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203219 10/26/2011
(9) CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 140300 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE I.C.O. TRAINING FUND INC CHECK AMOUNT: $136.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 IDNR, LAW ENF DIVISION 402 W WASHINGTOKRM C255 CHECK NUMBER: 203219 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 CHECK DATE: 10/26/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 210 5023990 136.00 OTHER EXPENSES IDNR, LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION October 6,2011 CLAIM FOR r LAVA/ ENFORCEMENT CONTINUING EDUCATION FEES N 317- 232 -4011 On Account of Appropriation Make Check Payable To: For: Conservation Officers I.C.O. Training Fund Training Fund (I.C. 5- 2 -8 -7) IDNR Law Enforcement Division 402 W. Washington St., RM W255D Indianapolis, IN 46204 COURT NAME: Carmel City' COURT TYPE: Ci Court INDIANA CONSERVATION OFFICERS CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM Billing Period: 9/01/2011 thur 9/30/2011 TOTAL CAUSE NUMBERS (INDIVIDUALLY LISTED ON ATTACHED SHEET(S) FOR WHICH A LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTINUING EDUCATION FEE WAS COLLECTED) $0.00 $0.00 1 $3.00 $3.00 32 $4.00 $12 i $5.00 $5A0 TOTAL CLAIMED $136.00 Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of I.C. 5- 11 -10 -1. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has b pa'd. J A A l� IDNR Law Enfor6ement Division Director Disbursement Summary INSUPREMEPRO 6, N D Collection Date Range: 09/01/2011 09/30/2011 Draft Copy Carmel City Court Carmel City Court Trust Account City of Carmel O o 4. '1 f`l_ "-t r �"'T"c.f r ."_','._`fj- 'F_• 1 1 "'_"c 7 1, 1r �l ill trZ u n r_ 1 Collection Previous Escrow Escrow Disbursement Code Word Description Amount Escrow Deductions Held Amount DNRCR Department of Natural Re sources 3( 0 131.001 0.00 131.00 0.00 0.00 Collection Previous Escrow Escrow Disbursement `x Amou E scro w Deductio H eld Amount '1 t ±f 1 d 1 L.°� 131 -00 0.00 131.00 0.00 0.00 Escrow Deduction Detail Case Number Case Style C ode D Amount 921 7 t !29H01 "080 -IF- 003782 L ;St of:lndlana;vs IKeVIn M See DNR G a .0 -�9 z- 4�, >,{Dr t_m e ntof,. N atural �R es our ces 29H01- 1106 -IF- 002373 State of Indiana vs. Robert Rose DNRCR Department of Natural Resources 4.00 y29H01 41 IF002�7i82 fa of Indl a9aty hernM ors De artm ent'of Nata ruo c Y y ,,�rl y ._L gam,_ 1 .,ti.,_:, �,p w� 9 eS 29H01- 1107 -IF- 002914 State of Indiana vs. Myron Turner, Jr. DNRCR Department of Natural Resources 4.00 err :yt_.o..".- 1 Ar- ..s�"r :•s ?T- -.+°_q 29H01 �1,1;07 1F OQ2974 i s Adam(Bronst_rug DNRC De partment �ofiNat 29H01- 1107 -IF- 002979 State of Indiana v Andr Manning DNRCR Department of Natural Resources 4.00 t �29H01;,1r1,g7 IF�0 02989_ r �Sta teJ�of Indian 'Jason DN Department a (Res es �3 F: 'y am C J,- r:m°._.h 29H01- 1107 -IF- 003002 State of Indiana vs. Bradley Cohee DNRCR Department of Natural Resourc 4.00 P2 9H01' 1 ;1 7'21F =0 30 0 31 �,�E 7--T -c-< t• 4_c State�of�l o diana�vs �MICHAEL MCMILLEN .1DNRCR :��De ert�o�f Nafu allResourc 29H01- 1107 -IF- 003215 State of Indiana vs. Brian Reed DNRCR Department of Natural Resources 4.00 �29H0�'1` 1`Or7 IF' 00 21'8 State of: Indiana vsx James' KIe n DN 9� o u _,p. 9,_. RCR, Depaitrnent�of�Natu�al Resources 7,4 LOO 29H01- 1107 -IF- 003234 State of Indiana vs. Clayton Wilmot DNRCR Department of Natural Resources 4.00 v....•r< J.� _r 1 W- t .29H0,1 1r107: IF,003356 y Statof Indlanays .�ShetlaYQulgley `DNRCRt W_ 2 9 Resorces r k `l x 0 29H01- 1107 -IF- 003358 State of Indiana vs. Yi Ni DNRCR Department of Natural Resourc 4.00 t29H 1107 -1F 0 03360 Stat of Intl nia a vs`,Jarrie "s Petrows_ki Jll _a _ll RCR ©epaitment,�of. N at_ ural Reso p 29H01- 1107 -IF- 003363 State of Indiana vs. Jason Siefert DNR Department of Natural Resource ~W' 4.00 29H0:1 1:1'0,7'IF State�of l_ridianas�vs R an TeterA DNRCR l FR, N ,Y `T. r 1Depa_rtme h- ONa esource 29H01- 1108 -IF- 003636 State of Indiana vs. Julian Diaz Gonzalez DNRCR Department of Natural Resources -0 p 4.00 29H` -1408 IF 00 37589 eS ateaof, Intllana vs 1Da_niellTip.lick„ IU DNRCR; L' fir? De 'artment oY f Natural; Resou�c9s; F .9 P --_S. 29H01- 1108 -IF- 003787 State of Indiana vs. Shoaibullah Rasouli DN Department of Natural Resources 4.00 29H01 "1i;1 "08 =1F- 003 79.01 -::`r� JState of,lntllana�us Blake Bonei °DNRCR "TS "i De "artment:i ofTNattri "fal 's'" ._3 E r•: ti R a -I a _�a 4.007 Printed on 10/04/2011 at 1:55 pm Page 1 of 3 Disbursement Summary INSUPREMEPRO i, D Collection Date Range: 09/01/2011 09/3012011 Draft Copy Carmel City Court Carmel City Court Trust Account City of Carmel Escrow Deduction Detail Case Number Case Style Code Description Amount 29H01- 1108 -IF- 003902 State of Indiana vs. Melito Lopez- Bautista DNRCR Department of Natural Resources 4.00 29H0 1;1 State .oftlndana "i Q,NRCR ::.r „�De art p- ;ment 29H01- 1108 -IF- 003926 State of Indiana vs. Katrina Myers DNR CR Depa of Natural Resources 4.00 r -7--- Y ----h- F29 .HOr1.= 11,08, IE,0- Q397�0`, Sta fetof� lndl anaw s .,!D tD De a rt rneritoflNatural'Resource r__ 29H01- 1108 -IF- 003971 State of India vs David H DNRCR Department of Natural Resour 4.00 9H0�1 :`8, +108 4F T tSfate of Ind (M ra kfAndersoni L NRCR; �De iNatural lResources r p 29H01- 1108 -IF- 004147 State of Indiana vs. Gayle Pugh DNRCR Department of Natural Resources 4.00 29H0 11 11 :1'08'9F 004150 _St t e of Indianaws Micha� ul r C,_ I, I t t s(D.NRCRt iD epartmen t� of Na_tural,lResources t �'0 29H01- 1108 -IF- 004177 State of Indiana vs. Jay Pippen DNRCR Department of Natural Resources 4.00 O" 29H01. IF.004.7,59, lndlana v s: F DN RCFR. De artment 9fo Na Ut ral Re ources W r I?. M 14_.00a 29H01- 1109 -IF- 004872 State of Indiana vs. Jeffrey Weston DNRCR Department of Natura Res ources 4.00 29 H01,- 9 0- Q�1108 {Sta ln dianamtus: Ari'thon, ..T DNRCR a rtmenti of Natu Reso w t Y t x1 Total: 131.00 Printed on 10/04/2011 at 1:55 pm Page 2 of 3 Disbursement Summary |NSUPREK8EPRO Collect Date Range: oom1oo11 09o012011 Draft C opy Carmel City Court Recipient (+)Collection Previous Escrow (-)EooroxxHeld Disbursement Amount Escrow Deductions Amount Total 131.00 0.00 131.00 O'DO 0.00 Printed on 10/04/2011 at 1 �55 pm Page 3 of 3 Deferral By Agency (Payments) Carmel City Court September 2011 Agency Department of Natural Resources Case Number Defendant Amount 29H01- 1108 -IF- 004401 Lucas, Travis M. $170.00 Sub Total: $170.00 Page 2 of 3 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. PWee J6 X, 11 cQi/ Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 0.41, Total ,3(o.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. D O�-ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF a (�dssD o o ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 l z Q-- Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund