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Date: December 22, 2011
To: Subdivision Committee Members
From: Adrienne Keeling
Department of Community Services
Re: Docket Nos. 11080011 Z 11080013 OA
Enclosed is the information packet for the following items. If you have any questions, please give me a call at
571 -2417.
Docket No. 11080011 Z: Monon Overlay Rezone, Natural Section North.
The applicant seeks approval to rezone properties which abut the Monon Greenway north of First
Street NW, to include them in the Monon Greenway Overlay Zone. This overlay district is super-
imposed over the primary zoning districts, and its regulations shall supersede those of the primary
zoning districts. The properties which are included in the rezone consist of properties which abut the
Monon Greenway from 146th Street to First Street NW. Filed by the Carmel Department of Community
Services on behalf of the Carmel Plan Commission.
Docket No. 11080013 OA: Monon Overlay Amendment.
The applicant seeks approval to amend the Monon Greenway Overlay Zone of the Zoning Ordinance in
order to modify the regulations as need be during the rezoning of the affected parcels in the Natural
Section North. Filed by the Carmel Department of Community Services on behalf of the Carmel Plan
Monon Development Standards Enclosed are proposed amendments to Chapter 23H, which are based on
November's Committee discussion. Changes made since the December 6 meeting are hightlighted in the
draft. They are summarized as follows:
1. Purpose, Intent Authority. A new sentence was added at the end of the first paragraph that
mentions the 33' Greenway easement.
2. Section 23H.01 District Boundaries. We have adjusted the district boundary from 90' to 88' from
the centerline to set the distance concurrent with the largest required setback.
3. Section 23H.05: Building Setbacks. Several revisions have been made to this section, as it has
been the main focus of discussion. The revisions are summarized as follows:
a. The Minimum Greenway Setback sections have been re- stated to measure the distance from
the centerline.
b. Further language was created to clarify additional Principal Buildings.
2012 -0103: 11080011 Z 11080013 OA: PC Committee Memo.docx
ONE CI�-IC SQJ_ ARE C ARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/371 -2417
lei 0/:1yY0I:iAd0MLTA[111WI ":104 011M, /0I:1 eWlN
EXISTING ZONING DISTRICTS (Natural Section): S -2, R -1, R -2, R -3, R -4, M -3, P -1, PUD, Old Town Overlay, US 31
Overlay, Home Place Overlay.
231100 Monon Greenway Overlay Zone
231100.01 Purpose, Intent and Authority The purpose of this overlay zone is to protect and enhance the health, safety
and welfare of the citizens and property owners of Carmel and Clay Township by protecting the physical
integrity of the Monon Greenway, including its ballast foundation and drainage ways, and by complying
with the Monon Greenway easement covenants as they pertain to the natural character and existing
vegetation of the trail and its protection. For purposes of this Zone, the Monon Greenway shall be defined
as any property conveyed to the City of Carmel, by title or easement, for purposes of establishment of the
Monon Trail. Typically, the Monon Greenway is established at a width of thirty -three feet (33') on each
side of the surveyed centerline.
It is the City's intent to achieve the purpose of this zone by:
Providing a consistent design treatment for pt: ate and r„44- properties along Monon Greenway;
Providing controls for architecture and landscape design that establish continuity of design between
projects and to improve the physical relationship and human scale between new buildings and the
Monon Greenway;
Protecting the Monon Greenway character;
Protecting the physical integrity of the Monon Greenway.
This district is superimposed over the other primary zoning districts and its regulations shall supersede
those of the primary zoning districts over which it is superimposed. In establishing this zone, the Plan
Commission and Council relies on I.C. 36 -7 -4 -1400 et seq.
231100.99 Application Procedure
A. Development Plan See Section 24.99(A): Development Plan.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS) See Section 24.99(B):
Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
Chapter 23H: Monon Greenway Overlay Zone
23H -1
as adopted per Z- 515 -07
23H.01 District Boundaries The boundaries of the Monon Greenway Overlay Zone (the Zone) are hereby established as
approved on the Zoning Map, generally extending eighty -eight (88) feet from the centerline of the Monon Greenway.
Diagram 1 illustrates, generally, the boundaries of the Urban and Natural Sections.
231101.01 Urban Section Boundary Properties which abut the Monon
Greenway from First Street NW to the southern property line of
properties fronting the south side of Carmel Drive.
231101.02 Natural Section Boundary Properties which abut the Monon
Greenway from 146 Street to First Street NW and Carmel
Drive to 96 Street.
23H.01.03 Parcels in the C -1 /City Center and C -2 /Old Town Districts shall
be exempt from the requirements of the Zone.
23H.01.04 Conflicts The US Highway 31 Corridor, Old Town District and
Home Place District Overlay Zones shall govern over the
Monon Greenway Overlay Zone where conflicts exist, except
the requirements in Section 23H.05: Building Setbacks shall
apply. The Monon Greenway Overlay Zone shall also govern
in instances where other Overlay Zones are silent.
231102 Plan Commission Annroval
231102.01 The Plan Commission must approve, approve with conditions,
or disapprove the Development Plan (DP) and Architectural
Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS)
for any tract of land in the Urban Section of the Monon
Greenway Overlay Zone. DP and ADLS review is required in
the Natural Section, pursuant to the requirements of the
underlying primary zoning district.
23H.02.02 Zoning Waiver The Commission may, after a public hearing,
grant a Zoning Waiver of the dimensional and quantitative to
the following criteria:
Diagram 1: Urban Natural Sections
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A. The proposal shall enhance the overall Development Plan and the adjoining streetscapes and
B. The proposal shall not produce a Site Plan or street/circulation system that would be impractical or
detract from the appearance of the Development Plan or the District, and shall not adversely affect
emergency vehicle access.
C. The proposal shall exhibit extraordinary site design characteristics, including, but not limited to:
Increased landscape treatment, tree preservation, provisions for bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
In granting a waiver, the Commission may impose such conditions that will, in its judgment, secure the
purposes of this Chapter. This Section does not affect the right of the applicant under Indiana law to
petition the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance from development standards provided under IC 36 -7 -4-
918.5 and this Zoning Ordinance.
23H.03 Permitted Uses See Appendix A Schedule of Uses.
231103.01 All Uses which are permitted in the underlying primary zoning district(s), except those uses expressly
prohibited by Section 231104, are permitted in the Zone.
Chapter 23H: Monon Greenway Overlay Zone
23H -2
as adopted per Z- 515 -07
231103.02 Residential uses are permitted in the Zone, regardless of the underlying primary zoning district.
231104 Prohibited Uses See Appendix A -Schedule of Uses.
231104.01 Prohibited Uses
Mobile Home Court, Penal or Correctional Institution, Commercial Sewage or Garbage Disposal Plant,
Water Management and Use Facility, Lumber/Building Materials Sales (enclosed), Automobile Service
Station, Restaurant (with drive -thru sales), Automobile/Boat Sales, Automobile/ Truck Repair (indoor), Car
Wash, Commercial Kennel, Dry Cleaning Establishment (with on -site plant), Funeral
Home/Mortuary/Crematory, Self- service Laundry, Veterinary Hospital with commercial kennel, Wholesale
Sales, Stadium or Coliseum, Feed Store, Grain Elevator, Shooting Gallery, Sexually Oriented Businesses,
All Industrial Uses in Appendix A (Type of Uses).
231105 Building Setbacks
231105.01 Urban Section
A. Minimum Greenwav Setback
1. Minimum: 4A;re� Forty -five feet (4-1 measured from the aetiaal i4g4t a
wee @t '?3 ght Of �A41iek@N is g+eateFe enterline of the Monon
Greenway. See also corresponding Building Heights, as prescribed by Section
23H. 08.01.
2. Maximum: There is no maximum setback; however, the area adjacent to the Greenway may not
be used solely for parking. In addition, this area must reflect an awareness of the
Greenway and shall not adversely impact the character of the Greenway.
B. Front Setbacks not abutting the Monon Greenway_ Requirements per underlying primary zoning district
or applicable Overlay Zone.
44C. Side and Rear Setbacks Fifteen (15) feet.
231105.02 Natural Section
A. Minimum Greenwav Setback. Setbacks shall be measured from the c enterline of the Monon
Greenway, which encompasses the g@iwt:ally presumed thirty -three feet (33') half right -of-
way and /or easement.
Structures on Lots vit -h4i c d-i recorded prior to January 1, 2012 may continue to follow
the requirements of the underlying primary zoning district or Overlay Zone, when applicable.
However, additional Principal Buildings (which create more Principal Buildings than
previously existed) constructed as a result of subsequent Subdivisions, Primary or Secondary
Plat amendments shall comply with the Minimum Greenway Setback for New Principal
Chapter 23H: Monon Greenway Overlay Zone
23H -3
as adopted per Z- 515 -07
2. Structures within an approved Planned Unit Development (PUD) may continue to follow the
requirements of the approved PUD Ordinance.
3. New Principal Buildings: Eighty -eight (88) feet.
4. Accessory Buildings: See Section 25.01: Accessory Buildings Uses.
B. Si -_;jr Setbacks not abutting the Monon Greenway Requirements per underlying primary
zoning district or applicable Overlay Zone.
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23H.06 Greenway Access Points
23H.06.01 Greenway Access Points, for new residential or commercial construction, shall be designed and built in
accordance with an approved Plan and to Parks Board Standards. Access Points from existing buildings must
receive the approval of the Director of Carmel Clay Parks. Connection intervals shall be approved by the
Director of Carmel Clay Parks. All access points shall be constructed of durable materials and shall be designed
as to not impede drainage ways. Where determined appropriate, a non access agreement may be required to be
23H.07 Building Orientation Footprint
23H.07.01 Urban Section
A. Orientation: Every parcel with frontage on the Monon Greenway must have at least one building
elevation that fronts on the Greenway.
B. Maximum Building Footprint: 15,000 square feet.
C. Maximum Fagade Length: 150 feet.
23H.07.02 Natural Section
A. Maximum Building Footprint: 15,000 square feet.
B. Maximum Fagade Length: No fagade greater than 80 feet in length shall be parallel with the
Greenway. Longer facades must be oriented at an angle greater than or equal to 60
degrees from the property line abutting the Greenway.
23H.08 Building Height
23H.08.01 Urban Section.
A. Minimum Height: None.
B. Maximum Height: Sixty feet (60'), or as permitted in the primary underlying zoning district.
1. When used, fagade step backs shall be at least twenty feet (20') in depth and shall be constructed
as usable outdoor space, such as a rooftop patio or garden.
23H.08.02 Natural Section
A. Minimum Height: None.
B. Maximum Height: As permitted in the primary underlying zoning district or applicable Overlay
Chapter 23H: Monon Greenway Overlay Zone
23H -4
as adopted per Z- 515 -07
23H.09 Building Requirements
23H.09.01 New principal buildings with a gross floor area containing more than 15,000 non residential square feet
shall contain a shower, changing and locker facility accessible for employee use.
23H.09.02 New principal buildings with a gross floor area containing more than 15,000 square feet shall provide
covered, long term bicycle parking at a rate of one space per 5,000 square feet. Long term bicycle parking
may include an indoor storage area and /or exterior bicycle lockers, as approved as part of an ADLS plan.
23H.10 Architectural Design Buildings in the Urban Section with frontage on the Greenway must include the following
23H.10.01 Large blank facades are not allowed. Buildings with continuous facades that are fifty feet (50') or greater in
width, shall be designed with offsets (projecting or recessed) not less than eight feet (8') in depth and
continuous for not less than twenty -five feet (25') along the length of the fagade.
All elevations shall exhibit variety through inclusion of architectural elements such as windows and
surrounds, storefronts, doors, special brick coursing, pilasters, lintels, canopies and covered walkways or
recesses. Facades shall also exhibit variable roof heights, a diversity of building materials and varied
building mass within a given structure.
Architectural elements shall be arranged in a balanced, relatively uniform fashion. Faux window openings
and special masonry coursing may be used in service areas, especially areas where rooftop skylighting is
23H.10.02 Ground and upper floors shall utilize transparent glass; the ground floor elevations of non residential uses
must incorporate the transparent glass as a significant component.
23H.10.03 The first floor and all other floors will have a coordinated composition, which will usually be indicated by
the alignment of upper floor windows and other features with openings and features of the first floor.
23H.10.04 Retail storefronts shall have a primary entrance oriented along the Greenway on the first floor of the
building, other entrances such as pedestrian entrances to parking areas shall be permitted on non Greenway
23H.10.05 Every fagade of a building abutting the Greenway must have openings for windows.
23H.10.06 Large expanses of glass are allowed, but no fagade may be constructed entirely of a metal and glass curtain
23H.10.07 Fixed or retractable awnings are encouraged if they complement a building's architectural style, material,
colors, and details; do not conceal architectural features (such as cornices, columns, pilasters, or decorative
details); do not impair fagade composition; and are designed as an integral part of the fagade. Awnings may
not be internally illuminated.
23H.10.08 Pedestrian scale detailing is required at the ground level. As the buildings will be viewed very close up, it is
important to exhibit articulated detail and ornament that is scaled to the pedestrian. Examples include,
but are not limited to cornices, columns, pilasters, lighting, decorative moldings, sills and quoins, as well as
canopies, awnings covered walkways and other similar sheltering features.
23H.10.09 Modulation of the roof and /or roof line will be required in order to eliminate box shaped buildings.
Parapets must be fully integrated into the architectural design of the building and provide seamless design
transitions, including exterior materials between the main building mass, mechanical penthouses and other
roof structures. Should they be used, partial parapets shall have a return that extends inward to at least the
first structural bay, or twenty (20) feet, whichever is greater. Parapet heights shall vary by no less than 3
feet, including between neighboring structures on the same or adjacent parcel.
Chapter 2311 Monon Greenway Overlay Zone
23H -5
as adopted per Z- 515 -07
23H.10.10 Architectural styles, primary materials, building setbacks, separations, heights and mass shall vary among
neighboring buildings along the Greenway.
23H.11 Landscaping and Tree Preservation
23H.11.01 Urban Section
A. Tree Preservation Requirements: It is the goal of the Monon Greenway Overlay to preserve existing
vegetation within the Greenway Easement of Right -of -Way according to the Monon Greenway
covenants. Alterations to the existing vegetation in the Monon Greenway may be sought
through a DP /ADLS proposal. Such alterations require the approval of the Director of Carmel
Clay Parks. Otherwise no changes to the Greenway vegetation may be made. Any proposed
preservation or alteration outside of the Greenway shall be reviewed by the Urban Forester
and Plan Commission and must be in accordance with Section 23H.11.03. When deemed
appropriate, and upon the approval of the Urban Forester, mitigation may occur within the
Monon Greenway.
B. Planting Requirements:
1. When a Development Plan or other Commission approval includes or requires reconstruction
of the Greenway, the landscape plan shall comply with the Monon Greenway Cross Section
requirements and must meet the approval of the Director of Carmel Clay Parks and the City of
Carmel Urban Forester.
2. The Greenway Setback shall be landscaped with a combination of shade trees, low shrubs,
planting beds and grass or ground cover, with exceptions for appropriate pedestrian access to
building entrances.
3. Alternatively, the Greenway Setback may be covered with decorative hard surfaces and /or
pavers to allow seating areas or outdoor tables, such areas shall be surrounded by low shrubs
or planting beds.
4. Remaining facades shall have foundation plantings in beds no less than five (5) feet in width,
with exceptions for appropriate pedestrian access to building entrances. Initially, plantings
shall cover at least 50% of the base of the building (horizontally) and be at mature height and
coverage within three (3) years.
23H.11.02 Natural Section
A. Planting Requirements: When Perimeter Buffering is required per Chapter 26.04: Perimeter Buffering
Requirements, P plantings along the Monon Greenway shall be provided at a rate
equivalent to a Buffer D. as preser-io d in 0 4 pe;°iMHA-6- F B?��ef-ifigReg
B. Tree Preservation Requirements: Existing vegetation within the Greenway Easement or Right -of-
Way shall be preserved in accordance with the Monon Greenway covenants. Proposed
preservation plans or alterations to the existing vegetation in the Greenway require the approval of
the Director of Carmel Clay Parks. Otherwise no changes to the Greenway vegetation may be
made. Any proposed preservation or alteration outside of the Greenway shall be reviewed by the
Urban Forester and must be in accordance with 23H.11.03.
23H.11.03 General Landscaping Requirements The requirements of this section shall apply to projects which require
Plan Commission approval, including DP, ADLS and Primary Plat review.
A. Sites with existing trees or stands of trees shall protect and incorporate them into the overall site design.
The landscape plan must preserve not less than 75% of all trees that are 6" DBH or larger and located
within the required yard /setback areas.
B. A five -foot (5') wide planting strip shall be provided along all sides of parking areas. The minimum
Chapter 23H: Monon Greenway Overlay Zone
23H -6
as adopted per Z- 515 -07
planting shall include two (2) shade trees and thirty (30) shrubs per 100 linear feet. In areas where the
planting strip is isolated from other lawn or green areas by sidewalks, drives or other impervious
surfaces, then the Plan Commission may require structural soil technologies be applied to sustain the
life of plantings.
C. Parking areas shall be located at the rear or side of buildings, and screened from the Greenway by low
walls, low fences, or hedges, or a combination thereof. Plant materials shall be at least four feet (4') in
height within three (3) years.
D. Shade trees shall be planted within parking areas greater than 10,000 square feet. There shall be planted
one (1) shade tree and five (5) shrubs per every nine (9) spaces.
E. The design of fencing, sound walls, trash enclosures and similar site elements shall replicate the
architecture of the Principal building(s) in construction material and detailing. No openings or access
gates for trash enclosures shall face the Monon Greenway.
F. All landscaping approved as part of an ADLS plan shall be installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy by the Department. If it is not possible to install the approved landscaping because of
weather conditions, the property owner shall post a bond prior to the issuance of the Final Certificate of
Occupancy for the amount equal to the total installed cost of the remaining, uninstalled landscape
G. It shall be the responsibility of the owners and their agents to insure proper maintenance of all trees,
shrubs and other landscaping approved as part of the ADLS Plans in accordance with the standards set
by this Ordinance. This is to include, but is not limited to, replacing dead plantings with identical
varieties or a suitable substitute, irrigation and mulching of planting areas, and keeping the area free of
refuse, debris, rank vegetation and weeds.
H. All landscaping is subject to approval by the Commission. No landscaping which has been approved
by the Plan Commission may later be substantially altered, eliminated or sacrificed without first
obtaining further Commission approval. However, minor material alterations in landscaping may be
approved by the Director or his designee in order to conform to specific site conditions.
L Ground level mechanical/ telecommunication equipment shall be fully screened so that it is not visible
from the Greenway and any adjoining residential zones or uses using walls, fencing, landscaping, or
other method approved by the Commission.
23H.12 Lighting The requirements of this section shall apply to projects which require Plan Commission approval, including
DP, ADLS and Primary Plat review.
23H.12.01 Exterior lighting of the building(s) or site shall be designed so that light is not directed off the site and the
light source is shielded from direct offsite viewing.
23H.12.02 Exterior lighting shall be architecturally integrated with the building style, material and color. Rooftop
lighting shall be prohibited.
23H.12.03 All exterior architectural, display, decorative and sign lighting shall be generated from concealed, low level
23H.12.04 The maximum height of light standards in parking areas shall not exceed the building height, or twenty -five
(25) feet, v'+in vhichever is less. When light standards abut or fall within ninety (90) feet of single
family residential properties, their height shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet.
23H.13 Signagee All signs shall be in accordance with Chapter 25.07: Sign Ordinance and other applicable District Overlay
Requirements. In addition, the following standards shall apply to signs facing the Monon Greenway:
Chapter 23H: Monon Greenway Overlay Zone
23H -7
as adopted per Z- 515 -07
23H.13.02 Wall Signs are allowed in the Urban Section provided that they fit within the horizontal and vertical
elements of the building and do not obscure details of the building. No sign shall be allowed to extend
above the cornice line of a building. Wall Signs shall be no larger than ten (10) square feet and shall be in
accordance with an approved ADLS.
23H.13.03 Projecting Signs no larger than six (6) square feet are allowed for new or existing buildings in the Urban
Section which comply with setback, orientation and height requirements, as specified in Sections 23H.05,
23K 07 and 23H. 08 of this Chapter.
23H.14 Parking The requirements of this section shall apply to projects which require Plan Commission approval, including DP,
ADLS and Primary Plat review.
23H.14.01 Parking shall be provided per Chapter 27: Additional Parking Loading Regulations, unless otherwise
stated for parcels in the Old Town District Overlay Zone.
23H.14.02 Bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 27.06: Bicycle Parking; however, the
required number of bicycle parking spaces in the Overlay Zone shall be double. The number of spaces may
include the long -term bicycle parking required in Section 231109.02. Upon approval by the Alternative
Transportation Coordinator, bicycle parking may be located in the Monon Greenway Easement (Urban
Section only)..
23H.14.03 Parking areas shall be set back not less than 20 feet behind the Front Line of Building, and shall include
landscaping as required in Section 23K 11.03. Open spaces created by this setback shall become pocket
parks, landscaped gathering spaces or space for other greenway- related amenities.
23H.14.04 Parking structures are permitted adjacent to the Monon Greenway; provided that all levels of the fagade
facing the Greenway are a non parking use, or a below -grade parking structure acts as a building foundation
completely screened from the view of the Greenway. Uses may be residential or non residential in nature,
and shall comply with Sections 23H. 03 and 23H. 04 of this Chapter.
23H.15 Other Requirements
23H.15.01 Boundary Markers Upon application for Commission approval a staked survey must be completed to
determine the Monon Greenway property line. Prior to commencing and throughout the duration of
construction, boundary markers shall be placed at the edge of the Monon Greenway Right -of Way.
Monuments shall be at least twenty -four inches (24 in height and placed at the property corners abutting
the Greenway. In addition, a temporary construction fence shall be placed along the Greenway boundary
prior to site work commencing and throughout the duration of construction.
23H.15.02 Monon Documents. Upon application for Commission approval applicant must provide a copy of the deed
by which the title and any associated easements were conveyed.
23H.15.03 All other requirements not mentioned in this Section shall remain as stated for that primary zoning
classification district mapped.
Chapter 23H: Monon Greenway Overlay Zone
23H -8
as adopted per Z- 515 -07
Ordinance No.
Docket No.
Council Approval
Effective Date
Sections Affected
Z- 515 -07, as amended
07050023 OA
April 21, 2008
April 21, 2008
Chapter 23H: Monon Greenway Overlay Zone
23H -9
as adopted per Z- 515 -07