JANUARY 20, 1999
Members present were: Mark Monroe, DOCS; Stan Pucker and Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.;
Craig Parks and Dick ~ll, Carmel Engineering; Paul Amone, Carmel Utilities; Mark McCulloch,
Hamilton County Highway Department; Steve Cash, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Mary
Shultz, Indiana Gas; Chuck Leavitt and Kandy Cmtchfield, Ciner~/PSI; and Para Waggoner,
Indpls. Water Co.
Foster Estates. Section 4.
Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) to construct 40 lots on 27 acres. The site is located on
the southwest corner of 146 Street and Carey Road. The she ~s zoned R-1/R. es~dence.
Filed by Keith Lash of the Schneider Corporation.
Richard Henderson and Keith Lash, The Schneider Corp., in attendance; also Jim White of
Quadrant Developmem Co. Section 4 is last section to be built. Comments received from
Utilities, Engineering, Soil & Water, and Fire Dept. Will submit revised plans next week. DOCS
comments to be addressed by Friday.
- Carmel Fire Dept., Start Puckett sent comment lette~, fire hydrant locations approved.
- Indiana Gas, Mary Shultz, no comment.
- Carmel Utilities, Paul Amone sent comment letter. Request petitioner extend water
main to connect with 146t~ Street. Valve locations to be pinpointed. New meter pit specs.
to be finished and submitted to petitioner; sewers OK
- Carmel Engineering, Dick Hill sent comment letter. Main point is storm water detention
& concern with peole downstream. Petitioner to schedule meeting with Kate Boyle-Weese
to discuss. Petitioner will address comments. Right-of-way on 146a Street is Hamilton
County--comments to be addressed regarding emrance. Storm sewer is also a concern.
- County Highway Department, Mark McCulloch sta:es Board of Commissioners agreed
to fence in 60 foot right-of-way--County can take down without compensation.
Landscape mound not allowed in right-of-way. Petitioner agreed with County
Commssioners to landscape mounding behind fence. If commissioners approved, OK with
Mark McCulloch. E~sting storm currently inside right-of-way.
- County Surveyor's Office, Steve Cash did not sent comment letter on Section 4--no
permits required.
- DOCS, Mark Monroe sent comment letter--mostly procedural items. Final Landscape
Plan? Submitted by petitioner this instant.
- Carmel School, letter received by DOCS requesting sidewalks, cul-de-sacs to be a
minimum of 93 feet to accommodate mining radius.
- Carmel Police Dept., letter from Chief Foga~, states no concerns.
s:Xa'ninutes\tac~ 1999jan
Hancock Professional Park) (DP/ADL/SP)
Petitioner seeks approval (Development Plan, Architectural Design, Landscaping, Lighting, and
Signage, and Secondal3~ Plat) to construct a 43,000 square foot office building complex on a 7 acre
parcel and to plat 2 lots. The site is located on the east side of Hancock Street, south of Carmel Drive.
The site is zoned M-3/Maanfactguring.
Filed by Adam DeI--Iart of Keeler-Webb Associates.
Adam DeI-lart of Keeler-Webb Associates and Richard Carriger, developer in attendance. 6 office
buildings to be constructed on site. Petitioner to install storm sewers, sanita~7', mains, and laterals and
initial earth work activities on entire site. Construction will be phased. Bldgs. I and 2 will be part of
the southern half of project--all curbing & landscaping to be installed as needed and as tenants lease
space. Bldgs, are 1200 square feet and can expand to 2400 square feet. All utilities available along
Hancock Street. Sardtary along Hancock already stubbed. Adam DeHart has met with Jay Alley of
Clay Waste. Site is currently vacant land--willing to share ingress/egress access at southwest comer,
plus additional street access point aligning with lot 3 on opposite side of street (main entrance.)
Parking is slightly over requkement. Existing trees on site planted by Reliastar-to be moved from
setback line. Grading work-NOI letter filed with IDEM.
- Carmel Fire Dept., Stan Puckett submitted comment letter Nove. 30~---no response.
Petitioner will comply. Two existing fire hydrants-petitioner will install one more.
- Indiana Gas Co., Mary Shultz advises petitioner to contact Tom Bowers for gas installation.
- Carmel Utilities, Paul Amone, no comments.
- Carmel Engineering, Dick I-fill says project review letter covers standard items-Board of
Works approval, bonding, street cut permits, etc. Request petitioner label in-place sewers.
- Indianapolis Water Co., Para Waggoner says curb cut location/recommendation OK with
Kate Boyle-Weese.
- Hamilton County Surveyor, Steve Cash has met ,~Sth Adam De/-lart - two perm/ts needed:
outlet request and a non-enforcement for easement encroachment ('Fertig Drain.) Concern
with foundation drains--recommend drain into pond be constructed to not blow 100 year outlet
at connection to bldg. Erosion control-recommend silt fence along ten,ah of property or
erosion control buffer. Steve Cash will submit comment letter.
- DOCS, Mark Monroe requests color elevation for buildings and signage. Lighting plan
appears to be excessive in some spots regarding spillage on neighboring property. Request
foundation plantings be labeled as well as tree species.
Hampton Inn Hotel. {DP/ADLS/SU/V)
Petitioner and Si~e, Special Use, Petitioner seeks approval (Developmem Plan, Architectural
Desi~m~, Landscaping, Lighting, and Signage, Special Use, Variance) to construct a 62,000 square tbot
s:h'ninutes\tac\ 1999jan
hotel on 3 acres. The site is located at the southeast comer of 126~ Street and U'.S. 31. The site is
zoned B-2/Business and is located within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone.
Filed by Steve Granner of Bose McKinney and Evans.
Steve Granner of Bose McKiney and Evans, Larry Hemp and Jan Tully ofWoolpert & Associates in
attendance. Steve Granner representing Schahet Hotels gave overview. Project site is 126th and U.S.
31. Special Use approval needed fi.om BZA for hotel, variance for height (5 stories) setback fi.om
Pennsylvania, and signage.
- Indianapolis Water Co., Para Waggoner says plans in hydraulics at present; petitioner will
send plans to Para.
- Carmel Fire Dept., Stan Puckett sent comment letter 12-30--no response. Start has met with
Craig Flandermeyer on retail space.
- Indiana Gas, Mary Shultz says gas available-ready to serve.
- Cannel Utilities, Paul Amone sent comment letter--project under Carmel Sewer jurisdiction
Plans do not show cross section. Utilities manager requests flow estimates at peak times.
- Carmel Engineering, Dick Hill has procedural comments only. Main question is how sanitary
sewer plans are presented--will want to see plans for entire sewer on Hamilton Crossing East-
petitioner will send revised plan for main line and sewer.
- County Highway, Mark McCulloch reports County attorney has stated no interest in mad
a.qer annexation has gone through. Curb cut for southern entrance on Pennsylvania is second
cut. Will look at plans again-if any concerns, will contact.
- County Surveyor, Steve Cash requests copy of annexation order. Permit for outlet request is
for indirect into Fertig Drain, no fee. Plans look good.
- DOCS, Mark Monroe reports size of setbacks excessive, landscape plan deficient-fighting
excessive. Revised plans to be submitted. Pedestrian access??
-Villa~e:of.~VestOav~ Section 10005, (SP)
Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Palt) to,construct 14 lots on 8 acres. The site is located on the
south side of West 131~ Street, one-quarter mile east of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-I/Residence
(pending primary plat approval).
Filed by Keith Lash of the Schneider Corporation
V~iila~e~of, West~aV~Seetion~..10006. (SPI
Petitioner seeks approval (Secondfii3?Pi~i~) to~ construct 27 lots on 18 acres. The site is located on the
south side of West 131~ Street, one-quarter m/lc east of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-l/Residence
(pending primar?' plat approval.)
Filed by Keith Lash.of-,ther~chneide~,~orporatlon.
? filage:ot'~w ~st~lav, ~ectton 10009. (SP)
Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) to construct 31 lots on 22 acres. The site is located on the
south side of West 171~ Street, one-half mile east of Tow~e Road. The site is zoned S-l/Residence
(pending primary plat approval.)
Fried by Keith Lash of the Schneider Corporation.
Petition~? i~ppm~ (S~6~a~rPliit)'io consmact 8 lots on 24 acres. The site is located on the
south side of West 131a Street, east of Hoover Road. The site is zoned S-l/Residence (pending
prima~ plat approval.)
Filed by Keith Lash of the Schneider Corporation.
Jose Kreutz of Brenwick Development and Keith Lash of Schneider Corp. in attendance. Overview by
Keith Lash. Phase I consists of 4 Sections. Section numbering: 100 refers to 100 feet wide section,
05, 06, 09, 1200 refers to section numbers, Secondary Plat and Construction Plans filed. Prima~ plat
has been approved.-petitioner ~ revise plans and send out response letters. Commencing
construction approximately April 15.
- Indianapolis Water Co., Pam Waggoner no comment
- Carmel Fire Dept., Stan Puckett has reviewed--no commems.
- Indiana Gas, Mary Shultz has no comments at this time--request overall maps-petitioner will
send to everyone.
- Carmel Engineer, Craig Parks, no comment.
- County Highway, Mark McCulloch requests entrances with aceel/decels to show on plans-
will meet with petitioner in nex~ ~-w weeks to discuss offsite scheduling. ADA sidewall~
conflict with inlets, chalrbaek curbs requested. Cross secrtions--clarify. Request 24X36 overall
layout to facilitate trat~c control plan. (Section 06-plan for vacating Hoover Road?) Vacation
of Hoover Road to be done in sections-30 days process. Discussions with Habig regarding
Irafl~c control plan--intend to leave as much of Hoover Road open as possible. County says
issue to be resolved before approval of plans. If vacated, Hoover would be private drive.
Cinergy affected by vacation of Hoover Road. Show valley curbs along private roads such as
eyebrows, etc. Valley inlet on 09, 36/48 inch line may have conflicts ~ith underdrain--
confirmation required. Mark McCulloch requests copy of submission for parking ordinance.
- County Surveyor, Steve Cash did not send comment letter. Has met with petitioner, will
submit comments. Non-encroachment needed; letter of credit to be posted. Hidden
- Petitioner, Jose states no issues that are unsolvable.
- PSI, Chuck Leavitt questions curb and water installation date; petitioner will submit
construction schedule--probably end of June. Road bed to utility, standards.
- DOCS, Mark Monroe says no formal review letter as yet. Will verkCy conformance with
primary, plat. Petitioner to appear before SubdMsion Committee in February.