HomeMy WebLinkAbout169476 03/04/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351805 Page 1 of 1 i t: ONE CIVIC SQUARE INDIANA DEPT OF ENVIR MGT CHECK AMOUNT: $38,535.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 100 N SENATE AVE, PO BOX 6015 o PO BOX 6015 CHECK NUMBER: 169476 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 -6015 CHECK DATE: 3/4/2009 DEPARTMEN ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 24,035.00 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 97274 14,500.00 OTHER EXPENSES i INVOICE Please Remit To: Page: 1 INDIANA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT Invoice No: 000097274 CASHIER OFFICE MAIL CODE 50 -10C Invoice Date: 01/09/2009 100 NORTH SENATE AVENUE Customer Number: CST100010357 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 Bill Type: 021 Payment Terms: NET 60 Due Date: 03/10/2009 Bill To: CITY OF CARMEL MS CINDY SHEEKS AMOUNT DUE: 14,500.00 USD ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 Amount Remitted jJ Note Address Changes Above For billing questions, piease call 317- 233 -0604 Line Ad' Identifier Description Quanfity UOM Unit Amt Net Amount 1 09- IN0022497 -0 Base fee Municipal Major 1.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2 09- IN0022497 -0 Flow Fee for 10.0 MGD 1.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 Annual Fee Billing is required for active NPDES permits under Indiana Code: IC 13- 18 -20. To view via the Internet visit: http: /www.IN.gov /legislative /ic /code /Litlel3 /arl8 /ch2O -html Facilities with no discharge are still required to pay any applicable base fee as long as the permit is active. A permit is active until a written request for termination is submitted to IDEM and must be received prior to Jan 1 of the year- NPDES permit fees are based on the activity status as of January 1 of the current year. Fees are not pro- rated- If a facility is sold or the permit terminated during the billing year, the entire amount of the assessed fee remains due and payable. If payment of the full assessed fee amount imposes an undue burden upon the permit holder, the facility may notify this agency no later than February 15th to pay instead four equal installments spread evenly over the year. Payments not received or received after the DUE date are subject to a delinquency charge equal to 10% of the assessed fee. Either the complete fee payment or the 1st installment is due March 15 (60 days after the assessment date). If several permits or invoices are to be paid by one check, you MUST INCLUDE A COPY OF EACH BILLING INVOICE in order to ensure proper credit for each fee assessment. For questions regarding flow values and invoice amounts contact Nancy Coker in the Office of water Quality at 317- 234 -6690. Flow based fees are based on reported flow values for a twelve month period ending in June of the previous year. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 14,500.00 A copy of your invoice must be included with payment. 435 -IDEM Printed an Recycled Paper Original n1OUCHER 087157 WARRANT ALLOWED i 146900 IN SUM OF I DEM 1' ry )ip u 100 N. Senate Avenue V)V( i Indianapolis, IN 46207 -70600 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 97274 01- 7750 -08 $14,500.00 Voucher Total $14,500.00 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee C� 146900 IDEM Purchase Order No. 100 N. Senate Avenue Terms Indianapolis, IN 46207 -7060 Due Date 1/26/2009 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1/26/2009 97274 $14,500.00 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and :orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date cer INVOICE Please Remit To: Page: 1 INDIANA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT Invoice No: 000096356 CASHIER OFFICE MAIL CODE 50 -10C Invoice Date: 01/02/2009 100 NORTH SENATE AVENUE Customer Number. CST1 000264 7 1 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 Bill Type: 060 Payment Terms: NET 60 Due Date: 03/03/2009 Bill To: CARMEL WATER WASTEWATER MR JOHN DUFFY AMOUNT DUE: 8,835.00 USD 760 3RD AVENUE SOUTHWEST SUITE 110 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 Amount Remitted Note Address Changes Above For biiiin questions, piease tali 317-233-0604 Line A4 Ide Description Quantity UOM Unit Amt Net Amount I 09- IN5229024C -0 PWS Fee SVC:9300 1.00 6,835.00 8,835.00 This annual fee billing is required for active Public Water Systems (to defray the costs of administering activities of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act) under Indiana Code: IC 13 -18 -20.5. To view via the internet, visit: http: /www.IN.gov/ legislative /ic /code /titlel3 /arl8 /ch20.5.htm1 Fees are based on the activity status as of December 31 of the previous year. Fees on Community Water Systems will be based on the number of service connections on record for the month of December of the prior year. Fees are not pro- rated. I€ a system is sold or inactivated during the billing year, the amount of the assessed fee remains due and payable. If payment of the assessed fee amount imposes an undue burden on the public water system, the facility may notify this Agency within forty -five (45) days of this invoice date to pay in four equal installments within a year. Payments not received or received after the DUE date are subject to a delinquency charge equal to 10% of the assessed fee. If several invoices are to be paid by one check, you MUST INCLUDE A COPY OF EACH BILLING INVOICE in order to ensure proper credit for each fee assessment. For questions regarding your assessed fee amount, please contact Deborah Glover in the Operations Section, Office of Water Quality at 317 -232 -6472. ATTENTION: The due date shown in the upper right hand corner of this invoice reflects the standard 60 days past the invoice print date. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 8,835.00 A copy of your invoice must be included with payment. Dk fi4 495 -iaew Printed on Recycled paper Original INVOICE Please Remit To: Page: 1 INDIANA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT Invoice No: 000096059 CASHIER OFFICE MAIL CODE 50 -10C Invoice Date: 01/02/2009 100 NORTH SENATE AVENUE Customer Number: CST100010357 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 Bill Type: 060 Payment Terms. NET 60 Due Date: 03/03/2009 Bill To: CITY OF CARMEL MR JOHN DUFFY -WATER DEPT AMOUNT DUE: 15,200.00 USD 760 3RD AVENUE SOUTHWEST SUITE 110 CARMEL IN 46032 -2564 Amount Remitted 0 Note Address Changes Above For bil ling questions, please call 317 -233 -0604 Line Adj Identifier Description Quantit UOM Unit Amt N et Amount 1 09- INS229004C -0 PWS Fee SVC:16000 1.00 15,200.00 15,200.00 This annual fee billing is required for active Public Water Svstems (to defray the costs of administering activities of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act) under Indiana Code: IC 13 -18 -20.5. To view via the internet, visit: http: /www.IN.gov /legislative /ic /code /titlel3 /arle /ch2O.5.html Fees are based on the activity status as of December 31 of the previous year. Fees on Community Water Systems will be based on the number of service connections on record for the month of December of the prior. year. Fees are not pro rated. It a system is sold or inactivated during the billing year, the amount of the assessed fee remains due and payable. If payment of the assessed fee amount imposes an undue burden on the public water system, the facility may notify this Agency within forty -five (45) days of this invoice date to pay in four equal installments within a ,year. Payments not received or received after the DUE date are subject to a delinquency charge equal to 10% of the assessed fee. If several invoices are to be paid by one check, you MUST INCLUDE A COPY OF EACH BILLING INVOICE in order to ensure proper credit for each fee assessment. For questions regarding your assessed fee amount, please contact Deborah Glover in the Operations Section, Office of Water Quality at 317 232 -8472. ATTENTION: The due date shown in the upper right hand corner of this invoice reflects the standard 60 days past the invoice print date. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 15,200.00 A copy of your invoice must be included with payment. 495 -IDEM Princed on Recycled Yaper Original Prescribed by State Board of Accounts FormNo„30,(Re ".'995' ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER TO ADDRESS Invoice Date Invoice Number Item Amount I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Mo. Day Yr. Signature TItle I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.8_ Mo, Day Yr. Officer Title Voucher No. Warrant No. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DETAILED ACCOUNTS MUNICIPAL WATER DEPT. ACCT. NO, CARMEL, INDIANA i Favor Of CA r eQ 0 1 4 P Lc- 14l C' ode too N rAf� Awe Total Amount of Voucher Deductions 500" 5200 00 u D Amount of Warrant /035 00 Month of Yr Acct. VOUCHER RECORD No. Source of Sup Water Treatment Transmission and Dist. Customer Accounts Administrative and General Operation- Maintenance Utility Plant in Service Constr. Work in Progress Materials and Supplies Customers Deposits Total I Allowed Board of Control Filed Official Title ROYCE FORMS SYSTEMS 1 -800- 382 -8702 325