HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of FactN~-O 1-2004 ~OBI O1: 58 PN O~I~NEL OOtflNUNITY SVOS FAX NO, 317 571 2426 Docket No.: Petitioner: CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA O.Y..o $ ..... 2// Mr/Mrs James & Peggy Monson . . ,FIND!NG$'OF_FACT- pEVEL.OPMEN,T STANDARDS VARIANCE The approval'of ~is variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals .and general welfare of the community because: New construction will consist of .one (1) single family ~es'i'~ence. 'No co~merical 'or nazar'd usage' ~.s 'proposed ~Or - -" _site.__ Additionally, propo, sed new lot ,!,ine,,,of.!pt di'vision' meets required setback of side'~ards bOth new & existing homes. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in Me variance will not be affected iD a substantially adverse manner because: Construct±on o~ ~ew home co±nc±des ~±th ex±st±n,9 lot: sizes & homes Wi'~hin subdiv{-"si0n. ' ~urrent' '[ets within subdivision 'als0 fail ,,to. meet req..ired R-,1 s_tandar_~__~_~ -"-~w ]_et woul~__not_ ]~o~ "out of place". Tree preserVation and use o'f existing topography ~ .-~ 1_ ~:~1_ ,.~,-' to ... - ..... The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: Platted :Got 2 o~ Harvey Subd±v±s±on cons±etS o~ 39190 S.F. -. 6:radiance as'Ks '~or '2'UUuO S.'F..per'~ot "(wi~n privat-e w~ter's.ystem) thus .proje.c't~ would fall Short. by, 810, S.F,.for to,.,tal of two ,lOts. Location of existing home does not allow an additional 100'-of " ........... ' '= ...... d-- __._.3 required frontage of appro~y 80' +/-. IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Clay Boarcl of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No .... is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, Which are incoq30rated herein by reference and made a part hereof. _ APpeals SECRETARY, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning"'Appeals Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or Z:Lshared~forms~BZA applleations\devstandapp Revised 01/05/2004 representative to sign). Page S ~ e - z:L~llarecR/orr~La;gA application,s, Davekaament stnndarcls Va/iance Application rev. 01t0.~2004 ~0, 817 ~71 2426 Docket No.: Petitioner:' CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carmel, Indiana 04030021 V (Ch.7.04.03 lot width) ,,, _ , .. 1, _._ -., . ,. Mr. & Mrs. James Monson .. 1,, ....11 . ,,, . , __ ~ . - _ , .FINDINGS O,F, FACT - DEVeLOPmENT S..TANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) I, ,, DATED THIS DAY OF ~ ..... . _ Board Member Ct× NO, 317 571 2426 : CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No.: Petitioner: Carmel, Indiana 04030021 V (Ch.7.04.03 lot width) Mr.- & Mrs. James Monson . ,, .._ 11,. ,, . , ..... .FINDINGS OF, ,FACT. - DEVELOPMENT S, TAND,ARDS VARIANCE (Ballot S.h.ee_ t) P, !2 DATED THIS Board Member Page 7 of 8 - ;~are~c~rns~ZA applicatial~\ [3evek3prnent Slandard~ Variance Appii~ic~ rev, 01/05/2004 NO, 317 571 2426 CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No.: Petitioner: Carmel, Indiana 04030021 V (Ch.7.04.03 lot width) Mr. & Mrs. James Monson - . ,, __ 11,, . ,,, 111 ........ .FINDINGS oF, FACT-DE ,V,~LOP,M, ENT $, .'!'AND,,ARDS, VARIA, NCE (Ballot Sheet) I, 2~ 3~ DATED THIS ~'~ ~ .__~ DAY OF Member Page ?.of 8 - [,'%6nare~%T~TnsMSZA appileaaan~% Development Standards Vartanc~ Al~pll~ation rev. 01/05/20~4 31'7 5'71 2426 P, 1..2 CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No.: Petitioner: Carmel, Indiana 04030021 V (Ch.7.04.03 lot width) Mr. & Mrs. James Monson .FINDINGS OF,, FACT-DEV .ELOPM.,ENT S, TANDAR, DS,,VARIANCE {Ballot S. heet) 3~ DATED THIS Page 7 of 8- [,~t~arecl~f~Tns~ZA appIIcaaal~\ Develepmem $landard~ V~lanCe Al3pllcat~o~ rev. 01/05/2004 2426 CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No.' Petitioner: Carmel, Indiana 04030021 V (Ch.7.04.03 lot width) ._ 1, , .. ,, _._ ~ _ ,,, 11 ,, . ---,~ ,, Mr. & Mrs. James Monson ,FINDINGS OF, FACT- DEV .E._LOPMENT S, TAND, ARDS..VARI~,,NCE {Ballot Sheet) I, F, 12 DATED THIS DAY OF ~d~ember Page 7 of 8 - z,'~Mrec[~f~rrnslBZA apptlcatian~\ I;~ve~t .qtandard.~ Va~lanCe Appllcalio, i rev, 01/05/2004 NO, 91.7 571 2426 Docket No' Petitioner. CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carmel, Indiana 04030020 ,v ( Ch. 7.04.02 lot area) Mr. & Mrs. James Monson .FINDINGS OF, FACT- DEVELOPMENT S. TAND. AEDS VAE~NCE (Ballot Sheet) ¸3, DATED THIS DAY OF ~ ,,,- //.' , . , 20 _ Bct~rd Member Page 7 of 8 - ~,'~l~are~rns~ZA appltcat~a~\ Developtmmt Standard~ V~lanc~ Appllca[i~l rev, 01/05/2004 F~X NO, 317 57~ 2426 CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docke[ No.: 04030020 ,V Carmel, Indiana (Ch.7.04-02 lot area) Petitioner: Mr. & Mrs. James Monson · , ._ ~- __ ~ . . - .~,, __ .FINDINGS OF.,.FACT- DEVELOP.M, ENT S!ANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 2~ DAY OF. -~ ~Be'~l~ler~ber ' DATED THIS l:~e 7 of 8 - [~t~ate~r~-rns~ZA appiicatian~\ Developtmmt Standard= V~lanc~ Appiica[ic.1 rev, 01/05/2~ X NO, 317 571 2426 .. CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No.: Petitioner: 04030020 ,V Carmel, Indiana (Ch.7.04-02 lot area) Mr. & Mrs. James Monson · , . ,,1 .__ 1, ..... - ]=INDINGS OF, FACT- DEVE. LOPMENT STANDARDS_VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 2~ Boa~NTem her Pag~ 7 of 8 - z;~l~srec[~f~rns~sZA applicatian~\ Devaloptnonl Standard~ V~rlanc~ Al3plicatic~ rev, 01/05/2{)04 la× NO, 31~ 571. 2426 -, : CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No.: Petitioner: Carmel, Indiana 04030020,V (Ch.7.04.02 lot area) Mr. & Mrs. James Monson j=IND!NGS OF FACT - DEVE. LOP .MENT $,TANDARDS VARIANCE {Ballot S. heet) 3~ DAY OF Page 7 otr 8 - [~Marec[~rns~ZA app~lcaUan~\ Devetopm~m Standard~ Va,fiance Appilcati~l my, 01/05/20H Docket No.: Petitioner: I, FAX NO, 317 571 2426 CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF zONING APPEALS 04030020 ,V Carmel, Indiana (Ch.7.04 '02 lot area) Mr. & Mrs. James Monson ~INDINGS OF FACT- DEVELOP .MENT STANDARDS VARIANCE {Ballot Sheet) 2~ ,,, ._~ DAY OF · ,2o Board k~mber · ' ' ' ' -. Pag~ 7 of 8 - z~l~are~forrns~lSZA apptlcat~gm~\ I:;)eva~opmont Standard= V~lanCe Appitcati~ roy, 01/05/2004