April 26, 2004
lh. Carmel Science & Technology Park, Lots llB& llC:
Congressional Flex Space (V-132-03/#03120025)
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance:
V-132-03 #03120025 §20D.04.06 from landscaped yard
The site is located at southwest 122no Street & Congressional Blvd.
The site is zoned M-3/Manu£acturing. Filed by Mila Slepaya of Mid-States Engineering.
General Information:
The petitioner requests a variance to reduce the landscape setback line from 15 feet to 7 feet. That is an
8-ft difference.
Background Information:
The petitioner has filed a development plan with the Department. Following is an excerpt from the
November 19, 2003 TAC meeting minutes:
"DOBOSIEWICZ: Just a follow up on the comment letter concerning some changes that need to be made
to the plan in terms of the half right-of-way along City Center Drive, adjustments to the
improvements to the south as well as the provision of sidewalk and/or path along both of those
roadways. It would be good if a copy of the plans for the City Center Drive as part of the
development on approval process. Dedication of right-of-way per the Thoroughfare Plan would be
required. It appears that the forty feet (40') half along Congressional is identified but there is a
seventy feet (70') half and that parameter is going to require significant adjustments from the south
to the site plan. In addition to that, we need verification on building height to calculate the building
base landscape along the from. Sidewalks are allowed to cut into that perpendicular to the parking
lot. Parallel sidewalk adjacent to the parking spaces would not be allowed to encroach into that
required from base landscape area. The driveway to the south accessing the existing access road I
would like to see that cleaned up so it is design like a normal driveway segment. Also like to see
that northern edge of that existing drive curb better traffic control along your site making sure we do
not have people dipping into that grass area off that drive. You might also look at the southwest
comer of the site again to better define traffic control into the rear of the property. Request was
made for rear and side elevations as well as a cut sheet for lighting fixtures with a 90-degree cut-off.
Identify the property lines and there is an area defined for a dumpster that needs to be enclosed and
we need the detail showing what it is going to look like.
Just to interject, typically we do have and acquired right-of-way necessary for the roadway
project. With a road project we only acquire what is necessary and consistent with the
Thoroughfare Plan and Ordinance."
The site has a unique situation where the city has acquired right-of-way to complete the City Center
Road project. The new fight of way is a 70-fi half, when it used to be a 52-fi half from the centcrline of
122na Street. The petitioner must seek a variance for reduced landscape yard setback.
Findings of Fact:
The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals,
and general welfare of the community because: The reduced landscape yard setback will not
be injurious to the community because this variance is in lieu of a roadway project which will
benefit the community.
The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be
affected in a substantially adverse manner because:
Thc usc and value of the area adjacent to thc property will not be affected in a substantially
adverse manner by allowing the reduced landscape yard setback. Thc area is zoned M-
3/Manufacturing and many of thc uses in the area arc of a technological nature, which do not
quite need thc caliber of landscaping as if adjacent to a residential area would.
The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in
practical difficulties in the use of the property because:
The strict application of the Zoning Ordinance may result in practical difficulties in the use of
the property due to the denial of the development plan for lack of meeting the 15-ft landscaped
yard setback.
The department recommends positive consideration of Docket No. V-132-03.
February 23, 2004
6h. Carmel Science & Technology Park, Lots llB& llC:
Congressional Flex Space (V-132-03/1103120025)
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance:
V-132-03 #03120025 §20D.04.06 front landscaped yard
The site is located at southwest 122nd Street & Congressional Blvd.
The site' is zoned M-3/Manufacturing.
Filed by Mila Slepaya of Mid-States Engineering.
General Information:
The petitioner requests a variance to reduce the landscape setback line from 15 feet to 7
feet. That is an 8-ft difference.
Background Information:
The petitioner has filed a development plan with the Department. Following is an
excerpt from the November 19, 2003 TAC meeting minutes:
"DOBOSIEWICZ: Just a follow up on the comment letter concerning some changes that
need to be made to the plan in terms of the half right-of-way along City Center Drive,
adjustments to the improvements to the south as well as the provision of sidewalk
and/or path along both of those roadways. It would be good if a copy of the plans for
the City Center Drive as part of the development on approval process. Dedication of
right-of-way per the Thoroughfare Plan would be required. It appears that the forty
feet (40') half along Congressional is identified but there is a seventy feet (70') half
and that parameter is going to require significant adjustments from the south to the
site plan. In addition to that, we need verification on building height to calculate the
building base landscape along the front. Si&walks are allowed to cut into that
perpendicular to the parking lot. Parallel sidewalk adjacent to the parking spaces
would not be allowed to encroach into that required front base landscape area. The
driveway to the south accessing the existing access road I would like to see that
cleaned up so it is design like a normal driveway segment. Also like to see that
northern edge of that existing drive curb better traffic control along your site making
sure we do not have people dipping into that grass area off that drive. You might also
look at the southwest comer of the site again to better define traffic control into the
rear of the property. Request was made for rear and side elevations as well as a cut
sheet for lighting fixtures with a 90-degree cut-off. Identify the property lines and
there is an area defined for a dumpster that needs to be enclosed and we need the
detail showing what it is going to look like.
Just to interject, typically we do have and acquired right-of-way necessary for the
roadway project. With a road project we only acquire what is necessary and
consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan and Ordinance."
The site has a unique situation where thc city has acquired right-of-way to complete the
City Center Road project. Thc new fight of way is a 70-ft half, when it used to be a $2-ft
half from thc ccntcrlin¢ of 122nd Street. Thc petitioner must scck a variance for reduced
landscape yard setback.
Findings of Fact:
1.) The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health,
safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: The reduced
landscape yard setback will not be injurious to the community because this
variance is in lieu of a roadway project which will benefit the community.
The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the
variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because:
The use and value of the area adjacent to the property will not be affected in a
substantially adverse manner by allowing the reduced landscape yard setback.
The area is zoned M-3/Manufacturing and many of the uses in the area are of a
technological nature, which do not quite need the caliber of landscaping as if
adjacent to a residential area would.
The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property
will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because'
The strict application of the Zoning Ordinance may result in practical difficulties
in the usc of the property due to thc denial of the development plan for lack of
meeting the 15-ft landscaped yard setback.
The department recommends positive consideration of Docket No. V-132-03.
January 26, 2004
16j. Carmel Science & Technology Park, Lots liB & llC:
Congressional Flex Space (V-132-03/#03120025)
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance:
V-132-03 #03120025 §20D.04.06 front landscaped yard
The site is located at southwest 122nd Street & Congressional Blvd.
The site is zoned M-3/Manufacturing.
Filed by Mila Slepaya of Mid-States Engineering.
General Information:
The petitioner requests a variance to reduce the landscape setback line from 15 feet to 7 feet.
That is an 8-ft difference.
Background Information:
The petitioner has filed a development plan with the Department. Following is an excerpt from
the November 19, 2003 TAC meeting minutes:
"DOBOSIEWICZ: Just a follow up on the comment letter concerning some changes that need to be
made to the plan in terms of the half right-of-way along City Center Drive, adjustments to the
improvements to the south as well as the provision of sidewalk and/or path along both of
those roadways. It would be good if a copy of the plans for the City Center Drive as part of
the development on approval process. Dedication of right-of-way per the Thoroughfare Plan
would be required. It appears that the forty feet (40') half along Congressional is identified
but there is a seventy feet (70') half and that parameter is going to require significant
adjustments from the south to the site plan. In addition to that, we need verification on
building height to calculate the building base landscape along the front. Sidewalks are
allowed to cut into that perpendicular to the parking lot. Parallel sidewalk adjacent to the
parking spaces would not be allowed to encroach into that required front base landscape area.
The driveway to the south accessing the existing access road I would like to see that cleaned
up so it is design like a normal driveway segment. Also like to see that northern edge of that
existing drive curb better traffic control along your site making sure we do not have people
dipping into that grass area off that drive. You might also look at the southwest comer of the
site again to better define traffic control into the rear of the property. Request was made for
rear and side elevations as well as a cut sheet for lighting fixtures with a 90-degree cut-off.
Identify the property lines and there is an area defined for a dumpster that needs to be
enclosed and we need the detail showing what it is going to look like.
Just to interject, typically we do have and acquired fight-of-way necessary for the
roadway project. With a road project we only acquire what is necessary and consistent
with the Thoroughfare Plan and Ordinance."
The site has a unique situation where the city has acquired fight-of-way to complete the City
Center Road project. The new fight of way is a 70-ft half, when it used to be a 52-ft half from the
centerline of 122nd Street. The petitioner must seek a variance for reduced landscape yard
Findings of Fact:
The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety,
morals, and general welfare of the community because: The reduced landscape yard
setback will not be injurious to the community because this variance is in lieu of a
roadway project which will benefit the community.
The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will
not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because'
The use and value of the area adjacent to the property will not be affected in a
substantially adverse manner by allowing the reduced landscape yard setback. The area is
zoned M-3/Manufacturing and many of the uses in the area are of a technological nature,
which do not quite need the caliber of landscaping as if adjacent to a residential area
The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will
result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because:
The strict application of the Zoning Ordinance may result in practical difficulties in the
use of the property due to the denial of the development plan for lack of meeting the 15-ft
landscaped yard setback.
The department recommends positive consideration of Docket No. V-132-03.
December 16, 2003
3h. Docket No. 163-03 DP #030100015)
Carmel Science Technology Park, Lots 11B 11C:
Congressional Flex Space- Development Plan
The applicant seeks to construct two buildings. The site is located at southwest 122nd St
Congressional Blvd. The site is zoned M- 3/Manufacturing.
Filed by Mila Slepaya of Mid States Engineering.
The applicant is requesting approval of a Development Plan for the construction of two office
and warehouse buildings. Please see the informational packet prepared by the applicant for an
overview of the site and proposed building elevations. While ADLS is not a separate
requirement in the M3 zone the language in the ordinance essentially requires the same level of
review for M3 zoned properties.
As part of this project the petitioner will need to submit a request for a variance form the setback
requirements along 122 Street (future City Center Drive). The Department along with the
Department of Engineering is in favor of a reduced landscaping setback as opposed to reducing
the necessary right -of -way dedication which would be made from the new centerline as proposed
in the plan the City has for improvement to the roadway.
The following items are those that may require additional attention:
1. Approval should be subject to the granting of the variance by the BZA.
2. Architecture:
a. Greater architectural detail should be applied to the south elevation of the building
located in the southeast comer of the site due to its high level of visibility along
Congressional Boulevard to the south.
3. Signage:
a. Please provide greater detail on the style of proposed wall signage for tenants
(type of letter, color, etc.).
4. Lighting: Please provide a cut sheet of the proposed fixtures, both pole lights and ground
mounted up- lights. Full cut -off lights should be used.
The Department recommends that this item be forwarded to the Special Studies Committee
on January 6 for further discussion.
PCR- 2003 -1216