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176654 09/02/2009
ti a CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358491 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE ARAB TERMITE PEST CONTROL t CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 4035 MILLERSVILLE ROAD CHECK AMOUNT: $351.00 a INDIANAPOLIS IN 46205 CHECK NUMBER: 176654 CHECK DATE: 9/2/2009 DEPART ACCO PO NUMBER I N UMBER AM OUNT DESCRIPT 1047 4350900 72724 75.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1120 4350900 80529 30.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1120 4350900 80530 46.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1120 4350900 80553 30.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1120 4350900 80554 30.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1207 4350900 81959 80.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1120 4350900 82126 30.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1120 4350900 82127 30.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES �sEE,BUG f a.• ARAB TERMITE PEST CONTROL, INC. CALL i INDIANAPOLIS (317) 545 -1275 GREENWOOD (317) 888 -1999 4035 MILLERSVILLE ROAD ANDERSON (765) 642 -4208 .,INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 MARION (765) 664 -6812 Ameriepn Owned pnd Operated Since 1929 Iwww.seeabug.net MUNCIE (765) 282 -7600 p. Service Location: MONON CENTER PARK INVOICE 1 SERVICE TICKET P.O. No: 1235 CENTRAL PARK E SERVICE DESCRIPTION I� �GHAR -GEC Previous Balance �G (j U. 225.00 CARMEL IN' 46032 201 -PEST CONTROL 75.00 Phone No: 848 -7275 573 -5254 Customer No: 2001347 Sales Tax 0.00 Invoice No: 72724 300.00 Total Due Date: 07/15/2009 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Refer a Friend RLr*vfl INvo rName P.O. A Pb4F r-- Phone No. G. L. ;Street Address Budget A 'Cit IStatelZi lane Descr E r G Q 6 2009 y P Purchaser Date 'My NamelAccount No.�, i i Approval Date Mateiriah /.Product EPA# Qty COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS f �tl l2rr. 1�clr{UII.4�> t'hT�Ej' Tlzf T9 £�C�t ✓�srvi rsZC 06 Greg Dalton Route,�No. Technician's Name Technician's License Number 07/15/2009 Time In t(9�30 Time Out Date Services Completed Satisfactorily (sign below) Technician's Signature Customer's Sign ature 7�7 Seri( *d*@pR PARK Please tear off and send all payments to: 1235 CENTRAL PARK E ARAB Termite and Pest Control Inc. Payment Collected Date CARMEL IN 46032 4035 Millersville Road Indianapolis, IN 46205 Pd I] Cash Check# 2001347 Tech Signature Customer No: 72724 Invoice No: Total This Invoice: 07/15/2009 Total Due Balance: Date' 848 -7275 573 -5254 Billing Phone No: Total Due: MONON CENTER PARK This bill is due and payable upon receipt. 1235 CENTER PARK E A service charge of 1' /z% per month will be CARMEL IN 46032 charged on accounts past 30 days. 07/08/2009 RETURNED CHECKS WILL INCUR A FEE. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 358491 Arab Termite Pest Control, Inc. Date Due 4035 Millersville Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46205 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 7/15/09 72724 Pest control MC 75.00 Total 75.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. Allowed 20 358491 Arab Termite Pest Control, Inc. 4035 Millersville Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46205 In Sum of 75.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 104 Program fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1047 72724 4350900 75.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 27 -Aug 2009 Signature 75.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund SEE A'BUG ARAB TERMITEA PEST CONTROL, INC. ••CALL INDIANAPOLIS 317 545 -1275 GREENWOOD 317 888 -1999 PAR= 4035 MILLERSVILLE ROAD ANDERSON (765) 642 -4208 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 MARION (765) 664 -6812 American Owned and Operated Since 1929 www.seeabug.net MUNCIE (765) 282 -7600 Service Location: BROOKS HIRE.GOLF INVOICE 1 SERVICE TICKET P.O. No: 12120 BROOKSHIRE PKWY SERVICE DESCRIPTION CHARGES Previous Balance CARMEL IN 46033 k 201 -PEST CONTROL R 80.00- Phone N o: 846 -7431 ti 2001409 Sales Tax C' Q 0.0 0 ,a Customer.No: 81959 Invoice No: Total Due 160:00 Date: 08/2:/2009 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Re xl e LOG BOOK, :Name CLUB HOUSE, PRO-SHOP' ,Y ,Phone No. MARCH NOVEMBER ,Street Address City /StatelZip 'My Name /Account No. Material Product EPA Qty COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS s 01 Dwight Hamilton 1 2 f9 .2-Ml Route No. Technician's Name Technician's License Number 1 Time Ih r 6 5., Jime 08/24/2009 Out Date Services Completed Satisfactorily (sign bel Technician's Signature Customer's Signature X f/ S e M ks';AROLF CLUB Please tear off and send all payments to; 12120 BROOKSHIRE PKWY ARAB Termite and Pest Control Inc. Payment Collected Date CARMEL. IN 46033 4035 Millersville Road Indianapolis, IN 46205.. Pd cash ❑Check# f 2001409 Tech Signature Customer No: 81959 Invoice No: Total This Invoice: 08/24/2009 Date. 846 -7431 PAUL BLOC K 16000 Past Due Balance: Billing Phone No' Total Due: BROOKSHIRE GOLF CLUB This bill is due and payable upon receipt. 12120 BROOKSHIRE PKWY A service charge of 1'Y2% per month will be CARMEL IN 46033- charged on accounts past 30 days. 08/11/2009 RETURNED CHECKS WILL INCUR A FEE. r cribel by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 4 Purchase Order No. j2 +o Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Total 0 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10-1.6. 2fl Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF A), ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Zap Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. n I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2 Sri bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 6 i natur Cost distribution ledger classification if itle claim paid motor vehicle highway fund EE,4BUG ri ARABgERMITE PEST CONTROL, -INC. 'INDIANAPOLIS (317) 545 -1275 s:' IGREENWOOD (317) 888 -1999 4035 MILLERSVILLE ROAD ANDERSON (765) 642 -4208 Anw INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 MARION,. -(765) 664 =6812 American Owned and Operated Since 1929 www.seeabug.net MUNCIE (765) 282 -7600 Service Location: 1 CARMEL FIRE DEPT 443 INVOICE 1 SERVICE TICKET P.O. No: 12so2 3242 E 106TH ST SERVICE DESCRIPTION CHARGES CARMEL IN 46033 Previous Balance r 90.00 201 -PEST CONTROL 30 Phone No: 571 -2631 -2001 131 Sales Tax 0.00 m Custoer No: 4 8053 Invoke No: Total Due 120.00 Date: o8�a.2/2009 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT LEAVE INVOI PO# 12502 T :Name SIGN LOGBOOK ,Phone No. ENTRANCES, KITCHEN, BREAK ROOM, Street Address RR, FOOD STORAGE, DINING AND OTHER City /Statelzip AREA'S UPON REQUEST :My Name /Account No. Material /,,product EPA Qty COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS r l 01 Dwight Hamilton Route No. Technician's Name Technician's License Number i 7 2 2 Y V r .08/.-1 >2 /2-009 Time In Time Out 2 Date 7,17y 9 Services Completed Satisfactoril (si n below) r Technician's Signature, /�1 Customer's Signature X SeNA+MMMQBMIMEPT #43 Please tear off and send all payments to: 3242 E 106TH ST ARAB Termite and Pest Control Inc. Payment Collected, Date CARMEL IN 46033 4035 Millersville Road Indianapolis, IN 46205 Pa Cash Check 2001131 Tech Signature x Customer No: 80553 v; Total :This Invoice:. y Invoice -Nor 08 1242009 Date r f ri b tXt N .n �,rRr I ;,c t 1 aSt Dd G Uglal fJ n 571 2631w E r a �r GARY CART Billing PhoneoNo i i t i �`Aryr Er t; Total Due K 4y i6 CITY OF CARMEL FIRE DEPT ry, T his ,Sill'is due and payabie'upon` receipt. 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE A service charge of I% per month will be CARMEL IN 46033 charged accounts past 30 days. ?L28;209 RETURNED CHECKS.WILL INCUR A FEE. 7a� r I SEEAB UG� ARAB TERMITE PE.�ST CONTROL, INC: INDIANAPOLIS (317) 545 -1275 GREENWOOD. (317) 888 -1999 4035 MILLERSVILLE ROAD ANDERSON.. (765) 642 -4208 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 MARION (765) 664 -6812 American Owned and Operated Since 1929 www.seeabug.net MUNCIE (765) 282 -7600 Service Location: t2so2 CARMEL FI DEPT. #44 INVOICE SERVICE TICKET P.O. No: 5032 131 ST (MAIN ST) SERVICE DESCRIPTION CHARGES Previous Balance 90.00 GARMEL IN 46032 201 -PEST CONTROL 30.00 Phone No: 571 -2632 Customer No: 2001132 Sales Tax 0.00 Invoice No: 80554 Total Due 120.00 Date: 08M1 7212009 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS' e DO NOT LEAVE INVOICE*** PO# 12502 Name SIGN LOG BOOK ,Phone. No: ENTRANCES, KITCHEN, BREAK. ROOM, ;Street Address RR, DINING, OTHER AREAS UPON REQUEST �City/State /Zip t. ..[My Name /Account No. Material Product EPA Qty COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS IDO Dom= f 01 Dwight Hamilton2� (e Route No. Technician's, Name Technician's License Number.. 0.81 =1.- 21 Time In L /O Time/Out Date 20- 2OUJ �X 1 1 services Completed Satisfactorily (sign below) Technician's Signature Customer's Signature X SeIC/tiaIDEPT #44 Please tear -off and send all payments to: 5032 1=1 ST (UTAIN ST) ARAB Termite and Pest Control Inc. Payment Collected .Date CARMEL IN 46032 4035 Millersville Road Indianapolis, IN 46205 Pd Cash ❑Check# 1 2001132 Tech Signature Customer No: 80554 f` Invoice No Total.This Invoice 08/ 142009 a �7 k Past Due`Balance: rY GARkY CAR Air ,Z f4,,N w rG 3 J` 1 t i j,+� Vy a x 1 1 b I r� la t y i r y g y r Ly i i.1 L. 3. .R. f f i .dt.., ?t�,t .�;'..i Iir+'°.,.. »•.Ah ..Y att: t cu..•`as CITY OF CARMEL DEPT ThisbilF is due•and payable upon receipt: 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE A service charge of 1 Y month will be CARMEL IN 46032 charged on accounts past 30 days. CrvI/28/2009 RETURNED CHECKS WILL INCUR A FEE. NSEE =A BUG ARAB TERMITE PEST CONTROL, INC. ...CALL i INDIANAPOLIS .,(317) 545 -1275 GREENWOOD (317) 888 -1999 4035 MILLERSVILLE ROAD ANDERSON (765) 642 -4208 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 MARION (765') 6641-6812,. American owned and operated Since 1929 www.seeabug.net MUNCIE (765) 282 -7600 Service Location: 12502 CARMEL FIRE DEPT HEADQUARTERS INVOICE /SERVICE TICKET P.O. NO: 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE SERVICE DESCRIPTION" CHARGES. Previous Balance 92.00 GA -RMEL IN 46032 t 201 -PEST CONTROL 146.00 Phone N -o: 571 -2600 Customer- No; 4 .2001129 Sales Tax d 0.6 r 80530, 4 l'nvoice No; Total Due 138.0 084LO120.09 l 4 Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS t INVOICL i PO# 12502 Name SIGN LOG BOOK ,Phone No. ENTRANCES, KITCHEN, BREAK ROOM., :Street Address i RR, FOOD STORAGE, DINING AND OTHER AREAS City /StatelZip UPON REQUEST 'My Name /Account No. Y Material Product EPA Qty COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 0 r 01 Dwight Hamilton Route No. Technician's Name Technician's License Number 2 0S /20.( Time In �i Time Out y� Date �i_ 1 �T�tS ervices Completed Satisfactorily (sign below) V Technician's Signature Customer's Signature X Se13Ait'0v1LOC@ E)IWF,PT HEADQUARTEPW tear off.and send all payments to: 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE ARAB Tei mite and Pest Control Inc. payment Collected Date CARMEL IN 46032 4035 Millersville Road Indianapolis, IN 46205 Pd Cash Check# 2001129 Tech Signature Customer No: 80530 Invoice-No Total This Invoice,' r 08/1042009 7_777 T -7 7 7 T ate d g/ Z t Fast Due tBala D nce:,, t J Y 571 2600 M 571 2667 G s Billing.Fhone' No Tgtai t, t t .r i. t r.Y',, L) Ss i�4 r. <•'j' K-3l �i..4 M 1 t :4`" +'Y,•,5+:.7"tC r V H T CITY OF CARMEL FIRE DEPT This bill is due and payable upon receipt. J 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE A service charge of 1'/2% per month will be CARMEL IN 46032 charged on accounts past 30 days. 07/28/2009 RETURNED CHECKS WILL INCUR A FEE. BEE ABUG �AsRA13 TE,WITE PEST CONTROL, INC. CALL INDIANAPOLIS x•(317) 545 =,1275 GREENWOOD',;' (317) 888 -1999 PAR= 4035 MILLERSVILLE ROAD ANDERSON (765) 642 -4208 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 MARION (765) 664 -6812 American'Owned and Operated Since 1929 www.seeabug.net MUNCIE (765) 282 -7600 Service o n: INVOICE SERVICE TICKET P.O. No: 12502 CARMEL FI E DEPT #45 10701 N COLLEGE AVE STE D SERVICE DESCRIPTION CHARGES Previous Balance 60.00 Indianapolis IN 46280 201 -PEST CONTROL 36.00 Phone NO: 818 -3400 2001133 Sales Tax 0.00 --customer. No: d Invoice NO: 80529 Total Due 90.00 Date: -osrro;'2o09- /I?— SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS PO# 12502 Name i SIGN LOG BOOK 4hone1No. ENTRANCES, KITCHEN, BREAK ROOM, RR, FOOD STORAGE, DINING, OTHER ,Street Address :City/State/Zip AREAS UPON REQUEST 'My Name /Account No: i i L Material./ Product EPA Qty COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 01 Dwight Hamilton 7 2//��� Route -IVoc 7 "r' Technician's Name Technician's License Number Time In i 25 Time Out D to 9 Services Completed Satisfactorily (sign below) �E Technician's Signature Customer's Signature X 1�� f Sec/ikwAmaafiDrMEPT #45 Please tear off and send all payments to: 107, I I• N COLLEGE AVE STE D ARAB Termite and Pest Control Inc. Payment Collected Date I 4035 Millersville Road Indianapolis IN 46280 Indianapolis, IN 46205 Check Pd Cash 2001133 Tech Signature Customer No: 8052 9 Invoice' No Total This. Involve. ;,Date £Past DO Balance: 4 818 3400. t r GARY CART Bllling'Phone 6 5� ra r, t r Total Due i a :.1E^'"'. ''es,nl -.,,�F -ti .Y.v. _�1,J..,e 7,.nc.^c r?.,i,t w.J •;a ^y„ n.. t r Z p CITY °OF CARRIEL -FIRE DEPT,:.._ This bill is due an&payable- upon.receipt.'•'- 2 CARMEL CIVICS S QUARE c V2 e Q A service charge of 1 per month will be CARMEL IN 46032 charged on accounts past 30 days. 07/28/2009 RETURNED.CHECKS WILL INCUR A FEE. .EA E TERMITE- P' ST CONTROL, INC. INDIANAPOLIS (317) 545 -1275 GREENWOOD (317) 888 -1999 4035 MILLERSVILLE ROAD ANDERSON _(765) 642 -4208 INDIANAPOLIS', IN 46205 MARION (765) 664 -6812 American Owned and Opo'.'" SEnce 1929 www.seeabug.net MUNCIE (765) 282 -7600 Service Location: INVOICE 1 SERVICE TICKET P.O. No: Izso2 CARMEL �'iRE DEPT #46 540"W 136TH ST SERVICE DESCRIPTION 'CHARGES Previous Balance _6 CARMEL IN .46032 201 -PEST CONTROL 30.00 Phone No 571 2625 20�11`?4 Sales Tax S 0.00 Customer No: 821.27 Invoice No: Total Due 9&00 Date: 08/17/2009 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS PO# 12502 :Name E SIGN LOG BOOK ,Phone No. ENTRANCES, KITCHEN, BREAK ROOM, ;Street Address RR, FOOD STORAGE, DINING, OTHER AREAS UPON REQU EST City /State /Zip 'My Name /Account No. E E Material Product EPA Qty COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 04 .ierren McQuaid �f Route No: Technician's Name Technician's License Number JJ/24// l f 08/17/2009 V r u Time In Ili`.'.. g Time Out Il'�CJ Date Services Completed Satisfa'cf rily (si n below) Technician's Signature L!/ t3: 7 Customer's Signature X Ser(v c? &bEPT #46 Please tear off and send all payments to: 540 W 136TH ST ARAB Termite and Pest Control Inc. Payment Collected Date CAIZIVEiY IN 46032 4035 Millersville Road` Indianapolis, IN 46205 Pd Cash Check# 2001134 Tech Signature Customer No: 82127 r y� TOtaI Thi s�4nvoice' I- lnvolce No r: 08/17/2009 Date �f�IZY cAR ast Due Balance r 4 c w, tj 't 571 2625; 4 q3 4 n tw f 6 6 6'N BiIIfh h o Total ti !J J: e i a +1 '4°t:'.l�A'rs F rl ~7 i aa' -a S :r t t..., p, 1 s•. 1 r Ci.TY ©F CARMEG FIRE'DEPT. s ;This.6ill is due and'payapte upon receipt• I' 2 CARIVIEL CIVIC.SQUXkk A se. rvice i chargeof 1 /z /o per,•Inonth will be CARTMEL IN -t 46032 charged on accounts past 30 days. 08/102009 RETURNED CHECKS WILL FEE. SEE A 'BUG ARAB TERMITE PEST CONTROL INC. CALL INDIANAPOLIS (317) 545 -1275 GREENWOOD (317) 888 -1999 PAR= 4035 MILLERSVILLE ROAD ANDERSON (765) 642 -4208 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 MARION (765) 664 -6812 American'Owned and Operated S1,ce ,929 www.seeabug.net MUNCIE (765) 282 -7600 Service Location: 12502 CA RMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT #42 INVOICE SERVICE TICKET P.O. No: 3610 W '106TH ST SERVICE DESCRIPTION CHARGES Previous Balance -90" 0 CARMEL IN 46032 1 5Y 201 -PEST CONTROL 30.00 733 -1,480 Customer No: 2001130 Sales Tax 0.00 Invoice No: 82126 Total Due 1 08/17/2009 Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Refer a Friend r SIGN LOG BOOK. Name ENTRANCES, KITCHEN, BREAK ROOM, ,Phone No. RR, FOOD STORAGE, DINING AREA, Street Address OTHER UPON REQUEST :City /State /Zip 'My Name /Account No. Material Product EPA Qty. COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS rx.. "2 04 Jerren McQuaid' 1/ Vo Route No. Technician's. Name Technician's License Number i iJ 1 U 1 1 08/17/2009 Time In Time Out Date Services Completed Satisfactorily (sign below) Technician's Signature 7/4 12- F �i��/ Customer's Signature X Y V SeTIigftAWPfi�1DE ARTMENT #42 Please tear off and send all payments to: 3610 W 406TH ST ARAB Termite and Pest Control Inc. payment Collected Date CARMEL IN 46032 4035 Millersville Road Indianapolis, IN 46205 Pd Cash Check 1' 2001130 Tech Signature Customer No: 82126 lnvoice.No: Total.This Invoice: 08/1 7/2009 9flff.� t St Due B Date alance: 733 1480 571' 2667 G 0 Billing' Fhon "N S x rkl w Total DUe v. r-. 5 r I t r J. r �C i I i _CITY OF 'CARMEL FIRE DEPT This bill is due and receipt 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE C A service charge of 1%% per month -will be 1 CARMEL IN 46032 charged on accounts past 30 days. 08/11/2009 r RETURNED CHECKS,WILL INCUR A FEE. 1 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev.,1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 80554 $30.00 80553 $30.00 82126 $30.00 82127 $30.00 80529 $30.00 80530 $46.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WAR NO. ALLOWED 20 Arab Termite Pest Control, Inc. IN SUM OF 4035 Millersville Road Indianapolis, IN 46205 $196.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 80554 43- 509.00 $30.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or t 1120 80553 43- 509.00 $30.00 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1120 82126 43- 509.00 $30.00 materials or services itemized thereon for 1120 82127 43- 509.00 $30.00 1120 80529 43- 509.00 $30.00 which charge is made were ordered and 1120 80530 43- 509.00 $46.00 received except AUG 31 2009 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund