HomeMy WebLinkAbout203056 10/25/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351017 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 664117 CHECK AMOUNT: $473.75 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 CHECK NUMBER: 203056 CHECK DATE: 10/25/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 510573817200 250.00 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 S10578911100 152.11 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 510587848510 22.75 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 510591810800 48.89 OTHER EXPENSES 11788 SALESPERSON SHIP viA DA TE KEVIN R FORD WC51 WILL -CALL KEN RHODES FISHERS 317 598 -6170 09/01/11 o•� o e AMO lea lea NEWA 71C9395 152.11 lea 152.11 0779516 -201 VEEDEROOT HOUR METER KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" Billing Questions: Billing—request@kirbyrisk.com (765) 446 -3054 909120111:19:45 PM S105'r89111.001 Invoice Number S105789111.001 Subtotal 152.11 S &H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 10/01/11. SaleS_T.ax n.nn TERMS AND (IF SALl", AEAEPTAN(T 0FTflL(;0(')DS PFRClf, ON THIS INVOICE, CONSTITU'l ES AND 4CCEPTNNCT 0lzTlJP,T'l �,",ONDVHOS OFSALF 'f'OUCH FOLLOW: (11 Sluck!OcrchaWse i,mQumuieumn skip, No go r'iai' b�" 1 "Aumt a Atphg tidef Nllenland& is nu lonunalle aww"s us can lnnrc fcoryl wo vendor, AK c stw=' .i.Kl YVM> Oul 01 A! PIMM'Is W juxXisand "wims Amu MOP SQ1,2-v Pkin no ,Kpo:_ wountV4 PlYied tYDTTwRs of nonlonuATA) and Way for an pinkuLar rurox-." (4) 10: Cumnsu poes that S vi dl iwl A Q wq tiwnquouil i 0 _Orhui w A a rimn�� `Vyi my cann iNsodutcd 10 ?c goods jora vwd lroni Wor, 11C9 Mcm Swo do nQ 'whidu So no Mwy tawt �:qKno( m, tho w 0 wood- 1 Y inix o n rOW OPMA UPM' N '�—v "AWHOO i—Y allol 1 PC AM= fit WIN i h -i �i �"t i"MM&W S not WA 1 ao"W& An OMTqW.1 "UJinw:' (M Wuy in DrF"x3—. Xdbi Y mq a IS: acumnASO hir &KI, in ShwT, occoRmad by nc M (Wd oi MhOr WWWWWWO OW W)UP ScHar has ini RuL comnA, li,.cwry oi ave 0" NXI wSLOO. 1 1 lyr slakV, Mi in M) Oxw A& 0111cii in qwoial "nn �i i <'nly (7) Waiver— 10 Wore of SAlar u) Wpm ufxni An jxnlwmwoA"i`:iii k w Tnw,x umdyan unW nlraCt 4"" hi an, 1 M� POWMAM SIT nN he Wnwd W he a WV0 cr Mch WIMM" sr r1h; in the 141MV. Mu W11 0 bc 6unind W bc 4 WOW &W or J) AlWAAaMni M lirms and (%Wms No Awns W """AWMS othi Th �c "Ind in anyway pyq(will �ri ihi.-scumv orconldw,4 vAH Q RWAY on SAO DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUSTOMER NUMBER RELEASE.NUMBER 11788 PT0922 -11 A 41E NUMBER SALESPERSON SHIP V14 'ORDERED KEVIN R FORD 23 INDIANAPOLIS BRIAN TOLAN FISHERS 317 598 -6170 09/23/11 DESCRIPTION lea lea T &B IHE 512.63 100ea 5.13 1G BLANK EXTENSION RING lea lea HUBB GF20LA 9.34 lea 9.34 20A 125V COMM LED GFCI, BR lea lea T &B CKNM 636.88 100ea 6.37 1GANG COVR,NM,VERT,PAD LOCKBLE lea lea EGS 4CSE1 /2 191.47 100ea 1.91 4X2 -1/21D HANDYBOX Billing Questions: Billing (765) 446 -3054 Invoice Number S105878485.001 Subtotal 22.75 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 10/23/11. 7 Sales Tax 0.00 09 23 11 na a Date 22.75 Pr me imp' e 0004:0004 Kerby Risk Pagel of 1 TERMS AND COINDITION'S OF SALE ACCTPTANUE OFTHU", GOODS PUR(WASED M '1 INVOICE, C(INSTITU"IT'S kND ACCEPTANCE (IF THETERMSAND CONDITHIP,',S OF SAL1 1`01,1,0W (11 Stock MerchmaUse is subjec. to u return Mula. No good nuy be rourryj VOW a Yappky 14M a'tnlif) cr and pri,a (2) A&WAock Merchandise in noraurnahk we MU "MuW a Wotarn,, 'Good' Auth,rriiy"huin Mo vendor, (3 rhe (Incinrur <mj ugmes in; Al pumhawn of pHxk aud tni wus him, Sdin, SdJur �'os no "s: ""Tanlit r irnpliod my! Wrinss for an, natkidar A 1 he CUNRYMer lanyoN that 01a V 0d! lKq LW KNOW jor alb' WOMIUC,11thd domages ari', nnm 07-own n"Wony 0 V K ;woo 1 a n� kw VMM K- ks (5) Taxeg Vrr""' s �nclude sulsN or wher taxQx KIrowd on th s -no 1v o; hmsfin Qmwd upm Kv or sh"rrwnln wK [w Wal to bo pinvilasc prhy. Hi )wr ojwv; to rcimburne S Aw wy Y"h w, or pnnUnKhr mAh anymbie mx awnpIon cxWkwo, (6) jkWY in DeAcry SAW is not to to am-M& Rg Mg, hi d"'livery by o) Wer arcurromous overwhkt ScUr fun in cinct eomrrL lWory whiqnsm or dehver�, Jlai� are 0 esthnn""'tc"" ",I (3t. supplierR and in no cwo shJ1 SeRn W Mic Or any coinqum ii: l ges ari n�3, frunn any dciav i'i dehvc�ry, lWiver The RAW of SAW to "Nist upon On per Musmo Wany of Tc runn, oralmh6aw of this ,conimcl or .o o-�cn mV 6#A hwqmW WK no he Wnwi to ho a ush or of uwh to wn, col�ditioai or r ti in be hou" nwokii! I ho (kented to W a oxiivor of any Mer LEI' w, condWon, or und'n (8) NOWMeation of Terms and (AmMms —TO, tenns and cWwwo orhu Oun low stmad krub° of no agwornom cw undmomndfn`l_ in any nov ruqKwling to nvdify We ternm or xm(WAys, WH be "Titten eouxeni.. 112680 WARRANT ALLOWED Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER IN SUM OF CITY OF CARMEL ELECTRICAL SUPPLY 1 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where _IS, IN 46266 WATER i performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, OPERATIONS price per unit, etc. Payee gel Water Utility 351017 T OF APPROPRIATION FOR KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 10/18/2011 Board members Invoice Invoice Description ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code I Date Number (or note attached,invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/18/201' 105789111.1 $152.11 .1 01- 6200 -04 $152.11 o, (-Ztb'U. aa�s I i r Total "7� I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ger classification if hicle highway fund Date Officer DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUST s NUMBER RELEASE NUMBER 74918 MAINT SHOP ••D PHO MARK MORRIS PK PICK -UP JOE FISHERS 317 598 -6170 07/12/11 ••D e AMO lea lea SELE BUKPRL4FD 225.00 lea 225.00 BREAKER HARDWARE KIT KRPNM SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY"' 6 es�e Billing Questions: Billing (765) 446 -3054 Invoice Number S105738172.001 Subtotal 225.00 S&H Charges 25.00 Invoice is due by 08/31/11. Sales Tax 0.00 v 250.00 0001:0002 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERNIS AND CONDITIONTS OF SALLE ACCEPTANCE QFTHE GOODS PURCHASED ON THIS INVOICE CONSTITUTES AND ACCEPTANCE FTH ETER N1 S AN[>U>NBKTIONSK}F SALE WHICH ImLU.OW. (D Stock NAemuhamdise isu/bjc4(ou /alum xhurgo IogonUx cnuyhu /uvmrd xiUhoWushtping|ickct uod/orinvn�c nnmho xod phnrundxx�zuhoo- (Z) Non-Stock N not zxmnublexnlcss secure x (luudsAu(hocdy`from Uwvuodw (3) T Cugumermckuuv1edgeuundagmm Unit inuUporcbac otpouds and wrOcy hum Se&zSeller no o ��numi�y� or implied tvununl7ax n[merzhunmhiTyand Goess k/rany paitculur puq?uae. (4) Ile Cuxk/merxgree^ that S:|i:r xil| no1bV liub|* ovuny nnJ inddcnual arising 1iumuoy,uoseuoxodomd�Vid/chr� purchased frum8cOec (5) Uaey Pries shown Jnno| include xo|o,or taxeuhnposodmn the ^alrwf goods, Txxexnewor bc/�u�rr\mpomdupousalexorxbipnxxo swill bc added md`opnn:huxop6cun Bupnugrccxm rcim|`ur'rSc||c,[nr ally svchmxorymxiJe Seller *ithocrz�p/oh|e tax :x:mpbonor,t.ifirme, (h) Delay in Delivery SAW is not to be awounutble hu dclays ut delivery occas byacts of (Iod or o/hrr circuomunu�u°,�rwhioh syle/.huy oo direct Control. Fu,ua/y shiVmont or delivery date, uo the best cAhmucsuf our suppliers, and i000 caw xboDSdicrbeUublcfnrauy or squid Jumugzz fnxo any dduy ill dJivcry� (7) Wuiv:r—TbcWuueo[8diormWiorupuothepcdtoonuuc:o[uoynfUnrmusorcnndibou»u[chiy c0000c/ or w cwrckr uoy 60h9 humundcr MhaU not he daommj to h— u n[axb uanns` 000dibonsor fight iuUuto|mc. nor sha i|hedecmmlmbcawovKnrn[ any other t,�nocnodhon.ur ri�htoodcr this cnu�m�L (8) 'vlu«6ficudoumfTerms and CnndUMoe—No»crm& and unndA6ouxodwralundmvcoouu|hcrciu.and uoug,roumoxz or- oodcmmndinyio any *uy purporting m modify (hexruxmvorooudidoos.aba!|hc DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT ,�CUST OMEIR 74918 LARRY SHIP VI SALESPERSON A TE MARK S BAYS PK PICK -UP LARRY FISHERS 317 598 -6170 10/12/11 DESCRIPTION NIT EXT M NT CASH DISC ORDER Q 24ea 24ea T &B 6H 127.45 100ea 30.59 0.61 SPLIT -BOLT BRONZE 6ea 6ea T &B 2H 243.02 100ea 14.58 0.29 SPLIT -BOLT BRONZE 6ea 6ea EGS RW200 -150 62.02 100ea 3.72 0.07 2X1 -1/2 RED WASH Billing Questions: Billing (765) 446 -3054 10112120118.38.10 AM s105919108.001 Invoice Number S105918108.001 Subtotal 48.89 If paid by 11/10/11 you may deduct $0.97 S &H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 11/30/11 net of any cash discount. Sales Taxi 0.00 LARRY now f rom 48.89 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 EXAM k )1 0 TERNIS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE' MATIPTANCE WTHE GOODS PTIRCHASI'D ON JIM INVOTCE CONSTITUITY.S AND ACTEPTANC1 TFIMS AND CT)NDITIONS (11 SALURMAI FOIJAYW: t 1 Stuck Merchandise is stAqui 10 N rMn MTO No pKQ usay he r6mmud "Vout a duppig IkKI and""or invoico (2) on -Stock is no raturnable niMn mT can socurc Cioods IN! (3) The Qmncr aanowledge�ond �';grcc� IJUH in A! pumhanz Wgmws and aTows cum selon sellet no o�pross Nvarranlit:�' or Irlphod w: of nmakanlAdity and Wasn Rw any pw&odar puqxne. to W (101MIer agwm am! SOW "01 not 1v HOW QK any C01WqWDtia1 i W! a nt in: P AW, rukn"�! :P"n yyp� Wes lw="s �ho"vn d'o not irc4du sales m AS; taxes 1RIX"Od on we 4r) f' oCYOW T.Cs now ot h("reod`ter ifnposod upo tialcs E will to added to Ow pmUmn ?Tian 1hyx agaA io Sojel :or ant i (uch provi(Je %vilh acc=T.;:lble tax cer!ificai it) Orin v in I river, SH Or A mq n) he anowkAW hg 1 OLIN S k 1 dch %1"T 0a KOM by ;W of God 01 `is s M 0"A "t wh Sd I" has m d ir, i conA MY, shfumm on do Wny too an the W. cy i ibuos :9 not supp! iers. and in 110 CIS C Shn H sclie'r be I 1br any 0i Sj)CUj.Ji ')y n" ".0 �w) ant del doli%'ny M Wdver 1W laHure of Worm haim upon dw jmUnnancs oWay 01 UIC MEN A COMM, uf (his 1'nn"Ci o" to niq dglq hut, under AnT im he &vms! bo a vmhoi M smh ,YrRlohnis or right W be Wim, on MU 0 lon to be waiver of any mhei term, ctnKhoun. or rQTt JWRW this COMM M 31KWUMOMI 41'erms and (It ditions -No lams and cnmjdon ,.)I-hcr Juai flx):es(wicd heioin. and Ful agroctnent or umOrstamEnp in any Nay INngwit, U) npKil these wnnk a comMkm& shall he hinding on SAW withna SaWs 4 Htwn conwm. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351017 KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 10/19/2011 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/19/201' S105738172. $250.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 116066 WARRANT ALLOWED 351017 IN SUM OF KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code S105738172.1 01- 7202 -06 $250.00 S I dSgl� 1 08.0 1 g q Ii I Lb 0 Voucher Total2�9-6� Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund