HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Sub 4-13-99CARMeL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION
The regularly scheduled committee mee~g was called to order by Tom Yedliclc,
Chairman, at appro~mately 7:00 PM in the Caucus Kooms of City Hail, One Civic
Square, Carmel, Indiana.
Comm~ee members present were: Mafilyn Anderson; Kent Bmacl% Dave Cremeans,
ex-officio; Leo Dier¢lanan; Ron Houck; Norma Meighen; Cl~is White; and Tom Yedl/¢k
Mark Monroe was present representing the Department of Community Services.
consider Docket No. 32-99 S.P. a secondary plat
app ~ Development Company. Petitioner seeks approval to
construct 19 lots on 9 acres within the subdivision known as the Overture, Section 1.
The site is located on the northwest comer of Hazel Deli Road and 126t~ Street. The site
is zoned S-l/Residence ('Residential Open Space Subdivision, Z-296,)
Filed by Cort Crosby of the Schneider Coqx~ratlon.
Mark Monroe reported no outstanding TAC issues.
Leo Dierckman moved for the approval of Docket No. 32-99 S.P., Overture, Section 1.
Item 2. Committee to consider~l~/~[~ a
application for Ca mde~=.allff~C. Petnioner seeks a.p~mva~:constmct 3~ lots on
33 acres withl, ~:~tl~Si~i~ion ~' '~wn as.,C~e.~,~;S~ction I. The site is located on
the west s'~bwne Road,
~~K. esjdential Ope~?g~bdivision, Z-296.)
~y Dennis Olmstead of the ~toeppelwerth and Associates.
Ed Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Assoc. appeared before the committee representing the
applicant. Camden Walk consists of 35 residential lots on 33 acres, 6 foot pathways on
the interior of the subdivision, and an 8 foot wide path adjacent to Towne Road.
Mark Monroe reported a few outstanding TAC issues ora re;nor nature.
Norma Meighen moved for the approval of Docket No. 33-99 S.?., Camden Walk,
Item 3. Committee to consider Decket No. 34-99 S.P, a secondary plat
application for ZaHng Homes. Petitioner seeks approval to construct 120 lots on 74 acres
within the subdivision known as the Lakes at Hazel Dell, Section 1. The site is located
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