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CHECK DATE: 7122/2009
601 5023990 072009 222.50 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS B
651 5023990 072009 222.50 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS B
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t ��_r �ra �✓5 f J�C� QSo
i sin'
Are you registering for at least 40 hours of CPE before Aug. 31?
If so, take a 25% discount off of your total above.
Value Plus excludes CCFL and PIU courses.
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x E
A ri
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To participate in the Value Plus Program, registration forms must be received by Aug. 31 2009.
Valid only when registering for at least 40 hours of CPE.
I have read the Value Plus Program Policies and I agree to abide by them. I understand that it I fait to follow these policies, my participation in the program will be revoked.
t �a
Payment must be submitted with the registration form. Make checks payable to: Indiana CPA Society, P.O. Box 40069, Indianapolis, IN 46240 -0069.
You may also register by phone: (317) 720 -5000 or 1- 800 -272 -2054 or lax (317) 726 -5005. For more information, e mail inio @incpas.org or go to lncpas.org.
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Cases in Corporate Eth ics: Discussion ®f Date: 8/21/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m.
�cay����a Co Instructor: Jim Schmutte
Location: South Bend Century Center, South Bend
Date: 10123/2009 Time: 8 :30 a.m. -noon Date: 8!2812009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m.
Instructor: Rick Van Es Instructor: Jim Schmutte
Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf. Ctr, Indianapolis Location: Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne
Date: 11/13/2009 Time: 8:30 a.m. -noon Date: 9/25/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m.
Instructor: Rick Van Es Instructor: Jim Schmutte
Location: Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne Location: Hillcrest Country Club Batesville
CPE: 4 Member: $150 Nonmember: $225 Date: 10/12/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m.
Overview: Anyone who has ever attended a lecture- format ethics seminar Instructor: Jim Schmutte
knows that there is a better way. Cases in Corporate Ethics provides an op- Location: Radisson Hotel at Star Plaza, Merriilville
portunity for lively group discussion of actual ethical dilemmas that have hap- CPE: 4 Member: $99 Nonmember: $175
pened in the real world. This course examines eight cases drawn from real- Overview: This revised and expanded four -hour course reviews the AICPA
life business conflicts involving corporate financial managers. Code of Professional Conduct, the latest developments in independence and
Audience: Corporate financial managers legal liability, and responsibilities to clients as well as non -CPA ownership.
Source: Executive Education, Inc. Level: Intermediate Case studies are also included. This course fulfills the ethics requirement for
indiana's, three -year reporting period requirement.
Making Ethi Real Cultivating an Ethical Audience: Any CPA who needs ethics for the current reporting period
Organization Source Indiana CPA Society Level: Update
Date: 11/24/2009 Time: 8:30 a.m. -noon Real -World Business Ethics for CPAs in
Instructor: John Daly A &A How Will You React?
Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Cont. Ctr., Indianapolis
CPE: 4 Member: $150 Nonmember: $225 Date: 12/8/2009 Time: 8:30 a.m. -noon
Overview: Business ethics is no longer just something "nice to do" but can Instructor: John Holdeman
mean the difference between success, failure and survival in today's increas- Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf. Ctr., Indianapolis
ingly competitive environment. The key to successfully creating an ethical CPE: 4 Member: $150 Nonmember: $225
organization is balancing the conflicting needs of major stakeholders. Learn Overview: This course provides you case studies drawn from real -Ilfe situa-
the financial manager's role in creating an ethical corporate culture in this fun, tions involving CPAs in accounting and auditing practices. It helps you take a
interactive seminar. proactive, risk avoidance stance by pointing out common pitfalls and present-
Audience: CFOs, controllers and other corporate financial managers ing alternative courses of action. You will explore ethical issues in the context
Source: Executive Education, Inc. Level: Intermediate of actual regulatory and court proceedings that were resolved both in favor
of and against A &A professionals in public practice. Gain insight by placing
it Professional Ethics Update yourself in situations that require application and understanding of relevant
Date: 6!312009 Time: 1-4:30 p.m. ethical considerations. You will consider real -world A &A cases that deal with
Instructor: Jim Schaefer professional responsibilities of engagement and engagement quality review
Location: Sheraton Louisville Riverside Hotel, Jeffersonville partners, managers and staff in the context of key A &A ethical matters such
Date: 619/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m, as independence, permitted and prohibited services, earnings management
Instructor: Jim Schaefer issues, records management and client confidentiality. You'll consider these
Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf. Ctr., Indianapolis issues in relation to key A &A topics faced by every business and their proles-
Date: 6/10/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m.
sionals, such as revenue recognition, materiality, controls and procedures,
Instructor: Jim Schaefer and financial reporting questions or failures, among others. You will leave this
Location: Holiday Inn Select City Centre Lafayette course with a renewed sense of appreciation for the pitfalls faced by every
Date: 6115/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p,m, financial professional in public practice and a heightened sensitivity for the
Instructor: Jim Schmutte types of ethical dilemmas you could face in the future.
Location: Horizon Convention Center, Muncie Prerequisite: Experience in financial reporting
Date: 6/17/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m. Audience: CPAs in public practice who provide financial accounting and re-
Instructor: Jim Schaefer porting services CPAs in public practice who audit both private and. publicly
Location: Bloomin Convention Center Bloomin held companies
Date: 6/23/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m. Source: AICPA Level: Intermediate
Instructor: Jim Schaefer
Location: Holiday Inn Terre Haute
Date: 6!2512009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m,
Instructor: Jim Schaefer
Location: Airport Marriott, Evansville
Date: 8/19/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m.
Instructor: Jim Schmutte
Location: Kokomo Country Club Kokomo
noted deficiency is related to the implementation of the risk -based approach. Employee E3enetlt Flans: AUDI C a[tU
This segment walks through the risk -based approach with a step -by -step Accounting Essentials
case study, Time: 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
3. Allocating Costs in Not-for-Profit Organizations Indirect costs repre Date: 511 812 0 0 9
sent the expenses of doing business that are not readily identified with a Instructor: Randy Dummer
particular grant, contract, project function or activity, but are necessary for Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf. Ctt� edia 29 olis Nonmember: 445
the general operation of the organization. It is important for accountants to CPE: 8 Y
understand how to maximize the amount t administrative costs th
vi are accordance with fund
AICPA and audit
standardsand a avoid p lans in are
allocable to grant programs. This segment will help participants navigate accorda''
the concepts involved in preparing and auditing indirect cost proposals for all- unique to employee benefit plans plan a u d iting
s. Its des gned o gi e you requ
uniqu P Y
not for profit organizations.
Audience: Auditors in public practice and practitioners in industry or public benefit and health and plans to help t you ef mo e effectively lyplan fl and
accounting Level: Basic carry out your audit.
Source: Loscalzo and Associates Prerequisite: Knowledge of ERISA and IRS requirements for benefit plans
Note: Qualifies for Yellow Book. Audience Practitioners providing employee benefit plan audit and account- f,
Dis The Key to Financial ing services, benefit plan administrators and employees of companies with
responsibility for accounting and reporting for benefit plans Level: Basic
Date: 1211512009 Time: 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
Source: AICPA
Instructor: Rebecca Lee Fair Val Accounting: a Critical N Skill
Locat ion: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf. Gtr., Indianapolis for CPAs
CPE: 8 Member: $300 Nonmember: $450 D: 12 110/200 Time: 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
overview. Keep your professional reputation stellar by making sure your fi I structor: Robin Taylor
nancial statements are "up -to- speed." This course will: Location: Grand Wa ne Center Fart Wa ne
Explain and illustrate disclosure requirements. Time: 8.30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
Clear up misconceptions on practice problems such as lease accounting. Date: 12/11/2009
Correct disclosure deficiencies most frequently cited by peer reviewers. Instructor: Robin Taylor
The manual includes numerous live "bread and butter" examples, a complete Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf. Ce��edia 95 lis
CPE: 8 Nonmember: 445
disclosure checklist and pro forma financial statements
Prerequisite: Participants should be familiar with the accounting treatments Overview hts va practical as f
fair elue
covered In the APBs and FASBs. Gain g measurement
Audience: Practitioners in public practice and CPAs in industry who are re exist�in r accou sta The course coves the epttual and practi ll
sponsible for the preparation of nonpublic financial statements Level: Basic cal iss which arise when fair value measurement is implemented under
Source: Loscalzo and Associates existing FASB standards and provides examples of these issues. In addition,
Documenting and Reviewing Fieldwork the measurement and estimation challenges that confront preparers and au
Time: 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. dltors in making, and attesting to, fair value measurements are presented and
Date: 10/29/2009 related guidance is provided.
Instructor: Fred Christensen Audience: Practitioners and members in industry responsible for accounting
Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf. Ctr., Indianapolis and financial reporting
CPE: B Member: 295 Nonmember: 445 Source: AICPA Level: Intermediate
Overview: Workpapers are the building blocks for an audit. if it's not In the
workpapers, the manager and partner might not know about it or consider FASD Review for I ndustry
its ramifications. A badly prepared workpaper is a time- waster for managers Time: 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
and partners, so training in proper workpaper preparation is critical. Make this Date: 1019/2009
course part of the firm's quality control system and partners can rest easier. instructor: John Lawrence
This course teaches the basics of workpaper preparation form and con- Location: Airport Marriott Evansville Time: 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
tent to make sure everything significant is properly documented. Its many Date: 11!1712009
case examples show field work supervisors what factors to consider and the Instructor: Martin Birr
steps to follow when reviewing working papers. It alerts them to typical de- Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Cont. Ctt� ap lis Nonmember: 445
ficiencies and explains how to minimize potential liability by making certain CPE: 8
that the firm's reports are fully and accurately supported ba documentat A we coeerage of rece t PASB, AcSEC ASB and EITF pronouncemenpseGain
comprehensive final review helps staff apply Y
engagements, expertise from ahigh -level approach to financial reporting issues backed by
Prerequisite: Experience on audit engagements detailed descriptions and examples of the implementation ofi new standards,
Audience: Staff auditors who create workpapers In- charges, supervisors Yo l �a major effect on all industries and provide B nuaderstanding of the
lot 1
and seniors who supervise audit engagements
Source: AICPA Level: Basic latest pronouncements and exposure drafts to enable you to develop imple-
mentation strategies.
Prerequisite: Experience in financial reporting
Audience: Chief accountants, controllers, internal auditors and other Man-
agement -level accounting personnel within industry Educators Source: AICPA Intermediate
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts
Invoice Date Invoice Number Item Amount
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services
itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except
Mo. Day Yr. Signature Title
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. -L�,
Mo. Day Yr. icer Title
Voucher No. Warrant No.
Total Amount of Voucher
�z0oa 12Z 50
Amount of Warrant
Month of Yr
Source of Sup
Water Treatment
Transmission and Dist.
Customer Accounts
Administrative and General
Operation Maintenance
Utility Plant in Service
Constr. Work in Progress
Materials and Supplies
Customers Deposits
Board of Control
Official Title
BOYCE FORMS SYSTEMS 1- 800 -382 -8702 325
Member ID No. AICPA ID No.
C4.1-17 l !y� n�« C "r
v7 cam- m �zr 'x
Full Name Name to Greet by
L ice r✓>'� P L� r-M N /J _e j
Firm /Company
Work Phone No. Fax No.
C 1 c. l C r� e_ rz C r of e i 1. U
E -mail
Street Address no P.O. Boxes Wor Horne (circle)
�a r rn e i xv/
Cit State
County Zip
Course Date Course Title Clty Gfedit Price
�r �i7 i r� P, {ter �n
Are you registering for at least 40 hours of CPE before Aug. 31?
If so, take a 25% discount off of your total above. g
Value Plus excludes CCFL and PIU courses.
Total (minus 25% discount) hh'
soclErrl x
Method of Payment O AMtX 0 Discover ()MasterCard 0 Visa dcheck
Credit Card No Expiration Date CVV (last 3 digits on back of card)
Name Indicated on Card Signature
To participate in the Value Plus Program, registration forms must be received by Aug. 31, 2009.
Valid only when registering for at least 40 hours of CPE.
I have read the Value Plus Program Policies and I agree to abide by them. I understand that if I fail to follow these policies my participation in the program will be revoked.
Paymeni must be submitted with the registration form. Make checks payable to: Indiana CPA Sociely P.0 Box 40069. Indianapolis, IN 46240 -0069 F
You may also register by phone: (317) 726 -5000 or 1 -800- 272 -2054 or fax (317) 726 -5005. For more information, e -mail: info @incpas.org or go to incpas.org.
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Cases i n Corporate Ethics Discussion of Date: 8/21/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m.
Real -Life Conflicts Instructor: Jim Schmutte
Location: South Bend Century Center, South Bend
Date: 10/23/2009 Time: 8:30 a.m. -noon Date: 8/28/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m.
Instructor: Rick Van Es Instructor: Jim Schmutte
Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Cont. Ctr,, Indianapolis Location: Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wa
Date: 11/13/2009 Time: 8:30 a.m. -noon Date: 9/25/2009 Time: 1 -4,30 p.m.
Instructor: Rick Van Es Instructor: Jim Schmutte
Location: Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne Location: Hillcrest Country Club. Batesville
CPE: 4 Member: $150 Nonmember: $225 Date: 10/12/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m.
Overview: Anyone who has ever attended a lecture- format ethics seminar Instructor: Jim Schmutte
knows that there is a better way. Cases in Corporate Ethics provides an op- Location: Radisson Hotel at Star Plaza, Merrillville
portunity for lively group discussion of actual ethical dilemmas that have hap- CPE: 4 Member: $99 Nonmember: $175
pened in the real world. This course examines eight cases drawn from real- Overview: This revised and expanded four -hour course reviews the AICPA
life business conflicts involving corporate financial managers. Code of Professional Conduct, the latest developments in independence and
Audience: Corporate financial managers legal liability, and responsibilities to clients as well as non -CPA ownership,
Source: Executive Education, Inc. Level: Intermediate Case studies are also included. This course fulfills the ethics requirement for
Indiana's three -year reporting period requirement.
Maki Ethics Real: Cultivating an Ethical Audience: Any CPA who needs ethics for the current reporting period
Organization Source: Indiana CPA Society Level: Update
f Date: 11/2412009 Time: 8:30 a,m. -noon Real -W orld Business Ethics for CPAs in
Instructor: John Daly A &A,: How Will You R eact?
i' Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf. Ctr., Indianapolis
CPE: 4 Member: $150 Nonmember: $225 Date: 12/812009 Time: 8:30 a.m. -noon
Overview: Business ethics is no longer just something "nice to do" but can Instructor: John Holdeman
mean the difference between success, failure and survival in today's increas- Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Cont. Ctr., Indianapolis
ingly competitive environment. The key to successfully creating an ethical CPE: 4 Member: $150 Nonmember: $225
i organization is balancing the conflicting needs of major stakeholders. Learn Overview: This course provides you case studies drawn from real -life situa-
f the financial manager's role in creating an ethical corporate culture in this fun, tions involving CPAs in accounting and auditing practices. It helps you take a
interactive seminar. proactive, risk avoidance stance by pointing out common pitfalls and present-
Audience: CFOs, controllers and other corporate financial managers ing alternative courses of action. You will explore ethical issues in the context
Source: Executive Education, Inc. Level: Intermediate of actual regulatory and court proceedings that were resolved both in favor
i of and against A &A professionals in public practice. Gain insight by placing
Professional Ethics Update yourself in situations that require application and understanding of relevant
1 i Date: 6/3/2009 Time: 1-4:30 p.m. ethical considerations, You will consider real -world A &A cases that deal with
Instructor: Jim Schaefer professional responsibilities of engagement and engagement quality review
Location: Sheraton Louisville Riverside Hotel, Jeffersonville partners, managers and staff in the context of key A &A ethical matters such
Date: 61912009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m. as independence, permitted and prohibited services, earnings management
1 Instructor: Jim Schaefer issues, records management and client confidentiality. You'll consider these
Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf, Ctr., Indianapolis issues in relation to key A &A topics faced by every business and their profes-
Date: 6/10/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m. sionals, such as revenue recognition, materiality, controls and procedures,
Instructor: Jim Schaefer and financial reporting questions or failures, among others. You will leave this
Location: Holiday Inn Select City Centre, Lafa course with a renewed sense of appreciation for the pitfalls faced by every
Date: 6115/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m. financial professional in public practice and a heightened sensitivity for the
Instructor: Jim Schmutte types of ethical dilemmas you could face in the future.
Location: Horizon Convention Center, Muncie Prerequisite: Experience in financial reporting
Date: 6/17/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m. Audience: CPAs in public practice who provide financial accounting and re-
Instructor: Jim Schaefer porting services CPAs in public practice who audit both private and. publicly
Location: Bloomington Convention Center, Bloomin held companies
Date: 612312009 Time: 1.4:30 p.m. Source: AICPA Level: Intermediate
Instructor: Jim Schaefer
Location: Holiday Inn, Terre Haute
Date: 6/25/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m.
Instructor: Jim Schaefer
Location: Airport Marriott, Evansville
i Date: 8/19/2009 Time: 1 -4:30 p.m.
Instructor: Jim Schmutte
Location: Kokomo Countr Club, Kokomo
Employee Benefit Mans. Nualt WlU
j noted deficiency is related to the implementation of the risk -based a
�CCOUntln Essentials
This segment walks through the risk -based approach with a step-by-step g
case study. Time: 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
3. Allocating Costs in Not -for- Profit Organizations Indirect costs repre- Date: 5/1812009
sent the expenses of doing business that are not readily identified with a Instructor: Randy Dummer
particular grant, contract, project function or activity, but are necessary for Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf.�e1r�bledia2951is Nonmember: $445
the general operation of the organization. it is important for accountants to CPE: 8
understand how to maximize the amount of administrative costs that are Overview: Master the fundamentals of auditing employee benefit plans in
allocable to grant programs. This segment will help participants navigate accordance with AICPA and EBSA standards and avoid the snafus that are
the concepts involved in preparing and auditing indirect cast proposals for all -to -often encountered. Explore the accounting and auditing requirements
que to employee benefit plans.
not-for-profit organizations, uni !t is designed to give you an understanding
Audience: Auditors in public practice and practitioners in industry or public benefit a
nd elfare
e health and procedures
to l help t you ef mo e effecbve fl and
and Associates Level: Basic carry out your audit.
Source: Loscalzo
Note: Qualities for and Book. Prerequisite: Knowledge of ERISA and IRS requirements for benefit plans
Audience: Practitioners providing employee benefit plan audit and account
Disclosure The Key to Financial ing services, benefit plan administrators and employees of companies with
Statements responsibility for accounting and reporting for benefit plans
Date: 12/15/2009 Time: 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p,m.
Source: AICPA Level: Basic
Instructor: Rebecca Lee Fair Value Acco unting: a 'Critical New Skill
Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf. Ctr., Indianapolis for CPAs
CPE 8 Member: $300 Nonme mber: $450 Time: 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
Overview: Keep your professional reputation stellar by making sure your fi Date: 12110/2009
nancial statements are "up -to- speed." This course will: Instructor: Robin Taylor
Explain and illustrate disclosure requirements. Location: Grand Wa Center Fort Wayne
Clear up misconceptions on practice problems such as lease accounting. Date: 12/11/2009
Time: 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
Correct disclosure deficiencies most frequently cited by peer reviewers. Instructor: Robin Taylor
The manual includes numerous live "bread and butter" examples, a complete Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Cont. Ctt�bledia 95 Nonmember: 445
disclosure checklist and pro forma financial statements CPE: 6
Prerequisite: Participants should be familiar with the accounting treatments Overview: Fair value accounting is reshaping traditional financial statements.
covered in the APBs and FASBs. Gain insights into the conceptual and practical reasons for using fair value
Audience: Practitioners in public practice and CPAs in industry who are re- as the required {or optional) measurement attribute for a number of new and
existing accounting standards. The course covers the conceptual and practi
sponsible for the preparation of nonpublic financial statements i
Source: Loscalzo and Associates Level: Basic cal issues which arise when fair value measurement is implemented under
existing FASB standards and provides examples of these issues. In addition,
Documenting and Reviewing Fieldwork the measurement and estimation challenges that confront preparers and au
Time: 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
ditors in making, and attesting to, fair value measurements are presented and
Date: 10/29/2009
I related guidance is provided.
Instructor: Fred Christensen
Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Gonf. Ctr., Indianapolis Audience: Practitioners and members in industry responsible for accounting
Member: $295 Nonmember: $445 and financial reporting
CPE: 8 Source: AICPA Level: Intermediate
Overview: Workpapers are the building blocks for an audit. if it's not in the
workpapers, the manager and partner might not know about it or consider FASD Review for Industry
its ramifications. A badly prepared workpaper is a time waster for managers Time: 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
and partners, so training in proper workpaper preparation is critical. Make this Date: 1019!2009
course part of the firm's quality control system and partners can rest easier. Instructor: John Lawrence
This course teaches the basics of workpaper preparation form and con- Location: Air port Marriott Evansville Time: 8.30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
tent to make sure everything significant is properly documented. Its many Date: 11/1712009
case examples show field work supervisors what factors to consider and the Instructor: Martin Birr
steps to follow when reviewing working papers. It alerts them to typical de Location: INCPAS Prof. Dev. Conf.l2eblQdi $295 lis Nonmember: 4 45
ficiencies and explains how to minimize potential liability by making certain CPE: 8
that the firm's reports are fully and accurately supported by documentation. A Overview: CPAs in corporate management will benefit from this comprenen
comprehensive final review helps staff apply what they have learned to their sive coverage of recent FASB, AcSEC, IASB and EITF pronouncements. Gain
engagements. expertise from a high -level approach to financial reporting issues backed by
detailed descriptions and examples of the implementation of new standards,
Prerequisite: Experience on audit engagements
Audience: Staff auditors who create workpapers In- charges, supervisors Your training will guide you in assessing recent FASB and AICPA standards
and seniors who supervise audit engagements that have a major effect on all industries and provide an understanding of the
Source: AICPA Level: Basic latest pronouncements and exposure drafts to enable you to develop imple
mentation strategies.
Prerequisite: Experience in financial reporting
Audience: Chief accountants, controllers, internal auditors and other Man
agement -level accounting personnel within industry Educators
Source: AICPA Level: Intermediate
Indiana CPA Society
141040 IN SUM OF
Indiana CPA Society
8250 Woodfield Crossing Blvd.
Indianapolis, I N 462 4348
Carmel Wastewater Utility
Board members
072009 01- 7040 -08 $222.50
Voucher Total $222.50
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid under vehicle highway fund
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where
performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units,
price per unit, etc.
141040 t
Indiana CPA Society Purchase Order No,
8250 Woodfield Crossing Blvd. Terms
#305 Due Date 7/16/2009
Indianapolis, IN 46240 -4348
Invoice Invoice Description
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount
7/16/2009 072009 $222.50
hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and
;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6
Date Officer