June 16, 2004
Department of Community Services Conference Room
3rd Floor - Carmel City Hall
Central Park
The applicant seeks to construct a Public Park. The site is located east of College Avenue
and north of 111a Street. The site is zoned P-l/Parks and Recreation.
Filed by Alan Armstrong of A l Armslrong for Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation.
9~f~ am.
Docket No. 04030042 Z: Townhomes at Guifford PUD
The applicant seeks to rezone approximately 9.5 acres from R-I/Residence to PUD/Planned
Unit Development. The site is located at 1224 S. Guilford Road.
Filed by Dave Sexton of the Schneider Corp. for Pi~auan Partners, Inc.
Carmel/Clay Schools - Clay Middle School: Special Use Amendment
Petitioner seeks approval to place 2 modular classrooms on-site.
Docket No. 04050024 SUA Chapter 5.02 special use in the S-I zone
The site is located at 5150 E 126th Street. The site is zoned S-i/Residence - Low Density.
Filed by Michael Schipp of Fanning/ttowey for Carmel Clay Schools.
Stanford Park, Sec 3 - Amenity Area
Petitioner seeks special use approval for an amenity area.
Docket No. 04050026 SU Chapter 10.02.A special use
The site is located northeast of 131st Street and Shelborne Rd and is zoned R-4/Residence.
Filed by Ed Hemming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates for Platinum Properties.
10:10 a.m.
oCherry Creek Estates, Sec lA, lot 4 - Sales Trailer
The applicant seeks use variance approval for a sales trailer.
Docket 3fo. 04050027 OW Chapter 5.01 pet'aiitted uses
The site is located at 5882 Cherry Creek Blvd. and is zoned S-I/Residence - Low
Intensity. Filed by Nicole Perry of Pulte Homes of Indiana, LLC.
oDocket No. 04050045 PP Amend: Cherry Creek Estates
The applicant seeks to amend the initial primary plat to be 353 total lots on 174 acre~.
The site is located southeast of Hazel Dell Pkwy and Cherry Tree Rd. The site is zoned S-
1/Residence-ROSO. Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stocppelwerth & Assoc.
Docket No. 04050028 DP/ADLS: Walnut Creek Marketplace
The applicant proposes a retail center, located northeast of 99th Street and Michigan Rd/US
421. The site is zoned B-3 and B-2/Business within the US Highway 421 Overlay.
Filed by Mary Solad~ of Bingham McHale for Duke Realty.
Docket No. 04050039 PP: Glen Oaks Subdivision
The applicant seeks to plat a residential subdivision of approximately 51 lots. The site is
located on West Rd, just north of West 131 st Street. The site is zoned S-l/Residence-Estate.
Filed by Dave Barnes of Weihe Engineers for Langston Development.
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Technical Advisory Committee Agenda: June 16, 2004
· Docket No. 04050051 Z: Alexandria of Carmel / Edward Rose Rezone
The applicant seeks approval to rezone a property from OM/SFA-Single Family Attached
to OM/MF-Mul~ly. The site is located southeast of Pennsylvania Street and 131st
Street. Filed by Paul Reis of Drewry Simmons Pitts & Vomehm for Ed Rose Properties.
eDocket No. 04050052 ADLS: Alexandria of Carmel
The applicant seeks approval for multi-family buildings. Thc site is located southeast of
Pennsylvania Street and 131st Street and is zoned OMfMF - Old Meridian Multi-Family.
Filed by Paul Reis of Drewry Simmons Pitts & Vomehm for Edward Rose Prope~ies.
Docket No. 04050048 DP Amend:
North Haven, Blk D, lots 1-2: CP Morgan Bldgs 2 & 3
The applicant seeks approval to build two office buildings. The site is located at the
northwest of 96th Street and Gray Rd. The site is zoned R-S/Residence.
Filed by Blair Carmosino of Duke Construction for CP Morgan Communities, LP.
Break for Lunch; 1 hour. The meeting will resume at 1:00 p.m~
1 ~00 .n.m.
Docket No. 04050046 ADLS: Greyhound Commons, Ph H - Fox & Hound
The applicant seeks approval to build a restaurant building. The site is located southeast US
Highway 31 and 146th S~reet. The site is zoned PUDfPlanned Unit Development.
Filed by Blaine Paul of American Consulting,
Docket No. 04050053 DP/ADLS: North Meridian Medical Pavilion
The applicant seeks approval for a medical/office building, located northwest of Old
Meridian Street and Meridian Street (US 31). The site is zoned B-3 and B-6/Business,
within the US 31 Overlay Zone. Filed by Tom Eaglcy of Lauth Property Group.
Docket Nos. 04060002 SUA and 04060003 V: Carmel Lutheran Church - Expansion
The applicant seeks special use amendment and development standards variance approval
for a church expansion, located at 4850 East 131st St. The site is zoned S-1/Resience - Low
Density. Fried by Larry Kemper of Nelson & Frankenberger.
Docket No. 04060005 SP: Lakeside Park, Sec 3 - Secondary Plat
The petitioner seeks to plat 33 residential lots on 17 acres+/-. The site is located southwest
of 141 st Street and Towne Rd and is zoned S- 1 Residence - Estate.
Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Assoc.
Docket No. 04060006 SP: The Ridge at Hayden Run, Sec 3 - Secondary Plat
The petitioner seeks to plat 47 residantial lots on 30.8 acres+/-. The site is located southeast
of 141st S~'eet and Shalbome Rd and is zoned S-1 Residence - Estate.
Filed by Dennis Olmstcad of Stoeppelwerth & Assoc.
2~g5 p m
Docket No. 04060007 SP: The Trails at Hayden Run - Secondary Plat
The petitioner seeks to plat 65 residential lots on 40 acres+/-. The site is located northwest
of 141~t Street and Town Rd and is zoned S-1 Residence - Estate (ROSO).
Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Assoc.