HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept ReportTin~lle~', Connie S From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Butler, Angelina V Friday, April 23, 2004 8:58 AM Tingley, Connie S 'Chuck Weinkauf; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; 'Earlene Plavchak'; Haney, Douglas C; Hollibaugh, Mike P; James R. Hawkins (E-mail); 'John Molitor'; 'Leo Diemkman'; Madeleine Torres (E- mail) Department Report Error: Mike's Car Wash( 04020014V -04020018 V) NOTE: CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS -MEMORANDUM= this memo will be handed out at the April 26 BZA Meeting, also, Date: To: From: April 26, 2004 BZA Members Angelina Butler Department of Community Services Re: April 26, 2004 BZA meeting - Department Report Error Please see the revised department report to reflect the Department's Findings of Fact and Recommendation on the following item, in which par t was p reviously written in' error: 2-6h. Docket No. 04020014 V Docket No. 04020015 V Docket No. 04020016 V Docket No. 04020017 V (#04020014 V-04020018 V) Mike's Express Carwash The applicant seeks approval of the following development standards variances: Ch.25.07.02-08 Carmel Dr. ground sign height Ch.25.07.02-08 Range Line Rd. ground sign height Ch.25.07.05 number of menu signs Ch.25.07.05 menu sign on a non-fast food property The site is located at 1250 S Range Line Rd. The site is zoned I-l/Industrial. Filed by Charlie Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger. The department recommends positive consideration of Docket Nos. 04020014 V through 04020018 V. BZAMEMO-2004-0423 CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS REVISED DEPARTMENT REPORT April 26, 2004 2-6h. (#04020014 V-04020017 V) Mike's Express Carwash The applicant seeks approval of the following development standards variances: Docket No. 04020014 I/ Docket No. 04020015 V Docket No. 04020016 V Docket No. 04020017 V Ch.25.07.02-08 Ch.25.07.02-08 Ch.25.07.05 Ch.25.07.05 Cannel Dr. ground sign height Range Line Rd. ground sign height number of menu signs menu sign on a non-fast food property mznu :i~'. ~uare fcct.~ge WITHDRAWN The site is located at 1250 S Range Line Rd. The site is zoned I-l/Industrial. Filed by Charlie Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger. General Information: The petitioner is requesting a variance for ground sign heights for 2 ground signs, one along Cannel Drive and one along Range Line Road. The Zoning Ordinance regulates sign size and height based on its distance from the road right of way and the building frontage. The petitioner is also requesting variances for having 2 menus signs and having a menu sign with a use that is not a fast-food restaurant. The square footage of each will be less than 16 square feet. The Zoning Ordinance regulates menu sign size, number, and the use it can be used in conjunction with. Background Information: The petitioner is tearing down the existing Carmel Car Wash buildings and constructing a new car wash facility with 2 buildings. The development plan and ADLS petition was presented before the Cannel Plan Commission on February 17, 2004 and sent to the March 2nd Special Studies Committee for further review, where it was tabled until March 30. On April 21, the full Plan Commission voted 10 to 0 for approval (subject to conditions written on the Department Report). Analysis: The carwash facility wants good visibility along Cannel Drive and Range Line Roads. The petitioner is requesting a 4' 10" variance along Range Line Rd and a 1 '2" variance along Carmel Dr. for sign height. Thc ground signs along Carmel Drive and Range Line Roads are 7'2" and 10'10" tall, while the Ordinance only allows for a 6-f~ tall ground sign. The menu signs are typical of this particular business's site design layout throughout the state. These menu signs will be located further into the site and will not be seen easily from the roads; they arc meant for patrons on-site. The petitioner has been very cooperative in making changes to their site plan and building in order to fit in with the context of Carmel. They have been very flexible in architectural design of the buildings and the signs. The Plan Commission approved the site plan and project on April 20, 2004. Findings of Fact: ground sign height 1.) The approval of this variance will not be injnrious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: The petitioner is requesting a 4' 10" variance along Range Line Rd and a 1 '2" variance along Cannel Dr. for sign height. The signs will be visible and aid in traffic flow The design of the sign fits into the context of the area. The Plan Commission approved the sign size and sign design on April 20, 2004. 2.) The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: The use and value of thc area adjacent to the property will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner by allowing thc taller ground signs. It will add character to the area with the sign's design, approved by the Plan Commission on April 20, 2004. 3.) The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The strict application of the Zoning Ordinance may result in practical difficulties in the use of the property due to the fact that the signs will not be very visible, due to sign size and location. Note that the sign size and design were approved by the Plan Commission on April 20, 2004. Findings of Fact: Menu signs 1.) The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: The menu signs will be located inside the site where patrons will see them only. 2.) The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: It is the Department's opinion that the use and value of the area adjacent to the property will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner by allowing the menu signs. The signs will be placed so that only patrons that use the site will be able to read them. 3.) The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The strict application of the Zoning Ordinance may result in practical difficulties in the use of the property due to the fact that patrons will not know what services are offered at thc car wash facility, thus causing the business to lose revenue. Recommendation: The department recommends positive consideration of Docket Nos. 04020014 V through 04020018 V. Sincerely, Angle Butler Planning Administrator Division of Planning & Zoning Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 p 317.571.2417 f 317.571.2426 3 CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DEPARTMENT REPORT April 26, 2004 Docket No. 04020014 Docket No. 04020015 Docket No. 04020016 Docket No. 04020017 2-6h. (#04020014 V-04020017 V) Mike's Express Carwash The applicant seeks approval of the following development standards variances: Ch.25.07.02-08 Cannel Dr. ground sign height Ch.25.07.02-08 Range Line Rd. ground sign height Ch.25.07.05 number of manu signs Ch.25.07.05 menu sign on a non-fast food property ..................... r~,- ~'t ....... ~ WITHDRAWN The site is located at 1250 S Range Line Rd. The site is zoned I-l/Industrial. Filed by Charlie Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger. General Information: The petitioner is requesting a variance for ground sign heights for 2 ground signs, one along Carmel Drive and one along Range Line Road. The Zoning Ordinance regulates sign size and height based on its distance from the road right of way and the building frontage. The petitioner is also requesting variances for having 2 menus signs and having a menu sign with a use that is not a fast-food restaurant. The square footage of each will be less than 16 square feet. The Zoning Ordinance regulates menu sign size, number, and the use it can be used in conjunction with. Background Information: The petitioner is tearing down the existing Carmel Car Wash buildings and constructing a new car wash facility with 2 buildings. The development plan and ADLS petition was presented before the Carmel Plan Commission on February 17, 2004 and sent to the March 2nd Special Studies Committee for further review, where it was tabled until March 30. On April 21, the full Plan Commission voted 10 to 0 for approval (subject to conditions written on the Department Report). Analysis: The carwash facility wants good visibility along Carmel Drive and Range Line Roads. The ground signs along Carmel Drive and Range Line Roads are 7'2" and 10'10" tall, while the Ordinance only allows for a 6-ft tall ground sign. The menu signs are typical of this particular business's site design layout throughout the state. These menu signs will be located further into the site and will not be seen easily from the roads; they are meant for patrons on-site. The petitioner has been very cooperative in making changes to their site plan and building in order to fit in with the context of Carmel. Findings of Fact: ground sign height 1.) The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: The sign ordinance allows 6-~t tall ground signs at this location. The petitioner is requesting a 4'10" variance along Range Line Rd and a 1 '2" variance along Carmel Dr. for sign height. The signs will be massive in size and might not fit in with the context of the area. 2.) The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: The use and value of the area adjacent to the property will be affected in a substantially adverse manner by allowing the taller ground signs. It will give an unfair advantage to the neighboring ear wash facilities that arc abiding by the ordinance and utilize the required square footage of a sign. It might also overshadow the adjacent business' signs. 3.) The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The s~ct application of the Zoning Ordinance will not result in practical difficulties in the use of the prope~y due to the fact that the signs will be large enough, even when utilizing the Sign Ordinance requirements. Findings of Fact: Menu signs 1.) The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: The menu signs will be located inside the site where patrons will see them only. 2.) The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: It is the Department's opinion that the use and value of the area adjacent to the property will not be affected in a substantially adverse mauner by allowing the menu signs. The signs will be placed so that only patrons that use the site will bc able to read them. 3.) The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The strict application of the Zoning Ordinance may result in practical difficulties in the use of the property due to the fact that patrons will not know what services are offered at the car wash facility, thus causing the business to lose revenue. Recommendations: The department recommends negative consideration of Docket Nos. 04020014 V and 04020015 V. The department recommends positive consideration of Docket Nos. 04020016 V, 04020017 V, and 04020018 V with the following condition: That there be no signage on the trashcans and no stuffed animal 'signage' outside the buildings.