HomeMy WebLinkAboutDetailed Description of RequestApplicant, Meridian Heights Associates, LLC, by James Browning, requests Variances of Development
Standards of the Old Meridian District of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance for the establishment of a mixed
use commercial office park located at approximately 1304 West Main Street, Carmel, Indiana, in
accordance with the site plan filed with this Application.
Details of Variance Requests:
Detailed Description of Request
Meridian Heights Associates, LLC
Variances of Development Standards
for Meridian Main II
1. Required:
Section 20G.04.02, A Street and Alley Standards: All streets must accommodate on- street parking.
The North -South Drive and Pennsylvania Parkway are classified as proposed urban collector streets
in the Transportation Plan of the Carmel Comprehensive Plan. The Carmel Engineering Department
has not planned for on- street parking for either street. The variance request is to not require on-
street parking on either street within the Meridian and Main II development.
2. Required:
Section 20G.05.04, B, (2) Front Setback: Maximum of twenty (20) feet.
From the conceptual Site Plan filed with this variance request, Building 9A has a proposed setback
of 53.39 feet from the North -South Drive. This setback is requested to provide greater visibility at
the intersection of Pennsylvania Way and North -South Drive. The variance request is to permit a
setback of 54.00 feet from North -South Drive for Building 9A as shown on the filed site plan.
3. Required:
Section 2.09 Compliance with the Thoroughfare Plan.
The North -South Drive and Pennsylvania Parkway are classified as proposed urban collector streets
in the Transportation Plan of the Carmel Comprehensive Plan requiring the following: a minimum
right -of -way width of sixty -six (66) feet; maximum of four (4) lanes; minimum lane width of eleven
(11) feet; with optional on- street parking. The variance request is to permit the North -South Drive
and Pennsylvania Parkway to be constructed with a fifty (50) foot right -of -way width; two (2) lanes;
each lane with a width of thirteen (13) feet; and no on- street parking (see variance request above).
History and Details:
The Applicant is currently developing the Meridian Main business park and will develop the proposed
mixed use park, Meridian Main II. The two developments will be physically connected with the
installation of Pennsylvania Way and will also be developed in a similar manner to have the appearance
of one larger, comprehensively planned development.
BDDBOI 6889228v2