACREs 1 3 43,20 SOUTH Llie, NE 1/4 'SEC. 34 sanforE Pennwalt Right— of—Way A part of the property desorbed as Instrument Number 2004 -28358 end In the Moe of the litorriOton County Recorder lying in Section 34, Township 18 nth, Range 4 East of the Second Principal Medan. more particularly desced as fa Beginning at the northeast corner of mid property his 297= .feet and 1994.00 feet West of the Southeast Comer of the Northeast Wolter of said Section 34 thence South 33 degrees 28 minutes 41 suet West atcng the centerline of River Rood a detente of 214.36 feet to the south fine of said property, Thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 07 seconds West clang saki south line o distance of 43.20 feet thence Nash 33 Trees 24 altite3 53 seconds East a distance of 214.21 feet to the north lire of saki property thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 07 seconds East along said north line a distance of 43.4$ feet to the Pint of Beginning, containing 0.179 acres of land, more or less. 4614 P No 870015 swat cav Su To the best of my knowledge and belief, this pint, together with the 'Location Control Route Survey for River Rd. from 126th St to Northwood Imo' recur as Instrument Number 2037015178 in the Office cf the Recorder of Hornitan County, Worm. (incorporated and made o port hereof by reference) comprise a Route Su in ocordance with Indiana kirrilnistrative Code 865 IAC 1 -12, Pule 121. 'Wistaria Ford Rai-risen 8901 "Otis £venue Indianapolis, /adieus 462/8-1037 317 823-7100 317 -826 -7 FAX 1 6445\002 \awq 6445o0230W ABS tngiueertfg Surveying Landscape. Architecture GIS L13 Geology' LJ SE C SEC. NE I /�4 SEC. 34, i.tI�. RAE. 1 MARE IRON PM FOUND PER Ci194tY RETAENCE IVES Sameider