HomeMy WebLinkAbout203682 11/09/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 365801 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GIBAULT CARE, INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 C/O ALAN TOWNSEND, BOSE MCKINNEY CHECK AMOUNT: $36,500.00 111 MONUMENT CIRCLE SUITE 2700 CHECK NUMBER: 203682 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 CHECK DATE: 11/9/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 920 4470602 36,500.00 136TH /KEYSTONE R -O -W PRE CLOSING STATEMENT Seller: GIBAULT CARE, INC. Buyer: City of Carmel Property: Fee simple acquisition of approximately 0.529 acres in Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana, as described on Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B Date: October 3 l 2011 Section 6045 of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, requires the reporting of certain information on every real estate transaction. The information provided in this pre closing statement is adequate information to provide to a tax professional. Fee Owner: GIBAULT CARE, INC. Address: Keystone Parkway and 136' Street Project: Keystone Parkway Parcel: 91 County: Hamilton Purchase Price: 36,500.00 Expenses: Recording Fee POC by Buyer Sales Disclosure Fee POC by Buyer Balance Due to Seller at Closing: 36.SQ0.00 At closing, Seller shall provide Carmel a Warranty Deed, a Vendor's Affidavit a Nonforeign Affidavit, a Partial Release of Mortgage (if necessary), and other documents required by Ordinance D- 2027 -11, As Amended. Seller also shall be responsible for all real estate taxes and assessments with respect to the Property which are a lien and/or due and payable as of December 31, 2012. SELLER: GIBAU CARE, INC. By: 201205418824-123 EXHBIT "A" Project: 07 -08 Sheet 1 of 3 Parcel 91 Fee Simple with Partial Limitation of Access A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right of way lines depicted on the attached Right of Way Parcel Plat, marked EXHIBIT "B described as follows: Beginning on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 18 North, Range 4 East 1179.75 feet South 89 degrees 59 minutes 38 seconds West (assumed bearing) from the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter (the foregoing. portion of this description is quoted from Instrument Number 85 -3458 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County) to a prolonged east line of said grantor's land: thence South 0 degrees 05 minutes 21 seconds East 8.70 feet along said east line prolonged to the southern boundary of 136 Street; thence South 86 degrees 11 minutes 06 seconds West 35.69 feet along the southern boundary of said 136 Street; thence South 88 degrees 10 minutes 39 seconds West 68.36 feet along said boundary; thence South •87 degrees 29 minutes 38 seconds West 55.00 feet along said boundary; thence North 80 degrees 10 minutes 19 seconds West 15.58 feet along said boundary; thence South 84 degrees 11 minutes 16 seconds West 47.68 feet along said boundary; thence South 87 degrees 43 minutes 33 seconds West 62.90 feet along said boundary to eastern boundary of Keystone Avenue; thence South 11 degrees 03 minutes 39 seconds West 83.30 feet along the eastern boundary of said Keystone Avenue; thence South 18 degrees 26 minutes 21 seconds East 102.34 feet along said eastern boundary to Point "537" designated on said plat; thence southerly 61221 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of 3,929.72 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of South 18 degrees 56 minutes 02 seconds East and a length of 61I.59 feet to a southern line of said grantor's. land designated as Point "536" on said plat; thence South 83 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds West 6.61 feet along said southern line to the eastern boundary of said Keystone Avenue designated as •Point "535" on said plat; thence continuing South 83 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds West 209.18 feet to the western boundary of said Keystone Avenue designated as Point "534" on said plat; thence continuing South 83 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds West 69.17 feet along a southern line' of said grantor's land to Point "533" designated on said plat; thence EXIBIBTT "A" Project: 07-08 Sheet 2 of 3 Parcel 91 Fee Simple with Partial Limitation of Access North 00 degrees 05 minutes 21 seconds West 247.11 feet along the west line of said grantor's land to Point "531" designated on said plat; thence continuing North 0 degrees 05 minutes 21 seconds West 34.14 feet along said west line to the western boundary of said Keystone Avenue; thence continuing North 0 degrees 05 minutes 21 seconds West 526.10 feet to the north line of said quarter section; thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds East 354.25 feet along the north line of said quarter section to the point of beginning and containing 3.057 acres, more or less. Excepting therefrom any portion of the following described tract lying within the previously described tract Beginning at the Northwest comer of Section thirty, Township eighteen North, Range four East, Delaware Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, thence East along the North section line three thousand five hundred seventy -one and seven tenths feet to a point; thence South twenty -one and eight tenths feet to a point; thence East one hundred twenty -nine and seven tenths feet to the point of beginning of this tract; Thence North eighty -eight degrees, fifty-two minutes East, seventy feet along the North property line to a point; Thence South eleven degrees, nine minutes West, eighty -three and three tenths feet to a point; Thence South eighteen degrees, fifty-eight minutes East, six hundred sixty -eight and five tenths feet to a point; Thence in a Southeasterly direction seventy -four and five tenths feet along an are deflecting right and having a radius of three thousand nine hundred twenty -four and seven tenths feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of South fourteen degrees, fifty minutes East, and a length of seventy-four and five tenths feet to a point on the South property line of this tract; Thence South eighty -one degrees, twelve minutes West, two hundred nine and nine tenths feet along said property line to a point; Thence North nine degrees, ]EXHIBIT "A" Project: 07 -08 Sheet 3 of 3 Parcel 91 Fee Simple with Partial Limitation of Access fourteen minutes West, one hundred forty-nine feet to a point; Thence in a Northwesterly direction one hundred seventy -one and six tenths feet along an are deflecting left and having a radius of three thousand seven hundred thirty-two and seven tenths feet and subtended by a long chord have a bearing of North eighteen degrees, twelve minutes West, and a length of one hundred seventy -one and six tenths feet to a point on the West property line of said tract; Thence North zero degrees, thirty -seven minutes West, five hundred six and six tenths feet along said property line to the point of beginning; (the foregoing exception is quoted from Book 170, Page 355 in the Office of the Recorder of said County). After said exception containing 0.529 acres, more or less, inclusive of the presently existing right of way, which contains 0.126 acres, more or less. All bearings in this description which are not quoted from previous instruments are based on the bearing system for City of Carmel Project 07 -08. TOGETHER with the permanent extinguishment of all rights and easements of ingress and egress to, from, and across the limited access facility (to be known as Keystone Parkway to and from the grantor's abutting lands along. the lines described as follows: The 612.21 -foot, the 69.17 -foot and the 247.11 -foot courses described above. This restriction shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on all successors in title to the said abutting lands. This descriptionn was prepared for the City of Carmel, Indiana bj Tracy L. McGill, Indiana Registered Land Surveyor, License Number LS20500009, on the 15 day of May; 2008. uuxnnucua�� tic *o (Revised 03/2412009) STATE OF �2,, UR,� EXHIBIT "B" SHEET 1 OF 2 RIGHT -OF -WAY PARCEL PLAT a 75 150' Prepared For The City of Carmel by: AMERICAN SCALE 1 =150' STIIUCTUIIEP0114T INC. 136th Street Point of 75 (Smoky Row Road) Beginning r19 19 571.7.(D N89 354.25' 1179.75' 1 20 F F A �39 0 21.80'(0) i29.70'(D) 70'(0 L6 L5 t t L2 L1 S00°05'21"E 29 II 8.70' 1a1 70 °o OD NN N I LINE DATA c^� o L1:586 *11'06'W- 35.69' L2: SBS 68.36' ►a rn L3: 587 "W- 55.00'�'v` L4: N80 1Q'19"W- 15.58' L5: S84 *11'16 'W 47.68' L6: S87 "4SMV- 62.90' r L7: 511 9 03'39 "w 83.30'(x) 0 L8: S83950'15"W -6.61' 530 1-9: S53050'15'W- 69.17' 90 CURVE DATA L10: N00 05'21 W- 34.14' f o L 612.21' ,c t- R 3,929.72' C SI W56'02'W- 611.59' L10 m� -.4 531 Hatched area represents z o previous R/W conveyed per Sk 170, Pogo 355 N" O (0): Denotes distances per o Bk 170, Page 355 m 74.5'(D) 536 B39 LS L9 CLCoo Creek 533 1 535 534 67 1533.25' Revised: 11.25.2009 HATCHED AREA IS THE APPROXIMATE TAKING OWNER: Gibault Care, Inc. DRAWN BY: JEM PARCEL: 91 CHECKED BY' TLM PR03EC717: 07 -08 ROAD: Keystone Parkway INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2008055241, DATED OCTOBER 31, 2008 COUNTY: Hamilton SECCION: 30 TOWNSHIP: 18 NORTH RANGE: 4 EAST MiS PLAT WAS PREPARED FROM PUBLIC DOCUMENTS AND NOT CHEC1d D BY A F1E1 D SURVEY. k o rleselweU Uy Nate Duaw ul mumull,s uuy rums iVu. evo tmev. lu`JJJ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Gibault Care, Inc. Purchase Order No. NA 2907 E. 136th Street Terms Carmel, IN 46033 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11/02/11 NA 07 -08 Keystone Parkway 136th Street Just Compensation Land Cost Land Cost $36,500.00 Parcel 91 Total $36,500.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bills(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER N0. WARRANT NO. Gibault Care, Inc. ALLOWED 20 U) 2907 treet IN THE SUM OF m O Ca cu -0 1 )33 36,500.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Gibault Care, Inc. PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members DEPT.# NA 4470602 $36,500.00 0 I hereby certify that the attched invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for c C/) which charge is made were ordered and 0) o received except LU 06 L o Y Z c c z U O L O O CU 2 7 Nov 20 11 m o $36,500.00 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Cit En claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Title_ i