HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice81204-3009675 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana SS' MARION County Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, 'house The Southwest 122nd M- ~ouleva~ : 3/M~ las., in the plat of Form 65-REV onds sbUth Ii tance pal the undersigned Karen Mullins who, being duly sworn, says that SHE is clerk of the INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS a DAILY STAR newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of INDIANAPOLIS in state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a tree copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), between the dates of: 11/20/2003 and 11/20/2003 Subscribed and swom to before me on My commission expires: Clerk Title RIBED FORMULA the; a dis- ! UMN- 94 POINT "i PT. TYPE - 16.49 -.06596 SQUARES t.~S x $4.67- .308 CENTS PER LINE ,:lira~. ~tOthe of o~. ,feet, ,:con-.' t.112 acres,~ more .or ';Siring the. .in 1 ~~_~1/20/2003, .... /~( C_. ~ .. ~.~.~I~otary Pub ~.~lic . -. OFFICI~ SE~" l Brenda R. Turk ] Notam P~thli~ qtat~ ~¢ r.~:~_~ g RA~ PER L~E PUBLISHED 1 TIME = .308 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= .462 PUBLISHED 3 TIMES= .616 PUBLISHED 4 TIMES= .770 at' irtment l'Civic 12.., Mid. States EFIGli EERIFIG To: Address: City of Carmel - Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square - Third Floor City, ST, Carmel, IN 46032 Zip: Attention: Jon Dobosiewicz Re: Proof of Notice Mail I'-I Messenger I~ Express E~ Pick-Up I--I Date: Project: Job No.: Transmittal Mid-States Engineering 970 Logan Street, Suite zoz Noblesville, IN 46060 Phone: 317 776-8665 12/4/2003 Congressional Flex Space 122-0146 We are sending herewith: Check Description Proof of Publication Certified Mail Receipts Return Receipt Cards Petitioner's Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing Check in the amount of $874.00 The information as per your request Please review and respond !-'1 See remarks below copies Remarks: Jon, Please let me know if you have any questions, 776-8665, Ext. 203. Thanks. From: Mila Slepaya, Project Manager CC: Project File Correspondence PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT.OF NOTICE_oF PUBLIC_ HEA ._R!N__G CARMEL PLAN. COMMISSION I (We) Mid-States Engin.eering ......... . . do hereby certify that notice of 163-03-DP/. public hearing of the Carmel Plan Commission to c°nsider DOCket Number_ #o3o~oo0_~, ..... , was registered and nmilcd at least thirty (30) days prior to. the date of thc public hearh~g t° the below listed adjacent property owners: .. OWI'~RS(S') ~NAME. ADD.SS Bankers Nat'l Life Ins. Co. Atapco. Carmel Inc. Carriger Properties, LLC Motivati°ns Fitness Centers, Inc. , . · Carpenter Prope..rt..!es; lnc Carmel Drive Executive Office Park LLC . Technology Center Associates II 11825 Pennsylvania Street' N, C'armel, IN 46031 630 carmel Drive W, Ste 135, Carmel, IN 46032 12315 Hancock St., ca[me[, IN 46032 .P.O. 'BOX' 1914, Carmel, IN' 46082 8901 Meridian Street S, Indianapolis, IN 46217 755 Carmel Drive W, Carmel, IN 46032 11711 Penn_sYlv.a...n_ia St., N Ste 200 Carmeli'lN 46032 IllllllllllllllilllllllllllilllllllllllilllllIIIi-Illllllllll Illllllll II Illl'lll! 'STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF ~~ . ' .: , SS':. " The Undersigned, having been dUlY'sWom, upon oath says that the above information is tree and' correct as he is informed and beiievesl- . .~~./,.a'~ ~ ~~~~e~,_" " ~?¢~'~t I' ~t~tttx~~..._._.; L... ? · (sign r) - · ""-. 20Subscribed O~ ..... _. and sworn to before mc this . . .. ~ a,~~~_~o d~ __. _ ..~~ = . . .... '· -----~ ~,?,::, ~.:-,_-r,,., -Z~ ~,-. :...,,-.-, ~T~R¥~,~.';?' ........ ....,..~ ~,x ~:; .,,,, SEAt _a ,_'~ "'"'"" .... Commi ,ion xpir.,: ..... C3_C ..... . Signatures of adjacent property, owners mUst be 'submitted on this affidavit. z:\,Shared\forms~pc app-t:-i-'CaCions\adls, app revised 12/31/02 6