HomeMy WebLinkAbout205470 01/17/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 355214 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-INDIANA P %ECK AMOUNT: $118.67 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 5959 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 CHECK NUMBER: 205470 CHECK DATE: 111712012 DEPARTMENT ACCO PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2200 4351000 08518032 118.67 AUTO REPAIR MAINTEN Account No TERMS 08518032 Past Due Pay Total Immediate Closing Date Due Date Sequence No 12/31/11 Urgent 18269907 Previous Balance Payments(s) Received 118.67 .00 New Charges /Credits Finance Charge New Balance .00 .00 118.67 Total Past Due Current Future Aged 118.67 .00 .00 Account Past Due Past Due Past Due 10 Days 40 Days 70 or More Days Status 11.8.67 .00 .00 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF CARMEL ENGINEERING 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL I N 46032 -2584 If you have QUESTIONS CALL: (877) 558 -9287 Press 1 for invoice copies. Visit our website for invoice copies at www.NAPAaccount.com Notice: Your Total Account Balance is Past Due Please Pay Total Immediately Your NAPA account is on the wob! www.NAPAaccount.com Click on CUSTOMER LOGIN and ACCOUNT ACTIVATION Enter the 8 -digit sequence number from your current monthly statement and enter your email address. A password will be emailed back to you. You will have access to: Copies of statements and invoices Receive your monthly statement via E -mail Up to date account balance Last payment and date received E -Mail your customer representative We Appreciate Your Business WE PROVIDE MORE TIMELY AND ACCURATE INFORMATION TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY BY SHARING OUR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE INFORMATION WITH D B AND EDUIFAX 039153 2 2 046500 P Customer Copy Retain for your Records Acct No. 10851803 1 Page 2 of 2 Customer I CITY OF CARM ENG d Statement of Account with 4100 A ULPAW Date Type Inv. No. Amount Due Explanation 11/18 RI 814660 23.74 11/23 RI 815149 63.99 11/28 RI 815424 30.94 E -2 TOTAL DUE $118.67 TYPE CODES RI Invoice RB Charge Back RM Credit Memo RU Unapplied Payment RF Finance Charge X# Miscellaneous Accounting Entry U C E d r S r a 0 U C d E r m a c Yu v C t9 O W d 10 t0 L m t0 a m m d N t0 N a 5-9 Control No. 7 3 20' 6 6 1 RAW aD C(')F�MEL NP4P(,-*) 1441 GIJIL170RD WE ISTE 140 Y OCR y RPM 11'- r C I ND REF BY VER BY 535.'. "I "W. cuma 46032--29 CFII�AGO R ECEI VED 1000060178146602 y X ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST ACC PANI DBY IS INVOICE ACCT NO. SOLD TO DATE coo STOR NO. EMP SR 8 5--- 01 (3 02 31 2 CI*I'Y 0F*' Cf:)FRMIE-1. EN01'NE'E:.R 11/121/2011 1 814660 I civic 3 G! 1 f I TIME PURCHASE ORDER NO. ATTENTION CARMEL-, IN 4602 I Ell) INVOICETYPE Charge S;ale QUANTITY PART NUMBER LINE DESCRIPTION PRICE NET TOTAL CODE I 0 7 2C! F1 L KVMD OIL F11 12. 5E 3. 0 FZ NOL., Nffq QUART 520 4. Jr' -j 19. 95 1.41 01 1 4 TqTASUB f L misc. I 1 .1 .1 TAX -1 TOTAL Control No RAPP 7 3 2 -L 5 3 4 CARMEL NAPA 1441 S GUILFORD AVE STE 140 Y OCR y REM 1 1 GPIC I ND U BY VER BY 59 5`- LL EC' -1-9tfT-\ R. DR. p CAMEL, 1N 46032-29 CF11 'VC &IL EC L `9. -L RECEIVED 10000601 BY 'A x ALL GOODS RE RNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIJD BY THIS INVOICE ACCT NO. SOLD TO DATE I LIN��MM I SVORE NO. EMP SR 1 85 01f.3032 CITY OF' CARREL ENG1*NEEF' 11128/2 81c5424 06C)17 3 1c=' I civic so I of I TIME PURCHASE ORDER NO. ATTENTION 'IN 460:3 E DIKESTER I INVOICE YPE E. i (27) 1 C h a r g e &:-k 1 c. QUANTITY PART NUMBER LINE DESCRIPTION PRICE NET TOTAL CODE 1. 00 1 4 8 F1 L %PAW OIL FIL t 1. 5 10C) (D 3, 49 49 R S. tic_ 1 1 4 VAL I OT PREN11M 5W 6- 8 E 5. 49m 27. 45 SUB LI. TOTAL MISC. q TA X TOTAL g Ka Control No 7321231 RAW CARMEL- NAPA 1441 S GUILFORD AVE STE 140 Y 0 rC R y RE tyl I l" I REF BY 5959 1 p CARM VER EL, IN 46OR 0 -2,22 CHI CAGI/ I L-L. RECEIVED 10000601781511490 By x ILL GOODS,F&TqPKEflD MUST B kCWPANIED BY THIS INVOICE ACCT NO, SOLD TO DATE j I mm m I STORE NO. EMP SIR 85- 011 -10 Cl"►'Y OF:* CARMEL. ENOINEER 1 1. f' 28 1 8 1!_6.01:- ;3 1 1c 1 civic 1 30 1 (.3 f 3. TIM3,j I PURCHASE ORDER NO. F ATTENTION CAR IEL, IN 46-032--c".'584 0 1 (2-3) 1 INVOICE T YPE Chcmr�ge 3AIE QUANTITY PART NUMBER LINE DESCRIPTION PRICE NET TOTAL CODE 2005 F:'o 1 t-uck cE 2 -3 L. 118 CID L-4 Hybr 1. 0C AD-7950 (a'X Brake Padi Fri I I E 1 1 0 saz SUB (j. T9TAL -f -1 TAX TOTAL Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Napa Auto Parts of Carmel Purchase Order No. 5959 Collections Center Drive Terms Chicago, IL 60693 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 12/31/11 18269907 Oil $118.67 acnt# 08032 E1 &E2 Total $118.67 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Napa Auto Parts of C;; mPI IN SUM OF 5959 Collections Center Drive Chicago, IL 60693 $118.67 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering 6g6 Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 18269907 2 00- 4351000 118.67 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Signature CA EY,o: Y. Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund