HomeMy WebLinkAbout172839 05/27/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359084 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GENERAL ALARM CHECK AMOUNT: $53.50 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 39592 TREASURY CIRCLE CHICAGO IL 60694 -9500 CHECK NUMBER: 172839 CHECK DATE: 5/27/2009 DEPARTMENT AC COUNT PO NUM INVOICE NU MBER AMO D ESCRIPTION 1207 4350100 50302 53.50 BUILDING REPAIRS MA i I ,f, 1 INV OICE 8 GENERA. ALARM A Division of Mulhaupt's Inc. Date Invoice 39592 Treasury Center 5/6/2009 50302 Chicago, IL 60694 -9500 (317) 925 -8915 Account P.O. No. Due Date Bill To 004129 6/1/2009 BROOKSHIRE GOLF CLUB Ship To C/O AZ GOLF BROOKSHIRE GOLF CLUB 12120 BROOKSHIRE PKWY C/O AZ GOLF CARMEL IN 46033 3314 12120 BROOKSHIRE PKWY CARMEL IN 46033 -3314 Description Amount Quarterly Monitoring Service 53.50 NOT ALL PHONE SERVICES ARE COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR SECURITY SYSTEM. Your security services could be compromised. If you are considering a change, please call our office for details. Your invoice may reflect an increase to cover higher costs associated with providing you the best security services possible Total $53.50 As a reminder, there is a $20 charge to program code change for our commerciab(OMM0r>�r�tlon below Payments /Credits $o.00 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 3959, Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 5-6 -O9 5030 53.570 Total 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer r VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO.__ ALLOWED 20 ti IN SUM OF ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or /.;07 503D 5o 53• bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Alla Si tuNe_ Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund