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Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Place: Dept. of Community Services Conference Room, I" Floor, Carmel City Hall.
Time: 9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. St. Mary St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church.
The applicant seeks the following special use development standards variance approvals:
Docket No. 11100013 SU ZO Ch. 5.02: Special Uses, religious use.
Docket No. 11100014 V ZO Ch. 5.04.01: Max. building height exceeds 35 -ft.
The site is located at 12174 Shelbome Rd It is zoned S- 1/Residence. Filed by Don
Highlander of Connecting Spaces, LLC.
Don Highlander and Maher Rizkalla were present for the petitioner. The church has owned
the above site for the past 4 -5 years. It consists of approx. 5.5 acres off of Shelbome Rd very
close to Creekside School. It is currently surrounded by open space, but just recently there
has been a proposal for a new subdivision south of the site. The Coptic Orthodox Church is
proposing a 10,000 sq. ft. building that would consist of a sanctuary that could hold approx.
500 people and would provide 135 parking spaces. Overall the development would cover
31 to 32% of the area leaving lots of green space.
The site is located near all utility lines so it can be easily and well serviced The elevation of
the site is high enough to be able to provide storm detention. Currently there is a buffer of
trees around the site that will be able to be expanded upon to meet further development
requirements. Due to dates of proposed use and operation on Sunday's, traffic will not pose a
problem for the surrounding area The development would propose a left turn lane through
the median to be able to access the site.
Today they are seeking a variance for special use and an exception to the 35' height
requirement due to the Coptic architecture dome they would like to construct on top of the
building. Coptic art and architecture is very rare in Indiana and would create a great attribute
to the surrounding community along with all the potential services the ministry provides.
Shirley Hunter -Duke Energy
-There is a home and barn located on the proposed site that will have to be removed
Currently there is power running to the structure and will have to be disconnected before
demolition. Main concern for the project is for the major power line that runs west on the
site, could pose a potential problem with the proposed left turn lane. If the main 69,000 volt
line and pole will need to be moved, it will be at the cost of the developer. The existing pole
line on the north side of the site can be removed for new 3 phase service. Once landscape
plan is ready, will need a copy to make sure trees are not planted under any service lines. Still
in the early stages of planning but will come back to TAC with construction documents once
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special use and height variances are approved
Ryan Hartman -Clay Twp. Regional Waste
Addressed major sewer lime that will need to be extended north across the site. Sent
questions and comments on Oct. 18' 2011, and have no further comments or issues with the
use variance.
Greg Hoyes Hamilton Co. Surveyor's Office
-E- mailed a letter yesterday and have no further questions or comments regarding the use
variance but when constriction documents are prepared they will need a copy.
Nick Redden -City of Carmel Engineering
-Sent a letter with comments and have no further comments at this time.
Chris Ellison -City of Carmel Fire Department
-No objection to the use variance. As discussed prior to the meeting, once at the construction
document stage, will need to discus fire department connections for the sprinkler system for
the building and fire hydrant locations. For the fire main going into the building it will need
to be split with the domestic prior to entering the building and there will need to be a post
indicator valve installed for the fire main. The construction type of the building will be Type
213, a non combustible, non protected steel construction. Will need to get construction
documents resolved before plans are issued to the State. Will also need to make sure fire
department will be able to access entire site with proper turning radius.
David Littlejohn -DOGS Transportation Coordinator
-Sent letter and have no further comments.
Daren Mindhant-DOCS Urban Forester
-No issue with the special use variance, will need a landscape plan for construction.
Angie Conn -DOGS- Planning Administrator
-Sent review comments, waiting on office response.
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9:10 am. Carey Addition, Lot 3 Starting Line Preschool.
The applicant seeks the following special use approval:
Docket No. 11100019 SU ZO Ch. 8.02: Special Uses, preschool.
The site is located at 110 3 rd Ave NE. It is zoned R-2/Residence and lies with the Old Town
Overlay Character Subarea Filed by Diane Atkins.
Diane Atkins was present for the petitioner. She has been teaching preschool for 17 years,
currently they are located at the old performing arts center. Since the building has been sold
they have to relocate. The proposed new site is in old town on the corner of 1 st St. and 3rd
Ave. There are two classes that run simultaneously. The 2 and 3 year olds alternate days as
the 4 year olds come every day from 9: 00am-1 1:30am. From 11:30am- 2:00pm is after
enrichment and Pre K
Shirley Hunter -Duke Energy
Will need to contact if decide to upgrade service to the existing structure. No further
Greg Hoyes Hamilton Co. Surveyor's Office
No comments or concerns regarding the use variance.
Nick Redden -City of Carmel Engineering
No comments or concerns regarding the use variance.
Chris Ellison -City of Carmel Fire Department
Sent letter on Oct. 31 2011 with questions, comments and concerns. This is an occupancy
change of use, in this situation there are classes being held that exceed the 12 hour per week
exception rule. Since the use does not meet the exception the proposed use is changing the
use of the building from a residential use to an educational use. Due to this change, a design
profession will need to construct plans that will need to comply with the current building
codes and submit plans to the State of Indiana Once approved from the State, a building
permit will need to be filed with the City. No further comments, but will need an official
David Littlejohn -DOGS Transportation Coordinator
No comments or concerns regarding the use variance.
Daren NVlindham -DOGS Urban Forester
Received and approved plans.
Angie Conn -DOGS- Planning Administrator
Sent review comments, waiting on official response.
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9:30 a.m. Docket No. 11100022 DP /ADLS: Gramercy PUD (Mohawk Hills Redevelopment)
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a multifamily apartments infill and
rehabilitation project on 116.4 acres. The site is located at approximately 751 E. 126' Street,
at the southwest corner of 12e St. and Keystone Pkwy. The site is zoned PUD /Planned Unit
Development. Filed by Matthew Griffin of Buckingham Companies:
Matt Griffin was present for the petitioner. This is the second presentation for the TAC
committee. Handed out were the finalized site plan drawings for the project. It will be split
into a Phase 1 and Phase 2. Entire project will consist of keeping 500 apartment units and
adding 758 -800, depending on the unit mix and how it will break down inside the proposed
buildings. Matt has met with most of the committee members to address concerns and or
issues. Every building is a two story building except the core development, which will be
four stories in height. Entire development is intended to target different markets, existing
rehabilitated units and new units will target consumers seeking larger units and more green
space. Each cluster of development will be like its own neighborhood. Each will have an
amenity center, playground, etc. The core of the development will be more urban with
modern floor plans and feel more like a small downtown. Developer hopes to have full
packets for the development by Dec. 2 nd 2011 for further review and comments.
Shirley Hunter -Duke Energy
Requests a detailed sheet listing sq. ft. of apartments and what side of the buildings the
meters need to be placed, per fire separation. Currently there are 3 different services running
in the site, in the process of budgeting building new circuits for the area.. Projected
completion date for the first set of units is Fall of 2013.
Greg Hoyes Hamilton Co. Surveyor's Office
No comments at this time.
Nick Redden -City of Carmel Engineering
In meeting with the engineering department, the roadway system and what will be or what
will not be public right of way has been discussed.
Chris Ellison -City of Carmel Fire Department
Will provide radius information for design profession to make sure fire department will be
able to have full access to the development. For new development area, plans will need to be
submitted for hydrant/sprinkler layouts, locations, and connections. No objection for CFD to
use buildings that will be demoed for training.
David Littlejohn -DOGS Transportation Coordinator
Still working on bicycle paths and parking plan for review.
Daren Mindham -DOGS Urban Forester
Still working on developing a landscaping plan for review.
Angie Conn -DOGS- Planning Administrator
Will be able to provide comments once packets and plans are submitted for review.
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WWW.CARMEL.IN.GOV ONE CIVIC SQ. CARMEL,, IN 46032 (317) 571 -2417