HomeMy WebLinkAbout174590 07/15/2009 f CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 065950 Page 1 of 1
CARMEL IN 46033 -9501 CHECK NUMBER: 174590
CHECK DATE: 7/15/2009
101 5023990 149.60 SBA TRAINING MILEAGE
1701 4340600 302.00 RECORDING FEES
1701 4343004 466.95 MILEAGE
1701 4343004 23.84 PARKING
1701 4344200 244.60 INTERNET LINE CHARGES
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts General Form No. 101 (1955)
TO Icy h 1 C DR.
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SPEEDOMETER READING columns are to be used only when distance between points cannot be determined by fixed mileage or official highway map.
Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts 1953, 1 hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after
allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid.
Date 13 -Ie�
Claim No. Warrant No. 1 have examined the within claim and
hereby certify as follows:
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That it is duly authenticated as required
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h ouse Account Billing Period Due Date Amount Due
NETWORKS j° 203597601 07/01 07/31. 07/12/09 $111.01
Service Address: Customer Code: 9506
11843 stoney Bay Cir This statement reflects payments received through June 14, 2009.
Carmel IN 46033
Bright House Networks invites Previous Activity
you to "Make the call." Home Previous Balance
Phone now offers you a choice in $106.01
home phone service. Choose Payments Received $106.01 CR
between Unlimited Nationwide Balance Forward $0.00
j if mak lon dista calls
yo u ma g
throughout the U.S. or Unlimited
Indiana if most of your calls are Current Charges
within Indiana. Keep your phone, Cable Services $68.55
your phone number and more of High -Speed Internet Services 34.95
your money. Taxes and Fees $7.51
Total Balance Due $111.01
Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $50.15
EASYPay Thank you for your business.
Never miss a payment again. You are a valued Bright House Networks customer.
Sign -up for E4SYPay automated
payment today! Pay your bill We are committed to bringing you the best in home entertainment and information.
automatically each month with a In order to avoid a late fee of $4.50, your Total Balance Due must be received in our
credit card or checking account. office no laterthan the Due Date on your billing statement.
Call our office to enroll or sign -up
online at: Thank You
bright re d
FmonthMly Account 203597601 Detail
h ouse W
NETWORKS arges far 07/01 -07/31
Payment History
FFor captioning 06/01 Payment Thank you! $106,01 CR
s, please call Cable Television Services
253. Written Cable Television Service Includes:
ay be mailed to
M. Higginbotham, Closed 07/01 -07/31 Cable Networks Tier $27.17
Captioning Coordinator, at 07/01 -07/31 Limited Basic Service $10.08
Bright House Networks, 3030 Total Cable Television Services $37.25
Roosevelt Ave, Indianapolis, Additional /Digital Services
IN 46218 or by fax
(317)713 -0043 or email to 07/01 -07/31 Digital Variety and Movie
ClosedCaptioningiND @mybrig-ht 07/01 -07/31 HBO Premium Service
house.com 07/01 -07/31 DVR Service
07/01 -07/31 Equipment
Total Additional /Digital Services $31.30
HSDS Services
07/01 -07/31 Home Networking
Payment Location 07/01 -07/31 High Speed Internet $34.95
516 E Carmel Drive Taxes and Fees
Carmel, IN Franchise Fee $2.47
Mon -Fri 8:30am to 5:30pm
FCC Regulatory Fee $0.07
Sales $4.97
You may contact us by phone Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $50.15
at (317) 972 -9700.
Monthly Charges $111.01
Balance Forward $0.00
Total Balance Due $111.01
P email all questions and concerns to: customersupport.indiana @mybrighthouse.com
Your franchising authority is the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, 101 W. Washington
St., Suite 1500 E., Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317)232 -2712 or toll free 1 -800- 851 -4268.
Your FCC Communitv Unit ID number is IN0087.
house Account Billing Period Due Date Amount Due
203597601 06/01 -06/30 06/12/09 $106.01
Service Address: Customer Code: 9506
11843 Stoney Bay Cir This statement reflects payments received through May 14, 2009.
Carmel IN 46033
Bright House Networks invites Previous Activity
you to "Make the call." Home Previous. Balance $106.01
Phone now offers you a choice in
home phone service. Choose Payments Received $106.01 CR
between Unlimited Nationwide Balance Forward $0.00
i if y ou make lon distance call
throughout the U.S. or Unlimited
Indiana if most of your calls are Current Charges
within lndiana. Keep your phone, Cable Services 55
your phone number and more of High -Speed Internet Services. $29.95
your money. Taxes and Fees $7.51
Total. Balance Due $106.01
Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $55.15
EASYPay Thank you for your business.
Never miss a payment again. You are a valued Bright House Networks customer.
Sign -up for E=ASYPay automated
payment today! Pay your bill We are committed to bringing you the best in home, entertainment and information.
automatically each month with a In order to avoid a late fee of $4.50, your Total Balance Due must be received in our
credit card or checking account. office no later than the Due Date on your billing statement.
Call our office to enroll or sign -up
online at: Thank You
Customer Account 203597601 Detail
house Monthly Charges for 06/01 -06/30
Payment History
FAslong e Networks Makes 05/05 Payment Thank you! $106.01 CR
V Transition Easy Cable Television Services
you're a Bright Cable Television Service Includes:
House Networks customer and
all of your televisions are 06/01 -06/30 Cable Networks Tier $27.17
plugged into our cable lines, 06/01 -06/30 Limited Basic Service $10.08
you are ready for the transition Total Cable Television Services $37.25
to digital television in June
2009. So, sit back, relax, and Additional /Digital Services
enjoy your favorite 06/01 -06/30 Digital Variety and Movie
programming brought to you by 06/01 -06/30 HBO Premium Service
Bright House Networks. 06/01 -06/30 DVR Service
06/01 -06/30 Equipment
Total Additional /Digital Services $31.30
HSDS Services
Payment Location 06/01 -06/30 Horne Networking $0.00
06/01 -06/30 High Speed Internet $29.95
516 E Carmel Drive Taxes and Fees
Carmel, IN Franchise Fee $2.47
Mon -Fri 8:30am to 5:30pm
FCC Regulatory Fee $0.07
SalesTax $4.97
You may contact us by phone Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $55.15
at (317) 972 -9700.
MonthlyCharges $106.01.
Balance Forward $0.00
Total Balance Due $106.01
Please email all questions and concerns to: customersupport.indiana @mybrighthouse.com
Your franchising authority is the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, 101 W. Washington
St., Suite 1500 E., Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317)232 -2712 or toll free 1 -800- 851 -4268.
Ynur Fr:C (`.nmmEinity I)nit Ir) numhpr is INOOR7
house Account Billing Period Due Date Amount Due
NETWORKS 203597601 05/01 -05/31 05/12/09 $106.01
Service Address: Customer Code: 9506
11843 Stoney Bay Cir .This statement reflects payments received through April 14, 2009.
Carmel IN 46033 ct
Music Choice changes Previous Activity
Effective 4/15/09, Music Choice
channels will be changing Previous Balance
locations. Your favorite Music
Payments Received $106.01 CR
Balance Forward
Choice channels will likely be on $0.00
a different c hanne l nu mber b ut
within tfie 925 -970 channel
range. For additional information Current Charges
Cable Services
on Music Choice channel $68.55
I changes visit our website at High -Speed Internet Services $29.95
I www.indiana.mybrighthouse.com Taxes and Fees 7.51
Total Balance Due $106.01
Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $55.15
EASYPay Thank you for your business.
Never miss a payment again. You. are a valued Bright House Networks customer.
Sign -up for EASYPay automated
payment today! Pay your bill we are.committed to bringingyou the best in home entertainment and information.
j automatically each month with a In order to avoid a late fee of $4.50, your Total Balance Due must be received in our
Credit card or checking account. office no later than the Due Date on your billing statement.
Call our office to enroll or sign -up
online at: Thank You
Payment History
Sundance Channel Move 03/26 Payment -Thank you! $206.01 CR
Effective 5/11/09, Bright Cable Television Services
House Networks will move Cable Television Service Includes:
dance Channel from
channel 192 on our Digital •05/01 -05/31 Cable Networks Tier $27.17
Movie tier to channel 143 on 05/01 -05/31 Limited Basic Service $10.08
our Digital Variety tier. On Total Cable Television Services $37.25
4/11/09, Sundance will be
available on Digital Variety on Additional /Digital Services
channel 143. On 5/11/09, 05/01 -05/31 Digital Variety and Movie
Sundance will no longer be 05/01 -05/31 HBO Premium Service
available on Digital Movie tier 05/01 -05/31 DVR Service
on channel 192.
05/01 -05/31 Equipment
Total Additional /Digital Services $31.30
HSDS Services
05/01 -05/31 Home Networking $0.00
F516 ayment Location 05/01 -05/31 High Speed Internet $29.95
E Carmel Drive Taxes and Fees
Carmel, IN Franchise Fee
Mon Fri 8:30am to 5:30pm FCC Regulatory Fee $0.07
SalesTax $4.97
You may contact us by phone Your Charges Reflect a Promotional/Package Savings of $55.15
at (317) 972 -9700.
Monthly Charges $106.01
Balance Forward $0.00
Total Balance Due $106.01
Your franchising authority is the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, 101 W. Washington St.,
Suite 1500 E., Indianapolis, IN 46204,(317)232-2712 ortoll free 1- 800 851 -4268. Your FCC
r'.nmmimity Ilnit Ir) numhar is INOOR7
Lf 9 1 "I
h ouse Account BIIIing Period Due Date Amount Due
NETWORKS 203597601 04/01 -04/30 04/12/09 $106.01
Service Address:
11843 Stoney Bay Cir This sta T fiects payments received through March 14, 2009.
Carmel IN 46033 (Q
Bright House Networks invites Previous Activity
you to "Make the call." Home Previous Balance $106.14
Phone now offers you a choice in
home phone service. Choose Payments Received 6.14 CR
between Unlimited Nationwide Balance Forward $0.00
if you make long distance calls
throughout the U.S. or Unlimited
Indiana if most of your calls are Current Charges
within Indiana. Keep your phone, Cable Services I............................ $68.55
your phone number and more of High -Speed Internet Services $29.95
your money. Taxes and Fees 7.51
Total Balance Due $106.01
Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $55.15
L EASYPay Thank you for your business.
Never miss a payment again. You are a valued Bright House Networks customer.
Sign -up for EASYPay automated
payment today! Pay your bill we are committed to bringing you the best in home entertainment and information.
automatically each month with a In order to avoid a late fee of $4.50, your Total Balance Due must be received in our
credit card or Checking account. office no later than the Due Date on your billing statement.
Call our office to enroll or sign -up
online at: Thank You
Payment History
(Bright House Networks Makes 03/06 Payment Thank you! $106.14 CR
the Digital TV Transition Easy Cable Television Services
As long as you're a Bright Cable Television Service Includes:
House Networks customer and
all of your televisions are 04/01 -04/30 Cable Networks Tier $27.17
plugged into our cable lines, 04/01 -04/30 Limited Basic Service $10,08
you are ready for the transition Total Cable Television Services $37.25
to digital television in June
2009. So, sit back, relax, and Additional /Digital Services
enjoy your favorite 04/01 -04/30 Digital Variety and Movie
programming brought to you by 04/01 -04/30 HBO Premium Service
Bright House Networks. 04/01 -04/30 DVR Service
04/01 -04/30 Equipment
Total Additional /Digital Services $31.30
HSDS Services
04/01 -04/30 Home Networking $0.00
FPayment Location
04/01 -04/30 High Speed Internet $29.95
armel Drive Taxes and Fees
rmel, IN Franchise Fee $2.47
Mon -Fri $:30am to 5:30pm
FCC Regulatory Fee $0.07
SalesTax $4.97
You may contact us by phone Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $55.15
at (317) 972 9700.
Monthly Charges $106.01
Balance Forward $0.00
Total Balance Due $106.01
Your franchising authority is the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, 101 W. Washington St.,
Suite 1500 E., Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317)232 -2712 or toll free 1- 800 -851 -4268. Your FCC
h ®use Account Billing Period Due Date Amount Due
2?3 97601 03/01 -03/31 03/12/09 $106.14
www.rnybrighthouse.com� q�
Service Address:
11843 Stoney Bay Cir his statement reflects payments received through February 14, 2009.
Carmel IN 46033
Customer Account Summary
Bright House Networks invites you Previous Activity
to "Make the call." Home Phone Previous Balance
now offers you a choice in home Payments Received
phone service. Choose between $88.35 CR
Balance Forward $95.98
Unlimited Nationwide if you
throughout the U.S. or Unlimited Current Charges
Indiana if most of your calls are Cable Services
within Indiana. Keep your phone, High -Speed Internet Services $29.95
your phone number and more of
your money. Other Charges 5 C R
Taxes and Fees $1.78
Total Balance Due $106.14
Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $55.15
Never miss a payment again. Thank you for your business.
Sign -up for EASYPay automated You are a valued Bright House Networks customer.
payment today! Pay your bill
automatically each month with a We are committed to bringing you the best in home entertainment and information.
credit or card or checking account.
Call our rd to enroll a sign-up In order to avoid a late fee of $4.50, your Total Balance Due must be received in our
office no later than the Due Date on your billing statement.
online at:
www.indiana.mybrighthouse.com Thank You
bright Customer Account 203597601 Detail
house Monthly Charges for 03/01-03/31
Payment History
Thank you! $8
Bright House Networks Makes .35 CR 1 02/05 Payment 8
the Digital TV Transition Eas
Partial Month Cable Television Services
As long as you're a Bright House
12/23-02/28 Digital Variety and Movie $8.05 CR
Networks customer and all of
your televisions are plugged 12/23-02/28 HBO Premium Service $13.91 CR
into our cable lines, you are Cable Television Service Includes:
ready for the transition to digital 12/23-02/28 Cable Networks Tier $21.34 CR li television in February 2009.
12/23-02/28 Limited Basic Service $7.87 CR
So, sit back, relax, and enjoy
i Total Cable Television Services $29.21 CR
your favorite programming i
brought to you by Bright House f Cable Television Services
Networks. Cable Television Service Includes:
03/01-03/31 Cable Networks Tier $27.17
03/01-03/31 Limited Basic Service $10.08
Total Cable Television Services II $37.25
Payment Location Additional/Digital Services
03/01-03/31 Digital Variety and Movie
516 E Carmel Drive
Carmel, IN 03/01-03/31 HBO Premium Service it 03/01-03/31 DVR Service
Mon Fri 8:30am to 5:30pm Equipment
i 03010331 i
Total Additional/Digital Services $31.30 iE
You may contact us by phone
HSDS Services
at (317) 972-9700.
03/01-03/31 Home Networking $0.00
03/01-03/31 High Speed Internet $29.95
Other Charges
02/04 Installation Adjustment $38.95 CR
Please email all questions and concerns to: customersupport.indiana@mybrighthouse.com
Your franchising authority is the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, 101 W. Washington St.,
Suite 1500 E., Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317)232-2712 or toll free 1-800-851-4268. Your FCC
h ouse Account Billing Period Due Date Amount Due
NETWORKS 203597601 01/01 -01/31 01/12/09 $96.37
Service Address;
11843 Stone} %Bay`Cir'` This statement reflects payments received througli December 14, 2008.
Carmel IN 46033
Customer Account Summary
Previous Activity
Bright House Networks invites you Previous Balance $96.37
to "Make the call." Home Phone
now offers you a choice in home Payments Received $96.37 CR
phone service. Choose between Balance Forward $0.00
Unlimited Nationwide if you
nlai�e'!vi i� uiotuilCe "Curia
Current Charges
throughout the U.S. or Unlimited Cable Services
Indiana if most of your calls are
High Speed Internet Services $29.95
within Indiana. Keep your phone, Taxes and Fees $6.82
your phone number and more of
your money. Total Balance Due $96.37
Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $46.20
Thank you for your business.
On Demand made easy You are a valued Bright House Networks customer.
Do you ever wish there was an
easy way to search all of the On We are committed to bringing you the best in home entertainment and information.
Demand programming offered by
In order to avoid a late fee of $4.50, your Total Balance Due must be received in our
Bright House? Now you can with office no later than the Due Date on your billing statement.
our new On Demand website.
Visit wtvw.ontv.brighthouse.coi-n, Thank You
find all of the On Demand
programming and sign -up for
monthiv e -mail updates.
bright r Gustomer Account 203597601 Detail
house Monthly Charges for 01/01 -01/31
Payment History
r Channel Change 12/08 Payment Thank you! $96.37 CR
ective January 1. 2009, I Cable Television Services
sion on channel 44 will no Cable Television Service Includes:
onger be available. For
additional channel changes 01/01-01/31 Cable Networks Tier $27.17
including other channel 01/01 -01/31 Limited Basic Service $10.08
changes, moves or additions Total Cable Television Services $37.25
including new HD channels, Additional /Digital Services
visit our website at:
indiana.mybrighthouse.com and I 01/01 -01/31 Digital Variety and Movie
click on the Channel Line -up 01/01 -01/31 DVR Service
link on our home page. 01/01 -01/31 HBO Premium Service
x 01/01_n11; 91 Enuipment
Total Additional /Digital Services $22.35
HSDS Services
Payment Location 01/01 -01/31 Home Networking $0.00
01/01 -01/31 High Speed Internet $29.95
516 E Carmel Drive
Carmel, IN Taxes and Fees
FranchiseFee $2.42
Mon Fri 8:30am to 5:30pm FCC Regulatory Fee $0.06
SalesTax $4.34
You may contact us by phone
at (317) 972 -9700. Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $46.20
MonthlyCharges $96.37
BalanceForward I................. $0.00
TotalBalance Due $96.37
zfrancFjsing se email all questions and concerns to: customer support.indiana @myl righthouse.com
You authority is the h7diana Utility Regulat ry Colnliss on. 101 °CN ®Ir±asliingion St..
Suite 1500 E.. Indianapolis. IN 46204. (317 )232 -2712 or toll free 1 -800- 851 -4268. Your FCC
Community Unit ID number is IN0087.
h ouse Account Billing Period Due Date Amount Due
203597601 12/01 -12/31 12/12/08 $96.37
Service Address:
11843 Stoney Bay Cir This statement reflects payments received through November 15, 2008.
Carmel IN 46033
Customer Account Summary
Previous Activity
Sig Ten Network move
On 12/8/08, Big Ten Network will Previous Balance $96.37
move from channel 76 to channel Payments Received CR
61. Big Ten Network is currently Balance Forward $0.00
avaiiable both channels 76 and 61, however on 12/8/08, it Current Charges
will only be available on channel Cable Services
61. Big Ten Network HD will
continue to be available on High -Speed Internet Services $29.95
channel 762 as will Big Ten Taxes and Fees
Network On Demand on channel Total Balance Due $96.37
625. Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $46.20
Thank you for your business.
What if not all of your TVs are You are a valued Bright House Networks customer.
plugged in to cable?
We're here to help. If you need We are committed to bringing you the best in home entertainment and information.
cable outlets installed in a
convenient spot for your Ns, give
us a call at 317 972 -9700 so we
can make sure you won't miss a
bright Customer•Account 203597601 Detail
house Monthly Charges for 12/01-12/31
Payment History
Bright House Networks Mak es Bright House u se k akes 11/04 Payment Thank you! $96.37 CR
networks s
ti s
the Digit TV Transition Easy Cable Television Services
Tra nsition
g t Hous 0 g it I y ou're a Bright House 2 B Brig e
As long as you Cable Television Service Includes:
I ou a 9 yo
Netwo s u
etworks customer and all of
your t s
televisions are plugged
12/01 12/31 Cable Networks Tier $27.17
into to t
nto cable lines, you are 12/01-12/31 Limited Basic Service $10.08
y fo r t I
ready for the transition to digital Total Cable Television Services $37.25
television in February 2009. Additional /Digital Services
So, sit back, relax, and enjoy
your favorite programming 12/01-12/31 Digital Variety and Movie
brought to you by Bright House 12/01-12/31 DVR Service
Networks. 12/01-12/31 HBO Premium Service
12/01-12/31 Equipment
Total Additional/Digital Services $22.35
HSDS Services
Location on 12/01-12/31 Home Networking $0.00
Payment t Locat
12/01-12/31 High Speed Internet $29.95
516 E Carmel Drive
Carmel, IN
Taxes and Fees
FranchiseFee $2.42
Mon Fri 8:30am to 5:30pm FCC Regulatory Fee $0.06
SalesTax $4.34
You may contact us by phone
at (317) 972-9700. Your Charges Reflect a Promotional/Package Savings of $46.20
MonthlyCharges $96.37
BalanceForward $0.00
TotalBalance Due $96.37
Please email all questions and concerns to: customersupport.indiana@mybrighthouse.com -J
Your franchising authority is the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, 101 W. Washington St.,
Suite 1500 E., Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317)232-2712 or toll free 1-800-851-4268. Your FCC
house Account Billing Period Due Date Amount Due
203597601 02/01 -02/28 02/12/09 $184.33
Service Address:
11843 stoney Bay Cir This statement reflects payments received through January 14, 2009.
Carmel IN 46033
Customer Account Summary
5 new HD channels! Previous Activity
Effective 12/15/08, we are Previous Balance $96.37
pleased -to bring our HD Payments Received $96.37 CR
customers the following 5 new
channels in stunning High Balance Forward $0.00
Definition ;,(.11- W..eather_Channef
HD (2) USA HD (3) Travel Channel Current Charges
HD (4) Sci -Fi HD and (5) FX HD. Cable Services
For the most up-to-date Bright High -Speed Internet Services $29.95
House news, channels and
information visit our website: Other Charges $13.95
indiana.mybrighthouse.com Taxes and Fees $13.68
Total Balance Due $184.33
Your Charges Reflect a Promotional /Package Savings of $95.05
What if not all of your Ns are
plugged in to cable? Thank you for your business.
We're here to help. If you need You are a valued Bright House Networks customer.
cable outlets installed in a
convenient spot for your Ns, give We are committed to bringing you the best in home entertainment and information.
us a call at 317 972 9700 so we
can make sure you won't miss a In order to avoid a late fee of $4.50, your Total Balance Due must be received in our
show. office no later than the Due Date on your billing statement.
Thank You
7 77
Customer Account 203597601 Detail
house Customer
Charges for 02/01-02/28
-7 7
Payment History Txf
Free On Demand change 12/29 Payment Thank you! $96.37 CR
Effective 3/5/09, content on Partial Month Cable Television Services
National Geographic On 12/23-01/31 Digital Variety and Movie $4.55
Demand will move from its 12/23-01/31 HBO Premium Service $7.86
current location on channel
618 to News and World On 12/23-01/31 Digital Equipment $9.03
Demand on channel 607. For Cable Television Service Includes:
all Free On Demand channels
tune to channels 600 thru 627, 12/23-01/31 Cable Networks Tier $12.06
To find out about all of the 12/23-01/31 Limited Basic Service I $4.45
programming available On Total Cable Television Services $16.51
Demand visit Cable Television Services
wwv;.-ntv.brigh -se.ccrn
Cable Television Service Includes:
02/01-02/28 Cable Networks Tier $36.45
02/01-02/28 Limited Basic Service $13.50
FPayment Location Total Cable Television Services $49.95
Additional/Digital Services
516 E Carmel Drive 02/01-02/28 Digital Variety and Movie
Carmel, IN 02/01-02/28 DVR Service
Mon Fri 8:30am to 5:30pm 02/01-02/28 HBO Premium Service
02/01-02/28 Equipment
You may contact us by phone
at (317) 972-9700. Total Additional/Digital Services $38.85
HSDS Services
02/01-02/28 Home Networking $0.00
02/01-02/28 High Speed Internet $29.95
Other Charges
email all questions and concerns to: customersupport.indiana@mybrighthouse.com
Your franchising authority is the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, 101 W. Washington St.,
Suite 1500 E., Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317)232-2712 or toll free 1-800-851-4268. Your FCC
n,,...- ...,..a., 1 1.4 m
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995)
invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
l am Purchase Order No.
Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s))
2 o
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6.
Clerk- Treasurer
14 4
Board Members
DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
4�3,D aZ 4 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the
L 7 4010 C6 materials or services itemized thereon for
1 which charge is made were ordered and
received except
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund