HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC 11-15-11111F CA M City of arme �NUTAKA PLAN COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA NOVEMBER 15, 2011 Time Location 6:00 PM, City Hall Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 Aaenda Items: A. Call Meeting to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call D. Declaration of Quorum E. Approval of Minutes F. Communications, Bills, Expenditures Legal Counsel Report G. Reports, Announcements Department Concerns The Commission needs to vote whether or not to suspend its Rules of Procedure regarding item H.3- Gramercy; 10 days prior public notice was made (per State Statute), but not the 25 days prior. H. Public Hearings TABLED to DEC. 20: Docket No. 11070022 Z: CoCo Commons PUD Rezone 146` /Towne. eefnef f ,46- 2. Docket No. 11080018 DP /ADLS: The Bridges PUD HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital. The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a rehabilitation facility/hospital on 6.5 acres. The site is located at approximately 11405 Springmill Rd. and is zoned PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Elizabeth Liles Mann of HealthSouth. Docket No. 11100022 DP /ADLS: Gramercy PUD (Mohawk Hills Redevelopment). The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a multifamily apartments infill and rehabilitation project on 116.4 acres. The site is located at approximately 751 E. 126"' Street, at the southwest corner of 126"' St. and Keystone Pkwy. The site is zoned PUD /Planned Unit Development. Filed by Matthew Griffm of Buckingham Companies. I. Old Business 1. BOTH TABLED to DEC. 20: Docket No. 10110012 DP /ADLS: Legacy PUD Turkey Hill Minit Market. 2. Docket No. 10110013 ZW: fmnt yard building setbaek. The site is leea4ed a4 77-29 E. 146 St. (a4 Rivef Rd.) aiid is i-�eiied J. New Business K. Adjournment F&TC- 2011- 1115.doc WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV PAGE 1 of 1 317 571 -2417