HomeMy WebLinkAbout173613 06/10/2009 ;A F CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR, 065950 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DIANA CORDRAY CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 11643 STONEY BAY CIRCLE CHECK AMOUNT: $818.15 CARMEL IN 46033 -9561 CHECK NUMBER: 173613 CHECK DATE: 6/10/2009 DEPARTMENT A CCOUNT PO NU MBER INVOICE NUMBER AM OUNT DESCR 1701 4343004 818.15 NCL FAIR -WACO TICKET NO. G 3 'P.O. BOX 8442 WACO, TEXAS 76714 -8442 (254) 772 -0430 1- 800 460 -0430 TO AIRPORT FROM AIRPORT d WACO AIRPORT TO D /FW AIRPORT M OTHER OTHER Q Name DI w 1Y1 Co rd��� Credit Ca T pe j ❑Cash ❑Check W Sold by 0� Agency C7 Z Amt. S RT or 1 HD HP X -LUG Other f W Date of Use OU Ob Run F d Pick Up Point I T 0 IV Date of Issue (O U NOTE: Reservation must be cancelled in Must be used within 90 days of issue. advance to be eligible for a refund. Void when initialed. WACO SUBJECT TO COCDGONS OF CONTFUCi C �7�t .R.f� I �''E1l�P PAS` =CEIPT COFfUr�rs�,.., �E7F;UNC)A f3:1: E.<<'l^1tTY ITH�....c„ PLACE OF GATE OFISSUE ISSUING OFFICE CODE Wy�. �JUNQ9 101100 AGENT C ISSUE INDIJNlPOLIS:. �+�ericanAirlines® 'C/ El.F7 I NAME OF PASSENGER NOT TRANWER4ME1' FME BASLE TOUR COO ORDRAY I D I ANA 1_ Xq RIGIKT ASS -CL DATE TWE STATUS "NOT V' NOT VALID, E C)Rk'k C ?*TRPNSF?()RfA f fOh!* R fa0.KE 001753 AA 691103 DFW f c n 4 `r r n PNRCODE DALLAS FT i TINUJFWiK C 5 r r< 1 WORTH TX IsS1,EO IN EXCYUNGE wR C O R D R AY /DIANA L TIME 1 (klcKr I t4cG�t T, "!1 {4 c 4 001210294 CKE T ANL) FARE CALCIMIOLW t r C i VIII 111111 ki II I 1111 u 2.9 1_2 9 y- -.__)R I-RXVE-L FARE Y FARE PADT l FORMOFPAYMENT' 1. 2 h'. Y. 1 T 0 T Y �FP A.XXXXX,XXXXXXX2002 503166 DOmoNAL9EArmFOnMATaa N a PCs CK 1Yf.', UNCK: wr Y Y I. x j SEd ND.(Y ALLDIY PM CIC WT. UNCIC Y!f (PCS. qL YR. UNCK WT. SEQ. NO. PCs LK WT. UNCK. NT. TAI -tom( 'C STOCK COMRd: NUMBER TX COUPON 'AI NE FORV SENAL NO.' CA I BAGGAGE ID Ml� 1 COUPON" AIfWNE fORJ SFAIALND CK 0 001, 260937501, s 2 ,;OTAir... 01 1 3720991 885 I 5 im '1 5-loo r NOTICE PASSENGER TICKET AND BAGGAGE CHECK International (Warsaw Convention) Notice PASSENGER COUPON If the passenger's journey involves an ultimate destination or stop in a country other than the country of departure, the Warsaw Convention may be applicable and the Convention governs and in most cases limits the liability of carriers for death or personal injury and for loss of or damage to baggage. See also the notices entitled "Advice to International Passengers on Limitation of Liability" and 'Notice of Baggage Liability Limitations NOTICE Domestic Notice This portion o the ticket should Air Transportation to be provided between points in the U.S. (including its overseas territories and retained as s evidence of your possessions) is subject to the individual contract terms (including rules, regulations, tariffs and condi- N journey. tions) of the transporting air carriers, which are herein incorporated by reference and made part of the A summary of Terms and Condi- contract of carriage. tions applicable to your travel on Where this coupon is issued for transportation, or services other than air travel, specific terms and American Airlines and affiliated conditions may apply. These terms and conditions may be included in the ticket set or may be obtained carriers is available at aa.com or on from the issuing company or agent. ticket jackets which are available at Please make sure you have received the important legal notices entitled "Conditions of Contract the airport. "Notice of Incorporated Terms "Notice of Baggage Liability Limitations', and "Notice of Overbooking" or the speck terms and conditions relating to non -air transportation or services. If not, contact the nearest office of the company or agent to obtain copies. I j *ic *E* CHECK 5 AmericanAirlines suEOa:AmericanAirlines� ASS" REC G 1 1ISI sG REFUNDABLE ONLY WITH Iss. 0 9 45J� s,� U S; R„F� 5 �,�P -F -L -I G H -T -C P_N NAMEO =P S�eN�E�oT,RAN FEgA GL nFw FNr r Eees� T QRTH GI R E- FA_I_N__LH.I_S- R.E.C.EI_ FRO IA AY /DIANA 1 T YOUR TO FROlA CARR. RIGHT c'. DATE TIME **NO VALID t 012 „IPURNEY REVALiDATICIJ *I R'AN:;POR 1 A 1 10 NI ('SGFt I'ICKI T 00175360611828 EN WRSEMENTSRESI RICTIONS Fr:RCOne PNRCODE FOR CONDITIONS OF .1FWIND -AA GCGN'- TTR' A r�rr sass S,F nME I 0. CHECKED RA,GM:E. FE 5.rl I PRfaMSEENGER TICKS( AND i BgAGGA i riAao,GTP4E.Ck€A, 1 N.OT VALI_D_F_OR TRAVEL USD :15:. DO FP BAXXXXXXXXXXXX4790 9579BC NA NA NA 0 001 2609559627 0 USD 1 5 00 UO NOT :LARK ±H Vi WF IN THE WHI IF AREA ABOVE 1 r GET CLOSER TO YOUR NEXT VACATION Earn American Airlines AAdvantage° miles with the Citi° AAdvantage° card and let your everyday purchases send you on your next vacation. This document should be CALL 800 311 -5612 OR VISIT www.aa.com /citi TO APPLY TODAY! I retained as evidence of your journey. I r I AmericanAirlines AAdvantage® I I J Indite I i s I ntoTiat i cr I Airport AD) Ccd. H. Weir K- D ive. I s, IN 1 16241 Pay Stzlticl (-x i taj: 19:01 Tl(T,eL p4jiba': 27261 Tr-ajf, 3c(Jc w) 1 EAM Rate: A Par "K i re. $4.00 Tot'I'll lax $0.(.)-) Tot,a I FED $4.00 Fee Pa id: 3 ,3. Oo cha $1.00 `I virk you fa ycxr v is i L wi again! �j CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) >ra,AN`p EXHIBIT A hL° l- A IPM EMPLOYEE NAME: DEPARTURE DATE: TIME: DEPARTMENT: v l RETURN DATE: }n 9 TIME: REASON FOR TRAVEL: DESTINATION CITY: �T EXPENSES ARE FOR (check all that apply): TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL PER DIEM JZ Transportation Gas /Tolls! Meals Date Tips g Parkin Lodging Misc. Total .Taxi Ti s Lu a e g Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem o va Kv D 5 ov ro D (Q o-J 'ti Total vD J U-a DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: I F1 affirm that all xp es listed conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. Director Signature: Date: r I V 1z City of Carmel Form ER06 Revision Date 3/18/2009 Page 1 t Cordray, Diana L From: Marianne VanDer Schans [Marian ne. VanDerSchans @thetravelagentinc.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 10:11 AM To: Cordray, Diana L Subject: Car Confirmation FOR: CORDRAY /DIANA L TO: CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL TREASURE DEPT ONE CIVIC SQUARE 3RD FLOOR ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 03 JUN 09 WEDNESDAY MILES- 762 ELAPSED TIME- 2:25 AIR LV INDIANAPOLIS I135A ERICAN`' FAT: 691 ECONOMY CONFIRMED AR DALLAS /FT WOR 100P NONSTOP FOOD TO PURCHASE FREQ FLYER AA V177U56 AIRLINE CONFIRMATION:AA HEWPET AVIS 1 STANDARD 2/4 DR DROP -06JUN CONFIRMED PICKUP DALLAS /FT WOR DALLAS FT. WORTH APO RATE- 57.94 WEEKEND GUARANTEED EXTRA HR 43.46 MILEAGE- UNL /FM CODE -W1 CONFIRMATION- 26152126USO 06 JUN 09 SATURDAY MILES- 762 ELAPSED TIME- 2:10 AIR VL DALLAS /FT WOR 340P AMERICAN FLT-.1242 ECONOMY CONFIRMED AR INDIANAPOLIS 650P NONSTOP FOOD TO PURCHASE RESERVED SEATS 31D FREQ FLYER. AA V177U56 AIRLINE CONFIRMATION:AA HEWPET uJ U 1 r�. National League of Cities FINANACE, ADMINISTRATION, AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS SPRING STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING WACO, TEXAS JUNE 4 -6, 2009 ATTENDANCE FORM Please return this form by fax to Chris Hoene at 202 -626 -3043 or via a -mail hoene(iD)ilc.or') by May 15, 2009 I will attend the FAIR Spring Meeting I will not be able to attend the FAIR Spring Meeting Name /City: r Spouse/Guest Name if applicable: o 7g0 Arrival date /time W Departure date /time 77 1� I plan on attending the following events (indicate number attending each event in the space provided; "I" for yourself, "2" for yourself and guest, etc.): Thurs av, June 4 2009 Reception /possibly dinner Approximately 6:00 pin Frida F/iday, June 5 2009 Dinner and concert Approximately 6:00 pm Saturday, June 6, 2009 Tour (TBD) Meet in Hotel Lobby, AftenZoon following meeting. 113 S. University Parks Dr. Waco, 'rX 76701 H llt Phone (254) 754 -8484 Fax (254) 752 -2214 Reservations Name Address Waco www.hilton.com or 1 800 HILTONS CORDRAY, DIANA Room 905/K1D 11843 STONEY BAY CIR Arrival Date 6/3/2009 3:21:OOPM Departure Date 6/6/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 -9501 Adult/Child 1/0 Room Rate 85.00 RATE PLAN G Z G HH #348692524 SILVER R AL: US #999L7R4 CAR: CONFIRMATION NUMBER: 3348774990 6/6/2009 PAGE 1 DATE REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TheHidto'nFamily 6/3/2009 1104850 GUEST ROOM $85.00 6/3/2009 1104850 STATE TAX $5.10 6/3/2009 1104850 CITY TAX $5.95 6/4/2009 1104999 *THE GRILLE Hilton 6/4/2009 1105172 GUEST ROOM $85,00 6/4/2009 1105172 STATE TAX $5.10 6/4/2009 1105172 CITY TAX $5.95 615/2009 1105569 GUEST ROOM $85.00 CON RA D' 6/5/2009 1105569 STATE TAX $5.10 6/5/2009 1105569 CITY TAX $5.95 6/6/2009 1105605 ($292.76) BALANCE $0.00 r 'p 7z. DoUBLETREE' EXPENSE REPORTSUMMARY 0 00:00:0M 12:00:OOAM 009 12:b 9 OOAM 1 `STAY TQTAL ROOM TAX $96.05 $96.05 $96.05 $288.15 FOOD BEVE RAGE $0.00 $4.61 $0.00 $4.61 DAILY TC TAL $96.05 $100.66 $96.05 $292.76 11 You have ea ed approximately 5985 HHonors points and approximately 259 ices with US Airways Hilton Gardenlnn for this stay. o check your earnings for this stay or any other stay at any of mc re than 3, 000 Hilton Fam Thank you fo choosing Hilton! Book your next stay at hilton.com and take advantage of our intel Accor ecr 6 11�� 49 OOA O NO.SttE RN O A Rilton 1 1 y Grand vacations Club' CARD MEMBER NAME AUTHORIZATION INITIAL CORDRAY, DIANA 83307C aw VA)OD sunEs ESTABLISHMENT NO. LOCATION RNI AOUSBMIff —IRMN 11) IRANSNIJI Irr CAM11OLDIBFDRPAe MIwI PURCHASES SERVICES Hi1to TAXES TIPS MISC. /�'��p��J U VV- TOTAL AMOUNT 292.76 Official Sponsor MERCHANDISE AND /OR SERVICES PURCHASED ON THIS CARD SHALL NOT BE RESOLD OR RETURNED FOR A CASH REFUND, PA\'M ENI' DUE MIN RECEII11' r L U ME keQLire S_� 1i 1 \Oi10E 0 ?USr�rttEE pace. I Less that, 4c hr I��otice suh�eci to nnce and availability. A irport ReSC1'�'21:101"i t' ol 1�'ame -1 .,a rs on cc� C(. G has appP..arc;on ccj Mi ll1 5 11 o f e9 C�t�` Stake EEO G7e e) irl h `J 1 i �rtine /Czrr�er. n �+'Irght Date z l~irgi,t �anTe isms 'rch IIp3,ocatron S �r9p Off i�ocatron' r �'.as�enger Contact 'hone I�'umberP 5 ecrai Distraictions or I\eeds T 3 stop Method of PzS meni 1 Pa�'ment must be reserved ivith a CC Circle one Master Card Visa Discover CCU I R r Cpprovn3 a. K y 1 L Voce• 1 J d, E ce I�SE4313',�' -ice- —c. ^ems �-�-a FEloyEe dame oi:Srgnature Reviewer' I I7m� GRITTEK SWITT. LE WG am G arr"GrItIv U'v G"killf" NA7 Ai p icing (p er p ers 0 n 4 0 mile 'Pa. IDS Dalla-s/Fort �Vo Airport (D (M 7 )&z. Love Field (per L T I lVewill pickup at Rome Hotel or Office iiivMAco, 134ellmead.," Laci-Lakevi Hemitt, Woodway, Robinson NN NIMMOMMMOM Other locations subject to additional on time charge of. S15.00430.OG per trip. AFFIDAVIT FOR EXPENSES I, Diana L. Cordray, incurred expenses while on City business (National League of Cities) for which a receipt was not possible. The following non- receipted expense(s) are as follows: Indpls Skycap (tip) $3.00 June 3, 2009 Shuttle to Waco (tip) 20.00 June 3, 2009 Shuttle to airport (tip) 15.00 June 6, 2009 Skycap at DFW airport 3.00 June 6, 2009 Total $41.00 Diana L. Cordray Clerk Treasurer June 1.0, 2009 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. P ee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) O Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Tip Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 4 2 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund