HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of Fact CAEMEIJCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA 04040003 SU Docket No..' Petitioner:. Platinum Properties, L.L.C. FINDINGS OF FACT - SPECIAL USE The Special Use In Flood Plain DIs0'tct, Ordinance Z-160, Section 21.6 as amended (does) (does not) apply and allTPre.m, quis. ites h~ave been met by Petffionar as verified by:. ne r~amilton.~ount~.Flood Maps shown as Firm Map #180081 0235 F Dated: February 19, 2003 The Special Use will be oonsis~ent with the Charau~r and Permitted Land Use of the zoning dislrJot and Cannel/Clay Comprehensive Plan because: The area for this amenity was aooroved and recorded: Cherrv Creek Estates~ Section lB The Special Use Is' physk:~.. Ily suitable for the land h qu.~tion because: The area for this amenity was aooroved and recorded: Cherry Creek ~states~ Section lB. The Special Use wi. II not inj.u, rtously or adversely a~ot the adjacent land or property values be~.Uae: The area for this amenity was approved and recorded: Cherry Creek Estates~ Section lB The Special Use will not adversely ,*;;'r.~ vehk:ular ar pedestrian traffio flow, nor'the adequate availability of water, sewage, or storm drainage faculties, or police or nra protection because: The area for this ameniW was approved and recorded: C~herr¥ Creek Entaten: ~eetlon IR The Bcard has reviewed the requ[reme0ts of Ordinance Z-160, Section 21.3 (1-25) aa they relate to this 8peci~ U~.e, and does not ~d that. tho.se criteria prevent the gr,.ting of the Special Use: - the aepar~ment ~s rewewmg the Plans a.nd we will comply with any comments they may have. DECISION IT I$ THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Ciay Board of Zoning Appeals that Special Usa Docket Number Is granted, subject to any conditions st~iad In the minutes of this Board, which are Incorpa-ab~l hereIn by refemnc, e and made a pelt hereof. ~ Adopted this ~2'!day of _/~" CHAJRPERSON, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appel. s. /C4~dittons~ the"l~6'aj'~.>~,~ ~]sted on the b.a. ok. s,'~r'~'~pedal Use Applk~l~m Revised 10/17/2000 SECRETARY, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals Docket No.: Petitioner: CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carmel, Indiana 04040003 SU Platinum Properties, L.L.C. FINDINGs OF FACT- DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet_) DATED THIS 24th DAY OF May _,20 04 __- CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALs Carmel, Indiana Docket No.: ~ 04040003 SI./ Pet/tioner: ~ Platinum Properties, L.L.C. 1..~F~INDINGs OF FACT - DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDs VAR/ANcE Ballot Sheet DATED THIS 24ti~ May ~ DAy OF _, 20 04 CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Cannel, Indiana Docket No.: 04040003 SU Petitioner: Platinum Properties, LLC. FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) -- 3. DATED THIS 24th DAY OF May ., 20 04 Board Member CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carmel, Indiana Docket No.: 04040003 SU Petitioner: Platinum Properties, L.L.C. FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) DATED THIS 24th DAY OF May ,20_ 04 B ~t~d Member CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carmel, Indiana Docket No.: 04040003 SU Petitioner: Platinum Properties, L.L.C. FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) -- 3. DATED THIS 24th DAY OF May · 2O. 04 Board'~vlember