HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationOOC .T.O. ..... . . SDR . (information above t~ be completed by DepartmeN of Community Services) CiTY OF CARMEL AND .CLAY TOWNSHIP D,epartment of Community Services ' D~vtsion of Planning & Zoning SITE PLAN & DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION & PROCEDURES Residential.' $125.00 Commercial: $350.0 PREP~TION ~D ~PROV~ PR~EDURE FOR THE CITY OF C~MEL & C~Y TOWNSHIP __ , H~ILTON COUNt, INDIA " ~pli~t Name:_ ~ ~'7 g:~/, ~ ,, . _ - Appli~nt Email Addr~s: ...... , ....--. , P~o~~ .~ ~~.~ ' /:~ . / ' / s~'~ ~~ -~ ~~ , ..... ' ....................... '- of filer: /.~ ~. ;, "; ....... Signature (Printed Name) .THIS PROCESS MUST BE CO.-M-.PLETE IBEFOR~_.:.AN !M. PROyEME. NT LOCATION pERMIT, I/IVI,L~ BE ISSUED. This checklist I,~ to 13e followed in filing a petition. The Department will review each item to ensure it is complete. The- application will not be considered filed with the Department until all items are oomplete. Y-- No Petitioners shall oonlact the Planning & Zoning Division of the Deparl~ent of Community Services (Planning Department) to schedule a pm-application <=onference, during which the petitioners will be advised of the details of the review procedures. It shall be the responsibility of the petitioner to become familiar with the .regulations, policies and procedures of the CRy. If desired, a copy of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance may be purchased from the Planning Department. Review the document carefully. At the pm-application conference, the petitioner shall designate one rmntaet person to work with the P!anning Department for the duration of the project, Contact: Department of Community Services City Ha~l, Third Floor One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Telephone: 317/571-2417 Yea No .B. asicproiect information. iii , i i iJ ii i ,~ i ~ iiii .... ii1[~ ii, ii Tax ID Number: ....... / ~m¢o~ ~: ........... ~'/~~-~ ...................................................... Please check appropriate box: New Construction O Renovation/Addition YeS No Re(~qrded.deed ,pr reGp~ed land co,,ntract, Must be the most recent recorded deed. Yes No ~.tter of C~..,. n_sent, tf you am leasing, buying on contmGt, or petitioning for property that is not legally in your name, the owner of the property must sign a letter giving his or her consent for the petition. Yes No ~xistlna Features, & 51te An ,alvslSPian, Please prov'de us with: two (2) print copies of your property survey or site plan, accurately drawn to sc, ale, and one legible reduction at either 8.5" x 11" or 11" x 17" suitable for photocopying. The site plan must illustrate: I. The subject property; 2. The location of all existing and proposed buildings, Mructures and improvements to be made to the subject property, including drainage and erosion control facilities and features; 3. Accurate dimensions of the parcel, buildings, parking areas and ingress/egress driveways; 4. Location, owner of record, zoning and use of adjacent properties, including the location, size and use of all structures within fifty (50) feet of the subject property;, 5. .LocatiOn, right-of-waY and pavement width"d all streets adjacent to the subject property;, and 6. Proposed connections to public utilities. 7. Looation, size and type of all existing landscaping on the property. Yes No ~e~ea.Man. Please provide us with two (2) copies of an area or ¢;ontext map that shows the location of the subject property/the locations of public and utility facilities and the relationship of the subject property to the thoroughfare plans for the area. Yes No ~rc;hltec~!,,Desian. kands.C, auina; Liqhtin.~ Ired, sia. nafle !nformatlon. For residential and commemial projects: 1. Two (2) copies of building elevations including dimensions, roarer'mis, colors and signage. 2. Two (2) copies of additional information as requested by the Department. Additional information required for commercial proje,~'ts: 1. . . Two (2) copies of the lighting plan indicating location of existing and proposed lighting standards, the type and size of fixtures, and foot-candle limits. Two (2) copies of the landscaping plan Indicating the location of plantings, types and sizes of plartting~, planting details, and mounding locations and details. Two (2) c, opie~ of the signage plan indicating the location, size, materials and colors of any proposed signs. 2o~ 3 EVALUATING YOUR PETITION · .e~,l ,~ ,.. ~ee,, ~-i ,1 ,,~ .,eel .. ~..,, ,~,~,, ~ · ~te.., ,1 ,~-,*e... ~. ~1,11 e~e, ,,, ,~e, .1, ,e~-~ ,, ,~.. I~, ,,t~, ~ ,t,e-,1-. *1~-, · e,,,,, ,e~e e.,, i,, ~ ~.e, 1.., ... el., .~.. ·, Ii,e, Se~'fion 23D.4 (B.C) of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinanc, e states: Review of the Application and Supporting Documents and Materials by the Director; Following the receipt of the written application and requirecl supporting information by the Director, the DlreGtor shall review the materials for the sole purpose of determining whether the application is complete and In technical compliance with all applicable ordinances, laws and regulations. If the materials submitted by the applicant are not oomplete or do not comply with the necessary legal requirements, the Director shall inform the applicant of the (leficien(~ies in saicl materials. Unless anti until the Director formally accepts the application as complete and in legal compliance, it shall not be considered aa formally filed for the purpose of prbceeding to succeecling steps toward approval as hereinafter set forth. e Within ten (10) days of the formal eCCel)tance of the application by the Director, he shall formally approve, cleny, or request additional information about the petition. A=orova[or Denial_of tl~e A.~i~:ati~n bv theCommls~on. 1. An approved Site Plan & Design Review petition shall 13e valid for two (2) years from the date of approval. If construction of the building(s) has (have) not started Bt the end of the two (2) year period, the Site Plan & Design Review request must be re-submitted to the Director. 1 If an approved Site Plan & Design Review petition is (are) substantially altered, re-submittal to the Director f~r approval is required. , If the petition is denied by the Director, the Director shall provide the applicant with a copy of said reasons, if requested. , The applicant may appeal the decision of the Director, as specified in Chapter 30. Z:~cs~.~a~ORMS~=C AI3pltcalien$ - current~tte Plan Dealge Review 2004.rtl · . . . ' · ~ no~ ~ov~ te~ of ~a~ . CE~TIFIEO: O3/24/92 / / / / / / / - ii iii_ i m I mill ~ IJ_ · I / / / / / rofter fi~ offic fir. ~ill pit. Left ?_levotion scale. 1/~" -- 1' ..... ! , m Imm I I ! I x I x I x I x I x first floor line .j h~e~der height sill pit. Right ~ca~: 1/4" evation' 11. of joist5 of plate of sill Rear Elevation II I ii · i ..... I I I I I .. I header h~ght roof 12 rcrfter ti~ ~- top of joists '~op ot PIate t..o.p of .sill Front F_lcvation ~c, ole. 1/4' = 1'