HomeMy WebLinkAbout203607 11/09/2011 a CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354867 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHECK AMOUNT: $309.23 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 410 W CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 203607 CHECK DATE: 11/9/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 207334 62.70 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 210165 18.94 OTHER EXPENSES 1125 4238000 210345 85.94 SMALL TOOLS MINOR E 1096 4239039 210685 120.75 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 601 5023990 211425 20.90 OTHER EXPENSES In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver" by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right It might have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of Aga property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIYMBNT INAAL other causes Inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an Insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an Insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive a Carmel IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement oast of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and GfkP MEL •FISHERS •INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person Without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 3 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together wlfh reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (1 112) percent per month added to accounts overten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent. FAX: 317.566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any Implied Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnity Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of Income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. ®pen 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5,30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATION 1356 SKAKE KNIGHT 1411 E. 116TH STREET f Con 210685, CARMEL IN 46032 LoC 100 SSN PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 848 -7275 OUT i 10/22 2:03 PM TT F (317) 571 -2468 ID #3 P© /JOB RECEIVED BY SKATE KNIGHT JACKSON, MIKE R TURNED 10/23/11 11:33 AM SAF *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET A MT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 6 -HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK. 1 5457 -0010 LIGHT PLANT 4 HEAD 600OW GEN l 115.00 115.00 $115. 00 /D 115.00 115.00 30,0 .-0 t ,900. 00 1 [Dr SCr ?Tl 1. u Vi C 4- r d r 2 t1 P.G. f n1 /"7, S �)(.1 F? or F t cicet BY, P•.;: ch;�s r IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN" DATE, YOU MILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 115. 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E05, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. SALES 0 00 Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLYUNDERSTANDTHpSE NSTRUCTIONS ALSOUNDERSTANDTHATIAMTHEPERSONRENTINGTHISPROPERTY ,AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON, I DW/ FEES 5 75 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED Add1 TAX 0 00 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL, X THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0. THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYCN EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, ANDIOR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 120 75 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR, AMT BILLED 2 0.. 7 5- EQUIPMENT CELL 23- OCT -11 11:56:52 LEASED BY X PHONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. RETURNED BY X WE CHARG OT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional chargeE YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X Nil An.IIISTMFNTS OR CRFOITS will be made on eouiDment R__.____..,_. _rr ».._...r In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver" by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right ft might have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental properly, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of i Y A property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage wavers does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee the or In Case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capadty or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or Q WPMENT R�NTAI. other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. R is understood the amount paid is not an Insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and GAF-i FISHEgS INDIANAPOL.15 shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the team and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, iourtcosts and interest of one and one half (1 1/2) percent per month added to accounts over en (10) days odd, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (1 8) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and f is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnity Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www" runyonrenfaL eom incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney tees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED'TO: �ZOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATION 1356 M000587 1411 E. 116TH STREET Con# 210345 CARMEL IN 46032 Loc 100 SSN PHONE, DATE TIME W (317) 848 -7275 OUT 10/19/11 1:08 PM SAF F (317) 571 -2468 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED: BY M000587 BURNETT, ANDREW W 10/19/11 1 1 PM SAF *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT c MIN ITE 8 HOUR D HOURLY. OVN AY WEEK 4 WEEK 1 042899702436 HITCH PINTLE RECEIVER MOUNT 7 °9.99 79.99 79.99 1 042899701057 HITCH PIN CLIP 5/8" 74055A 5'e.95 5.95 5.95 a 1 T; J Purchaso Description. P.O.# PorF 1/25 -41 2 Budget OrLc kA J�(, Line i?es Purch�y3er Bate Approval k0K Date /0 IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN' DATE,YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEI RENT 0.00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. SALES 85 .94 Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS_ I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW /FEES 0.00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X ;iii f' 5 Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALE TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGESTO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OFTHE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 85 94 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR LABOR RATE CHARGED AT 885 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 8 5. 94 EQUIPMENT 9 4� CELL LEASED BY X P t i 9 t PHONF 19 OCT 13:11:23 RETURNNEDSY X y¢ -k tr I� RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT Ii Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply, X NI'1!AL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all eq uipment rentals. ma! unchnns unless Runvon Enuinmerrt Rental has been notified_ 9 9 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1, Inspection. Customer acknowledges that It has had an opoortun'ry to personally inspect the equipment and finds it suitable for its needs and in good condition, and that Customer understands Its proper use. Customer further acknowledges its duty to inspect the equipment prior to use arid notify Runyon Equipment Pemal Inc (hereinafter "Runyon) of any defects. 2, WARRANTIES. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THERE IS NO WARRANTYTHATTHE EQUIPMENT IS SUITED FOR CUSTOMER'S INTENDED USE. ORTHAT IT IS FREE FROM DEFECTS. 3. Indemnitication, Customer agrees to assume the risks of, and hotel Runyon harmless for, property damage and personal injuries, including death and dismemberment, caused by the equipment and!or arising out of Runyor's negligence. Customer small indemnily and defend Runyon against and hold Runyon harmless from any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings. costs, expenses, damages and liabilities including attorney's tees which (1) relate to injury or To destruction of property, or bodily Injury, illness, sickness, disease or death of any person (including employees of Customer), and (2) are caused by, or claimed to be caused, In whole or in part, by the equipment leased herein or by the liability or conduct including active, passive, primary or secondary] of Customer, its agents or employees, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. Customer shall, at its own cost or expense, defend Runyon against all suits or proceedings commenced by anyone ir: which Runyon is a named party for which Runyon is alleged to be liable or responsible as a result of or arising out of the equipment, orally alleged act or omission by Runyon, add Customer shall be liable and responsible for all costs, expenses and attorney's fees incurred in such defense arl settlement, judgment or other resolution. In the event that such action is commenced naming Runyon as a party.. Runyon may elect to defend said action on Its own behalf and Customer agrees that it shell be liable for all casts, expenses and attorney's fees incurred by Runyon in such defense. 4. Rental Charges and Terms. Equipment with hour meters is allowed eight (8) hours use within a 24 -hour period of time. Rental rates for equipment are based en usage during this eight (8) hour shift. It Customer runs the equipment for over 8 hours in one day, Customer will be charged for extra hours on equipment. One day is 24 hours or eight (8) hours running time. 16 hours running time in 24 hours a 2 -day charge. 24 hours running time in 24 hours a 3 -day charge. 5. Future Rentals. Customer acknci iedges that the terms of this Agreement will be deemed to apply to all Equipment Customer may rent or purchase from Runyon., whether on the date of this Agreement or al any time in the future (except only As to any Equipment andior other items with respect to which Customer executes a new Agreement). 6, Prohibited Uses. Use of the equipment in the following clreurnstances is prohibited and constitutes a breach of this Agreement: (a) Use for illegal purpose or in ad Illegal manner. (b) Use when the equipment is in bad repair offs unsafe, (c) Improper, -unintended use or misuse, (d( Use by anyone clip than Customer or Its employees, without Punyon's written permission; (a) Use at any location other than the address furnished Runyon without Runyon's written permission. 7. Fuel and Oil Levels. All equipment is full of fuel when rented to Customer and must be returned to Runyon full or additional charges will apply. Also, use of allentallve fuels (Biodiescl, E85 etc.) in Runyon equipment is prohibited. Customer is Roble for all damages and repairs that result from alternative fuel. Runyon checks the oil level in the equipment when it is rented to Customer. Maintenance of proper oil level in the equipment is solely the responsibility of Customer. 8, Repossession. Upon a failure to pay rent or other breach of this contract, Dealer may terminate this contract and take possession o' and remove the goods from wherever they are, and Dealer and his agents shall not be liable for any claims for damage or trespass arising out of the removal of the goods 9.Tires. Customer is totally responsible for all lire repair. It is Customers option to check over the liras before the equipment leaves and notify Runyon of any irregularities spotted. 10. Insurance. Runyoiis insurance does net over equipment ii ile In Customers possession. Customer is responsible for Insuring the equipment once it leaves Runyon's property and until it has been returned to Runyon's property and payment has been recoried, EQUIPMENT MAY ONLY BE RETURNED DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS, ANY EQUIPMENT LEFT AT RUNYON'S LOCATION OTHER THAN NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS REMAINS THE CUSTOMERS RESPO" SIBILr"( 11. Cleaning Charges. Equipmani is to or returned to Runyon as clean as when it left. A charge of sixty -five dollars ($65.60) per hour will be charged for cleanup. 12. Assignments, Subleases and Loans at Equipment. Runyon may assign its rights under this Agreement without Customer's consent, but will remain bound by all obligations herein, Customer may out sublease or loan the equipment without Runyon's written pearission Any purported assignment by Customer is void. 13.Time of Return. Customer's right to possession terminates on the expiration of the rental period I "Due In" date tlme) and retention of possession after this time conslitutes a material breach of this Agreement. Time is of file essence in this Agreement Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing. 14. Late Return. 7nle to equipment is and shall at all times remain wilh Runyon. Failure to return the equipment! by the "Due In' date w!II subject Customer to a charge of conversion ill. eft), 15.Time at Payment. Accounts arc due and payable at the termination of the rental period. 16,Violatlon of Agreement and Venue Costs. Customer agrees that in the event the Customer violates any of the ;arms and conditions of this agreement, Runyan may crllLcl damages together with reasonable attorney's foes, court costs and rater st of ore and one half St percent per anti added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent. Customer agrees that This agreement is to be construed under The laws of the State of Indians and that if legal action is brought to enforce this agreement, that Hamilton County, Indiana, shall be the jurisdiction and legal venue for said action, unless otherwise agreed by Runyon and Customer at a later time. 17, Waiver, Airy failure by either party to enforce any provision o this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such provision or prejudice the right of ellher party to enforce such provision thereatter. 18. Damage Waiver. In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as `damage waiver' by Customer, Runyon agrees lo, and hereby does, waive its right, or any right It might have against Customer, arising from normal damage of the rental property normai damage to be determined by Runyon. Customer shall pay upon return of.properly rented a sum equal to 5 of rental charge. This 'damage waive I'does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of Costorner or in he case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of Customer. This damage waiver shall rot apply to reckless. careless or abusive operation or use of the equipment, use or operation of the equipment exceeding its rated cacao ry. or damage to tires, 'tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or other causes inherent In The use of the equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insrrarce premium, and That this provision does not represent an insurance policy or an agreement to Insure. No damage waiver license, sates or use taxes are Included In Runyon' rental rates. They ors extra. 19. Damaged. Dirty, or Lost Equipment. Cuslorner agrees to pay for any damage to or loss of the goods, regardless of cause, except reasonable wear and tear, while The goods are out of Runyon's possession. Equipment lost, stolen or damaged beyond repair v4 be paid for at its current list price plus the cost of renfaf up to the lime of reporting the Toss or theft to Runyon. The cost of repairs will be borne by Customer, whether pertnrmod by Runyon, or, at Runyon's option, by others, at a oltarge of sixty fire dollars {5 per hour plus parts. 2D. Severability. The provisions of this Agreement Shall be severable so That the invalidity, unenforceablity or waiver of any of the provisions shall not aff,;cl the remaining provisions. 21. Loading and Unloading Equipment. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Runyon's employees assist in loading or uricading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of and hold Runyon andior its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Runyon. 22, Property Damage. Runyon is not responsi tote for any damage whaisoever as a result of on- the -job deliveries or pick -up by Runyor. 23. Fees Licenses, PermitriJa ies and Fines. C- €stonier shad be solely responsible for payment of any fees, licenses, penirils, taxes or fines, required by or resulting iron^ the Custorer's use or operation of the equipment. 24. Charges. Customer shall pay all charges required under this .Agreement upon demand, Customer agrees that mileage and time charges are minimum charges only and that no refund or reimbursement is clue Customer in the event that fewer days andlor mile; are aclually used. 25. Other Liability. Customer assumes aft risks from the improper use of the equipment. Customer Is responsible for damages to Customer's property or goods in storage or in transit, or for any property left or stored In the equipment. or elsewhere in the reining location. Customer agrees not to hold Runyon liable for damages from dawn time, materials or other consequential damages resulting from the use of the equipment. Customer releases and holds Runyon, its agents and employees harmless from and against any and all losses, liabilities. damages, injuries claims, costs and expenses arising out of Customer's use or possession of the equipment, including, but rot limited to any cad all lines, penalties and fodoilures imposed by any governmental en €ili and to fire extent nor covered by insurance, ary claims or liabilities to third parties arising out of the abandonment, conversion, concealment or unauthorized sale of the equipment by Customer, or its agents or employees, or for the confiscation of the equipment by any governmental authority because of illegal or Improper use. Customer shall additionally hold Runyon harmless for all loss, liability and expense In excess of the limits of liability provided for herein as a issue of injury, death or property damage arising oat of Cuslomer`s use of the equipment. Neither Customer nor any other user of the equipment shall be deemed the agent, servant or employee of Runyon for any reason or any purpose- During the tern of this Agreement, Customer assumes full nesponaibility ll the equipment to The pubIlc and any regulatory My ha' g dsdiction, 26. Delivery/Pick Up. Delivery is made io closest paint trick can park. Extra charges will result it deliveries to apstaii C gleva cr use or any point where extra time is involved• Our service does not include set up and knock down of tables and chairs, lif T his service is €equvau ar argemerrts snoo=d bar de :w®a da G lets^ C, et(1J: If;AO airangelments are made and this service is desired on delivery, cur driver must call for nuthorfzatk I. it [.me permits, we will try to a mmodara yon, after dueling the price, Or pink up wile o rior arrangements have been made and rental item$ ale nol knocked down and assembled in one sheltered area, €abler and chairs will be left until The next day when a special o ew can to scIreduleJ There will Lc an addl!lo tat one day red :al "A rx^r r 2e .off resit if renietilelm are st H�fla. a 27. Waiver of JuryTrfal. Each party waives its right to a jury trial of any claim or cause of action based on or arising out of thisagteement or the subject matter hereof. This waiver pertains to a'i disputes that may relate to the subject matter honer, ircfudin ,tit :irn.it limitation, Coni tort, breach of duly; ar L Fe ee m taw law and etaiutecyetai s andwill- uot- ttesubjecf to'any exceptions. Each party (A) understands That this Is a waiver of imro tart legal rights and (S) acknowledges that her'she %A has had a reasonable opportunity to eiscuss tfls waiver and its effects with legal counsel, Accordingly, each party knowingly, voluntarily, irrevocably and unconditionally waives Its iury trial rights. 28. Tickets, Fines and Penalties, Yo €a agree to fully arrd prig; g? jgay_,lliine penal ties parking Eickets, traffic tickets, court costs, attorneys'faes and other charges assessed during The Term In connection With the use, parking, storage. anti or pass asion of the Equipment, regardless of the identify of the driver of arry vehicle You rent from Us. 29, Trailers and Towing. ric etry o er r�s x�rs tole k r iLs ;ttng and maintaining the ira!ler coupling mechanism.. safely chains. all tie downs, pins and 'lights In a safe arc secure condt on ,virile n their possession Customer agrees not to torn any+ra t :_)d tre SSOR AL-: H. ai in a careless or negligent manner b) ai excessive speed or (c) v,�hire under the influence o' medication. alcohol, or IIi'cit drays. 36. Headings. 'he lv drp js used ni are sot iy for c €u:ve: ant reference and shat not be..usad to construe or affect the interpretation of this Agreement. ADDITIONALTERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SALES All sales are also governed by the oartles'Equipmeni Purchase Agreement. If the Equipment Purchase and the Terms and Conditions previously enumerated are inconsistent. then the terms from the Egoipntgnt Purchase Agreement prevail. A$ -IS NO WARRANTY: THE WARRANTY IS THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THE EOUIPMENT AND ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE Ifs +.PLIED WARRANT F-S OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSES, ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE SALE OF THIS EQUIPMENT. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC OR AFFILIA. ED COMPANIES WILL NOT BE LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE SALE OF THIS EQUIPMENT TO CUSTOMER, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES ARISE _,l THEORIES OF THE LAW OF CONTRACTS OR TORT. RETURN POLICY FOR PURCHASED ITEMS: The customer is liable for all shipping casts when returning or exchanging an item to Runyon, unless the product has been damaged during shipp €ng.Thfs policy also applies to warranty returns. As stale) ?r Inc. Runyon "Realm Policy" when customers return an item or items for credit, a 25 restocking fee will he charged to your account, plus all applicable Inbound and outbound freight.This policy also applies to shipmarts refused and returned. All cancallatiri of whole goods are subject to a 251% (cf total invoiced order) cancellation tae on in stock items from Runyon locations ONLY Return shipping of the product is not refundable. All Paris purchases art non fefundiroo. Any shfori received in conditions other than brand new will be charged 50% restocking fee of the total amount All returns must be properly boxed before they are returned. It's the customers responsibility to report any damagesishortages wlhlfn 43 hours of receiving the produel. Runyon with not accept claims 46 sours after delivery. Runyon wifi not accept returns without authorization. Upon issuing a Merchandise Return Authorization (Ii Runyon will instrugl customers as to the best means of returning merchandise. Runyon's MRA's are valid for 3Q days after issuance. MRAs are not valid after the 30 day time limit expires. Runyon will absolutely rot, under any circumstances, issue an MRA for returns on used or damaged products Any freight related damage miner be rotetl on the signed Bit of L«ding A: THE TIME OF OELIVEAY. The purchase price at Time of sale is final. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES; Sells represents and warrants that (a) Seller has all necessary right, power and authority to enter into and perform the transactions referenced herein; (b) Salter has good and mai kafabie title to the Equipmoni; and ic'I on line Transfer Date, Seller ,will convey the same to Buyer (save only for the purchase money lien, it any, to be retained by Setter should Seller, at its sole option, elect to finance all or any portion of the, Purchase Price). Bayer represents and warrants that (i) Buyer has all necessary right, power and authority to enter into and perform the transactions referenced herein; (ii) Buyer has selected and carefully inspected and examined the Equipment and found the same robe acceptable to Buyer in all respects based on criteria established solely by Buyer and not based on any recommendation by Se!ler,and (iii) Buyer has received, carefully reviewed and is satisiled With, all available Imining, insiructfons, epe €cling and user manuals, and other intormatinn (Including ail training required under applicable OSHA andlor ANSI Standards, if any) regarding the proper and safe transportation, use, maintenance, repair and storage of the Equipment. In consideraton of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver" by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or arry right it might R U NCO N have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of pct property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This 'damage waiver' does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or in the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to recldess, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, If a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and O.F MEL FI5HER5 INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney Ices, court cost and interest of one and one haft (1 V2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percertt FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes onl and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don' be a fool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO', JOB LOCATION; TICKET CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATION 1356 SKAKE KNIGHT 1411 E. 116TH STREET Con# 210685 CARMEL IN 46032 Loc 1.00 SSN PHONE DATE _TIME W(317) 848 -7275 OUT 10/22/11 2:03,PM TT F (317) 571 -2468 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY SKATE KNIGHT JACKSON, MIKE RETURNED 10/23/11 11:33 AM SAF *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8-:HOUR DAYS WEEK 4 WEEK 1 5457 -0010 LIGHT PLANT 4 HEAD 6000W GEN 115.00 115.00 $115.00 /D 115.00 115.00 fr 300.,00 0 0 C P LFrchas® Description V�CIjr g P+ a. fYl l7`f O C T 7 2011 orb G.L. BLiciget y a Line Descr R Purchaser Date ApProval__ Date C7 f IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN" DATE YOIJ WILL BE SUBdECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 11 .00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 0 00 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTANOTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTANDTHAT I AMTHE PERSON RENTINGTHIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON I DW /FEES 5.75 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED AdCll TAX 0 0 0 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X i 1 i I ;R THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 0 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS FEES, ANDIOR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OFTHE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 120 7 5 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR, AMT BILLED 120 75 LEASED y: I P t f >,(x`"W;r,,, PHONE 23- OCT -11 11:56:52 LEASED BY X E QU I PMENT X ,Ox° =its RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply X 1NITIA..1., NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runvon Enuiament Rental has been notified. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order fro. 354867 Runyon Equipment Rental Terms 410 W Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Invoice Description Date Dumber (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 10/19/11 210345 Hitch rental 85.94 10/22/11 210685 Generator for Sk8 night 120.75 Total 206.69 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 354867 Runyon Equipment Rental Allowed 20 410 W Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 In Sum of 206.69 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund/109 Monon Center PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #JTITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 210345 4238000 85.94 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1096 -60 210685 4239039 120.75 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 3 -Nov 2011 Signature 206.69 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waver' by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This 'damage wa'Ner° does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the rase of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding is rated capacity, or damage to fires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUI4MENT {LAN rAL other causes Inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and C AWOL 1`15HEM INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or In any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 5 8 888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may coiled damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (I 112) percent per mash added to accounts overten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317 -566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a toot Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrentaL eom incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL UTILITIES 206 SHOP 760 3RD AVENUE SW, #110 Con# 211425 CARMEL IN 46032 r Loc 100 SSI+I; PHONES DATE TIME W (317) 571 -2267 OUT 10/28/11 2:97 PM SAF F (317) 571 -2265 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY. SHOP MATT 10/28/11 2:48 PM SAE' *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT. AMT NET 'AMT MIN,' HOURLY .OVNITE '8 —HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 1 101 PROPANE 30 POUND REFILL 2`0.90 20.90 20.90 t pm. l�3 h ly VT Ij 4 d ,S IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NUF RETURNED BY "DUE Pr' DATE,YOU VALL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARM OF CONVERSION (THEFT}. RENT 0 0 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel. E85, etc.) in Runyan Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative.fuel. SALE S 20 90 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0.00 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW FEES 0 00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASONS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X F_'Ik7NA-J71 Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON S TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 20 90 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 20 90 EQUIPMENT X (�f N N f`4 E fp� CELL LEASED BY 3 4 a3t PHONE 28 OCT 19:48:43 EQUIPMENT 't e AET AT, r 9. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. URNED BY X �1 1� L Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLTIRES, FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X lid€ [AL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunctions unless Runvon Eauioment Rental has been notified. VOUCHER 112809 WARRANT ALLOWED 354867 IN SUM OF RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL 410 W CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL, IN 46032 WATER !OPERATIONS Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 211425 01- 6200 -06 $20.90 Voucher Total $20.90 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 354867 RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL Purchase Order No. 410 W CARMEL DRIVE Terms CARMEL, IN 46032 Due Date 11/1/2011 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/1/2011 211425 $20.90 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver' by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right I might have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of i VV V uv r A�A property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacty or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or Ij EQUIPMENT tzENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, If a total loss, will pay replacement oast of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and CAWIll o Ft'ot1E95 a INDtANAPOi shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 3'97 S 3 8 3030 The parties agree that in the evert the Rentee violates arry of the terms and oonditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (1 12) percent per monih added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent. FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned far rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a Pool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to prope ty, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrental. eom incidental damages, even those damages caused fry the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a resuR of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days car Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm o Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm o Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED :,,TO "JOB, °LOCATION,. TICKET I CIT OF CARMEL 4 448 BLAINE ONE CIVIC SQUARE Con# 207334 CARMEL IN 46032 Loc 100 SSN PHONE DATE TTME W (3170 571 -2448 OUT C9/2 6/11 10:45 AM TT F (317) 571 -2409 ID #3 PO /JOB a RECEIVED- BY BLAINE MALLABER, BLAINE UTILITIES D 09/26/11 10:51 AM TT *FINAL Page: 3. MIN a .HOURLY .OVNITE 8 -HOUR. DAY WEEK 4 `WEEK EXT AMT NET AMT 3 101 PROPANE 30 POUND REFILL 20.90 62.70 62.70 3 4.. d w t t 4 s IF THE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY"DUE IN" DATE, YOU MILL BESU& fECTTOA CHARGE OF CONVERSION (rHEFf}. RENT 0.00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, El etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. SALE S 62 70 Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTANDTHAT I AM THE PERSON RENTINGTHIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW /FEES 0.00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED Addl TAX O O O BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT. ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, Al INTERESTCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGESTO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OFTHE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 62 70 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 62 70 EQUIPMENT CELL LEASEDGY X r`I.�t PHONE 26 SEP 11 10:51:34 RETURN EoTBr X '�r 1 RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X g, 1 5 NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha rge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. maitunctinn unless Runvon EauiDment Rental has been notified. In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waivers by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive Its right, or any right 'It might have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of A property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver' does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT tzE NTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and CP RWCI_ •FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 3 566 888 The panes agree that in the event the Rentee violates arty of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and Interest of one and one half (1 V2) percent permonth added to acoounts over ten (10) days old reflectng an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent ,FAX: 317 -566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or Indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don't be a tool Rent one warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for lt any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, oonsequential damages, loss of Income or any other www. run yonrentaL com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCAT TICKET CARMEL WASTE WATER 9855 EQ 760 3RD AVENUE SW Con# 210165 SUITE 110 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46032 Loc 100 SSN PHONE DATE TIME F (317) 571 -2634 OUT 10/17/11 12:08 PM TT F (317) 571 2636 ID #3 PO /JOTS RECEIVED BY EQ COOPER, JEFF 10/17/11 12:12 PM TT *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 —HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 4 000346325881 GRINDING DISC ABR 4 1/2" METAL 2.50 10.00 10.00 6 076607016164 GRINDING DISC ABR 4 "X5/8" MET 49 8.94 8.94 N d" �y l n V -1\ THE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE PP' DATE,YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THFFf} RENT 0 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Blodiesel, I etc) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative.fuel. SALES 18 94 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMTRAT ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSE INSTRi ONS E ION$ I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW/ FEES 0 00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X 1 ,n f,,-" i Addl TAX 0 .0 0 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. f PROMISE THAT As A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, h WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZE TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, ANI INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT, IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 18 94 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLE THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR, LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT 3I L L E D 18 94 EQUIPMENT X 1 :3 1'i I h .I- C ELL LEASE BY 17 —OC T —11 12:18:43 E QUIPME NT RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. RETURNED BY X Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X 4 NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment mat unctions unless Runvon Eauioment Rental has been notified. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. VOUCHER 116144 WARRANT ALLOWED 354867 IN SUM OF RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 210165 01- 7202 -06 $18.94 Or.7202.06 62.70 Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 354867 RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL Purchase Order No. 410 W. Carmel Drive Terms Carmel, IN 46032 Due Date 11/1/2011 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1111/2011 210165 $18.94 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date 4 icer